This fic is meant to be compensation for disappearing off the very face of the earth for ages. To anyone who read my other stories and are reading this now: I am very sorry.

Summary: In an alternate universe, there are, as we know, six members of the Generation of Miracles. Kise Ryouta, the Small Forward. Midorima Shintaro, the Shooting Guard. Aomine Daiki, the Power Forward. Murasakibara Atsushi, the Center, and... Kuroko Tetsuya the Captain and Point Guard? Akashi Seijuro the Phantom Sixth Player!?

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke.

This isn't currently a romance fic, but if any of you want it to be, just drop a review (and with your desired pairing.)

Akashi is, yet again, Oreshi here. For now, at least. :D

I got this idea, and the thought of Akashi with lack of presence and misdirection and Kuroko being the tyrannical emperor of Rakuzan High with the emperor eye was simply too hilarious not to write.

A crimson haired figure strode into Seirin High School, a book in hand. Judging from the striking colour of his hair, one would probably think that he was a noticeable figure, but no one spotted him. Conversations surrounded him, senior club members desperately trying to recruit freshmen to pass their legacies on. He slowly scanned the colorful banners. The badminton club, the swimming club, but what he was really looking for was...

Slowly making his way through the school, Akashi looked around, his eyes finally catching sight of the words 'Seirin High School Basketball Club' in bright letters. He smiled.

"Excuse me, but I would like to sign up for the basketball club."

The brown-haired girl manning the booth and her raven-haired companion turned swerved around, shock marking their features.

"What the..."

"Ah! Ghost!"

The red-haired figure blinked and said, "I apologize for scaring you, but I wish to sign up for the basketball club."

Regaining her composure, the brunette gave an apologetic smile and handed a registration form to the newcomer.


The red-haired male thanked her and started filing the form up.

'Name: Akashi Seijuro

Previous club: Teiko Junior High Basketball Club (First String)'

Akashi handed the form to the girl, and she took a glance at it.

"T - Teiko Junior High first string!?"

Her male companion's eyes widened and he grabbed the paper.

"What!? Is this for real!?"

"And 'Akashi'!? As in the Akashi Conglomerate!?"

When they looked up, the mysterious red-head was gone. In replacement of him stood a taller red-haired male with split eyebrows.

"I'd like a registration form for the basketball club... desu."

Riko looked up in awe. 'He's gigantic!' (A/N: I decided to leave Koganei out here.)

"A- ah, here," she quickly handed him a registration form.

'Name: Kagami Taiga

Previous club: Nil - Was in America (A/N: I didn't know how to express it.)

Riko looked up in awe before sharing an ostensibly pleased glance with her friend.

'This year's freshmen are amazing!'







Riko looked around.

"Has anyone seen Akashi-kun...?"

"I'm here, Aida-san."

Riko's eyes widened as she caught sight of Akashi.

"Ah, I - I see. I'd like all of you to take your shirts off now."

"Wha- "

"Is she a pervert!?"

Hyuuga furrowed his eyebrows and shouted, " Just do as she says!"

The freshmen hastily pulled their shirts off they heads, and Riko strode forward to examine their bodies.

"Your stats are average, yours are a little higher than average, and yours is..."

Looking at the perfect body displayed in full view just before her, Riko sighed in content as she started salivating.

Moving on, Riko stood in front of Akashi.

"What the... His stats are all lower than average..." Riko gasped in shock.

"Are you kidding me!?" shouted Hyuuga.

Whilst Kagami was puzzling over the supposedly overpowered 'Generation of Miracles' and 'Teiko', one similar train of thought was present in all of the upperclassmen.

'Just who is this Akashi Seijuro?'

Kagami Taiga was a Japanese that lived in America in his foundation years. America was famous for many things, but it was particularly known for its exquisite Western Cuisine that manifested itself in its citizens' delight of American food. Like hamburgers.

Therefore, Kagami's love for burgers (cheeseburgers in particular) was cultivated in his younger days that were lived out in America.

After practice was over, Kagami found himself unintentionally getting lured by the enticing smell of (cheese) burgers. The smell led him into Maji Burger. He had tasted Japan's cheese burgers after returning from America, and regardless of the nostalgia, America's cheese burgers were much tastier (in his opinion). However, he'd have to make do with Japan's stock for the time being.

Getting back to the point, he entered Maji Burger and confidently strode to the counter before gruffly saying,

"I want twenty cheese burgers... desu."

The saleswoman looked up at him, her eyes glittering as she put on her brightest smile before hastily thanking him and rushing off to get the desired burgers.

After five minutes, Kagami stalked off, tray filled with twenty burgers in hand.

'Seriously, what was the deal with that red-haired kid? Why were the upperclassmen making such a big deal of this 'Teiko'?'

He scowled.

Swiftly scanning his surroundings, he spotted an empty table and seat and proceeded to head there.

And then he sat down. And unwrapped the first burger. And crumpled the wrapper. And took his first bite. And turned his head.

And stared out of the window, only to be greeted by a slightly distorted (but recognisable) reflection of his teammate - what was his name again? Akushi Seijirou? Akami Gakumo? Akashi Seijuro?

Startled, he leapt back, his back tightly pressed against the comfortable cushioning of the seat's backing.

He then did what any male with 16 years of experience in life would have done had they been in a similar position and seen their teammate (ghost) - he let out a manly shriek of distress before raising a trembling finger and drawing in a shaky breath.

"You - you - what are you, a ghost!?"

Said ghost cast him an assessing glance before blinking and regally raising a delicately-crafted eyebrow.

"Why would I be a ghost? Think about this logically, Kagami. Do you really believe that you would be able to see me if I were actually a ghost? Besides, the existence of ghosts has never been scientifically proven before. Why would you believe in ghosts?"

Noting that Akashi had finally finished his spiel, Kagami parted his lips slightly as a small puff of air escaped from them,


Akashi somberly raised his tofu burger with a natural air of grace that had not abandoned him with his presence before taking a quick bite of it and gently lowering it again. Kagami couldn't help but be mesmerized by the finesse portrayed through the slight movement.

He cleared his throat awkwardly as he saw Akashi stare at his burger (obviously feeling uncomfortable as well) in an attempt to mitigate the awkwardness of the entire situation.

The low rumble caught Akashi's attention and he raised his gaze to meet Kagami's eyes and raised a refined eyebrow.

"So, what are you doing here?" Kagami attempted a question.

"Is that really the question you wanted to ask me?" Akashi's other eyebrow rose to meet the first at a similar level.

'Was it indeed', Kagami thought as he re-analysed the situation (within his intellectual capabilities, of course) and smirked.

"Sorry, that was the wrong thing to ask. What I wanted to say was," he cleared his throat for a supposed dramatic effect,

"Would you like to have a one-on-one match with me?"

Akashi managed a dainty smile,

"I don't see why not."

Okay people, that's it for now. My apologies in advance for any potential typo since I didn't re-read it. Also, this was written with many, many intervals in the middle so it might not be very flowy?I'll try to update as soon as possible, (and make the next chapter longer, because this is insanely short) and thank you for reading! I'd love to see what you thought of the chapter, so... a review? *Nudge nudge hint hint*.

Flames will be used to warm hot chocolate! :)