
In the year 2088, one of the biggest scandals in worldwide history came to light. Multiple countries across the globe had collaborated on the almost unthinkable. It was revealed that government scientists in each of the participating nations had been working together to conduct a large-scale genetic experiment. It was a genetic experiment on humans.

In 2045, the human birth rate was at an all-time low. Combined with a severe outbreak of H21N9 in 2046, the human population was beginning to dwindle dangerously low. Panicking, the World's leaders came to a hushed consensus. They agreed to begin an experiment to save the human race. They began the notorious "Experiment X21".

The premise of Experiment X21 was simple. Splice in foreign genes, from highly fertile animal species, into the human genome. The individuals borne from this experiment, a.k.a. "hounds", that were deemed to have traits that would aid in the human birth rate, would then be slowly introduced into society. The characteristics the scientists were looking for were relatively subtle. Males with higher stamina and libido; and females that would go into heat every so often, much like a female dog would. Nothing noticeable externally, like having ears or tails, or so they thought.

The first round of experimental subjects was a huge success. The initial group of hounds, brought up in normal foster families, were raised to have values like monogamy deeply engrained. After all, having a group of virile young prostitutes was not the aim of the game. Upon reaching maturity, each test subject managed to find a human partner, whom with they continuously mated and had offspring with.

In 1979, the sweet success in the first round of experiments was the green light for a second round of genetically-modified humans to be created. The number of hounds in this second batch was increased ten-fold from the initial test group. Large facilities were constructed to house and care for these individuals, who seemed to be the saviors of the human race. Hounds seemed to be able to seamlessly assimilate into society without a hitch. Governments were pleased, as scientists speculated that the human population would soon make a full recovery. With more people needing to spend money, economies around the world would also experience a much-needed boost.

However, there was something that everyone failed to account for in their desperation to ensure the continuation of the human race. Sure. Hounds looked completely human on the outside. Except for their increased sexual desire, or a period of plain horniness for the females (which could easily be chalked up to hormones), hounds also seemed to act completely like normal human beings. However, the year 2088 rolled around. The offspring of the first hound-human couples were beginning to reach sexual maturity, and the first case of a male going into heat exploded out to the media.

It was one thing to have a female become overly-aroused occasionally. It was a completely different matter to have a male suddenly become so achingly randy, that natural lubricant is just short of pouring out of his ass. As more and more men around the world became afflicted with this "mysterious condition", people started to ask questions. With tenacious media dogs looking deeper and deeper into the issue, it was only a matter of time till the true story came to light.

Needless to say, the whole world was enraged.

But, it's funny how things work sometimes. Just as trials were being held in courts, to decide the fates of these "man-made abominations", another new virus appeared; One that would truly ravage the human race.

Human delibidovirus (or HDLV), related to human herpesvirus, was a silent killer. HDLV was highly contagious, and easily transmissible through mere respiratory droplets. However, it did not kill in a way that anybody expected it to. In fact, world-wide, there had been no reported deaths from HDLV. Instead, HDLV patients had absolutely zero libido. HDLV seemed to render any sex-related hormones inactive. Even with artificial insemination, all infected females, without any of their usual ovulation cycle-regulating hormones, had their wombs shut-down by the virus. Their once-working baby ovens quickly became an inhospitable place for any young human to mature in. With the human birthrate literally at zero, everything ground to a halt as the human race realized that it was truly about to go extinct.

Amazingly, hounds and many of their offspring were immune to HDLV. It was a mere coincidence that in their experiments, the scientists had swapped out the part of the human genome that was necessary for HDLV infection. All too soon, a century had passed, and the last of the humans died out, leaving only the hounds they created behind.

As the centuries passed, the world rapidly morphed into a different planet. Hound ancestors, disliking the idea of being thought of as different in the past, had taken on the name of "Humans". After generations of procreation, three distinct groups of these new humans began to emerge. The Alphas consisted of the physically strongest and smartest individuals. The Omega classification was reserved for the select few who would go into heat every three months, like clockwork. During this time, Omegas would simultaneously release pheromones that would send their partners into baby-making mode as well. And as for the Beta group, well, they were a mishmash of everyone else, although Betas were generally thought of as subservient little worker bees.

It was not as if only Omegas could produce offspring, or go into heat. Alphas and Betas could go into a heat that rivaled any Omegas', but this was a rare event, and only ever happened to people who experienced a high emotional connection to a partner. It wasn't long before people recognized the privilege of having an Omega as a mate. Having two partners in heat greatly increased the chances of fertilization. With an assured four heats a year, having an Omega partner meant never having to worry about bearing a sufficient number of offspring, even in a loveless arranged marriage. But even a loveless marriage with an Omega was nothing to worry about. The pheromones from any Omega could turn any Alpha or Beta into a snivelling, begging puppy. It was only a matter of time before an Omega's partner would be totally and hopelessly in love.

As the world changed further still, more and more Omegas married into positions of powers, mating with Alphas that were soon wound round their mate's little finger. Of course, Alphas were still highly desirable. Who did not like the idea of a strong and smart mate? Capable Alphas were the movers and shakers of the world, after all. However, it was truly the Omegas that held the most power; marrying Alphas that would all-too-soon be under their thumbs.

And as for the Betas, they were the true group on the lowest rung of society; the least attractive individuals. With no special traits to lure in a potential Alpha or Omega mate, Betas often bred within their own class.

It was a well-known fact. If a Beta were ever stupid enough to irrevocably fall for an Alpha or Omega, chances were that they would be forever confined to low odds of ever finding true love.