hi guys! Very last chapter of Jealous! Are we excited? Well I am!

Sooner in the week look forward either oneshots, or another story from me!

If you want actual good genderbent Hiccstrid stories, I'd follow my bestie - red - or her name on here is TheLittleBlueFangirl. Her stories are the best!

hope you liked this story cuz its about to end! Well, when you're finished reading of course.

See ya guys


I woke up the day after the moment with Ash frowning to myself. He basically told me that he liked me. And he left before I could do anything. That son of a troll. I threw on my tunic, leggings and my fur boot, scrambling down the stairs as I redid my braid hastily. Dad was sitting at the table and smiled when I walked in.

"Hey Hiccup the-"

"Can't talk, I'm going to the Great Hall," and I stormed out, hearing him chuckle something behind me.

I threw the huge doors open with as much strength as I could muster and my eyes flew straight to the riders' table. Seeing a mop of blonde hair braided neatly done a toned back, I marched over, eyes narrowed. Ruffnut said something to him and he stiffened, starting to turn around. I leapt forward and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling his lips against mine.

Almost immediately he returned the kiss. I didn't want to, but I pulled away.

"YES!" Ash and I turned to see Ruff cheering.

"So, uh," I scratched the back of my head. I started to walk away. I had done what I had come to do. Now comes the awkward part. "Bye."

"What? No, no, no." Ash pulled me back. "You seriously think you're gonna run away after that?"

So, without my permission, I was suddenly sitting at the rider's table, trying not to answer Ruff's questions about whether or not Ash was a good kisser.

I was walking to the forge with Ash, trying to forget what happened before.

"So are we dating now?" Ash asked. I widened my eyes.

"Um…" He stared at me with a 'are you kidding" kind of look.

"Why did you kiss me if you don't like me?" I blushed.

"I kissed you because I like you! Not because we are dating!" I glared at him. "We'd be dating if someone had the guts to ask."

"Well then." He rubbed his hands together. "Do you, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, want to go on a date with me, the humble Ash Hofferson?"

"I don't know. Let me think." I waited a couple seconds for a dramatic pause. "Sure. Why not?"

"I believe the 'why not?' part of Hofferson's question is me, darling." Olav. Brilliant.

"Oh, and me too!" Dagny. Double brilliant.

Ash ran a hand through his bangs. I could tell he was irritated.

"Did you have to show up at that specific moment?" He crossed his arms.

"Yeah. You were trying to steal my girl." Olav seemed oddly confident. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, am I in the conversation or-"Dagny shoved me. Shut up! She mouthed.

"She's mine, Olav."

"Seriously! I am right here guys!"

"Sure… what happen when I was gone? You hypnotised her or something?" Olav stroked his chin. "Sounds like something you would do, cheater."

"I didn't 'cheat' to get her to like me!" Ash was reaching for his axe, which was strapped on his back.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no." I rubbed my temples. "Don't attack him! Ash, please."

"Yeah right, kiddo." Ash clenched his hands. Boys! Olav stepped closer to Ash.

"I'm not a kid! I'm fifteen, and a better fighter than you! I bet your record of best fighter at thirteen."

"Woo! Go Ash!" Dagny was enjoying the argument. I, however, was not. I shoved the two apart.

"You two! Stop fighting about me! I am right here, I have my own opinions and I don't care about your achievements!" At that part I glared at Ash. He hung his head. "So shut up and let me choose my own choices!"

I stormed off.

"I don't what you want, but go away." Ash was standing in my bedroom doorway. I stared grumpily at him, while sitting on my bed.

"Hiccup." He walked towards me. "I'm really sorry."

"I don't care." I turned my head, hiding my blush.

"Hiccup. I'm sorry about the fight."

"I know you are. Doesn't mean I care." I heard him sigh.

"You do care. I know it. Just listen to me!" I turned to him. He was standing right near my bed.

"I'm not listening. All you two have been doing is fighting over me like I'm a possession, a piece of meat. I'm sick of it." I glared at him.

"I am sorry. I really, really am." He looked at me with puppy-dog eyes. I fought to keep my composure. I had to be mad at him!

"Seriously! Go away." He shook his head. Damn stubborn Viking boy!

"No. Not until you admit that you do care about me being sorry."

"Fine. I truly, utterly, really care about you being sorry."

"No sarcasm Hic."

"Like you care anyway!" I frowned. "You told me you care but you're not acting like it! You told me once a pon a time you like me as a person but you don't treat me like it! You haven't- you've disappointed me today. I thought you were better than that."

"Oh Hiccup." I was suddenly engulfed in a hug. "I'm so, so, so sorry I made you feel that way!"


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Ash." At least I could hide my blush this way.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Good." He paused. "Now, am I still your boyfriend?"

"I suppose so." I could almost see him smile.

"You said you wanted to make your own decisions. So make one." I was walking past the shopping area and was headed to the forest when Olav stopped me. "Me, or Ash."

Ash was sitting on a rock behind him. He was sharpening his axe by hand, using a smooth stone. He looked like he didn't want to be there.

"Yeah, I've made a choice." I headed to towards Ash and held out a hand. "I can sharpen that for you."

He got up and handed me the axe.

"See ya, Olav." And I swear Ash stuck his tongue out at him.

I was standing in the village square, waiting for Ruff to appear.

"Whatcha waiting for?" I jumped.

"Oh." I breathed heavily, trying to get my breath back. "It's just you, Ash."

"Yep, just me." He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "Suppose Ruff is a no show?"

"How did you know about that?"

"You looked disappointed." Ash said casually.

"I am! It's like she isn't actually…" I stamped my foot. "She planned this!"

"Planned what?"

"Bloody - why am I best friends with her again? - Thorston twin! I swear-"

"Calm down, tiger." Ash grabbed my hand. "She's not worth your anger."


"You look adorable when you're angry." I immediately turn bright red.

"Ash!" I go to punch him with my free hand (he was not letting go of the one he was holding) but he caught it.

"Now I've got both!" He pulled me to his chest.

"Ash! Let me go!"

"Now I've got you!" He leaned closer. "You embarrassed?"

"In public too, for the Gods sake!" I muttered, trying to squirm out of his grasp. Damn that boy is strong!

"What's wrong Hiccup?" He leaned in even closer. Evil plan alert! This boy was gonna get some payback.

"Nothing sweetie." That made him pause. I pressed my lips against his and his grip on me loosened. I pushed him away and started running.

"You've got to stop trying to run away after you kiss me!" I could hear his footsteps behind me.

"I'm not trying to run – I am running!" I yell back.

"Oh come one Hiccup!"

I was over fangirls. Defiantly. But now I didn't have to worry.