Dread suddenly overtook Yugi. He jumped up and grabbed his bedroom door, holding it shut with all of his might. He heard something mechanical behind him, and realized that the large steel door at the other end of his room was wide open. He flicked the light switch, and Chica appeared in the window beside it. But the door switch was all the way on the other end of the room, and if he let go he knew Foxy would get in through the door he was currently holding. He finally decided to make a break for the switch, but it was too late. Chica ran inside and-

Yugi awoke in a cold sweat. He took a moment to catch his breath before getting up for a glass of water. When he returned, Yami had manifested himself on Yugi's bed, "Yugi, are you sure that you can do this?"

"Of course! Everything's going to be fine! You'll beat Chica tonight and then this whole thing will be nothing but a bad memory!"

"Alright. I can't say no to that determination of yours," Yami smiled before disappearing into the puzzle once more. Yugi crawled back into bed, vaguely wondering how he was able to have nightmares in the middle of the day.

Despite his earlier determination, Yugi hesitated outside of the pizzeria. When he felt he had summoned enough courage, he pulled out his key and knocked on the glass again. After a moment he saw Ren come into view and open the door for him, "Hey Yugi! How was your first night?" "Oh, well, you know… Nothing special."

"Well sometimes we all need a dose of that. We haven't had any qualified applicants yet, but it's already been decided that if we can't find anyone by the end of the week Aki will step in for you."

"Really? Thanks!" Yugi replied, wondering if he would even want to work here after the children were all freed.

"Alright, well you get settled in, we're about to take off. They said they'll call you for part two of your training, so don't let the phone scare you!"

It's not the phone, so much as what the guy on the other end says… "Thanks!"

And with that, Yugi was left alone again until his phone call came in. He considered not even picking it up. Right as he reached to pick it up, it went to the answering machine. "Uhh, Hello? Hello? Uh, well, if you're hearing this and you made it to day two, uh, congrats! I-I won't talk quite as long this time since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active as the week progresses. Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk just to make sure everyone's in their proper place." Are you friggin… Yugi didn't bother finishing his thought before picking up the monitor. "You know... Uh... Interestingly enough, Freddy himself doesn't come off stage very often. I heard he becomes a lot more active in the dark though, so, hey, I guess that's one more reason not to run out of power, right?"

"Because I needed another reason."

"I-I also want to emphasize the importance of using your door lights. There are blind spots in your camera views, and those blind spots happen to be right outside of your doors. So if-if you can't find something, or someone, on your cameras, be sure to check the door lights. Uh, you might only have a few seconds to react... Uh, not that you would be in any danger, of course. I'm not implying that."

"You sure seemed keen on implying it last night…"

"Also, check on the curtain in Pirate Cove from time to time. The character in there seems unique in that he becomes more active if the cameras remain off for long periods of time. I guess he doesn't like being watched. I don't know. Anyway, I'm sure you have everything under control! Uh, talk to you soon."

"Now you tell us!" Yugi sighed. "You seem to have an attitude tonight, Yugi. I kind of like it," Yami chuckled.

"The nerve of this guy! He's not here, so I shouldn't have to pretend to put up with it…" he pouted before checking the cove.

"Are you ready to start the game?"

"As I'll ever be…"

"Then I'm going to go start it." Yami once again walked in his spirit form towards the show stage. Nobody had left their post yet.

"Chica! I challenge you to a Shadow Game! If you catch me, my soul is forfeit! If I survive the night, then I will free you from this hell on Earth!"

Chica twitched just as Bonnie had the previous night, and groaned and choked until Yami found himself sucked back into Yugi's body.

"Welcome back!" Yugi smiled from within the puzzle.

"Thank you. I hope this goes smoothly." Yami replied as he picked up the monitor. The first thing he noticed was that Bonnie was already gone.

"Wait, Bonnie was freed! How is he playing?"

"He shouldn't be, there's no soul in there anymore… perhaps it is simply the animatronic's free roam mode."

"I hope you're right…"

"Me too."

It took half an hour for Chica to finally get off the stage. Bonnie had been wandering around aimlessly, but Yami kept an eye on him regardless. He tracked Chica to the black kitchen before checking on Foxy, who was still asleep in his cove.

Chica spent a lot of time in the kitchen before wandering back to the bathrooms. Yami once again checked on Foxy, then went back to Chica. She had moved into view of the camera in the east hall, where she twitched and moaned as she had when she accepted the challenge. It really creeped the both of them out. Yami watched her for a bit before he decided to check on Freddy.

Freddy was staring directly at the camera, and it caught him off guard.

He checked on Chica and closed the door for a bit when she got too close, then continued to flip through the rooms. He finally came to the conclusion that Bonnie simply was wandering around aimlessly, and stopped trying to monitor him closely. This allowed him to focus on the other three.

At about 4AM, Freddy had disappeared. Yami flipped through the cameras, but couldn't find him anywhere. He shut both of the doors and analyzed each room carefully. After about fifteen minutes, he realized that Freddy was hiding in the darkness of the girl's bathroom, nothing but two pinpricks staring at him in the darkness. Yami sighed and released the door after he checked for Chica.

"Yugi, are you alright? You haven't said a word all night." Yami thought to his partner, not wanting to make any more noise than necessary.

"I'm fine! I don't want to break your concentration. You seem to have this down to a science."

"So far. Freddy threw me for a loop for a bit there. I don't like having to search the dark for those beady eyes of his…"

"Oh Other Me! The poster changed again! Can we read it?"

"Yes, but please hurry…"

"'Local Pizzeria Threatened with Shutdown over Sanitation- Local pizzeria, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza has been threatened again with shutdown by the health department over reports of a foul odor coming from the much-loved animal mascots. Police were contacted when parents reportedly noticed what appeared to be blood and mucus around the eyes and mouths of the mascots. One parent alikened them to "reanimated carcasses."' So… you think the kids… were stuffed into the suits?"

"They must have been."

"But… then they've always been homicidal, even without being haunted?"

"It's more likely that whoever kidnapped the children hid them in the suits. Perhaps after this shutdown threat they took the suits apart and discovered the bodies."

"But then they would have gotten a proper burial and we wouldn't be here!"

"Perhaps… Unless they felt they had a reason to remain here…"

"R- really?"

"That's typically what it is. But since they can't exactly speak I have no way of knowing for sure."

"Of course… Uhm, I'll let you get back to it. Sorry to interrupt."

"It's fine, I'm keeping up with them."

Just then Yami slammed his hand against the left door switch, which was followed by the loud banging sound that signaled that Foxy was upset that he'd missed his chance.

"G- good one!" Yugi stuttered. Yami nodded in response, and continued his routine.

Yugi watched the clock in anticipation. 5:59AM. They were so close!

Just then, all the power in the building went out.

"I'm sorry Aibou… all that power wasted looking for Freddy may have caused my demise."

"Other Me, no! You can't give up yet! Hide under the desk!"

Yami shrugged and obliged, knowing it couldn't hurt.

He watched as Freddy poked his head in the left door, his face glowing to the tune of a song that neither of them had heard before. Yami sat as calmly as he could, having accepted his fate and wanting to put on a brave face for Yugi. Yugi, however, hugged him as tightly as he could in his ethereal form.

Just as suddenly as the lights had gone out, Freddy stopped. He simply left the room. Yami crawled out from under the desk after another moment, and poked his head out the door. The hall was clean again. They had left the witching hours.

Yami found Chica in her usual spot on stage. He raised his hand and aimed it palm-out at her, "Penalty Game!"

Just as before, they were both engulfed in light as the Eye of Wdjat graced their foreheads and released the child from the Chica animatronic.

"Good job, Other Me! Let's go celebrate!"

"Sure, Aibou. Just remember… we're not finished yet… so take it easy."

"Y- yeah… I really didn't want to think about it…"

"I'm sorry. Don't think about it for now, then. Let's see if our friends are available before we get some sleep."

"At this hour? They'll all be dead asleep…"

"Well, you need them, so they'll get up." Yami responded as he pulled Yugi's phone out of his pocket.

"What're you gonna tell them?"

Yami stayed silent until someone answered the phone, "Anzu, I need you to drag everybody out of bed. I've had a hell of a night at work and I just really need my friends right now."

"Other Me! That sounds so desperate and sad!"

"I didn't? I'm sorry, I guess I forgot. It got kinda forced on me. I wanted to help, and they said it'd be easy. I'll explain more later. Thanks, Anzu. I really appreciate it," he pressed the end call button, "She's gonna get Jou and Honda and meet us at that crepe place up the street. Let's go grab a seat."

"Oh man! I forgot to tell them that they moved me to night shift… Was she mad?"

"Surprised, but not mad."

"I hope Jounouchi and Honda won't be mad… Also, can we agree not to tell them about what actually happens here? If we do they'll force us to let them help, and I can't risk that…"

"Of course."

"Yugi, what the hell!? Why didn't you tell us that you got stuck on the night shift?" Jou shouted before he even made it to the table Yugi sat at. "I'm sorry, Jou, I forgot… everything happened so quickly. They suddenly needed a night guard, and I'm the newest… They said they'd let me off the hook by the end of the week, though." Yugi replied shyly.

"Gaaah, I'd like to give your boss a piece of my mind!" He pushed his sleeve up his arm as he balled his hand into a fist.

"It's fine! I'm fine! I just have to get used to it. Nothing happens, but it's really creepy sitting there alone all night!"

"Alone? The other you isn't with you?" Questioned Anzu.

"Of course he is, but I mean, I'm the only body… it's weird…"

"Well you don't have to think about it now! We're gonna have some breakfast, and then we're gonna hit up the arcade!" Jounouchi exclaimed.

"Thanks, guys."

After a few hours at the arcade Yugi announced that he should get some sleep for his next shift. His friends walked him home before walking themselves home. Yugi was out as soon as he hit the pillow.

No matter how much he ran, Foxy was always right behind Yugi. The hallway just kept stretching out in front of him. Suddenly he ran into something hard, and when he looked up all he could see were two white pinpricks in the darkness, and when he turned around Foxy was standing over him with his hook hand raised.

Yugi sat up quickly in bed, breathing heavily and clutching his chest. He had his water ready on his nightstand this time, and drank half the glass before lying back down. "Another nightmare?" Yami asked him. "Yeah… I'll be okay. I just need to relax."

"Alright… just two more nights, Aibou."

"Wait, two!? I thought Foxy was the only one left?"

"Freddy was coming after us too. Even scarier, he only seemed to pop up in the dark. It was hard to find him much of the time."

"Oh… I'm sorry, Other Me…. Are you sure you want to keep doing this? We can give up now if you want…"

"You'd always be thinking about them. I'm not sure if they're all children, but Bonnie and Chica were. And even if the remaining two aren't, they are still people."

"Yeah, but we might be in over our heads here…"

"We handled Bonnie and Chica, we can handle two more. Foxy doesn't even move so long as I keep an eye on him."

"If you think you can finish this, then I believe in you! You're so brave."

"I'm just doing what is right. And I'm only able to because you're with me." Yami smiled.

"Thanks, Other Me. I am so excited for the amusement park when this is all over!"

"Me too, Aibou."

Sorry I haven't updated in an eternity. My computer was acting up a bit. Better now though, I'll try to finish putting it all up before it goes back on the fritz!