by scriptblossom

A snake hisses as he curls up on his seat by Uchiha Sasuke, his master. The snake, Aoda, is a gentle and respectful creature and is silent as he rests his head down. With unblinking black beady eyes, Aoda watches as his master drums his fingers against the desk in an absentminded impatience.

"You are sure she received the gifts, Aoda?" Sasuke asks as he glances at the door in slight anticipation. Aoda could only sigh in his mind as snakes would do as he raises his head and gives a curt nod as a reply.

As if on cue, the door bursts open as a young pink-haired girl comes barreling through with an angry expression on her face that could only be classified as either rage or annoyance or possibly both. "Uchiha Sasuke! What is the meaning of this?!" she shouts as she waves a package in her hands.

Sasuke smirks but seems glad to see her. "What's what?" he asks in innocence as he bats not even an eye at her entrance.

She throws the package at the ground as it slides to his feet. He bends down to pick it up and sees that it is indeed the package that he had made Aoda deliver to Sakura.

"I swear! If you sent me another one of those prank gifts that you and Naruto always play around with… I'll…I'll—"

"You'll what?" he taunts as he wags an eyebrow at her, clearly pleased by how riled up Sakura was getting.

Sakura narrows her eyes at him. "I'll tell everyone that you have a bunch of love potions in your luggage!"

Sasuke's eyes widens as he jumps up from his seat. "I do not!"

"Yes you do! I saw it when you went with Naruto to buy chocolate frogs!"

"You went through my bags?!" he sputters out in shock.

"It wasn't me! Aoda was the one that crawled out of your bag and was carrying a vial in his mouth!" Sakura retorts.

Sasuke whips his head around as he glares at Aoda for betraying him. Aoda only hisses in response as he turns his head away and slithers off the table. Sasuke crosses his arms as he turns back to face Sakura. "They're not mine… they're my brother's…"

"Your brother? You mean the prefect, Uchiha Itachi?" Sakura scoffs. "Right, like I'll believe that. There's no way someone as wonderful and perfect as Itachi-san would have silly little love potions lying around."

"He's not that perfect!" Sasuke retorts. "He's evil," he mutters underneath his breath as he stares at the ground. His older brother was indeed the image of a perfect older brother, son, and student as prefect of Slytherin House. So imagine to his surprise when his own flesh and blood threatens to use a love potion against him just so he would do his chores at home.

Sasuke felt angry just thinking about it. He knew he was slacking a bit at home with his duties at completing the chores on the chore wheel. He hated that stupid chore wheel. He was sure Itachi had jinxed the wheel so that it would always land on the worst chore possible when it came to Sasuke's spin. But for Itachi to threaten to use a love potion on Sakura, that was a low blow. Sasuke's stomach hurled just thinking about Sakura falling for his big brother, Itachi.

Sasuke's eyes flicker back to Sakura. He actually did her a favor. How mad would she be if she found out that she had a love potion casted on her to fall for his brother? It certainly wasn't him being jealous of his brother. Sasuke was just upholding his duty of protecting his good friend, Haruno Sakura, from the likes of his brother.

"Itachi was going to use the potions on you! To mess with me!" Sasuke sputters out as he points a finger at Sakura.

Sakura crosses her arms as she raises an eyebrow at him. She later drops her arms as she muses over the thought. "Really? He wants to use a love potion on me?" she asks as her voice turns a bit sweeter and she blushes slightly. Her hands come up to her cheeks as she tries to fan herself from the heat that was emitting from beneath her rosy complexion. But she drops her arms again as she stares at Sasuke. "Why would that mess with you?" she asks, almost accusingly.

"B-because!" Sasuke sputters out. "He's evil!" was the only response he could think of. "H-he probably wants you to fall in love with him so he can have an extra person to drive me up the wall."

"Oh please. As if I would live with you still if I get married to him."

Sasuke gapes at her. "What?! You can't marry him!"

"Why not? Itachi-san wants to cast a love potion on me. He doesn't have to. I'll willingly give him my heart."

Sasuke grabs Sakura by the shoulders. "You can't be serious! Don't say that! He doesn't want to cast a love potion on you! He doesn't like you like I—" his voice stops as he realizes how he almost spilled his secret.

"Like you what?" Sakura asks as she crosses her arms again.

"N-nothing! Just forget about my brother! He's too… he's too old for you!"

Sakura sighs as her face turns to a sad expression. "You're right. I'm no match for Itachi-san. He deserves someone like the prefect from Gryffindor."

"That prickly little tattle—-" Sasuke mutters but he stops when he sees Sakura glare at him. "I mean, yeah, they deserve each other."

"Well, let's go. We have Transfiguration and then Flying class," Sakura says as she turns to walk out the door. Sasuke runs behind her as he smiles. "Flying class, eh?"

"Madam Anko!" Sakura raises her hand as she points at her broomstick. "Something is wrong with my broomstick. It won't fly!"

Madam Anko walks over as she crouches down and inspects the limp looking broomstick. "It looks like it's broken. We're going to have to get you a new one before you can fly."

Sakura begins to protest. "But I can't miss out on today's lesson! I'll fall behind."

Madam Anko smiles. "Don't worry. You'll be up in the air today." She turns and looks at the rest of the class, all lined up with their broomsticks in hand. "Uchiha!" she barks. "Haruno-san will be joining you today on your broomstick."

Sakura gapes at Madam Anko. "No! Anyone but him! Give me Shikamaru or even Chouji!"

Madam Anko raises an eyebrow at her. "Uchiha-san is the best flyer in my class. I think you'll be safer with him than…" she trails off as she glances at Chouji. "Akimichi! If you pull out that bag of chips in my class again, I'll toss them to the Whomping Willow."

The young pink-haired girl grumbles as she grudgingly stomps over to stand besides Sasuke. The raven-head smirks as he hops onto his broomstick and scoots a little forward to give room for Sakura to sit behind him. She stares at the spot on his broomstick as she hesitantly climbs on. Her hands are balled up into fists as she clenches them and puts them firmly on her lap.

"Hold on tightly," he tells her with a smirk as he glances behind him.

"I'm fine," she shouts back at him as she unclenches her hands and grips the broomstick with her hands. "You better not be careless like last week and try to do any fancy mo—ooooooves!" Sakura shrieks as the broomstick lifts off the ground and Sasuke begins to soar up to the sky. "YOU ASSHOLE! MADAM ANKO DIDN'T SAY FLY YET!"

In fear, she releases her hands from the broomstick as she grabs onto Sasuke's robes and firmly holds onto him as the wind whips around her hair. "THIS IS WHY I WANTED TO RIDE WITH SHIKAMARU!"

Sasuke laughs as he zooms and flies around in several loops around the area. He glances down as he sees the rest of the class as tiny specks on the ground.

Madam Anko sighs as she stares up at the sky. She always hates when Sasuke starts off on his own without her command to go. But the thing was, she couldn't be too upset when she watches him fly around like a pro. "He would make a fine Seeker," she muses as she raises a hand to shield her face from the sun.

In the air, Sasuke snickers as he peeks behind him to see Sakura clutching his robes in fear. Her eyes were closed as her arms wrapped around his waist in an almost chokehold. He was glad he didn't eat a big breakfast that day because he was sure Sakura had just squeezed his stomach flat.

"ARE WE DOWN ON THE GROUND YET?" Sakura shouts at him as her eyes remained closed.

"Yes," he replies.

Sakura opens her eyes as she glances down at her feet and sees 50 feet down to the ground. "YOU LIAR!" she shouts again as she closes her eyes shut once more and considers taking one hand to hit him but decides against it because she was too scared to let go of even one hand from his robes.

Sasuke glides to a gentle float as the wind dies down and becomes a light breeze that brushes past his face. "Open your eyes, Sakura."

"NO!" she shouts as she refuses and continues to hold on tightly to his robes.


The pink-headed girl peeks open one eye before opening her other eye. "Oh wow," she gasps as she takes in the view. "I've never been this high," she murmurs as her grip on Sasuke loosens.

"Aren't you glad you rode with me?" he smirks.

"No," Sakura replies curtly but she gives a small smile to hint that she was lying. She glances down at Madam Anko, who is just a tiny person on the ground. "But I think we should go back down soon before Madam Anko gets angry."

Sasuke smiles but he listens as he begins to descend downwards and his heart skips a beat when he feels Sakura's hands wrap around his waist again in a firm grip.

After Flying class was dinnertime and the students all crowd into the Great Hall. "Well goodbye," Sakura says to Sasuke as she heads over to her table with the rest of the Gryffindor students. Sasuke follows behind her.

Sakura turns around as she narrows her eyes at Sasuke in blank confusion. "Your table is over there," she says as she points to the Slytherin House table.

Sasuke shrugs. "I don't like the food over there."

"We have the same food," Sakura points out as she sits down at the Gryffindor table, across from Uzumaki Naruto. She watches as Sasuke takes a seat besides her.

"Well, let me be the judge of that," Sasuke says as he ignores the stares of the other students around them.

Naruto shakes his head as he begins to stuff food down his mouth. "The food is different over here, Sakura-chan!" Naruto says in between bites. He grins at Sasuke. "Food tastes differently when you eat with the one you looooov—"

Sasuke throws a piece of bread at Naruto as it smacks the blond in the head. "OW!" Naruto yells as he clutches his head and rubs his forehead as if he was gravely injured. "Sakura-chan, heal me! Look at the bruise that bastard gave me!"

"You're not hurt!" Sakura and Sasuke both said in unison.

Naruto frowns. "Man, you two really do suit each other," he mutters under his breath. Sasuke glares at Naruto and Naruto shuts up as he goes back to eating in silence.

Naruto watches though as Sakura rolls her eyes at the way Sasuke peels his apples as she takes it from him and peels it in an expert fashion and even slices it up neatly before placing it back on Sasuke's plate. In return, Sasuke takes Sakura's plate as he helps her cut up the sausages into bite-size pieces.

The blond-headed boy grins as he holds up his plate and offers it to Sakura and Sasuke. "Mine too!"

The two look at him. "Do it yourself!" they chime in unison as Sasuke bites into a slice of apple and Sakura sticks her fork into a sausage piece.

"You two are mean!" Naruto whines.