Leo Valdez was eight years old when he was adopted.

Not like he remembered it.

He only remembered crying, and screaming and hands holding his own. Leo liked to think this was his most favorite memory, although tragic that he didn't remember it. At age eight, he became the only son to the lovely couple of Nico Di Angelo and Percy Jackson. Leo's parents adored him, and as screwed up the family was, Leo could honestly say that it would be the best family he lived with.

Currently at this moment, however, Leo would say otherwise.

"Well? Do you have something to say for yourself?" Leo's Papa, Nico, said. Nico was a rather strict father whose intentions were sometimes concerning, but he did mean well. Mostly.

Leo's head remained down, and his ear buds drooped, their continuous music playing an eternal tune known as Fall Out Boy. Leo really like Fall Out Boy.

"Are you even listening to me!? Leo!" Nico scowled and in one smooth moment, Leo's ear buds were swiped away from his ears.

"Hey! I was listening to that!" Leo yelled, snatching the listening devices back. They tangled around his fingers pathetically and Nico pinched the bridge of his nose,

"Leo. Do you have something to say about what happened earlier in school, why I received a call from the principal requesting for you to be taken home?"

Leo grinned at the thought of what happened earlier. It was a harmless prank. Who knew that turning on the fire alarm was against school policy? Leo did of course, but that's not the point.

"I may or may have not turned on the fire alarm? I swear, I wasn't even there! The old crone just has something against me! How did she even become principal anyway?" Leo protested and Nico sighed.

"You're grounded. Hand over the phone."

Leo whined loudly, pulling out his secret weapon. The puppy dog eyes. "But paaaaapaaaaaa!"

Nico stared down at him and Leo grumbled, pulling out his phone from his pocket. Dang it, wrong move activated on the wrong parent.

Nico crossed his arms and frowned disapprovingly at Leo. His own phone vibrated in the kitchen and Nico hoped that the rest of this exchange wouldn't last too long. Fortunately, Leo has been in this grounded situation many, many, many times before and knew the next part.

"I'm going to my room now. Tell me when dinner is ready." Leo mumbled and scrambled out of the living room.

Nico sighed and shook his head at the teenager. He didn't remember being that troublesome at sixteen. Which was a lie, since at sixteen, Nico switched from his emo phase to his punk rebellious phase. Nico prayed to every god out there that Leo would never become punk and/or rebellious. He didn't need the piercings or dyed hair.

Nico huffed out at his little reminiscence and hurried to answer his buzzing phone.

Persassy: baaaaaaaaaabe

Nico sighed, and began pulling out pots to prepare a suitable dinner for his family. Percy was a terrible cook (but his baking skills were simply extraordinary), and while Leo could cook a few meals, Nico wasn't looking for some cheap Ramen noodles.

Persassy: baaaaaaaaaaabe

NicolaDiAngelic: What Percy?

NicolaDiAngelic: And what did I tell you about changing my chat name?

Persassy: but baaaaby that suits you so much better

Persassy: i got a call at work did something happen

NicolaDiAngelic: You should talk to Leo about it. He is as troubling as you were when you were 16.

Persassy: what do you mean troubling i think you mean wonderful

NicolaDiAngelic: Of course you still act like you are 16. You type like a 16 year old too.

Persassy: shuuuuuush

Persassy: what happened though

Persassy: is he expelled yet

NicolaDiAngelic: No.

NicolaDiAngelic: Instead he is suspended from school for the next week.

NicolaDiAngelic: He pulled the fire alarm in the middle of his lunch period.

Persassy: ha

Persassy: what was his sentence

NicolaDiAngelic: I took his cell. I am changing the Netflix password, and his laptop charger is under our bed.

Persassy: you monster

Persassy: still love you babes 3

Persassy: its like beauty and the beast

NicolaDiAngelic: Do not mention that Disney movie.

Persassy: too late XP

NicolaDiAngelic: Why have I married a kid? Is this what pedophilia is?

Persassy: babe no

Persassy: babe stop

NicolaDiAngelic: Aren't you at work right now? Shouldn't you be working?

Persassy: just grading tests

NicolaDiAngelic: Then finish and drive home when you're done.

Persassy: i love my lil baby six year olds

Persassy: theyre so cute and tiny

Persassy: we should adopt more kids love

NicolaDiAngelic: NO.

Leo kicked a rock and it skittered on the road. His sneakers were covered with doodles of nuts, bolts, and tiny screwdrivers, and their white laces licked the sidewalk, dirtying them even more. Leo's jog was still and music flowed from his ears to his brains, steps bouncing to every drum and guitar rift.

Leo wasn't sure what happened first, his epic face plant or seeing his best friend on a date. Whatever happened, Leo was wincing as Piper pressed against his wounds. Next to Piper was an amused yet concerned blond, who was holding Leo's backpack. The red bag's zippers tinkled annoyingly.

Piper McLean has been Leo's best friend since the beginning of time. Leo knew the girl since before he got adopted by his current parents, which was funny because he could remember her but not his own adoption. Besides from few memories of his family (his real family), Piper was the only thing from his childhood that Leo could like you can forget her. Not like you could forget her.

Piper was a special friend, who was currently going through a weird phase where she listens to Indie music, became a vegetarian, then dyed half of her hair green. The green dye is faint now, and was replaced with rainbow feathers and choppy cuts.

But who was that strange blonde that Leo was definitely unacquainted with? And was Piper on a date with him?

"Pipes. Who that?"

Piper felt the area around Leo's left eye and Leo winced.

"Jason. He's my boyfriend? Friend? Not sure." Piper mumbled and leaned out of Leo's face.

Leo snickered. "You think? Well if he's not taken, I'll take him off your hands, man."

Piper rolled her eyes before punching Leo's arm. "No way. He's too hot for you."

Leo grinned and flattened his palms on his chest. His hands slid slowly down his body sexually, and wiggled his eyebrows at Piper, who raised one of her own eyebrows. "No one can handle my own hotness chica. I'm the one whose too hot for him." Leo said and Piper laughed.

"Sure thing Leo."

Piper turned towards the blonde, who was observing Leo's slightly bruised face. Leo scrunched up his nose and bought up a hand to it. His nose had a scratch right on the bridge of his nose. Leo had band-aids in his bag, if only the blonde would give him back his bag...

"Jason. This is Leo, my idiot best friend. I'm so sorry that this trip was ruined. Uh, and Leo is too. Probably." Piper rambled, glancing between the two boys.

Jason shook his head, smiling softly. "No problem. You can show me around town on another day, I'm cool with that. Nice meeting you Leo."

Leo blinked before extending out a fist and a grin. They bumped fists and Leo mentally dubbed Jason as 'cool-blonde-sorta-dating-sorta-not-dating-my-best-friend'. Seemed like an appropriate title.

Leo asked for his bag and shuffled through it to find the pack of band-aids. Piper and Jason started to talk in hushed tones, when finally Leo found it.

One cartoon T-Rex dinosaur band-aid later and Leo was feeling pretty macho and manly and ready to take on the world.

"I'll see you at school when my time is done in two days, man. Or maybe not, depending on how Papa is, I guess." Leo said, flattening out his clothes.

Piper shrugged and bent down to tie her shoes. "I still can't believe you got suspended during the first week of school. On the first day of school. That's a new record for you." Piper's hair shrouded her face and Jason hummed in agreement.

Leo stuck out his tongue and his middle finger, glad that Piper couldn't see, and Jason laughed. Piper's head bounced up questioningly, and she waved at Leo. "See you bro. I'll text you details about, you know," Piper's hands waved around the air frantically," what's going on."

Leo nodded appreciatively and plugged in an ear bud. "Alright chica, see you later."

When Leo got home, his dad was there instead of his papa. Percy was sitting on the porch swing, reading something on his tablet.

"Hey Dad." Leo said, plopping down next to his father. Leo's bag was thrown carelessly on to the floor with a thump. Percy ignored it and continued reading.

"Did you know that this article says that kids who cause problems for their parents go to hell?" Percy inquired and Leo rolled his eyes.

"Of course. See you and Papa there." Leo said, shaking his head and Percy laughed.

"Don't let your father hear that."

"Never do."

They sat in silence and Leo began kicking off the swing. Percy folded his legs underneath him comfortably and began talking again.

"You know you can't be getting into trouble like this again. Don't you want to go to a nice college?" Percy huffed, turning off his tablet. He placed the device on the swing in between Leo and himself.

Leo left the question unanswered and sighed.

Percy sighed and smiled. Leo was such a kid sometimes, so childish.

Percy ruffled Leo's hair and Leo scowled. It took nearly ten minutes to achieve it's messy-yet-hot-and-effortless look, and his dad just had to ruin it. Percy smiled fondly as Leo tried to salvage the do, before giving up.

"I heard about the suspension."

Leo's face scrunched up before kicking the swing again. It creaked when it swung far back, and Percy lifted his tablet before it could fall off and crack.

"Sorry." Leo muttered.

Percy stood up and stuck his hand out to stop the porch swing. Leo looked up to his father and then looked down at the ground.

"Just don't do it again, okay? Would hate for this to get in your way for you to get into MIT. I want an honor kid, you know? One to get into a great college." Percy said, and opened the front door.

"I didn't like that principal anyway. Gaia, Gaea, whatever her name was. God I hated her." Percy called out grinning, before sliding into the house.

Leo just smirked, acknowledging his fathers words. Leo did want to go to MIT, that damn nationally high ranked school for nerds like himself. College was sort of a bad topic when it came to his father, Percy.

Percy's tragic story was like his own mother, Sally's. After getting remarried to Percy's current step-father, Sally shortly fell ill, causing Percy to quit his last year of high school and work constantly. When the hospital bill came back, Percy spent all his savings on his mother. After Sally got back on her feet, Percy went to night school to finish getting his diploma. After graduating, Percy was accepted to Brown. Unfortunately, he wasn't on scholarship. Leo's father went to a community college instead.

It was quit ironic that Leo's other parent, Nico, went to Harvard. Nico didn't have to worry about finances, growing up. Percy, however, did.

Leo hummed as he walked into the house. He passed by the kitchen, where Percy was singing while cooking. Leo made a mental note to order a pizza, if the house was still intact. Nico probably would appreciate the pizza then the burnt ashes he would've been served by Percy.

Leo logged into his laptop that was sitting on the coffee table in the den. He hasn't really used it in the past week, under his grounding. Well technically, his father didn't say he couldn't use it.

Huh, 19%. Leo would have to find his charger sooner or later.

Leo figured it was somewhere in his messy room, and he'll find it later. 19% gives him enough time to watch a bit of that newly uploaded episode of that show he was watching on Netflix.

User name and/or password invalid. Please try again.

Oh hell no. Only one person could be cruel enough to do this. First the charger, now the Netflix? And, wait- is that the Wi-Fi password changed too?


This was how Leo learned not to get suspended on the first day of high school during his junior year.


chica- girl (some people use nina though {the second n of nina has the little squiggly on top})

A/N: So I may or may have not been extremely lazy.

May or may have not.

Alright so anyway my little pumpkins, one day I just had a brilliant idea to have some kind of family in this particular fandom. And BAM Percy, Leo, Nico: PLN shhh don't worry this was definitely a wonderful idea don't judge my issues

More to Come, Don't worry I feel in love with the adorkable PLN family (although I will come up with a better name).

ALSO, if you want to see any Leo pairings, please share.

Edit: Finally updated with less mistakes ;)