A/N: Sorry for the super late update but my muse has been occupied by a few other stories at the moment (Since the last chapter was updated, I have written a total of 92k words for several stories), plus mock exams are a bitch and I have started having fits for no bloody reason. This chapter finished the Reigai arc in a short shitty fight scene, and then just a bit of filler fluff and other junk really, the start of the Fake Karakura fight starts halfway into the chapter.
Although for those who will read the fight scene and grumble at how shit it was, I'm sorry. This chapter fought me as the reasons above explained. Also I wanted to finish the filler arcs, as I wanted to get onto the Aizen ARC, which mind you will only span 2 chapters (this one included, potentially a third one if its long enough) - though it will mostly contain fight scenes.
Sorry for this being so long, but this story will be on a Hiatus for a bit while I add to my other stories 'Precious Gems' and 'War of the Worlds' - both are Bleach fanfictions and are a hefty 10k per chapter, so its double what this story's chapters are. I'm also writing a RWBY Crossover and fics, but whether or not if I post them is unknown as of right now - keep an eye out on my profile.
Italics + ' = Thoughts (Etc. = 'What is that?')
Bold + '' = Inner Hollow/Secondary Spirit (Etc. = ''Fucking Quotation marks!'' He roared) (Or Zangetsu in Ichigo's case).
Italics + '' = Zanpakuto Spirit (Etc. = ''Do not hesitate, Ichigo'' Zangetsu said) (Quincy part of Zangetsu for Ichigo's case).
Chapter 31: Betrayals - Aizen ARC
''You guys are surprisingly durable'' Ichigo-Asami commented as he/she slashed through Zabimaru, cutting a long gash across Reigai Renji's chest ''Even with my limiter off, and in our combined form, you're still able to stand against me''.
''Bankai'' Reigai Byakuya commented sharply, two rows of blades forming behind him ''Senbonzakura Kage-''.
He was cut off as Ichigo appeared behind him, his head falling off in a display of cold brutality ''Sorry, I'd rather keep this short, we are running on a schedule after all''.
The combined duo easily side-stepped a sneak attack from a serious Reigai Kyoraku, easily swinging behind him and blocking it with the length of Denki Sukai while Asami's voice intoned ''I believe time is running short, even if we've dealt with most of them''.
It was true, the only Reigai still standing were Kyoraku, Ukitake, Unohana, and Kenpachi. Ichigo responded verbally, no matter how weird it looked with two different voices coming from one mouth ''What do you have in mind?''.
Ichigo was silent for a moment before surprise coloured his features, which were quickly schooled into a stoic mask. In a flash of soft silver light Tsuki no Megami disappeared as Ichigo began spinning Denki Sukai rapidly, raising it above his head and using both hands as storm clouds gathered above them. The clouds formed into a cyclone, electricity sparking amongst the black overhead clouds as the Ichigo-Asami duo spoke.
''Bankai'' They intoned as they were engulfed in a pillar of golden light that struck down from the heavens, it convulsed for a moment before collapsing in on itself, absorbing into its now-wielder ''Sodaina Denki Sukai''.
The previously worn trench coat had been disintegrated once more, much to Ichigo's secret chagrin. Soothing words from Asami eased this chagrin, and the duo followed on with their plan of attack. Ichigo roughly flicked his wrist towards Unohana, sending a large bolt of lightning.
''Bakudo #81: Danku'' She stated calmly, almost succeeding in blocking the bolt when Ichigo spread his fingers out, making the large bolt split into five smaller ones that went around the barrier. He clamped down his fingers into a fist and engulfed the Reigai Unohana in an explosion of lightning. With swift brutality he appeared behind Kenpachi and slashed down both arms, creating an X of lightning that tore into Kenpachi's back and severed his spine, his body turning to dust shortly after.
He barely dodged a Sokatsui from the Reigai Unohana, who now sported burns and torched Haori. With a burst of Shunpo the trio of remaining captains gathered together, unknowingly going to their death as Asami took control of his arm smoothly. She held her palm skyward with her fingers pointing up as if she was holding a ball in her hand, solid bars of lightning surrounding the trio as if it was a pillar-shaped cage. With a rough twist of her wrist, the dozens of thin pillar slammed together with a flash as the Reigai Captains were eviscerated.
''Now where's Kageroza?'' He mused quietly before spinning to dodge a sneak attack, eyes narrowing at the form of Kageroza. To everyone's surprise Ichigo disappeared, and Kageroza's head fell before he could even speak, his now-dead form falling to the ground below.
''That was anti-climatic'' Asami said flatly as she separated from Ichigo, her Bankai fading from Ichigo's arm.
''Yup'' Ichigo said quietly.
''Alright, lets go home'' She murmured before turning to their audience ''Aizen's planning on attacking soon, in about one or two days, so see you in a few''.
With those parting words, the duo jumped into a Senkaimon and vanished.
''Bye Karin!'' One of her friends called, the others following suit as she left the football pitch, waving to them wordlessly.
She heard a repetitive beeping and retrieved a modified phone that Asami gave her and Yuzu, reading the next on it with a frown.
'Sped up your training, the fight against Aizen will start in 2-3 days, battle plan will be explained to you before Purple Tear joins the fight. Do not participate or show any spiritual awareness unless an Espada directly engages you. -Asami'.
Grinning, I set off to the Urahara Shoten so that the owner can open a gateway to Jikan Yari, since I couldn't figure it out yet. I wouldn't let Asami or Ichi-nii down!
''Oi'' Bambietta barked to her fellow Quincy, most of who where lying around with little to nothing to do - and they couldn't go to the human world until Yhwach was dealt with, he'd pursue them because they were Quincy, ones that had evaded him and joined Asami instead of him.
''What?'' Liltotto twitched irritably.
''That bastard Aizen is attacking in a few days'' She shrugged.
''Whatever'' Candice snorted ''Asami and Kurosaki will kick his ass, even if we have to put up a display for the Gotei 13''.
''I'm pretty sure Asami is intentionally antagonising the Gotei'' Meninas sighed.
''Yay!'' Giselle giggled ''More reason to fight them!''.
''...joy...'' The other four of us murmured disdainfully.
''Come on! Is that all you got?!'' Grimmjow yelled with a wide grin, his Zanpakuto crashing against Chad's larger broadsword one, a sword that he never saw on the giants person but always appeared when the teen needed it. Mentally he shrugged, as long as he gave a good fight he'd title it 'training'.
Chad grunted and jumped back, using Sonido to appear at the Espada's side and managed to create a large slash down his side. He grunted and buzzed back, flipping his sword and placing his hand on the flat of the blade.
''Heh, lets kick it up a notch!'' He yelled in bloody glee ''GRIND! PANTERA!''.
''Hehe!'' Kisuke Urahara giggled with scientific glee, looking down at the three models ''Asami-chan will be so proud of me~''.
Three odd looking blueprints sat on the desk in front of them, one of them with the title 'Yin', another with 'Yang' and the final one in bright red 'Andromeda'.
''Though I do hope it never comes down to it, I'd hate to see Andromeda in action'' He grimaced, before he did a full 180 with a wide smile ''Oh well! Next project!''.
Szayel Aporro hummed to himself, inspecting the weapon in front of him. Asami had asked him to make it, and to keep it out of Aizen's reach. It was very deadly, but after a few weeks of experimentation it had proved to be fatal to even Adjuchas-class hollows, though Vasto-Lorde class were needed to be in it for several minutes for it to take effect.
He sighed, putting it into a box and hiding it once more and glancing at the box.
'Project Respira'.
Uryu Ishida fell to one knee as he panted, his lungs burning for air furiously. He glanced up, internally wincing at the spirit standing in front of him. His expression was calm and collected, but with a hint of sympathy and a hint of steeled resolve. Even since his death, he had not aged - though he had stated he was not the same man, merely a manifestation.
The manifestation of his Quincy Powers, Soken Ishida, looked down at him, waiting for him to gather his breath and get to his feet before he himself fell into a defensive stance, bow at the ready.
''Do not falter, do not hesitate...'' Soken intoned wisely ''When you fire, you will strike. When you raise your bow, you will engage your enemy and protect your friends. When you activate your Vollstandig, you will destroy your opponent!''.
Uryu grimaced, part of him finding it wrong how his grandfather said it. Although again it was a manifestation, not his actual grandfather - not that it made it any easier to fight him, both because of his superior strength and appearance.
However he would not fail. Asami had gone through the trouble of giving him the modified Sanrei glove, and his father had taught him how to achieve the second release - or at least get him started on that path. Many people were counting on him, Bambietta's gang had wished him luck, and several other Quincy who were lingering around the HQ gave him their wishes, not only that but even Akuma gave him a good luck grin.
He would win, no matter the cost!
[The Next Day]
I stirred awake as the sunny rays of morning swept over my face, peeking through the open window. I sat up and turned to the door, still wary of my father bursting through even after Asami has successfully prevented him doing so through Kido for a while. However I was greeted by the sight of Asami getting dressed, putting her school shirt on and buttoning it up.
She looked over her shoulder and smirked playfully ''Pervert''.
I chuckled, sitting up on the bed ''You aren't much better''.
''Touché'' She giggled, a blush dusting her cheeks ''The shower is open for you, we've got fifteen minutes till we need to leave''.
''When is Aizen making his move?'' I asked seriously as I stretched.
''Ulquiorra told me tomorrow'' Asami nodded ''Inoue will be brought to Las Noches tonight, where Aizen intends to use her as a distraction to separate our forces. I intend to say Chad, Ishida and Kaien to go invade Las Noches. Taking into account that Inoue possesses an incredible power its entirely likely the Soul Society will send reinforcements''.
''And what will we do?''.
''We'll wait for the Gotei 13 and the Espada to fight it out for a little bit before the Espada will turn on Aizen before escaping with Negacion. They Gotei will attack Aizen and be too injured to fight, which is where Purple Tear will step in as a demonstration of our power and to weaken Aizen, then you and I will come in and wash the floor with him''.
I hummed pleasantly, wrapping my arms around her stomach and holding her to my chest, giving her a peck on the cheek, slowly trailing down to her jaw and making her mewl softly.
''Mm... stop...'' She mumbled ''We'll be late''.
''We've been late before'' I grinned at her.
''But I just got dressed...'' She mock-whined, smiling up at me.
''Guess I'll just have to undress you'' I purred in her ear and she shivered against me, my hand wandering under her shirt.
And that's how we ended up thirty minutes late to class.
''Why are you two late?'' Ochi-sensei said flatly as the two of us entered the classroom.
''A gang jumped us'' Asami said smoothly.
''And it took you two thirty minutes?'' Ochi-sensei said with a raised eyebrow.
''A mini-army'' I pointed out just as flatly.
Ochi-sensei sighed ''Sure whatever, just go to your desk''.
''Thanks'' We both say and take our seats, ignoring the glares Tatsuki was sending us.
Since Chad, Ishida and Rukia weren't present (since Rukia had, according to Asami, been recalled to the Seireitei) myself and Asami sat down by a tree in the shade. The two of us sitting together and smiling occasionally must've fuelled the fires that we were dating, as whispers rapidly spread throughout the school during that time period. At one point Inoue's friend Ryo came up and openly asked the both of us, and we nodded and said we were. Ryo politely nodded and left, and five minutes later the whispers increased in intensity.
The duo had gradually become annoyed with the constant glares Tatsuki was still sending them, they knew she was angry at them for keeping secrets - especially with me, since I was her friend, no matter how much they had distanced over the years. They considered confronting her about it, but acknowledged that the teen wouldn't give up until she knew the full truth, and even then she would insist on joining in.
So they went through the motions of boring school-life, occasionally returning Tatsuki's glares, but that only increased them. Once school cleared they left as fast as possible, deliberately avoiding the raging Tatsuki - it was also possible she was even angrier because she knew that I knew about Inoue's feelings, and I didn't return them and likely made Inoue cry, therefore making Tatsuki as angry as a bloodthirsty bloodhound.
We weren't scared of her, I was sure if needed I could kill her with the flick of my wrist - not a comforting thought, meant I had to be extra careful with my emotions. However it was rather me and therefore Asami didn't want to confront the raging karate girl because of the hassle it would show, and when we defended ourselves we would indirectly show we were stronger than the second strongest girl in Japan, meaning that Asami is more than capable of taking her place and rumours would start, and that would make her angrier.
Oh she could be a bundle of rage sometimes I swear.
''So what now?'' I asked as we lounged in 'Asami's office' inside PT-HQ, as I nicknamed it. It was technically an office, regardless of the fact she rarely used it and only did so on occasion. It had white paper walls and toffee wood planks, a large window on the right wall letting sunlight flow in. It was a small, cosy office compared to the vast meeting hall she showed earlier. Four plants sat in each corner of the room, small little shrubs that I didn't know about.
''Ulquiorra should be 'capturing' Inoue at around nine tonight and be taken to Hueco Mundo. Chad and Ishida will make a show of wanting to rescue Orihime in front of Genryusai, he'll retract the deployed Shinigami and wait in Soul Society. My father will replace Karakura Town with a Fake version, the real Karakura will be in soul society under a unique barrier preventing them from being affected by the spirit world and everyone will be put to sleep''.
I frowned slightly ''Won't people get injured? Like coma patients, people driving, etc.?''.
''They'll put up a fake news report alerting everyone to stop doing such things at get to a safe place, and fourth division medics will help Ryuken Ishida run the hospital during that time'' Asami offered easily, sitting on a desk chair with several blue schematic papers in front of her, a thoughtful frown making a way onto her face.
I was sat across the desk from her in a chair, and so I got up to see what she was doing, verbalising it a moment later as I walked around the desk to look over her shoulder.
''Designs, ways to counter the Hollow and or Arrancar army of Perdida when he comes'' She said, not moving her eyes from the blue paper. The white outlined drawing showed cylinders with a smaller cylinder in the middle, along with a - surprise, surprise - cylinder tube in the middle ''This one in particular is similar to a modern day weapon Humans used, Tear Gas I believe it was called. The difference being that it rots your skin and bone away instead of blinding you''.
I nodded ''It sounds similar... apart from the whole rotting thing''.
She chuckled ''Yep''.
Orihime Inoue was walking alongside her friend, Tatsuki Arisawa. as they came back from the latter's karate classes. Orihime just finished telling a joke, causing the two to erupt into a small fit of giggles before falling quiet again.
''You okay, Hime?'' Tatsuki asked softly, referencing the earlier revelation about Ichigo and Asami's relationship.
''Mm'' She hummed, but her face was sombre ''Urahara-san and Kurosaki-kun are a good match, both are strong, protective, kind''.
Tatsuki stayed quiet as Orihime continued ''I never told him about my feelings, its my fault, nobody else's''.
Tatsuki sighed ''Its still a surprise the two of them got as close as they did, its been, what? A few months?''.
Orihime laughed ''Guess they were attracted from the start-''.
She was cut off as the air beside the ripped open, startling the duo. Out of the Garganta came the ever-stoic Ulquiorra as he immediately locked eyes with Orihime.
''Come with me, woman - Aizen-sama demands your presence'' He ordered crisply before adding as an afterthought ''Asami Urahara also requests your presence to forward our plans''.
''Like hell she'll-!'' Tatsuki started to bark at the unknown man, when Orihime walked past her. In a panic she reached out for Orihime, only to be stunned at her friends next actions.
''Bakudo #1: Sai'' She whispered sadly as Tatsuki was taken off-guard, her arms pinned behind her as she fell onto her front, looking up in disbelief at them ''I'm sorry, Tatsuki-chan... just, don't get involved... please''.
''Orihime...'' Tatsuki whispered in disbelief as she went willingly with the unknown man into the portal. She growled then as it clicked, her brain finally registering the mans words ''Asami...!''.
I turned around and grinned at the forms of Uryu Ishida and Sado Yasutora ''Yo! You guys ready?''.
''Of course'' Ishida nodded and Sado grunted an affirmative ''So what's the plan?''.
Asami walked out of the shadows, Ichigo not present ''Easy, upon reaching the right side of Las Noches you will encounter an Espada called Nelliel. She'll let you into Las Noches to stir up some trouble, Grimmjow, Nnoitra and Yammy will probably be the ones you will encounter. Incapacitate but do not kill''.
''Got it'' I saluted and Asami nodded, waving her hand beside her to create a Garganta.
''Go, and good luck'' She nodded to us as we jumped in.
One the day of the fight...
In the middle of Fake Karakura, the Gotei 13 appeared in a collective burst of Shunpo. Captain Commander Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, Captain Soi Fon, Lieutenant Omaeda, Captain Gin Ichimaru, Lieutenant Kira, Lieutenant Hinamori, Captain Komamura, Lieutenant Iba, Captain Kyoraku, Lieutenant Hisagi Captain Amagai, Lieutenant Matsumoto and Captain Ukitake. Captain Unohana, Kuchiki, Kenpachi and Kurotsuchi along with their lieutenants were currently in Hueco Mundo to assist the invaders.
Just as they arrived, five Garganta opened in the area in front of them. From the largest one walked out Sosuke Aizen. Out of the one to the left came Coyote Starrk and Lilynette Gingerbuck. Out of the right one came Barragan Louisenbairn came out with his Fraccion in tow. Out of the one to the far right was Tier Harribel, Cyan Sung-Sun, Franceska Mila Rose and Emilou Apacci.
Aizen looked around and smiled smugly at them ''Hello, Genryusai-dono''.
''Aizen'' The elderly man said, eyeing the traitor stiffly.
Aizen merely smiled, gazing at the four, onyx black pillars surrounding the town ''This isn't the real Karakura, is it? I should've expected such a thing from Urahara''.
Everyone ignored Omaeda's following panic, and Soi Fon's harsh reprimand.
''Barragan, you know what to do'' Aizen smiled and the elder man named Barragan grunted.
''Redder, Chuhlhourne, Calius, Poww'' Barragan rumbled ''Take out the towers''.
''Hai!'' The four Arrancar saluted, using Sonido to take off towards the towers. Before they could attack the large onyx towers, four lieutenant-class Shinigami engaged them. Redder was caught by Kira, Chuhlhourne by Yumichika, Calius by Hisagi and Poww by Ikkaku. Meanwhile Mila Rose, Sung-Sun and Apacci followed their orders they were given prior. The three surrounded Matsumoto and Hinamori, drawing their blades in tandem.
The resulting battles were close, but the Shinigami won by a scrap more. However before they could finish their opponents, they were sucked into a small, pocket-sized Garganta, confusing the lieutenants. Harribel's Fraccion stealthily snuck away from the main battle, pretending not to notice they were doing it while leading the Shinigami away from what would soon be the clashing grounds of the Espada.
Not soon after that exact event occurred. Starrk clashed with Ukitake and Kyoraku, Barragan clashed with Soi Fon and her lieutenant as well as Amagai, Harribel faced Gin and Komamura. Finally Aizen and Yamamoto stared off, waiting for the other to make a move.
''Hello again, Hallie-chan'' Gin grinned at the Espada before him.
''Ichimaru'' Harribel nodded to him, drawing her blade slowly ''So you have betrayed Aizen-sama?''.
It felt bitter on her tongue, but she had to keep up the act. At least until they openly betrayed Aizen.
''Mm, more or less'' Gin grinned as he held his Wakizashi in a familiar grip ''Shoot to Kill, Shinso''.
The blade glowed a snow white and shot past the Espada, intent on missing her. She watched, unamused, as several strands of her blonde hair fell with its retraction. The large wolf man next to Gin appeared behind her, roaring out 'Tenken!' and swung down, only for her to raise her blade and meet his unflinchingly.
''You'll have to do more than that to harm me, Shinigami'' She stated in a blank monotone, jerking her blade roughly and sending the large Shikai away from here. She ignored the wolf captain in favour of ducking away from Gin' Shikai, glaring at him with her ocean eyes. She used Sonido to get closer to him, lashing out in a vertical slash.
Like they had planned, Gin feigned surprised as the 'poison' on her blade seeped into his wound. He grinned weakly to her as he fell to the ground below, set to be in a coma for at least five days, as per Asami's orders. The Espada didn't understand the need, but she trusted Asami had a good reason, especially since Gin was a good friend of her younger sister.
She spun on her heel to block a strike from Komamura, she had to stall him for as long as possible, preferably without releasing her Resurreccion.
Barragan grumbled curses as he attempted to grab the leg of the petite assassin, slowing down the fireballs from Amagai. Despite the fact he knows he cant beat Aizen, he'll be damned if he doesn't at least make the bastard lose a limb, especially with that disgusting fluid Kisuke Urahara asked us to drink to negate Kyoka Suigetsu's ability.
He wasn't allowed to activate his Resurreccion until then, because Asami Urahara demanded the Shinigami be left alive and capable of fighting, mainly because when the god Perdida struck they would need every hand available.
He would follow orders, if only because she was worthy of his respect.
Starrk sighed as he blocked the Wakizashi with his own blade, ducking out of the path of the katana and jumping back to avoid a follow-up from the previously blocked Wakizashi. He easily deflected his opponents blows, buying his time until he was done. He was thankful to Aizen for what he did for him and Lilynette, but Asami could offer more. She wanted to save the world from the god of hollows, recruiting hollows themselves instead of eliminating them without judgement.
For that, he respected her.
She was powerful, far more powerful than Aizen. She possessed a charisma like no other, drawing in others with manipulative but kind-hearted intentions. She built an army powerful enough to defeat the two-millennium old Gotei 13 in the span of a hundred or so years, gaining an equal in the span of a few months.
For that, he would stand beside her.
She gave him a purpose, she helped him master his uncontrollable power and become stronger (not that he really wanted to be, but if it helped others he wouldn't complain). She gave him and Lilynette comrades, allies, friends.
For all intents and purposes, she gave him his entire world.
And for that, he would die for her.
As the battles in Fake Karakura continued, a resounding crack stopped them. All paused as they watched on as the very air shattered, leaving only black void and a trail of purple wind. Two figures walked out, both familiar to all present. Ichigo Kurosaki stood tall and proud, wearing a dark red trench coat that flowed with an unseen wind, much like a certain Quincy spirit. He wore his regular torn-sleeved Shihakusho underneath, Asami standing next to him with her red scarf billowing in the gentle current the purple wind emitted.
''It is time'' Ichigo announced as a Garganta opened beside them. Kaien, Orihime, Ishida, Sado and the rest of the Espada (sans Nelliel and Yammy) came out of the portal, weapons drawn ''For your defeat, Aizen''.
''Such arrogance, to think my own Espada-'' He started to say, only to feel a finger touch his back, belonging to Ulquiorra who had come out of a smaller Garganta.
''Cero'' Ulquiorra uttered, making Aizen's eyes go wide as a dark green Cero was shot straight through his stomach. Ulquiorra narrowly dodged the haphazard swing that Aizen retaliated with as the Espada gathered above him, staring down at him blankly.
''So... you betray me?'' He heaved, but sounded confident.
''Of course, we never even worked under you'' Ulquiorra revealed, making Aizen's eyes go wide in surprise. He hadn't expected Ulquiorra to betray him after all.
''Asami offered us more than you ever could'' Starrk said lazily, shouldering his blade.
''And we want payback for being treated as pawns'' Grimmjow grinned, cracking his knuckles ''And your bullshit illusions won't work on us anymore''.
Asami appeared before the gathering Shinigami ''This is now an official Purple Tear matter, stay out of it''.
She turned and left without another word, ignoring Yamamoto's grumble of annoyance. She had a bastard to kill after all.
''Is that so?'' Aizen continued as his chest glowed brightly, making his Espada widen their eyes in recognition ''Well it seems that she won't have any Espada left very soon''.
Grimmjow snorted ''Don't get cocky, bastard''.
That was the signal.
''Kick about... Los Lobos''.
''Enclose... Murcielago''.
''Rot... Arrogante''.
''Destroy... Tiburon''.
''Pray... Santa Teresa''.
''Grind... Pantera''.
''Strangle... Trepadora''.
''Sip... Fornicas''.
Everything exploded in the wake of the power of eight captain-class releases.