Disclaimer: All characters, names, and places belong to their respective owners. I only own my original content. Originally written for Prompts in Panem, but I ended up forgetting about a paper and so I'll have to publish the later chapters here!
My hand clings tighter to Prim's the closer we get to our destination. I have never been to the countryside before, but even I could read maps and by my calculations we were only one stop away from Panemshire, the destination that I could read on my now sleeping sister's tag.
It is not relief, but rather creeping fear that pervades my thoughts as the train moves along. Granted, my back is stiff and I wouldn't mind getting away from the increasingly boisterous children that filled this compartment, but even this was better than the uncertainty that awaited us at our destination. Who knew what type of family would take us in, and what was I to do if they were cruel to Prim or abused our rations?
But I guess even the worst of abuse was better than being pulled into thin air by a German bomb. Or at least, that is what my mother had told me when she was packing our meager belongings into bags early that morning.
The stop at Panemshire is a little red covered platform surrounded by bright open land, a contrast to the dark confined station we had left from. Everything about this place seems more crisp, even the air is more pleasant than that of London.
I hold my grip on my sister even as the conductor helps her off the train. It's only when I spot that familiar tall shape and ruffled brown hair that I release.
"Gale," I shout, springing across the platform and pushing towards him. He wraps his arms around me, his large figure enclosing over mine.
"Catnip," he says, "I thought I'd never see you again."
Gale's not that far away from making the draft, and he had run off once before to try to join the army. But for now he is still a child, and with three younger siblings he made the cut to go to London. I think the officials mostly wanted to make sure he didn't try to join the war again.
I grin, releasing myself from his body and reaching down to pick up his little sister Posy. "What's the chance," I say, "that we both end up at Panemshire?"
We're not the only kids at this stop, there are at least a dozen others around here, some of whom I recognize and others that I do not. I had seen Gale early that morning, we had even shared the bus to the train station, but I hadn't seen the location on his tag. Even so, I am more than thankful to have a familiar face with me in this strange place.
"Forget chances," Gale says, "let's just be thankful we have each other."
It's the Hawthornes that get picked up first. The woman that comes for them is delightfully plump and wears overalls with a faded blue shirt. "Rooba," she introduces herself as, "my husband and I are butchers."
After the Hawthornes have left, Prim makes it her duty to introduce herself to every child at the stop. Aside from strangers like a merchant girl nicknamed 'Glimmer' and a Jewish girl named Johanna, there are kids from home like Leevy, who is in my grade at school.
One by one every kid seems to be matched up with a family until Prim and I are the only ones left at the station. I have it in me to go to the train office and ask, but eventually a car drives up and an odd little man, who looks more like a professor than a handyman in a heavy tweed suit with a burgundy bow-tie, emerges.
"I'm Beetee," the man says, not giving explanation for the strange name, "You must be the Everdeen girls. I work for Lord Abernathy, you'll be living with him over the duration of your stay."
Prim lights up at this, "We'll be staying with a Lord?"
Beetee smiles at her, "Yes dear, you will be staying at Panemshire Castle with the Abernathy family. Now come on, let me help you with you bags."
As Beetee helps the two of us into the automobile, I run through the thoughts in my head. A titled family is taking us in. That's better than expected, we wouldn't miss meals at the very least. Although I knew it wouldn't be the princess storybook Prim must be imagining, there could certainly be worse arrangements.
The noisy automobile chugs through the countryside at a faster pace than I would have expected, and it isn't long before Beetee announces that we are pulling into the estate.
Prim gasps when she sees the size of the place, "Oh Katniss," she says, "it's like a fairytale."
She's right, it is pretty, at least four stories tall and adorned with all sorts of carvings and towers. In some ways, the place reminds me of the Tower of London, although less imposing and surrounded by wide open land.
"Come on girls," Beetee says as he helps Prim out of the carriage and walks us up to the mahogany front door. I'm slightly surprised that he brings us to the front instead of through the servants passageways, but I dismiss the gesture as he turns us over to a stern looking servant in a long black dress.
"Well," our caretaker says, "I will be heading out to my workshop now. Don't worry, she will bring the two of you up and get a good meal in your system."
My stomach practically growls at the thought. I hadn't had any more than bread and milk all day, and the prospects of a hot meal delights me.
"I have been instructed to bring the two of you into the drawing room to wait for dinner," the maid says, pushing the door open a little wider and letting the two of us in.
Even I gasp when I see it. The home is magnificent, somewhat outdated in terms of furnishings and door, but truly beautiful. The entrance-way must be at least fifty feet tall with marble columns and openings on what must be the second floor. It looks like one of those old Italian cathedrals that I've seen in my history books, and the sheer extravagance of it all is astounding. I had never expected this of a home in the countryside.
"Come on girls," the woman says, seemingly annoyed by our reactions, "don't dawdle."
Pulling Prim along with me, I follow her through a maze of heavily decorated hallways and rooms until we reach a solid white door on what must be the far end of the castle.
"Wait here," says the stiff lipped maid, opening the heavy wooden door and allowing us in.
The first thing I notice, aside from the fine green silk walls and cozy furnishings, is the boy pacing by the hearth. He looks to be about my age with bright blue eyes and styled blonde hair. And he has that look about him, the one that made you feel like you had met him before, a smile that probably melted the hearts of most girls.
His cheeks widen as he takes notice of us, "I'm Peeta," the boy says, "Peeta Mellark. You must be the girls from London?"
I nod at him, "I'm Katniss, this is Prim. I don't suppose you are Lord Abernathy?"
The boy's presence confuses me. Dressed in gray slacks with a solid gray overcoat and a green scarf, he is certainly not a servant, and his clothes are far too clean to have traveled today.
He laughs at my snark, "Oh heavens no, although I will be one day. I'm Lord Abernathy's nephew."
My face contorts at that. Really, I had never figured the boy was noble, much less the future Lord. "I'm sorry," I say, "I didn't know."
He shakes his head dismissively, motioning for the two of us to sit, "It is a pleasure to have some company out here. I'm from London too, came out here a few months ago when things started getting tense," he turns to my sister, "So, Prim, what grade are you in?"
And that's when it clicks, I know this boy.
Author's Note: Let me know if you liked it! As always, you can find me on tumblr at starveinsafety and everlarkfanfictionclub!