So here we go with Eva's story, hopefully I will be able to complete this faniction time because I had to discontinue it in 2013 for reasons. So I'll be taking my time with this fanficiton while I'm writing my Attack on Titan fanfic along side it. If you don't like my fanfictions then just don't read them, bad reviews kill my creativity.

I'll be going by the anime with Beyond Birthday's death date which will be on the 21st of January 2007.

This fanfiction is a follow on from Beyond This Love/The Wammy House Memories.

( I'm still alive, I just needed a break from writing for a few months. But hopefully I will get back into the swing of it and get a few chapters out in the next few weeks.)

I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Chatper 18!

Ryuzaki's private jet was very big and shiny, I had never seen a airplane like this before in all of my life. It was white with red lines running along it's sides, it even had tiny blue lights on it's wings. It was getting dark by the time we boarded the jet, it was along walk to the jet's air stairs and my Uncle A had to carry me up the stairs in case I fell up them.

The inside of the jet was very big and the colour white was used for most of the furnishings, it looked very fancy. There were about eight seats in total on the jet, I was going to take a seat by the window and Alyssa was going to be with my Auntie Nonie for the eight hour flight. My Uncle A wanted to sit by himself, he had a lot of work to do while we traveled to England.

Watari made sure we had everything we needed before the jet took off, he would be staying behind in Japan with Ryuzaki. I was going to miss Watari, he always had time for me and gave me sweets in secret. It wasn't long until the jet took off and were in flight, I had been told my Auntie that I would be allowed to walk around the jet so my legs wouldn't go to sleep.

The Captain of the jet gave an announcement and told us that we could now remove our belts, we were free to move around until the jet landed in England. I unbuckled my belt and slid from my seat, I was going to see what my Uncle A was doing. I made my way over to where he was sitting, he was on his laptop and there was about three folders on the empty chair next to him.

My Uncle was busy with the Kira case still, I recognized the word Kira now because he had typed it so many times on his laptop. I asked him if I could sit next to his seat on the floor, he said it wasn't a problem. But he told me not to disturb him because he had to go through a lot of online files he had been sent my Ryuzaki not long ago before the jet took off from it's runway, I told him okay and sat down on the floor.

I crossed my legs and took my purse from my pocket, I had some small toys in my purse that I could play with on the plane journey. I unzipped my purse and emptied it's contents onto the floor, I couldn't help but let out a giggle has they rolled around on the floor. I didn't know what they toys were, but some were white and some were black. They all had different faces and some of them wore crowns, I think they were the panda detective's princess toys he played with in his room when he was alone.

I looked over my shoulder when I heard my Uncle's seat creek next to me, he got up from his seat and crouched next to me. He picked one of the toys up from the floor and examined it, but I couldn't help but to notice his knuckles. They were cut and red looking, there was even dried blood down one of his fingers. I turned my attention back to the toys and picked two of them up, I was going to play soldiers with them.

" Short stuff, where did you get these chess pieces from?" He asked.

" From Ryuzaki's room in Japan, they look very funny..." I replied while I continued to play with them. " I visited him with Auntie Nonie a few days ago, she shouted at him about not phoning Blaze that much or making any effort with him. I was told to wait by the bed, the panda detective never raised his voice though..."

" Wait, have you stolen these chess pieces from his room?" He asked.

" Not stolen, I just borrowed them for a little while..." I replied.

" Oh sweetheart, what have you done?" He sighed.

" But I like them though..." I smiled.

" Like them or not, you just committed your first crime..." He said with a slight smile has he held the chess piece in front of his face. " I'll give them back to Ryuzaki when I return back to Japan, I'm sure he'll forgive a child with sticky fingers..."

" But I was going to give them to Blaze..." I said.

" Why?" He asked.

" For a present from his Daddy, he misses him..." I replied.

" And how do you know that?" He asked.

" I miss my Mummy, he would miss his Daddy too because he's far away from him..." I replied has I looked up at my Uncle and placed the chess pieces on the top of my head with a smile on my face. " Thoughtful present, yes?"

" Very thoughtful sweetheart, but you still stole something that doesn't belong to you.." He replied with a slight smile. " I know your heart was in the right place, but you can't go around stealing stuff. You do understand that, right?"

" Yes, I won't do it again..." I replied.

" I believe you Eva, just try and stay out of trouble for the next eight hours for me..." He said while he got up from the floor. " I've got detective work to do still, do you need a drink or something? I'm going to make some tea and check on Alyssa, stay here until I get back..."

I gave my Uncle a nod of my head and told him that I would like a bottle of water. He gave me the chess piece back and walked along the aisle of the plane, he then stopped where my Auntie Nonie was sitting. He took Alyssa from his Sister and cradled her in his arms, he then carried her the kitchen area of the jet. I turned my attention back to the chess pieces and lined them up along the floor in a row, hopefully I would be able to get something eat soon because I was beginning to feel hungry.

We landed in England around 6:30am the next day, I felt very tired after the flight. It was still dark in England even though it was so early in the morning. It was now October after all, so that meant it would be dark in the mornings sometimes. My Uncle got our luggage while my Auntie Nonie took me and Alyssa to the bathroom, she needed to change my baby Sister's nappy before we caught a taxi to my Mummy's cottage.

It wasn't long until we pulled up outside of my Mummy's cottage in the taxi, it was now getting light and the birds had decided to wake up for the day. We all got out of the taxi and my Auntie told me to go and open the cottage's gate for her while she dealt with my Sister, so I did has I was told. I made my way to the gate and opened it wide, but I felt a sadness fill my heart at the sight of the cottage.

It felt strange going back to the cottage without my Mummy, we always used it has a family home and now I'm not sure what it will feel like anymore without her around. The garden had been left the way she had left it and the cottage's curtain were still closed, I was unsure if Rose had even been here since we were last here. I glanced up at my Uncle when he walked past me, he was carrying our suitcases for us.

" Go ahead Eva, I'll be with you very soon..." I heard my Auntie say from behind me. " Go and turn the lights on in the living room, let's get this cottage warmed up for your Sister..."

" Okay..." I nodded.

I hurried along the pathway until I caught up with my Uncle, he had already opened the front door to the cottage before I got there. I followed him inside and I switched a side lamp on near a wooden hat stand, the cottage was so silent. My Uncle took the suitcases to the living room, he was going to picked Blaze up from The Wammy House. He also had a private meeting with Mr Ruvie, so he had asked Nonie if Blaze would like to stay with us until my Mummy's funeral. She was very please with the idea, it had been a very long time since she had spent any time with her Son.

" Now you be good for Nonie short stuff, I won't be long..." He said while he walked out of the living room. " I'll be quick, my rental car should be waiting for me at the school..."

" I will, I promise!" I said.

My Uncle kissed the top of my head before he left the cottage, I then went and switched the light on in the living room. My next stop was the television, I wanted to see if there were any morning cartoons on or maybe the news for my Auntie. It wasn't long until I heard the front door of the cottage close and my Auntie joined me in the living room, the room wasn't that cold which was lucky for us.

" Rose must have been here last night, the heating is on in the hallway..." Said my Auntie has she placed Alyssa down on her baby bouncer near the couch. " I know Aiden rang ahead while we were on the jet, he wanted things cosy for when we got here..."

" Does that mean there will be food in the cupboards?" I asked.

" I'll go and check, I guess that's you asking for your breakfast right?" She asked.

" Yes, I'm very hungry today..." I nodded.

" Fine, I will go and see what we have got..." She sighed. " Keep an eye on Alyssa for me, I won't be long!"

I glanced over my shoulder at my Auntie and told her okay, I would make sure that my baby Sister didn't go anywhere. I settled on a television channel and sat next to my Sister's bouncy chair, she seemed to enjoy lying in it. I watched the television until my Auntie returned, she said the fridge was full. She was going to start making early lunch while my Uncle was away, she said it would be nice to have a family meal together with Blaze.

An hour had past and my Uncle A had returned with Blaze, it was great being able to see him again. He was happy to see his Mummy though, he gave her many hugs and told her all about his lesson schedules. He seemed happy, but he did tell me that he would miss his Auntie Elizabeth and that he would trade in all of his Pokémon Trading Cards if it would bring her back from the other side.

The day went by quickly, we ate lunch and then dinner together. We played in the garden and water some plants near the back door, we even fed some leftover bread to the bird. My Uncle A then gave us the idea to play hide and scare Nonie around the house, she was not pleased with that idea after we grabbed her ankle from beneath the kitchen table. It was bedtime before we knew it, I had a bath first with Alyssa and then Blaze had one after us. After we were done I went to kiss my Uncle goodnight and I told Alyssa to have sweet dreams, we then headed upstairs to my bedroom.

Blaze was going to be camping out in my bedroom tonight, his Mummy was having the guest room. She had told him that she needed a good nights rest because she had a busy day tomorrow, the vicar from the church was coming to visit us. My Uncle was going to be taking care of Alyssa for the night, he wanted to spend sometime with her and finish some last minute changes to my Mummy's funeral.

I didn't mind Blaze camping out in my bedroom though, it had been a very long time since we had a sleepover. We placed some pillows between us in my bed and switched the nightlight on so the shadow monsters couldn't get us, it would be a fun night. I also decided to wear my bracelet, the orange man was still hanging around me. I could hear his voice sometimes when I wore my bracelet, he kept telling me that I needed to do bad things for him.

Nonie came to tuck us in and made sure we had cups of water in case we woke in the night, she didn't want us wandering around the house in the dark in case we fell down the stiars. Kissing us both goodnight she left my room, closing the door behind her it soon got dark. I stared up at the ceiling and watched the nightlight's colourful rays of light creeping across the ceiling, but Blaze's voice broke the silence.

" Do you miss your Mommy?" He asked.

" Yes, I want her to come home..." I replied with a sigh. " Uncle A said she's gone away with the butterflies, but he said I can visit her when I'm older..."

" Can I visit her to?" He asked.

" I guess..." I replied.

" Eva, can I ask you something?" He asked.

" I guess so, what is it?" I asked.

" Are we being watched?" He asked while he rolled onto his back and turned his gaze towards the corner of the room near the door. " I feel like someone's eyes on me, but no one is there..."

" Your head is playing tricks on you, no one is there silly head..." I giggled.

" You sure?" He asked.

" Yes, now let's sleep..." I replied while I pulled my blankets to my chin has I got comfortable in my bed. " Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!"

" Bugs are gross, they better not bite me..." He chuckled.

" I hear boys don't taste nice, you will be safe..." I smiled.

" Then I guess you are doomed, I heard girls are made from sugar and spice..." He said.

" Who told you that?" I asked.

" Nursery rhyme books at the Wammy House, it means you'll get sticky and the bugs like sweet sticky foods..." He replied.

I couldn't help but laugh, Blaze always made me feel happy even though I felt sad about my Mummy. It wasn't long until Blaze dozed off, I myself was not tired yet. I remember what he said about being watched, if only he knew about the orange man being in my bedroom at night. He was always there even if I wore my bracelet, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck sometimes and once I swore I saw my jam jar move all by it's self across the table.

Closing my eyes I tired to sleep, my mind filling with imagines of today's playful events and Alyssa laughing about me pulling at my Uncle's hair even when Nonie said it could just wind. Smiling at my thoughts I snuggled up with my messy haired doll, listening to Blaze snoring loudly until sleep decide to take me to dreamland.