So I know I said about 2 more chapters but I figured it was best into one long chapter to make it worth the read.

I actually had this ending planned out and written before posting the Karaoke Nights finale but since I follow the story cycle, and indulged my craving for a new story (visit Fairie Tales and review it please? XD) I decided to stick to the cycle.

xoxo Lexi1989


"Care to explain this to me Imai? Who's the kid?" He said while trying to wring out his soaking sports coat. He felt relieved he was able to save the kid but annoyed that he'd gotten wet. He gave her a glare as she remained silent, focused on something behind him.

"He's my son." He turned to a voice he knew and missed for four years.

Mikan was standing behind him.


"Your son?"

"Yes he's my son. What are you doing here Natsume?" She asked him.

"That's not the most important question here Mikan." He spat. He wasn't just angry, he was furious.

"But if you really want to know so bad, I came here because two of my live show hosts disappeared in a fortnight along with my executive Vice President and a medical intern. Some of whom were my college students and had high recommendations coming from me. A CEO of a broadcasting company. Your former teacher, whom you left without as much as a goodbye. I came here expecting them to have been signing contracts or being pirated by a different company. And I came here to talk some sense into them. But looks like I came here so that once and for all I stop the foolishness of me wishing I could see you again." His voice was calm but the coldness in them made her shiver.

"It's not what you think." She protested in a weak voice.

"So, you mean to tell me that I imagined everything up?" He asked disbelievingly before continuing his rant.

"It's exactly what I think. How else can you explain leaving me in the air for four years and just coming right out at me that you now have a son? Should I be expecting to see your husband anytime soon?" He fought hard to keep his voice dignified. He didn't want to make enough of a spectacle of himself even though he was drenched from head to foot.

"Natsume please, let me explain." She said in a low voice. She was also trying hard to keep her emotions in check.

She had never prepared herself on how to react once they would meet again because she figured that there was a low probability of ever seeing anyone from the life she left behind in California. Most definitely after having Youichi. But Hotaru showing up on her doorstep should have tipped her off. That she wouldn't be able to run from her past life at all. That somehow, the past would really catch up with her in some way. And now, all her hidden fears had come true.

"Save me your excuses, Sakura." He turned to leave but she blurted out the secret that she vowed to take to her grave in an attempt to stop him from leaving.

"I was pregnant with your baby back then." It worked. It stopped him in his tracks but when he turned to face her, his eyes were blazing anew with fury.

"Don't you dare try to imply that this child is mine. I'm not stupid, Mikan. He looks nothing like me. I imagine he takes after his father. I'm not a fool. Don't you dare lie to me again. In fact, I'm not giving you a chance to. Goodbye Mikan." He turned to leave but this time, it was Hotaru that held on to his arm firmly.

"Listen to her." She said in an authoritative tone.

"I don't take orders from you, Imai. As for this little stunt you pulled, you can imagine the repercussions when all of you get back to the office." He looked at the group of women huddled together comforting Mikan who was sobbing.

"Just this once Hyuuga. You both need this. She needs to let the truth out and you need to know it. Then you can leave." Her voice had this 'no-nonsense' tone that could force even him to follow.

"Five minutes. After that, I'm getting changed and leaving."

It took a few seconds for Mikan to control her tears and she asked the girls to take Youichi to her apartment to change which they obliged. Only Mikan and Hotaru remained with Natsume.

"Three minutes." Natsume said unfeelingly.

"I was scared. I was stressed. You were my program head. I'd lose everything I worked hard for and I had nothing to fall back on. I thought about the baby. But I also thought about your career and my scholarship. I felt that I was too young. I lost the baby. And I was so scared of telling you. I was so ashamed to face you because I felt that I lost it due to the fact that I didn't want it enough. I was so guilty and I felt like you might blame me for the death of our baby." She was sobbing all throughout her story and Natsume could barely contain the look of cynicism on his face. He knew her well enough to say that she wasn't lying. But he couldn't deny the hurt he felt.

"You think I didn't love you enough to look past that? You made me look like a fool. I kept on looking for you after you disappeared. All Imai told me is that it was my fault. I kept blaming myself for you disappearing from our lives even if I didn't know what I did wrong! I loved you Mikan! I really did. I can't believe you didn't trust in my love enough for you to do that. I just can't. And now, you're not even the person I fell in love with back then. You're married, and you have a son. Was I so expendable that it was so easy for you to move on with your life as if nothing ever happened between us? As if you didn't really love me?" His emotions began to show through the cracks and his voice wavered.

"It's not like that." She protested but he interrupted her.

"Whatever. I don't need your excuses." She shivered under the intensity of his gaze.

~Hindi mo na mapipilit, wala ng babalikan~

~Sa liwanag mong nang-aakit, ayoko ng masaktan~

"Just let me explain further."

"I don't even think that I want to know or even be part of your life now." He stood up.

"You said you'd listen." Hotaru finally decided to intervene.

"You knew about this?" He turned to Hotaru now who was trying to comfort Mikan.

"I did. It wasn't my story to tell Hyuuga." She said solemnly.

"But I deserved to know the truth."

"You know it now. It's better that it came from her."

"Four years too late." He said with a bitterness in his voice.

"Please forgive me, Natsume. I'm so sorry." She reached out to him but he shrugged her arm away from his.

"It isn't that easy Sakura." He turned away from her and started to walk.

"Please." She begged but he didn't relent.

~Nakikiusap sayo, patawarin mo nalang ako,~


"I'm expecting your resignation when you get back Imai." He said coldly over his shoulder.

"Please leave Hotaru out of this. Whatever happened was between the two of us. She's good at what she does and she doesn't deserve to lose her job over this personal matter." She told him and he nodded.

"I'll think about it. My business is done here." He left without another word.

~Pasensya ka na, at di ko na rin madama, kay tagal kitang hinihintay~

Mikan sat there, sobbing in Hotaru's arms feeling all the regret she'd been keeping bottled up for the past four and a half years. She watched as the person she loved the most walked out of her life. But what she didn't see where the tears that were silently falling from his cheeks as he turned his back on her.

~Pasensya ka na, kaya ko nang mag-isa, kalayaan sa kamay ng lumbay~


Hotaru walks into Natsume's office with a sense of purpose. She's holding a folder in her hand and she's somehow unsurprised that he wasn't there. She turned towards Yura who was typing away dictations on her desk.

"Yura, where is Mr. Hyuuga?"

"He didn't come in today ma'am."

"Did he say where he was?"

"I believe he's at home Miss Imai. He's been acting quite strangely since he got back from Japan six months ago. I'm sure you've seen that he forgets important meetings and when he does attend them, he spaces out. Good thing you're most often there to take over. What happened back in Japan?"

"It's personal business. Don't worry, I'll talk to him about it. Just keep on doing your work. If any important matters come up that need immediate attention, loop me in just in case." She nodded at the secretary and headed back to her office in the East Wing of the building.

"I'm heading out today, Wakako, please call or e-mail me for anything important that comes up. Cancel my two o'clock meeting with Mr. Jaeger and reschedule tomorrow. Tell him I'm attending to more urgent matters." Her secretary nodded and proceeded to do as she directed.

She went down to the parking area and instructed the driver to have the rest of the day off. She hopped into her car and headed in the direction of Natsume's condominium. She'd only been there once, prior to the Japan incident but she remembered where he lived. That was when Ruka had asked her to attend a dinner and she was offered her first job under Natsume. She started as an intern and soon excelled and eventually became his second in command with her knack in the business.

She rang the bell to his unit and waited for him to open the door. She could hear the TV running in the background and when there was no response, she pounded on the door.

"Open up Hyuuga, I know you're in there." She kept pounding on the door for five minutes before she heard a crash inside the condo and shuffling of feet.

The door opened shortly after and she was confronted by the sight of a disheveled Natsume. He looked like he had been through hell and back. And he was giving her one of his death glares that didn't scare her even a bit.

"Go away Imai. One reason I didn't fire you is so that you could take over when I'm not around. Don't make me regret my decision."

"As much as I'm flattered of that compliment, that's the reason why I'm here. What the hell is wrong with you? You're the CEO of the company. You can't afford to be this stupid." She could see scattered bottles of beer in his living room and he stank of stale beer.

"It's your freaking fault. You lied to me."

"I omitted a fact, not quite the same. And it was not.." He interrupted her before she could finish.

"Not your story to tell, I know." He said sarcastically. She looked at him in disdain.

"What are you doing here Imai?"

"I'm handing in my resignation." Her words immediately sobered him up.


"I'm not going to repeat what I said." She handed him the folder she had brought along. "My explanation is there. And I'm staying in for at least three more months just to ensure that everything I've been working on, projects, business proposals and the like are all taken care of and endorsed to competent people that I have recommended as my replacement. This will give you time to sober up and choose which person you believe is capable of replacing me." She said this without even a drop of emotion in her voice.

"Why are you resigning?"

"Read my explanation. I don't like to repeat things." She turned on her heel and left.


"What the hell Hyuuga?" Hotaru stormed into Natsume's office to which the latter just smirked.

"Hello Imai. What brings you here?" He asked innocently.

"You know very damn well what. What do you mean my resignation is rejected?" She slammed both hands on his desk and had a fierce look in her eyes.

"Have a seat and let's talk."


"Mommy, are you alright?" Youichi was waving his hands in front of Mikan's face. She was spacing out again.

"I'm fine, sweetie. Just tired is all." She said in a weak attempt of a cheerful voice.

"You've been sad since Auntie Hotaru, Sumiwe, Anna and Nonoko left."

"I just miss them I guess."

"But they is coming for my birthday right?"

"Yes they will." She tucked him into bed and went to retire to her own room.

She'd had difficulty coming to terms with what happened. Though she never expected to see him again, Mikan realized after watching Natsume walk away that she never really buried her feelings for him as deep and far away as she'd hoped. She still loved him.

She cried herself to sleep every night when Youichi was asleep. This night was no different. She would have to live with the consequences of her actions. She had no regrets in marrying Youichi's dad and being a mother to the young boy. Although theirs was a marriage for convenience, she had cared for his dad, even till the day he died.

She had met him shortly after moving to Japan. He had been nice to her when she had nothing. And he had offered her a place to stay. He was recently widowed and in exchange for lodging and food, she would take care of his son, Youichi. The boy's mother died a few months ago giving birth to him. He was less than six months old back then.

Although Mikan was Japanese, she had immigrated to the States when she was studying and was naturalized there. Her visa in Japan was expiring and she would soon face deportation. The easiest and fastest way to get her Japanese citizenship was to get married. And so, Youichi's father offered to marry her. Mikan had become a part of his family, and little Youichi and himself had grown attached to her.

They had a marriage filled with respect and care. He knew the truth about her feelings and never forced himself upon her. He had her set up with a separate bedroom from his and never touched her inappropriately. They never consummated their marriage. Their wedding night, she had poured out her entire story to him. And he had understood. He was a wise man and wonderful man.

He would often implore her to face the past, but she had never listened. And now the past had caught up to her and she felt like she was drowning in her emotions. She cried for the baby she'd lost, and the love that she let slip through her hands all because of her fears. She cried until she was tired and her eyes succumbed to slumber.

She was woken up hours later by an overexcited Youichi jumping on her bed.

"Mommy! Mommy! There's a moving van outside! We have a new neighbor!" The boy was generally excited about having new playmates.

"It's seven in the morning love, no school today. Let Mommy sleep for another hour please."

"Okay. But can we meet the new neighbors later?" Youichi looked at her with puppy dog eyes, a trait he had picked up from her.

"Sure. We can bake some cupcakes and take them over as a welcome gift, alright?" She leaned back on the bed but couldn't go back to sleep so she decided to start the day early.

They ran some errands while attempting to get a glimpse of the new neighbor but so far all they'd seen were the guys from the moving company that were hauling appliances and boxes from the moving truck to the apartment next to them. A brief talk with one of them indicated that the owner was following them that afternoon.

When they got back to their own apartment, Youichi insisted on helping her bake the cupcakes and decorate them. Once they had their batter in the oven, they were taking a seat on the couch to watch some cartoons while waiting for the cupcakes to be baked, when there was a knock on the door.

"Hang on love, let me just check who that is." She told the young boy.

She opened the door to reveal someone she least expected to be there.

Standing in front of her was Natsume Hyuuga in the flesh. He was wearing jeans and a shirt that was matted with sweat.


"What are you doing here?" She could not believe her eyes. She even rubbed them to make sure she wasn't hallucinating which earned her a chuckle from the unexpected visitor.

"I came to see if I could borrow a cup of sugar. You see, I wanted to make some coffee but haven't bought sugar,." He said in a teasing tone.

"I- I don't understand." Somehow tears welled up in her eyes and began to fall down her cheeks.

"Shhhh.. I know I said some things, and I'm sorry. I know the truth now." He wiped away the tears in her eyes and took her in his arms.

"How?" She asked amidst the steady flow of tears on her cheeks.

"Imai." She thanked the Gods she had a best friend like Hotaru. She would have to repay her someday.

"I still love you Mikan Sakura." He said as he traced his fingers across her cheeks.

"I love you too, Natsume." She replied as he leaned down and kissed her with all the passion he had for her.

She invited him inside and Youichi was a bit surprised to see the brave man who saved him from drowning in the pool there.

"What are you doing here mister?" He asked with both hands on his hips. Though he knew the man was good because he saved him from the pool, he didn't like the man because he made his mommy cry.

"I came to borrow a cup of sugar." He said simply.

"You were serious about that?" Mikan asked with her brow raised.

"Of course. I just moved. I'm the guy next door. "


So there you go. I was so emotional writing this. And for those of you who are wondering about those Tagalog words in bold/italics inserted in the first part (I'm sure the Filipino folks are aware lol). Those are lyrics from Silent Sanctuary's song "Pasensya Ka Na". Head on over to google translate if you wanna know how it works with the story. It's such a melancholic song, so fitting of the situation (in the first part)

I do not own anything except the plot of this story. Characters are by the wonderful Higuchi Tachibana and lyrics of the song by Silent Sanctuary.

Mikana-yukihara – lol. I see what you did there. Well the truth is finally revealed here. Enjoy the ending!

HaCel – You know I never leave you guys hanging! Thank you! Hope you like the ending ;)

Anilissa – and the long awaited ending lol. This fic has gone on too much. But I'm still thinking of an epilogue. I may or may not make one for this.

love crimson red ray88 – I hope this one is long enough for you now XD

Thanks to those readers/authors who've been following and set this story to their favorites along with the rockin' people who always review! I won't mention each and everyone but please know you have my heartfelt gratitude. Without you all, these stories wouldn't be a success. Love ya all!

Story cycle advisory:

Delicious Taboo (epilogue) - The Scam - Secrets - Karaoke Nights (possible epilogue) - Faerie Tales (New) - The Guy Next Door (possible epilogue, still thinking about it)

Let me know what you think!

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Ja Ne!

xoxo Lexi1989