Damian was above childish acts, or so he liked to believe. But at the moment he was stomping his way down to the cave, scowl in place and fists clenched.
Damian addressed in a cold and quiet tone standing not too far behind a seated Batman without his cowl. The man did not turn, he took a deep breath and got up.
"Follow me"
It was a demand, an order. Damian was only angered further at being treated so childishly. Still he followed, he had much on his mind and a lot to discuss. Both he and Bruce stood before the original Robin suit, before a symbol of a legacy. The younger could already feel tears building up, he looked to his father.
"Wh-why are we here"
He stuttered, tripped over his words with a too quiet tone. Weakness.
"To remember everything that R stands for"
Bruce stated, stoic as ever. Damian hated it. He hated that even after everything, all the slip ups of feeling and loyalty to the family the man before him could still generalize the death of his oldest as something apart of a damn legacy. He couldn't stand for that, didn't even want to hear whatever else could spew from the man's mouth.
"Father, that's not right. Grayson is more than that suit, he was an actual person. He is an actual person. He was a fool. A fool that loved too much and cared too deeply, he was happy and compassionate. And he trusted me, when even you didn't. So don't you act as though he's nothing more than a memory of what he had been. He's outgrown it in every sense and he's more than that legacy. He's a son, a friend, a brother. Just don't"
It felt unlike him, and maybe it was. He had much more he had wanted to say and not as nicely either. But for now that will do, he left his father to his thoughts. He still had more answers to obtain, perhaps Todd and Drake could help for once
sorry its shorter! But I'm gonna try to consistently update this weekly (hopefully haha) hope you liked this chapter! Next will have Jason and Tim and maybe Barbara and some other characters (: