His knee brushed against hers. Again.

Kanra could feel Shizuo's monstrous body heat through the occasional contact. Each time the rough fabric of his uniform pants grazed her bare skin she ground her teeth in annoyance. If this had been anyone else she would have bet the answers of a few math and science exams that he was doing it on purpose. However this was Heiwajima Shizuo and he wasn't smart enough to flirt. Let alone do it properly.

Kanra crossed her legs beneath her chair. For all she knew he had probably dragged Mizaki into his cave unconscious. Then he had taken advantage of her and the poor girl had been so traumatized and ashamed she hadn`t dared say anything. That would explain so much. What was that psychological condition where the victim becomes attached to their abuser and perceives violence as an act of love? Stockholm syndrome.

That, Kanra decided, was the basis of Shizu - chan's relationship. Former relationship, her mind reminded her gleefully.

She hummed happily under her breath at the thought. All the ways she could ruin Shizu-chan's life!

"What are you so happy about?" Shizuo scowled at her from the other side of the desk.

"Ahhh, I was just imagining all my favourite humans running around, going on with their daily lives. They are probably so lonely without me. I should take the time to visit them after this… " Her voice dropped in distaste "detention is over."

"It's your own fault, flee. You should have shut up when I told you to."

"And Shizu – chan shouldn`t be such a brute. Girls like gentle guys. You should take example from Dotachin. He is always so caring about his friends. I'm sure he's great in bed. Slow, gentle and attentive."

Shizuo snorted "'Cuz slow and gentle is what gets you off."

Kanra flinched at the offhanded remark. She didn`t need reminders of how well he had managed to get her off. It was enough that her body wouldn`t cooperate with her whenever she tried to bed someone. The last time she had even kicked the incompetent idiot out. Whenever she tried taking the matters into her own hands her mind would supply her with fantasies of a talented tongue and skilful fingers. She still remembered what was like to have him inside as she felt his muscles move beneath her hands. Her body flushed at the memory.

"Not that Shizu – chan can make the difference between a fake orgasm and a real one. I feel so sorry for poor Mizaki. How long were you two together?"

The pencil he had been holding snapped in two at the small comment. Kanra felt relief. Anger was far better than whatever he had been getting at. She could handle anger. It was safe and familiar.

"The room better still be in one piece!" The classroom door opened abruptly. Sakamoto – sensei stood at the entrance. He was holding a thick pointer that was rhythmically thumping against his leg. "Good, good. How far along is the poster?"

"It's…" Shizuo looked so miserably at the soaked piece of paper sprayed on the table between them that Kanra wanted to kick him.

"It'll be done by the end of the detention" she chirped happily at the teacher.

"It better be, Orihara." Sakamoto – sensei waved the pointer at them before disappearing.

The door closed behind him and the sound echoed through the school corridors. Kanra's gaze fell on the wet paper on the desk. They had managed to completely ignore it for the last fifteen minutes or so. Of course, it wouldn`t be soaked if she hadn`t jumped out of her skin the first time his legs brushed against hers. She had knocked over one of the jars with water and the carefully written "Welcome back!" sign had smudged into a dark spot. It had taken them nearly an hour to write that down.

"The fuck?!" Shizuo reeled in her direction "We're never going to finish!"

"That's going to be our little secret." She winked at him. Add it to the pile, Kanra thought sorely.

Shizuo grabbed the soaked poster and dumped it on another desk. He took the hand-towel they kept in the classroom, next to the sink, and carefully wiped all the water from in front of her. All the while Kanra wasn`t looking at his long fingers. Instead she stared outside of the window. She pretended not to hold her breath when his hands brushed against her elbows. She stubbornly didn`t move from her spot.

So maybe she was being childish. So maybe Shizuo was the one acting maturely. Good thing monsters don`t have enough sense to judge her, ne?

He unrolled one of the big sheets of paper they were given in front her. The jars were refilled with water, the brushes were set, and the paint was cleaned.

"Kanra." Shizuo dragged her name in that low voice that made heat pool between her legs. Her eyes snapped to him. Did he even know what he was doing to her?


"Would you... umm, you do it better than me?" He gestured cluelessly with a pencil in her direction.

"Is there something I`m not better at?" Kanra smirked.

"Tche, just draw."

She wanted to push him further. Ask him what would happen if she didn`t? Would he beat her into it? Would he throw a desk as a threat? Or would he do something entirely different?

Loud scraping cut through her hearing.

"What are you doing?" She insisted.

"We need to do both posters, right? It'll be faster this way." Shizuo reasoned, pushing a desk next to hers.

She couldn`t argue with that. She wanted to be out of here as fast as possible. If the stupid protozoan could manage to do a poster then he could stand near her.

"Fine." Kanra grabbed the ruler and started drawing the letters. It had taken them the better half of the afternoon to come up with the design. At least it had taken her the better half of the afternoon. Shizu – chan had been too busy frowning at the window. She would never understand what the poor window did to deserve such an untimely death, but that was between it and the protozoan neanderthal.

It was faster and easier to draw the poster, now that she had done it once. It was good that her sketches had remained dry. Kanra hoped that even someone like Shizu – chan would be able to replicate such a simple design and not bother her. That's why she pressed her pencil too hard in the sheet when she felt his hand on her waist. The tip broke and left a deep gash in the paper. Kanra scowled. The paint would cover it up, but she still hated it.

"Kanra…" Shizuo's voice rumbled near her and made her shiver.

"What?" She snapped.

"Can you take a look?" he asked sheepishly. It did not match the way his thumb slowly caressed her spine before his hand slid off her body. The movement was too intimate to be accidental. Kanra's eyes narrowed in suspicion. What was Shizu – chan playing at?

She stepped in his personal space. The warmth of his body and his scent enveloped her like a thick blanket. Her pulse increased and she had to wet her dry lips.

"So?" His tone was low and rough. It did things somewhere low in her belly that it shouldn`t be doing.

"I guess…" her voice croaked under his gaze. He was too close and she was too warm. Her gaze flicked to his slightly parted lips without her permission. She felt heat throb right underneath her panties at the sight of them. She was intimately familiar with how good they felt. Against every part of her. Kanra backpedalled to her desk. She had to clear her throat before she could finish her sentence "It`s the best you could do. The English team shouldn`t be too picky. They only won a second place after all."

Shizuo grunted in agreement and she desperately hoped that the topic was over. She fixed her eyes on her poster and didn`t look up. Irritation simmered inside her at the new piece of information. He hadn`t moved away, he hadn`t looked down or looked uncomfortable at all. Heiwajima Shizuo was hitting on her. She choked on the realization. Somehow it was more ridiculous than what had happened in the camp. Or after that.

Kanra scrawled the last line of her poster and threw away the pen in annoyance. That`s why she hated him. He had a tendency to blow up sky high all the little boxes she checked him in. Like too dumb to flirt, too violent to take his time seducing her, too much of a monster to know how to fuck her. Somehow she had managed to be wrong on all accounts. Funny how that tended to happen with him. The worst part of it all? Her body didn`t really mind if he tried to take her right there, right now. As a matter of fact excitement rushed through her veins at the thought. She imagined stabbing that feeling to death and shoving it in a radioactive wasteland, before she went back to work.

All that was left was to paint her poster. Then she could go home, pull down the blinds and find a gang or five, moronic enough to go against Shizu – chan. Exactly what she needed was to wake up the beast and wreak havoc.

Kanra took the brush and dipped it in colour. The smell of paint helped her nerves. She concentrated on the task before her and tried her hardest to ignore the monster near her. She didn`t peek at him whenever she thought he wasn't looking and her eyes never strayed to his long fingers or strong body. No, not even once. That was until Shizu – chan grabbed her hand.

"You're doing it wrong." His hot breath caressed her cheek.

"Let me go." Kanra growled. She did not dare turn to look at him. Her body tingled with apprehension of what would happen if she did. He was too close and she had never really been good at denying herself.

Shizu – chan ignored her. Instead he dipped her brush in water, without letting go of her hand. "It'll never smudge like that." He said. His fingers brushed a slow, barely there caress over her skin. Kanra's breath hitched. It was like he was touching a completely different place on her body. "You need to…" It was hard to concentrate on the words themselves when the rumble of his voice made her blood pound in her veins. She let him move her hand over the poster, smearing paint. She should have pushed him away. She could have elbowed him or stepped on his foot. Oops, sorry, Shizu – chan, was that you I stepped on? She didn`t. Instead she felt him getting closer. The heat of his body soaked inside her, setting her desire aflame. The slow movement of his fingers made her quiver. "That's how you do it." He finished and stopped guiding her brush. But he didn`t let go of her hand.

Do what? Kanra's thoughts dug into the sentence. Make her weak in the knees? Steal away any smart remark she might had? Or that`s just how you do painting? Pressed too close to be decent and innocent.

His fingers brushed up her wrist and Kanra wouldn`t put any of the answers beyond Shizu – chan at this point. She looked up in his eyes. She needed to know what was it that you did this way.

That had been a mistake. Shizuo's amber eyes were fixed on her lips. There was barely any space left between them. An electric shot of desire danced through her body. He pressed a hard kiss against her mouth. As he pulled back Kanra couldn`t look away from his lips. His dark eyes took in her flushed skin and her open mouth. This time her hands looped around his shoulders before he even kissed her. She tiptoed, angling her head to give him more access. Her mouth opened for his tongue and she shuddered when it swept over hers. He grabbed her hips and pressed her against the desk.

The clatter of glass, barely registered in her mind. She was too busy lifting her legs around his waist to make sure he would be exactly where she wanted him. Her teeth clamped at the tip of his tongue and he growled in her mouth. It only spurred her on to press closer to him. A warm hand was tugging at her shirt and then slipped beneath, caressing her naked skin. Kanra moaned, encouraging him. The heat ripping through her body felt good. The way he was nearly violating her mouth made her whimper at the back of her throat and press harder at him. He was sucking hard at her tongue and the occasional bite at her lips, made her hips jerk against him. Then he slid his tongue against her, it was just a slide and it wasn`t enough after the previous rough treatment. She knew it wasn't enough for him either, because his fingers dug in her hips and he rubbed hard against her throbbing pussy.

How did the stupid protozoan know what would feel so damn good? Her hands started to quickly work the buttons of his shirt. Must be some primitive sixth sense that normal humans couldn`t understand. She slowed at the thought. A wave of distaste washed over her at the realization. She didn`t like being dragged down to his level by such a low tactic.

"No." the word fell from her lips. There was something disjointed about how clear her consciousness seemed to be all of a sudden while her body remained pressed against him hot and ready.

"What?" Shizuo looked up at her.

"I said no." She repeated. His brow furrowed in confusion.


"Is the concept too hard for you to understand? I don't want you!" She slammed her fists against his chest. Panic raised inside her. Because she did. She wanted him, more than she had ever wanted anyone. She didn`t want to want him. Then why the hell did it feel so damned good?

Shizuo's eyes narrowed at her. "I don't believe you."

"That's your problem." She snapped. She wanted to get off the desk. Her eyes slid between the clock and the door. They could give her a detention for skipping detention later. Right now she wanted to get out of here.

"I'm going to kiss you." He informed her in that low smoky voice that drew something hot and heavy inside her. Kanra wanted to draw a knife on him. She didn`t have the time. He pressed a kiss on her mouth. His tongue peeked out and licked her bottom lip. "And I'm going to kiss you again." He said with such a tone of finality as if she couldn`t do anything about it. She certainly didn`t reach for her knife the second time he kissed her. He looked at her. Kanra could see the smirk coming and had the intense urge to wipe it off. His next words startled her completely. "I want you." Shizuo said. He kissed her slack mouth for the third time.

So he was just going to stake his claim on her? The thought made crazy things to her. A jumble of distaste, annoyance and arousal surged through her. But it was only natural for the lowly creatures to want to touch those above them. Didn`t he know the kind of ammunition he was putting in her hands? She`d hold it over his head forever.

Kanra returned the kiss and tightened her embrace on him. There was something intoxicating about knowing she could own the beast in such a primal manner. She could use his own instincts to tie him to her and become the centre his life. Then he would have no choice, but to do as she pleased. All the ways she'd be able to make him miserable. His hands squeezed her ass tightly. And if by chaining the monster to herself she gets a few orgasms along the way who could blame her?

"What made you change your mind?" Kanra asked, her hands returned to undoing the buttons of his shirt.

"I've always wanted you." Shizuo growled in her neck. He bit down hard and Kanra cursed. "You were just too much of a bitch."

"Oh, blame it on the girl. How typical." Her remark came out a little too breathy for her taste, but he was sucking hard on her neck. Marking her.

"I wasn't the one who told other kids I had lice just to see what happens."

Kanra's fingers stopped at the last button. Yes, she had done that. She had come home one day crying. Other kids had been making fun of her scarlet eyes. Her father had told her kids were stupid and she should never listen to them. She couldn`t understand how so many people could be wrong about something. If the kids were saying her eyes were freaky then they must be. Her father had told her that was nonsense and kids were mean little devils. So she had decided to test that theory. She had told Yukio that Shizu – chan has lice, who had told Yayoi, who had told Rin, who had told Saki, and so on. All of a sudden all the kids on the playground had started bullying poor little Shizu – chan for something that had never been true to begin with. That was her first social experiment and how Kanra had learned about social pressure.

"It was just innocent fun, Shizu – chan." Kanra smirked, undoing the last button. Her hand slid over warm muscle and he shuddered.

"Nothing's innocent with you." He growled. She traced his strong back and pulled at his shirt. Shizu – chan was helpful enough to let her slide it off his shoulders. Kanra took in the sight of him, long limbs, flat stomach and achingly hard. What more could she possibly want?

"Do you want me to be innocent, Shizu – chan?" Kanra asked. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist and she lift up to rub against his erection. She wanted more time. Sakamoto – sensei could be back any minute to check on their progress.

Shizuo's face lit with that feral grin she knew so well. It made goose bumps rise on her skin. She was in for it.

"What I want..." he said and Kanra found her self spun around, her ass pressed snugly against his cock "… is for you to shut up and let me fuck you."

"You definitely know how to put a girl in the mood…" that sentence trailed in a loud moan, because he rubbed into her. She felt his hand slide up her tight and press against her dripping pussy. "Shuzu!" Kanra gasped when his fingers found her clit. She had to hold on for the desk. Another moan escaped her. He was working the sensitive bud quick and rough, massaging and rubbing in a way that drove her crazy. She ground on his hand and felt herself become even wetter. Kanra whimpered, her body clenching down at nothing when he moved lower, pressing against her opening. Her panties were preventing him from actually touching her and she really wanted to be touched right now.

"When are you not in the mood?" Shizuo asked against her neck. Whatever she might have answered to that turned into a loud whimper. His other hand was palming her breast rather roughly. He squeezed one sensitive nipple and she jerked her hips back in him. "You can say you don't want me. You can pretend not to. But we both know you're all wet just for me." At that he pushed away her underwear and his fingers slid inside her.

Brushes and paint clattered on the floor. Her body instinctively clenched down on him, pulling him in deeper. He leaned over her and Kanra felt the wild pounding of her blood between her legs as his warmth and scent enveloped her. His hips were moving in slow, teasing circles against her as his fingers worked her already overexcited body to the edge. She couldn't stop her hips from rubbing back against him. She needed him. The last time she had gotten laid was a month ago with him in the teacher's room and Kanra really needed to be fucked. As nice and good as that was, she wanted something more than his fingers.

"What are you going to do about it?" She asked, clenching her walls around his fingers.

"What do you want me to do?" Shizu – chan growled in her ear and his breath ghosted lower. Kanra's hand shot in his hair. She had to hold on as he bit the same sensitive spot on her neck again. She trembled beneath him as he lapped gently, before sucking hard. "Tell me what you want." He urged.

What she wanted was for him to press the big cock he had in his pants inside her and fuck her till she couldn`t walk straight. But there was no way she was going to tell him that.

"Well?" Shizuo asked again, nipping at her bruised neck. Kanra was at a loss for words. Her brain seemed a bit too preoccupied with pleasure to actually form a coherent response. Shizuo however didn`t seem to have the same problem. His voice spilled through her "Do you want to know what I want to do? I want to make you cum. I want to make you moan my name so loud everyone will know you're mine. I swear next time you even think about taking someone else to bed I`ll kill him." He snarled the last part.

"A bit possessive, Shizu – chan?" Kanra panted. She heard him unzip his pants and her body throbbed with anticipation.

"You have no idea." A brief fumble followed and then "Shit!" A pause. "Where the hell is it?!"

Kanra peeked over her shoulder when his hands left her. Shizu – chan was rummaging through his pockets, but he was coming up empty handed. "Lost something?"

"The god damned condom." He snapped.

She turned fully towards him. Her eyes observed him as he searched his backpack, but didn`t find anything. For a brief moment she entertained the idea of shrugging and adjusting her uniform. It would serve him right. His ego was becoming a bit too big, thank you very much. Kanra didn`t belong to anyone, but herself. Let alone stupid monsters. But she was hot and needy.

"It's so sweet how you're still concerned about me." It took only a few steps to cross the small distance between them. She pressed at his chest and he sat on the chair behind him. "It's really not necessary, Shizu – chan." Kanra sat in his lap. She took his erection and pumped him a few times to return it to its full size. Satisfaction bubbled in her at the way he groaned and shivered in her hand. The control she had over the beast was intoxicating. "I want to feel you inside of me." She bit at his earlobe and pressed him against her slick folds.

"Kanra!" He warned. It would be so easy, all she had to do was raise her hips and press him against her opening. She was so wet he would slide inside effortlessly. But the frown on his face told her he wouldn`t do it. It was funny how pointlessly he kept clinging to his humanity.

"Shizu – chan is no fun." Kanra sighed and reached for her bag. She pushed her books around inside, until her fingers found the small wrapper. "Ta-da!" She pulled it out with a theatrical gesture. Shizuo grinned at her and she felt an answering smirk spread over her face. He reached for it, but she pulled it away, instead capturing his lips. The kiss was brutal, sharp bites and hard sucks and neither of them relenting to the other. Kanra finally pulled away to unwrap the condom and roll it down his cock. She raised her hips and brushed her entrance against his waiting member. A fine shiver ran through her, as he watched. His eyes were on her face and she could feel her body opening up to accommodate him.

"Kanra." Shizuo groaned, his fingers dug in her hips and he arched to meet her. After that everything melted in a flurry of frenzied movements. She dug her heels in the floor in a desperate attempt to hold onto something, but pleasure had its way with her in what felt only a few heartbeats.

Her head fell on his shoulder. She brushed her nose against him. He smelled good. She licked his skin and sucked in at his pulse point. Her hands brushed down his back and she wiggled around in his lap. She could definitely go for another round.

"We're never going to finish this." Shizuo murmured. Kanra had to look up and follow his gaze. He was staring at the soaked poster on her desk. The room was even a bigger mess now than it was before.

"No. But look on the bright side – we'll get another detention!" She chirped and shifted her hips on him.

"Who'll be happy about that, huh?" he scowled at her.

"Well, Sakamoto – chan only made us do it so we'll learn to get along. The positive influence of team work or so he said. The art club are going to make the real posters."

"Figured it'd be some nonsense."

"Ne, Shizu – chan, we do get along better now, don`t you think?" She leaned in to capture his lips and he responded eagerly. They definitely needed to go for round two.