On the last chapter, we saw the Ladybug twins– Bridgette and Marinette. Now, let's see how the date between Bridgette and Felix went~! x3
Once again, kudos to chubbyhoof from Tumblr for her Chat Noir + Ladybug twins AU and name suggestion that I can make all these in the first place~! x3
Reverse Love
Chapter 4 : The Date
"Where are you going?"
Felix Agreste stopped in his tracks as soon as he heard his father's voice, along with the sound of shoes clicking from behind him.
When Felix felt the presence of his father right behind him– how did his father find him trying to sneak out of the house anyway?– Felix turned around, his dim blue eyes focused to his father's deep blue ones.
"Felix," Gabriel Agreste started to say, his face serious as always, "answer me– where are you going…? It's 7.30 PM right now."
Before Felix could say anything, his father spoke once more.
"And what's with that outfit you wore?" Gabriel groaned, looking displeased. "That looks untidy– so…unlike you."
Felix clenched his hands at the statement. Sometimes, the blonde teen wished his father wouldn't say everything so bluntly like this.
Felix still had his long black pants and black shoes, but for the top, he currently wore a long-sleeved black turtleneck shirt with three horizontal stripes around the chest– colored yellow, bright green, and violet from top to bottom– underneath an elbow-length white shirt with a collar.
"I…" Felix began, adjusting his hold on his brown backpack, "I promised to go out with someone tonight."
"And who's this someone you're talking about here?" Gabriel narrowed his eyes to his oldest son. "I hope it's not a girl."
Felix flinched. "Actually…" he looked down, "it's a girl."
Gabriel looks a bit angered. "And you didn't say anything about this, Felix?"
Felix turned his head away. "It's… It's just planned today, fa–"
"Then why not refuse it?" Gabriel cut off, voice sounds so stern. "You know tomorrow is Saturday,right? You have fencing lesson at–"
"I've refuse too much!" Felix snapped, looking back to his father with frustration written all over his face. "And I know well that if I speak of this to you, you'll ABSOLUTELY forbid me to go!"
Felix gasped and slaps his mouth, realizing what he just did.
Gabriel stared at Felix in surprise, not expecting his oldest son to snap at him like that.
Felix quickly look away. "I-I… I didn't mean to–"
"Felix Agreste," Gabriel said sternly, glaring dangerously to his oldest son. "Go to bed. NOW."
"B-But father–!"
"DON'T YOU HEAR ME?!" Gabriel roared, teeth grinding together in anger. "I SAID–!"
A petite form suddenly hugs Gabriel's right leg, making the man blinked in surprise before he looks down.
"A-Adrien…?" Gabriel uttered in confusion, watching his younger son looked at him with his bright green orbs. "W-What are you doing he–"
"Papa, you meanie!" 8-year-old Adrien Agreste puffed his cheeks in annoyance. "You promised toaccompany me to watch my favorite show tonight, and I found you here instead!"
Gabriel gawked. "A-Adrien, what are you talking ab–"
"You PROMISED me!" Adrien yelled, and was in the verge of tears. "L-Last week, you can'taccompany me, so you said you'll do so next week– TODAY!"
Gabriel looks bewildered. "A-Adrien, wait a–"
"Huwaaaaaa!" Adrien started to cry– much to Gabriel's shock. "Papa, you're a BIG MEANIE! HUWAAAAAAA!"
"A-Adrien! Nonononono, stop crying!" Gabriel frantically said. "I-I– umm– I-I don't remember I ever said tha–!"
"Umm…" Felix began to say, "Perhaps, I could accompany Adrien today, father?" He let out a deep sigh as he looked down. "I-I mean, since I can't go out toni–"
"NO!" Adrien suddenly yelled, hugging Gabriel's right leg tighter while looking up to his older twin. "I wanna see it with Papa ONLY! And I don't want YOU to disturb me, brother!"
Felix blinked in surprise, confused why his younger twi– wait did Adrien winked at him just now?
"So get out there and do something that won't disturb me and Papa tonight!" Adrien suddenly walks forward, pushing Felix until they reached the door. "GO! Shoo shoo!"
Felix stood there, watching his younger twin in amazement– Adrien is pretty good at acting, Felix thought.
Mouthing the word 'thank you' to Adrien, he casually opens the door and went outside the mansion, ignoring Gabriel's protests as he know Adrien was there to keep his father from going after him.
"Gah! I-I'm scared! W-What if he doesn't come and just said he would only to cheer me up?!"
Sabine chuckled lightly, watching Bridgette walked back and forth, looking very nervous.
"Now now, my dear Bridgette," Sabine walks to her oldest daughter, placing her hands on Bridgette's shoulders to keep her in place, "everything is going to be fine. Just think positive!"
Bridgette looked up to her mother, her hands balled to tight fist in hope to decrease the nervousness she's feeling right now.
"Ah, my daughter has grown up so much…" Tom commented, a soft smile plastered on his face. "She'll go on her first date and she's so nervous about it– just like her mother before!"
"Oh, Tom!" Sabine said, looking a bit flustered. "S-Stop that! You're making me blush…"
A warm smile formed on Bridgette's face as she watched her father chuckled and walks to them, wrapping his arms around her and her mother.
"Weeeee~!" Marinette suddenly appeared near the three, jumping up and down with her hands up. "Uungh! Can't reach Papa's arms! I want to join the group hug too!"
"Ahaha, then come here, my dear Marinette!" Tom said happily as he crouched down, gently bringing his wife and oldest daughter along. At this, Marinette squeals in joy, happily wrapping her tiny arms around her family.
A knock on the door surprised the family– but Bridgette was more surprised, knowing well who's coming.
"W-Waaaah!" Bridgette felt a rush of heat going up her cheeks. "H-He-He's here, HE'S HERE!"
"Then stop worrying and go to him, my girl!" Tom encouraged her with a happy smile on his face, helping her up to her feet.
"Good luck, my dear Bridgette," Sabine said with a nod. "Remember– stay with him. It's dangerous for a girl to walk alone at night."
"Y-Yes, father, mother," Bridgette said, looking determinated. "I-I'll do my best!"
As Bridgette made her way to the door, she was about to turn the doorknob when Marinette spoke.
"Don't forget to give him hugs and kisses– Mama or Papa LOVE to do that to each other~!"
While both Sabine and Tom giggled at Marinette's innocent words, Bridgette explode to a deep shade of red.
"G-GAAAAH! 'Mari, t-that's TOTALLY different!" Bridgette grabs the doorknob, face still red as tomato. "W-Well, I-I got to go now! W-Wish me luck!"
Bridgette saw her family waved at her as she opens the door and went out of the house.
The moment Bridgette closed the door and turn around, she saw sunflowers.
"W-Wha–" she began to say, but stopped when the sunflowers were lowered from her face…
And she saw him.
"O-OH!" Bridgette almost lost her composure, her eyes traveled down from his face to his– oh God, he wore a different top today. Sure, it makes him look less serious, but at the same time, it makes him look more attracti– Wait wait, Bridgette, STOP staring at him and SAY something!
"U-Umm," Bridgette clapped her hands together, looking up to his face, "y-you look…u-umm…coo– No! I-I mean…handso– NO! I-I mean… Y-You look good today."
She really want to slap herself HARD in the face.
Felix only silent at her nervousness, his eyes traveled down from her reddened face to her– wait, is that pink jeans? It's rare to see a girl wore it these days. Unpopular opinion, but he thinks girls wearing bright-colored clothes makes them look beauti– Wait wait, WHY in the world he's staring at her now?!
"U-Umm," Felix quickly looks away, and held out the sunflowers to her. "H-Here– for you."
Why did he fell nervous all of the sudden…?
Bridgette gasps. "O-Oh!" she gently took the sunflowers from Felix's hands– oh God, her hands just grazed his!– before she held them close to her chest. "T-These looks very beautiful… T-Thank you, Felix."
Felix was surprised to see her smile– because something inside him stirred when he saw it.
"Y-Yeah, you're welcome," Felix then turned around, opening the car's back door. "Well… Shall we go now?"
"Oh! Umm, s-sure!" What a gentleman, Bridgette added in her mind, stepping into the car first before Felix followed soon after as he closed the door.
The car then drove off.
Bridgette was very nervous.
After they got into the car, they fall silent– Bridgette busied herself with the sunflowers, while Felix keep looking to the window.
And it didn't help much that they're currently sitting next to each other.
Bridgette bit her lip– this is getting more awkward. She should SAY somethi–!
That's it!
"S-So, umm… F-Felix?"
"Hmm?" Felix turned his head to her. "What is it?"
"W-Well," Bridgette poked her index finger together, "I-I said before that…w-we're going to a concerttonight. B-But I do a double-check this afternoon, a-and turns out that–"
"–we're going to watch a movie tonight."
"Yeah…" Bridgette blinked in surprise. "W-Wait, you knew…?"
Felix nods. "I saw what was written on the tickets when you show it this morning," he explained. "I think you're…distracted back then, so you said 'movie' as 'concert' instead. Am I right…?"
Bridgette flinched, hiding her reddened face with the sunflowers in her grasp. "R-Right… U-Umm… I-I'm sorry…"
"H-Hey, it's alright," Felix said in surprise, not expecting the girl to utter out an apology over simple things like this. "No need to apologize."
Felix watched the girl next to him nods, burying her reddened face into the sunflowers in her grasp.
Then another silence.
"You know…" Felix looks bewildered, "You could just put the sunflowers in the car and take them back later."
Bridgette flinched. "B-But I think it'll make them withered, s-so…"
Felix stared at her for a moment before he shrugs. "Well, suit yourself."
Both of them arrived at the cinema 20 minutes later, and when they get down, Bridgette refuse to leave the sunflowers in the car.
So as the driver accelerates the car to the parking lot, Felix and Bridgette went inside…
And right after they stepped into the building, all eyes fell on them.
Bridgette flinched and hides her face with the sunflowers, not really used getting all the attentions.
Felix just sighs at the sight, however, knowing well how the people around him notice who he was– being the son of the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, his and Adrien's name was also known thanks to the media.
It was then Felix notices Bridgette's nervousness, watching her froze in spot…
And she's trembling.
Felix almost hesitates to do what he have in mind– as that will gave everyone around them falseideas…
But desperate times call for desperate measures.
"It's alright," Felix grabs one of Bridgette's hand, and quickly look away from her. "You didn't do anything wrong– just ignore them."
Bridgette gasps lightly as she explode to a deep shade of red, feeling her voice stuck in her throat as Felix dragged her away from everyone's attention in the building…
And their whispers of them being cute together really didn't help Bridgette to stop her heart from beating fast.
And unberknowst to her, Felix's as well.
"U-Umm… F-Felix?"
"I-I…" Bridgette looks down in guilt. "I-I'm sorry… I-I have embarrassed you back then."
Felix blinked in surprise, then sighs. "It's not your fault, alright…? You never expect everyone would stare at you like that, so it's alright if you suddenly get nervous."
The two already on their seats now, waiting for the movie to starts.
"O-Oh, and," Felix looks away from her, "I… I'm sorry that I quickly dragged you here– I completely forgot about the popcorn and drinks."
Bridgette couldn't help but giggled softly at this. "I-It's alright, Felix– I-I mean, t-the movie is about to start in a few minutes, s-so I guess that's understandable!"
The lights went off.
"… I take it back– the movie starts now!" Bridgette corrected in a whisper, as both she and Felix turned their heads to the huge screen.
A few minutes later, a picture of a beautiful wide meadow could be seen, accompanied with soft music playing in the background.
"I forgot to ask you," Felix suddenly said to Bridgette– quietly, of course. "what's the genre of the movie we're watching right now? I hope to see something…new."
"E-Eh…?" Blank. BLANK. Bridgette panicked– she DIDN'T remember anything about the tickets!Also, she first thought she bought a concert tickets before, so how would she–!
A scream.
A LOUD one.
And the music suddenly plays on the lower notes now.
In that instant, Bridgette realized the movie's genre– as expected from the music that now give her chills.
"U-Uh, w-well…" Bridgette shuddered as she watches the woman in the screen walks to a mysterious-looking door, "a-as you can see now, t-the genre is–"
Another surprise.
"H-HUWAAAAAA!" Bridgette instinctively clung herself to Felix, grateful that she's not the only one screaming…
Her eyes widened as she realized what she just did.
Bridgette flinched, and was about to pull away when she felt a hand held her shoulder– to keep her in place.
She froze.
Because it's Felix's hand that held her shoulder.
And she felt him trembling.
"F-Felix…" Bridgette began as a realization hit her– the reason why he held her in place. "A-… Are you also–"
"Q-Qu-Quiet," Felix quickly replied, his voice shaking. "I-I-I'm surprised you didn't buy those cliche romance-genre movie tickets." Looking at her right in the eye, he added, "T-T-This one really…s-surprises me."
In that moment, Bridgette was grateful for her mistake to buy movie tickets.
Tumblr Link for this Chapter (with illustration!) : http://karanmamaeryl.tumblr.com/post/137535899477/reverse-love-chapter-4-the-date
Chapter 5 is still in-progress. Hope you're all keen for the next one~! :D
Tell me what you think of this fic on the reviews~x3
Aaaaand on that note, TWINS WITH 5 YEAR DIFFERENCE IS REAL, GOOGLE SAYS! SO YEAH, to those questioning WHY I use the concept here for this fanfic… x3