hi guys. I am Sunset but you can call me nightmare if you don't like my actual name. :) This actually came from on of my friends, Red, who will show up occasionally. The start is written by her, so if you think the writing style changes, it does. Please leave suggestions on how to improve. This is a Hiccstrid genderbend. Hiccup is, uh, Hiccup and Astrid is Ash. Snotlout is a girl. See ya guys!

Everyone was looking at her. And I hated it. Sure, Hiccup was gorgeous and had just saved Berk, but I didn't like those stares. Those stares where way too…personal. I thought about yelling 'She needs space guys!" but I didn't. Gods, what morons. I was ready to grab my axe and do a bit of adjustment to their faces.

She gave me this huge toothy grin as we were walking and clasped her hands behind her back humming. I'm pretty sure I almost had a heart attack. She shouldn't be allowed in public grinning like that! And with her hair tumbling so sweetly just past her shoulders and her big green eyes so sweet and warm, it just messes with me. And if it messes with me than I couldn't help but think of what she might be doing to the others.

I sighed softly and she turned to me with those evil- beautiful- eyes, the smallest of creases between her brows.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said hastily.

She frowned and starting attempting to walk backwards right in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

I tried to keep heat out of my cheeks and managed well enough.

"I'm trying to figure out what's wrong, but you need to be quiet," Hiccup pressed her index finger to her lips, "I can't think if you don't."

And I let out another heavy sigh as she kept inspecting me all the while somehow managing to not trip. See Hiccup is clumsy. And everyone knows that, so it's a bit worrying that she can walk, let alone backwards without being a klutz some way or another.

Until she fell over thin air.

I grabbed her the second that I realised that she was having a nice encounter with gravity and pulled her to my chest. Maybe I did that because I didn't like the others were staring, but I had to admit; I was pretty happy with that.

She squeaked and looked up at me with that little blush of hers colouring her cheeks scarlet. I grinned at her and let her go.

"Sorry! I should've known that would've happened!" Hiccup choked out.

She was freaking adorable when she was embarrassed though, so I grinned wider and ruffled her shortish hair as I passed her.

"It's okay."

I heard her running to catch up to me and felt her slam into my back, both of us tumbling to the ground. She may not have been very strong, but she had force on her side. They fell and she rolled off of him on impact, as I lay face down in shock. Normally I would've put my hands out in front of me, but Hiccup's full of surprises and I can't always have the time to react to them. Hence the mouth full of dirt.

Getting up, I spat out the dirt and brushed it off of my tunic. I looked over and my teeth clenched. One of the other guys, Olav (a guy a good three years older than us with dark hair) was helping her up.

And she was smiling at him. I growled and stomped over. You don't take what's mine. I might only be fifteen, but I'm not that stupid.

Hiccup's mine.

Smiling sweetly, I swung an arm around her waist as she was thanking him. "Hey Hiccup why don't we go to the baker's?"

Smooth, Ash. Very smooth.

She nodded, face red and I steered her away, sending him and the other's a warning look over my shoulders. We were almost away from earshot when one of them yelled, "STEALING ALL THE PRETTY ONES, AYE ASH?"

I snapped.

My axe! It was lying on the ground. Hiccup had knocked it off my back.

I narrowed my eyes and picked up my axe (Unfortunately covered in dirt, courtesy of Hiccup) and started to storm over towards them.

"I'm gonna break every single-"

"Ash." I paused.


"How about we go to the bakery? You know, where you suggested to go?"

"Oh, um, alright." I scratch the back of my head awkwardly.

"Good!" She grinned at me. "I'm hungry!"

"Hiccup-"She had run off. I sighed and ran after her.

When I had finally reached the Baker's (Hey, anger takes out a huge chunk of your energy) I saw everyone there. Everyone, as in, the gang. Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff and Fishlegs.

"Hey babe." Snotlout winks at me. Did I mention that Snotlout is my least favourite girl in the archipelago? I should've mentioned that.

"Hey Ruff. Hey Tuff. Hey Fish." I can't be bothered dealing with Snotlout right now.

"Playing hard-to-get?" Hiccup whispered in my ear, jokingly.

"Playing really-don't-care-right-now." I whispered back. She laughed. Gods, her laugh is amazing.

"Are you going to get something to eat?" Hiccup asked.


"Alright." She looked concerned. Or was that my imagination?

I watched everyone tussle around, or read, or in Hiccup's case, draw/scratch the ground with a stick. She's really, really good at drawing. How haven't I noticed it before?

"Stop with the staring, I can't concentrate." Hiccup mumbled. I looked away and blushed.

"I wasn't staring!"

"Mmhmm." She still was focused on her drawing.

"What are you drawing?" I stare at it for moment. Wait… Hiccup seems to notice it too, and scuffs out the drawing with her foot.

"Uh, I did something wrong." She blushed.

"Was that a drawing of me?" I frown in confusion.

"No!" She looked around her frantically. "Of-of course not!"

"If you say so." I'm kind of disappointed she acted like that.

"I've got to go. My dad said I wasn't supposed to stay out of the house for more than a couple hours. So, yeah. Bye."

"Uh, alright." She walked away from us. "Bye, I guess?"

She was heading right towards a group of guys. Olav's group who had suspiciously moved towards Hiccup's house. Brilliant. I ran after her.

I paused when she walked around the group, ignoring every comment the - Men? Boys? Annoying potential girlfriend stealers? – threw at her and continued to her house. I shook my head and continued running towards her.

"Ash, why are you here?" She said. I was too busy panting and trying to get my breath back. "Ash, seriously, why did you follow me?"

I looked at the sky. Surely it was just midday? The sun was setting. It made Hiccup's eyes shine beautifully. Shut up, me.

"Night." I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. I saw her eyes widen as I turned away from her and ran towards my house.

And I'm pretty sure that my parents were worried when I walked through the door with a huge grin on my face.