"Move!" Ty snapped even as he pushed his cousin out of the way of the incoming laser fire. Ari tumbled easily under his frantic shove and rolled across the floor even as Ty somehow managed to clear the blast himself. His mask ties were now a few inches shorter though. "Dante! Take that damn thing out!"

"I'm trying!" Came the annoyed reply even as the yellow masked turtle was furiously working over the controls they had found.

"Try harder." Thane growled at him, ducking under another red beam.

"You want to do this?"

"Last time I did you got mad because everything went haywire!"

"That's because you jabbed a sai into it." Lavi told him as she leapt over another shot.

Thane shrugged. "Seems to work for Dad."

"Yeah... That's why Uncle Leo keeps yelling at him." Dante mumbled. "Because it works so well."

Ari just rolled her eyes over it all, then focused on one of the guns coming from the ceiling before breaking out into a run. Ignoring Ty's startled scream and Thane's dumbfounded look, she ran and dodged beams before launching herself up, kicking off of the wall and landed on the thing itself. Then she just used her pure strength to twist it around until she had it shooting at others around her.

"Show off..." Ty muttered as he ran up to another one. He also leapt up, grabbing it with his hands before swinging his legs up and over him, landing on top of it. Then the katana came out and he jabbed it straight into the thing. The electrical sparks coming from it told him that he must have hit something important in there.

Thane wasn't as tactful, he just pulled out a hook sword and slammed it into the contraption from the bottom. It got stuck on the way out however and he was dangling there a bit awkward as he stubbornly held onto the weapon. "Stupid ass machine!" He snapped as he yanked on his weapon. It came free suddenly, dragging all kinds of wires with it, and it caught him totally unprepared, causing him to land on his backside. "I hate machines." He grumped as he started to get back up.

Lavi didn't even blink as she came running up from behind him, stepped on his shell and pushed off with that foot. She didn't bring out her tonfas but chose instead to use her momentum to grab the muzzle of her target and held onto it as she flew past it. The muzzle lifted up with her, and kept going as her weight pulled it higher and to the point the laser shooter snapped at it's joint when it hit the edge of it's pivot point. When she landed again it was now hanging useless from the few wires that still held it together.

"I got it!" Dante yelled, only to turn around and have his triumphant smile wiped from his face because all the silly things were already down. Fizzles of electricity from dangling wires and the debris of broken parts filled the room. He glared around at his cousins and got four unapologetic shrugs in return. "That wasn't what was supposed to happen when we said we were going to try this thing out." He told them.

"And I would love to hear the explanation for this one." Came a voice from the door that made all five wince. They all turned to the door to find a stern looking Leonardo and a very angry Donatello surveying the damage.

Dante's father stomped into the room, taking in all of the damage. "I spend months putting together this training room...and you tear it all apart in the span of ten minutes... It's like living with five extra Mikeys sometimes..."

Five sheepish faces looked back at him as Leonardo crossed his arms. "I'm still waiting."

Donatello was muttering under his breath as he began to gather the pieces he was finding scattered everywhere.

"Well..." Ty started as he rubbed the back of his head. "We, ah, we wanted to try the new training room out."

"I see, go on." An eyeridge was expectantly raised.

"But nobody really knew how to work the controls..."


"And Thane kinda hit a few buttons..."

"More like all of them." Lavi muttered under her breath and her larger cousin glared at her.

"And, um, well... It all turned on and we didn't know how to turn it off again..."

"So you decided to tear the room apart instead of coming to get your uncle." Leonardo's gaze was also by now looking over the room.

The only answer was a wry smile and a shrug. "Sorry?"

The look he got from his father really didn't seem like he was going to accept that apology. "Twenty years old...and you still act like children." The older turtle shook his head.

"This from the turtle who was doing ninja flips catching plates his brother threw on pizza night." Came the voice of Ty's mother next as she walked in. "Then got mad because I took his slice of pizza from him because Dennis ratted him out for not eating broccoli." Vicky calmly walked up to her husband's side, her own brows raised at the mess. "Good lord...and I thought your rooms were bad when you were younger."

Donatello was still stalking around the room grumbling.

Leonardo was the one who now wore a wry expression as he looked down at the woman who held his heart. "You had to undermine me by bringing that up, didn't you?"

"Well, you should have used a different argument." She grinned up at him. "Because I remember a lot of very childish moments out of all of you." Then she turned her attention to the young adults in front of them. "You're going to help Donnie to clean and fix this up, aren't you?"

Titian sighed as his mother gave him a level gaze. "Yes Mom..."

"Good, then I won't have to hit you with a cooking spoon."

Her son winced a little at that. Those fuckers hurt...



Leo was already past his anger the next day as he sparred with his son. Honestly, once everything had been cleaned up and a Donnie storm had been calmed, somewhat, he actually admitted to himself that he was impressed. For the simple reason that he and his brothers had already tried the room out, and had seriously struggled with it. Each of them had been hit by those beams at one point or another on that first run. The only difference was Donnie didn't have the damn things set on such a lethal level. If that had been the case they would have gotten more damage than Ty's singed mask tails.

He also knew his son was a bit distracted today. His reflexes weren't as quick as they usually were. "What's on your mind?" The father asked his son even as a katana came in for the younger turtle's head. It was smoothly caught and pushed to the side even as Ty's other one came in.

"Just thinking back on yesterday." The grey masked turtle admitted. "That was pretty stupid."

Leo just chuckled as he came in with a double thrust. "Especially if Donnie hasn't fine tuned it yet."

"We noticed." Ty mumbled as his blades came up from the bottom, swinging Leo's high and wide. "Sometimes playing with Uncle's toys gets hazardous to your health."

"There is a reason why we have been telling you all since childhood to stay away from his things." Leo ducked under the blade coming for his head. "They have a tendency to backfire every once in awhile.

"And yet, we never listen." Came the amused response.

"Children seldom do." Leo grinned at him.

That grin quickly turned to surprise when he went to block a kicking leg...and couldn't get his arm in place in time. Ty's foot solidly connected with Leo's plastron, sending the older turtle flying back a few feet before he crashed to the floor. Leo laid on the floor in shock even as Ty's eyes widened with it. Never, never had the boy been able to connect with a hit like that on any of them in his twenty years.

The now forgotten swords dropped from Ty's hands as he rushed over to his father. "Dad! I'm so sorry! I didn't hurt you did I?"

Hurt him, no. But Leo found he had a hard time shaking the disbelief. "I'm fine son." He said quietly as he took Ty's offered five fingered hand and allowed his son to pull him to his feet. "Your Uncle Raph hits like a freight train too. I should know, I've been on the receiving end of them often enough."

"You sure?" Ty was obviously worried. This was just as new to him as it was to Leo.

Leo decided to show him just how fine he was. By grabbing the boy's arm and flinging him over his shoulder and onto the mats. "I'm sure." He told Ty as he looked down at him. "Never let your guard down son, even to your father." The grin found it's way back onto his face. "Because he's a sneaky son of a bitch at times."

Ty glared at him a moment before he got back to his feet. "I'll remember that." He grumbled.

"You should already know that." Leo's grin grew wider. Then he placed a hand on Ty's shoulder. "Good job Titian. That's enough for today. Go get cleaned up."

A nod was the only answer as Ty picked his weapons up and put them away before leaving the dojo. Leo found himself staring at his son as he retreated from the room, his thoughts wandering. He had grown more over the last few years, both physically and in skill. He already had Leo's height even back with the whole Shredder ordeal, but was a lot leaner. That wasn't the case anymore. He still wasn't as muscular as his father but he wasn't that far off either anymore. When he looked at his son he saw a younger version of himself. And that thought suddenly made him feel...old. A feeling that only grew when the solidly placed kick kept replaying over and over again in his mind along with the ease of how they took Donnie's new training room apart. The children were rapidly outgrowing their fathers it seemed. Either that or Leo and his brothers were starting to slow down.

Neither thought really appealed to Leo as he watched his son slip out of the door. How could he protect his family if they didn't need him anymore? He took that back...old didn't even begin to describe what he was feeling.

Leo pushed all of those thoughts away though as another family member came in to join him. Arianne came striding in with her father's cocky, laid back confidence, her three sectioned staff leaning on her shoulder as she made her whistling entrance. "You ready for your turn little bit?" He smiled at his pink masked niece.

"You betcha!" She brought that staff around in a few twirls before setting herself.

Leo didn't lose that smile as he sparred with his youngest brother's daughter. She was so much like her father, but also different. Where Mikey would annoy the hell out of you, Ari's sunny disposition was almost always making the others smile. Combine that with her mother's intelligence and you had one very unusual teenager. She definitely didn't live up to the dumb blonde stereotype.

As usual, Leo enjoyed her training sessions. She was just as quick as her father and kept him on his toes during the exchange. But she did so with laughter and smiles. By the time they were done, Leo had almost forgotten about his earlier thoughts as he walked out with her. Almost.