And back! Answers to your reviews at the bottom!

Pairings: DMHP, RH, FG and NLBZ

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, not me

Chapter Two: Lessons Begin

The Teaching staff of Hogwarts had toughly enjoyed the time they'd spent learning Elemental Magic together in the hidden rooms of Hogwarts, forming a close bond with one another, each now able to detect each other Magical aura and signature, adding another level of protection to the students, after all, only four people within Hogwarts were not involved with the plans.

After a year of learning each had managed to grasp the basics of their Element and had mastered the art of Legilimency and Occlumency, often using the both to find the truth when someone was lying to them, though a few still tried. Harry meanwhile was being brought up well and healthily, a year in Hogwarts having given him the ability to speak his mind, and he was quickly learning to read.

Minerva walked into the privates chambers to find that Harry had a small cauldron in front of him as he sat on the floor, several ingredient's lying close-by, while Severus sat next to him, watching over his shoulder as Harry read from 'A Beginners Guide to Potioneering'

"A..add in…. Flober… Flobber" Harry frowned looking at the word, Harry was still learning to read properly, something Minerva and Pomona made sure to help with whenever they got the chance.

"Flobberworm mucus" Severus told him gently, Minerva frowned, having never heard Snape talk so softly and calmly.

"A…Add in…. more… Flobberworm muckus… until it turns…. Orange" Harry nodded and Severus picked up the item and Harry put a little in, watching as it was mixed turning orange.

"Very good Harry, and now… what's next?" Severus asked,

"Erm…. Stir… till it turns…. Y… ellow?" Harry looked up and Severus nodded, Minerva guessed he hadn't actually seen her, or she doubted he would be so relaxed.

Harry sturred the potion and it quickly turned a yellow and Harry smiled,

"Excellent, and now we need to bottle it" Severus nodded, and withdrew a flask, using his Water Magical powers, the liquid lifted from the cauldron and flowed into the vial, "And what is the next step?"

"S-shak..shake… and until…. It becomes…. Orange!" Harry told him and Snape handed Harry the vial and Harry jumped on the spot, shaking it and handing it back to Severus who examined it,

"That is more than adequate shaking Harry, so I'll put this in the cauldron and you read the next step" Severus nodded, and moved the liquid into the cauldron,

"Add….. H… h… Hon.." Harry frowned looking at Severus,

"Honeywater" Severus told him softly,

"Honey…Water… until… it turns tur… tur…" Harry wrinkled his face at the book,

"Turquoise" Severus told him, "a mixture of light blue and light green"

Harry nodded and add a couple of drops and in a flash it turned brilliant turquoise,

"Ooh!" Harry leaned over and smiled at the colour,

"Careful" Severus told him, "Its hot"

Harry looked around and saw Minerva, his emerald eyes were glittering as he rushed forward, Severus looked up and saw the figure, nodding to her as Harry wrapped his arms around her Before rushing back to whatever potion Severus had him making.

"And the next step?" Severus asked Harry,

"He…heat… unt… until it… turns… pink!" Harry told him and Severus nodded,

"It will take about five minutes to do so, I shall speak to Minerva in the meantime" Severus told him standing up and walking over to her,

"Not a word" Severus growled,

"I was going to say what an excellent job your doing, what potion are the two of you making?" Minerva asked,

"Wiggenweld Potion, basic healing, I thought it appropriate he knows how to make a basic healing potion encase something happens" Severus told her, watching Harry, "And he has done a marvellous job, struggled with some of the words, but with some gentle assistance, he has done it all by himself, something some 11 year olds struggle with…."

"Dunderheads" Minerva summarised, before Severus could say it,

"Indeed, and as Potions, Runes, Astronomy and Magical Creatures don't require Harry to hold a wand, I believed it to be agreeable to have him get ahead in those classes, and read ahead in other subjects, before around his fifth birthday we get him a wand and start the practical side" Severus told her,

"A good plan Severus" Minerva nodded, "but remember he is a child and wants to play too"

"I am aware" Severus told her, "Which is why he has five days a week off, and two lessons a day for the other two"

"That is fair… your potion is pink Severus" Minerva told him before turning around and walking out, leaving Severus to help Harry finish the potion. She smiled to herself as she thought back to the dark man she had met once again when he became a professor, however now he was a calm and stoic man, to the students he was still harsh as ever, however in the presence of Staff and Harry, he was relaxed and calm, laughing at their jokes.

As she walked she felt magic clashing ahead, walking slightly faster she saw two students duelling in a corridor and sighed, pulling out her own wand she muttered a silent, "Expelliarmus" and their wands rose into the air and landed in her outstretched hand,

"Mr Dawlish…. Mr Smith… my office" Minerva ordered them and they hung their heads, following behind her,

The pair followed behind her, and students wisely moved out of the way, as they arrived at her office she flicked the door open with a small amount of her air magic and sat down at her desk,

"And now you two, you will tell me why two seventh year students such as yourselves were duelling against the school rules" Minerva told them, "And remember, I shall know if you lie to me"

"He's been insulting me for the last four months Professor…. And I snapped" Smith replied, "Said that I didn't have a chance in the Auror academy"

"Well I'm only telling you the truth, they only take the best!" Dawlish replied,

"Enough" Minerva frowned, quickly scanning the boys mind,

"Mr Dawlish, thirty points will be deducted from Ravenclaw for your poor judgement and you will serve detention with Professor Flitwick for a period of his choosing" Minerva told him, "And Mr Smith, 15 points will be taken from Slytherin and you shall report to Professor Snape for punishment after dinner tonight"

The two students left and Minerva sat backwards, thinking over the schools situation, the professor presented a united front, even if they were rivals in a sense, however the students were not united, if anything they were pulling further apart, wondering if she could ask the founders for a way to unite the school, after all she would hate it if when Harry grew up all he saw were fights in the corridors, resolving to consult the staff at the next meeting Minerva allowed a smile to cross her face, Harry was changing Hogwarts already, what would he do when he finally became a student?

And done… hope you enjoyed... in the next chapter you'll start to notice changes...

Answers to Reviews:

(HC) AliceAmy: Dumbledore will not be an Enemy in the Light Story, the Dark one….. not so sure however for this one he is simply a stubborn man who believes strongly that the wards he placed on the Dursley home are Harry's best chance.