Disclaimer: I, Una, disavow any notions that I own Inu-Yasha, Kagome, or any of the other characters in this story, minus the neko-jin, Dahaak, and Koinuma.
Before I start, I'd better give a couple of Japanese terms:
Miko - "priestess"
Ano - "Um"
Heki? - sound meaning one is confused
Nani? - "What?"
Osuwari - the term "sit" used only for dogs
Matteyo - "Wait!" "Wait up you!"
-jichan - added to a name is a friendly term to call an old man
-obasan - added to the name for an old woman
Otousan - "Father"
Okasan - "Mother"

Is This Good-Bye?
"I'm not coming back. Tomorrow is the last time I'll go through the well."
Kagome had practiced her speech many times, but now it seemed to get caught up in her mind. It was as if the whole situation was unreal.
Granted, her situation wasn't normal to begin with! Five years prior, a giant centipede demon dragged her into Bone Eater's Well and entered the feudal era of Japan. The same day she found out she was a reincarnated priestess and forced to guard the infamous Shikon no Tama, Jewel of Four Souls. In the feudal era, she made the best friends of her life. Each one held a special place in her heart; she knew each of them better then she knew herself.
Back then she had been studying to enter high school. Now, she had been accepted into a prestigious college hundreds of miles from the shrine where the well was located. She'd have to move away, as her mother suggested, and leave her friends behind.
Kagome predicted four of the five reactions accurately. Miroku lowered his head rather mournfully, but still understanding. Sango gnashed her teeth. "But, what about the jewel, Kagome-chan!? You are honor-bound to this time!!"
At the same time, little Shippo jumped up and grabbed her skirt pleadingly, almost crying. "No no no!! Don't Kagome! I want you here!! Who'll bring strange things from the future to play with? Who'll bring us dried food? Who'll give me candy!?"
Myoga hopped on Kagome's shoulder. "I'll miss you, Lady Kagome. Your blood is sweet, and spirit pure. I wish you could stay forever."
"So do I," admitted Kagome. "But my mother has had to pay extra money so I could be home schooled and come here more often. I owe it to her. She has her heart set on it."
"And what about you?"
The question was soft and emotionless. It came from the only thus far silent member of the group. Inu-Yasha, Kagome's love interest and best friend of them all, had his eyes cast in shadow. No matter how much she thought she knew of him, Inu-Yasha never ceased to surprise her. His actions were always unpredictable and brash. Still, she had expected at least a strong reaction, instead of - well - nothing. It broke her heart that he acted so calmly.
"Whaddaya mean 'What about me'?"
"I mean, do you want to go?"
"Well, it's what I've been studying for. . ."
"You don't have to if you don't want to," said Inu-Yasha, allowing his eyes to show. They were practically glowing with suppressed rage. "Therefore, the only conclusion I can come up with is you want to leave us! You are the one who doesn't want to come back!"
Shippo looked up at Kagome, tears finally forming in the kitzune's eyes. "Is that true?"
Myoga hopped onto Sango's shoulder to face Inu-Yasha properly. "M'lord, as the first born child, it is Lady Kagome's duty to uphold her family name and honor -"
"I DON'T CARE," screamed Inu-Yasha, now looking insane. He regained his usual callous composure and turned a profile to them. "Go on and leave! See if I care!!" With that, he jumped above the trees and sped away.
"InuYasha . . ." Kagome whispered.
Miroku sighed. "I'll go find him," he said.
"No, I will," said Kogome. She knew where he'd be.

Go on and close the curtain
'Cuz all we need is candlelight
You and me and a bottle of wine
I'll hold you tonight

Kagome followed the now familiar path that lead to a tree that overlooked the village crops. It was on a hill on the outskirts. Beside that tree, Inu-Yasha and Kagome shared their first meal together, where Inu-Yasha kept a lookout over the town, where they had shared their first kiss . . .

Well we know I'm going away
And I, I wish it weren't so
Take this wine and drink with me
Let's delay our misery

It all seemed so long ago, yet so close to her. To think she had to leave it all behind, as well as the boy that had inspired those memories.
The moon was on the rise, casting a silhouette of the dog-boy sitting beside the tree. Kagome made no introduction and simply sat by him. Neither of them spoke, the emotions and thoughts too complex for words.

Save tonight, and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone
Save tonight, and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone

"Why do you have to go," IY finally asked, far more sadly then before, but with now less hatred.
"I have no choice," Kagome said. "Mom already sent my luggage on ahead. Instead of spending this last night with my family, I wanted to spend it with you."
"Feh," spat IY. "If you really wanted to stay, you'd call it back."
"Luggage isn't a person you blockhead! Its," she paused. No! She wouldn't ruin this night! She cared for him too much for that.
He moved his hand toward hers, hesitated, then placed it gently on her hand. "I . . . I just don't want to be alone anymore."
"You still have Miroku, and Ship-"
"IT'S NOT THE SAME AND YOU KNOW IT!!" He turned to her, his eyes brimming with tears which he refused to let fall. "You're the only one I trust!"

There's a log on the fire
And it burns like me for you
Tomorrow comes with one desire
To take me away

Kagome felt tears pour from her own eyes, but her voice remained steady. "I trust you too, Inu-Yasha. In fact," she reached into her pocket, "I want you to do me a favor." She took out the Shikon Jewel and put it in his hand. "Take this back to Kaede and apologize for me."
IY blinked a couple of times, staring at the jewel in his hand. His ears perked in typical dog fashion. "You . . . you're trusting *me* with *this*!?!"
She laughed, remembering the night they first met. "Yeah. I guess you've proved your loyalty by now! But you can't use it, okay?"
He stared at the jewel for several heartbeats, then looked back at her, ears drooping. "I'd trade a million enchanted jewels, if you could stay just one more day. Please, Kagome, don't leave me, too."

It ain't easy to say good-bye
Darling please don't start to cry
Boy, you know I've got to go
Lord I wish it wasn't so

Kagome couldn't hold it in anymore. She burst into sobs and fell into his arms. He held her close to him, not wanting to let go. Her tears stained his coat, but he didn't mind. It meant her scent would linger on him all the longer. He finally allowed his tears to fall.
Kagome choked from her sobs, "Oh, Inu-Yasha! I don't want to leave you! I'd never betray you like Kikyo did! I love you! I'll always love you!" She shifted her head up and their eyes locked. Both pairs of eyes glistened in lovely sorrow in the moonlight. IY stroked her hair away from her eyes. "I love you too, Kagome."
The two slowly kissed. Never before had they kissed so passionately, so longingly! A minute later, from the same tree, two flower blossoms fell. One landed into the stream banks nearby and was carried away. The other landed on the bank, as if awaiting the other's uninevitable return.

Save tonight, and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone
Save tonight, and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone