Helluu~ my gorgeous little bitty bunnies :3, im so happy tht u guys r enjoying my story XD, I mean wow! I have 2,113 Viewers n 39 reviews from u guys! Its so… AMAZING! *jumps up and down* I luv u guys I really do. A special thnx to all the people who reviewed and PM'd me, lots of kisses and cuddle for you all oxoxo! Now to answer Reviews!

Izzy: ty n yes ik but at least this one's not as short as the other hope u like it :)

bajy: yes tht was the idea, im glad he was scary for you ;)

Scarecrow1KSR: no, Soulyer has ZERO patience quite the contrary he is very impatient, "*throws playboy encyclopedia*" nigga really!? XD LMAO tht made my day, n ye he is savage but no he isn't carnivorous XD

Stacy: im glad your loving my story, and never fear chap 9 is le-here! oh n thx on the Venus info, I kinda knew some stuff about her but this info helped me a lot, now I know a lot more about Venus :) cuddles to u ;)

Well thts all the reviews… I think, if I forgot to answer one of u just let me know on the review k?

Warning: contains bad words

Donnie darling if u will

Donnie: cuteCharmy does not own tmnt we belong to nick

Enjoy! XD

There was a story that was spoken a long time ago, rumors say that the speaker of said story was Death. She said…There was a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to the market to buy provisions and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said Master, just now when I was in the marketplace I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture, now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me.

The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the marketplace and he saw me standing in the crowd and he came to me and said, Why did you make a threating gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning? That was not a threatening gesture, I said, it was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra…

After planting all the C4 in the lair Clyde went to help the four Foot ninjas with the I.T.F soldiers. While fighting his way back to the lounge, he glanced around to see if he can find the other four ninjas and found them struggling with the soldiers. He advanced towards the others and as he tried to reach them, a soldier came running towards the huge turtle and swung his pipe at the huge terrapin, Clyde ducked under his foolish attempted. Before the mutant soldier could even register a dodge from the black terrapin, he was hit with an upper cut right before he was kicked in the chest and sent flying into a wall.

Much to his dismay another explosion outside the lair was heard and in came more soldiers. However, this time with ninjas, he was starting to get exhausted there were to many, his headache was coming around again. soldiers came from everywhere and attacked the five ninjas. Dodging and striking back the large mutant was trying not to be cornered by the soldiers.

A mutant soldier came running towards him with an attack, he blocked the attack, slammed his knee into his stomach, threw him at a group of soldiers that were advancing towards him. Then, they all stopped attacking, that was a bit weird, they just stopped… Clyde confused glared at them all and kept his guard up, then he realized the figure walking through the crowd.

"I see you finally arrived… Venus" he spoke with much distain as a thin mutant female turtle emerged from the crowd of soldiers in the living room

"I'll admit, you weren't easy to find and capture, till now that is" she smirked as came closer while she slowly revealed her face from the large group of soldiers.

"I would have much rather killed you myself, but Master wants you alive" the female terrapin glared at the taller turtle and continued to speak

"but he didn't say I can't have a little fun with you" she smirked darkly

"I think me and the guys can take you" he glanced at the four Foot soldiers, then faced the female again as she started laughing while clapping

"oh, dear me, sorry, I forgot to mention this earlier" she looked at the male terrapin with fake worry in her features "excellent job boys, you did a job well done" the four Foot soldiers bowed and joined the crowed

"what!?" Clyde stared at them with shock hurt and a sense of betrayal on his features

"yeah, what I forgot to mention is, these four amazing children were spies working for Soulyer, they gained Karai's trust so much that she didn't even notice, and they apparently earned yours too" she laughed menacingly


"but what? They're human? well obviously! They had to be I knew you didn't trust mutants so we had these four brainwashed, how do you think we knew you were in the building today silly?" she mockingly answered

Clyde looked at the four ex-Foot ninjas with horror, then started to glare "you motherfuckers!" he spoke with clenched teeth

"ow come now, they were just doing their job" she smiled hypocritically polite

The huge turtle was beyond the point of mad. You could cut him and he wouldn't even bleed, Clyde was so pissed that he ran towards the four ex-foot soldiers as he let out a battle cry and shouted

"You bastards!" Venus observed his action with mild amusement, she chuckled and ran towards him before he could reach them, she attacked causing him to flip back and glare at her. With a battle cry coming from both sides they both ran towards each other and commenced their battle. Their blades clashed, the sound ringing throughout the clearing as their battle waged on.

Red stained the ground while the crowd of soldiers commenced attacking as well, some already dead on the floor, his twin metal ninja machetes curling from his forearm stained with the same blood that splattered the floor they stood on. Breathing labored as some of his own life dripped steadily to join the pool of blood already forming beside his feet.

In the next second, blades were clashing again, both engaged in the fierce battle that had become their focus as well as other soldier interrupting their battle. Blade met blade, neither able to break the others defense, having mere seconds to attack then counter the next strike aimed to kill. A slice appeared on the female turtles' shoulder as Clyde pushed forward, knocking Venus's attack away and getting in close to land a blow on her.

The minor win lasted no time at all as Venus twisted, slicing downwards toward the huge terrapins' neck. Stepping back quickly, a slight hiss left his lips when the metal fans cut into his cheek, the wound shallow but stinging. Clyde panted heavily, eyes locked on Venus, the two kept their gazes locked on the other, neither willing to give. Suddenly a smoke pellet was thrown to the ground as someone grabbed Clyde's hands and yelled

"To the lab, come on!"

"YEN!? I gave you orders!" he glared at the teenager as they ran as fast as they could to the labs door, Venus chasing after as they still fought a couple of soldiers that got in the way. Clyde was behind the Yen making sure he got to the lab first. When they got there the older terrapin quickly asked

"Hey genius, how're things doing back here!?" he panted as he looked at the younger turtle

Donnie didn't glance at the taller turtle but replied anyway "I'm trying my best to get this thing done!"

The doors started banging as the I.T.F. tried to advance, the black clad terrapin quickly activated the emergency locked down and sarcastically remarked "oh, don't mind us, we're just here making sure the girl scouts don't come in and sell us some COOKIES!"

The doors were banging as Clyde backed away from the door and quickly walked towards the purple clad turtle "mind if I help, I think it would work faster if I helped!"

"be my guest!"

"it's not my fault the devil is knocking at my door thank you very much!"

"oh so it's my fault now!"

"please don't start! Please, pleease don't!"

"you're putting it wrong!"


"how am I putting it wrong!?"

"Shut up the both of you and get this thing working before they brake the door!"

"oh for fucks sake give me that!"

"well sorry oh mighty one for I have never fixed a time machine till this day!"

"some genius you are!"


"what did you say!?"

"you heard me very well tiny!"

"Yea ok Robocop!"

"what did you just call me!?"

"uuggghh! For the love of fuck just fucking focus on the machine you too!"

The machine turned on and started working "Yes!" they both cheered in unison, Clyde ran towards the computer, put the codes and typed the time and the exact year they were from

"okay, all done, now hurry before they get in" he looked at both teens with a sad smile and then looked at Yen

"can you please take care of him too?" the red head looked at Clyde then at Yen, she nodded her head and hugged the bigger terrapin.

"I'll miss you" she looked at Clyde with teary eyes, he smiled sadly and patted her head

"I'll miss you too miss O'Neil" he replied and walked towards Yen

"Yen, I want you to go with them, be a teenager, go to school, eat junk food, live your life… please, do this for me"

"b-but Sensei… I can't-" Yen looked at his sensei with horror filled eyes

"then it's not a request, it's an order, go with them, you'll be safer" he stared at the teen sternly

"y-yes sir…" the young teen glared at the ground with tears threatening to shed

"We're ready" said the younger turtle spoke, then they walked towards the portal

"well… thank you Clyde, for everything" the purple clad turtle said as he stretched his hand offering a hand shake, Clyde obliged and shook the younger turtle hand

"yeah, no problem, just don't accidently appear here again, your enough of a headache as is" he placed his hand on his head then ruffled it which lead to grabbing and giving the younger turtle a noogie.

He stood there as he watched them wave and walk inside the portal, Yen paused for a moment then ran back to Clyde and hug the huge turtle

"goodbye Sensei" tears prickled down both their cheeks as he replied, "you be careful over there and listen to miss O'Neil, alright?" Yen nodded and headed towards the portal. Once they all went in he shut the machine off, took out the ignition button out and glanced at the door. With sadness in his eyes and the portal shut down behind him he waited for them to come barging in at any minute.

'Wait for me Karai we'll be together soon enough' those were his last thoughts as they broke the lab door and ran inside. But, before they could attack and with the flick of a button all the C4's Clyde had planted exploded and then nothing…

When does the path we walk on lock around our feet? when does the rode become a river with only one destination? Death waits for us all in Samarra, but can Samarra be avoided?

I'm so mean with the cliffys, im so sorry my bunnies but cliffys r fun to do XD andywho please review and PM me, bye bye bunnies, see u in the next chap! Oxoxo :3