So this one is actually exactly 500 words, cool eh? I didn't even plan it that way.
Anyway, I don't really know what this is, but Vonnie is an actress, and Seamus is her agent and also her boyfriend, and Arthur is her husband (also maybe an actor who was her co-star once, and is totally in a relationship with Alistair as well, who is a music artist who wrote songs for a lot of his movies, and they're all friends with ace af Dylan, who is a hella good director, and they're all queer af together, and I've thought a lot about this AU but shhh that's not in the fic), and the press don't know what they're talking about. Polyamory yay!
I might write more of this AU tbh... idk yet.
Enjoy! ;)
People tended to talk.
Talk, even though they didn't understand the situation.
And that talk tended to be negative, even though the situation was not.
Siobhan loved her spouse, but she also loved her lover, and even though both of them loved her, and were okay with her loving them both, the press didn't seem to be able to see it that way.
She sighed heavily at the headline on the magazine in front of her, her eyebrows down turning helplessly, and calling the attention of her spouse over from the stove. He wandered over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to her forehead, "What's the matter, Poppet?"
She grimaced, leaning back against him, "Nothing, Artie. The press just saw me on my date with Seamus and are jumping to conclusions... again."
Arthur turned her chin up, pressing a lingering kiss to her lips, which she happily fell into, "Don't you worry about them," he said, smiling at her softly, and making her heart wobble happily as she stared into his gorgeously green eyes. She had a thing for green eyes. "You've got us."
She smiled, "I do." She leant up and kissed him again, "Fuck the press."
He snorted out a laugh, "Fuck the press!"
Before either of them had a chance to stop their laughter, the front door could be heard opening, and Arthur let her go so she could go and greet the man who was undoubtedly the one who'd opened it.
She walked quickly into the hall, spying the redhead removing his coat and smiling widely, "Oh, Sea, did you see the news?"
Seamus turned to her with a chuckle, nodding, "Yeah, I thought you might want the moral support."
Siobhan smiled widely, walking over to greet him with a kiss, "You're a darling, aren't you?"
"Nah, just an amazing boyfriend." Seamus replied, smiling at her crookedly.
"Good morning Seamus."
The two red-heads looked up at Arthur, leaning against the kitchen doorway with a cup of tea in hand and an amused smile on his face, "Can I get you a cup of tea while you arrange for Vonnie to explain her scandalous escapades to the press?"
Seamus rolled his eyes, letting Siobhan go and following Arthur into the kitchen. "That would be great, thanks. Oh, the joys of beinf a polyamourous film star." He turned back to glance at Siobhan as she walked back into the room, a cheeky grin on his face, "I weep for you, Vonnie, I really do."
She narrowed her eyes at him, and then at Arthur. "Whose side are you two on?"
Arthur smiled widely at the kettle, holding back a laugh, as Seamus replied, "Oh, yours of course, sweetheart."
She huffed out a breath, scowling at both men, "I hate you both."
"We love you too."
She shook her head at their synchronized response, laughing despite herself.
Fuck what people said. They could talk all they wanted.
She was happy.
They all were.