Chapter. 36

After days of travel the group arrived outside of a large thick and twisted forest. The trees were large and their branches blocked out any sunlight that tried to break through, heavy amounts of vines hung from the trees. The vines connected to each of the trees, creating natural traps, catching all kinds of prey. Roots sprouted out of the ground, creating more traps anything that wasn't careful.

Everyone except Remus and Similia was feeling very uneasy at the sight of the haunted woods. Snow looked back and forth between both ends of the woods, not seeing a break in the the treeline anywhere. "Are, are we going in there?"

Similia gently placed her hand on Snow's back. "As long as we stay together and follow the guide, we'll reach Grim."

"Who is this guide?" Asked Paavli.

Remus shrugged. "Don't know, it's been a long time since I've-"


The twin mage heard a high pitched voice call out his name, causing his blood to run cold. "No..." He turned and was tackle to the ground.

"Remus!" Everyone ran to help him but Similia summoned vines to stop them.

"It's fine. That's our guide."

Remus opened his eyes to see a pale woman with long white hair and ruby eyes. She wore dark red pants with light colored sandals and a dark green tube top. What drew the group's attention was the large black bat wings on her back and a long black pointed tail. "Hello Jessa."

Remus trys to push The woman off but she pushed him down. "Ten years and that's all you have to say?! You've been gone for so long do you have any idea how much I missed you?" Jessa lowered her body and hugged Remus. "I've missed you so much."

"I can see that but can I get up now?"



"No!" Remus groaned, His arms formed into stone giants arms and lifted Jessa off of his, allowing him to stand.

"Remus, who is this?" Maria and Snow clinched their fists while Sortiara held ice magic in her hand. Runa stood closer to her in case Sortiara tried something.

Jessa waved her hand over Remus' stone arms to dispel them. With his limbs back to normal Jessa wrapped her hands around Remus arm. "You must be his friends. I thank you all for looking after my finance."

"What?!" Maria and Snow conjured their own magic, Sortiara raised her hand but Runa grabbed her arm. Paavli and Carnatux backed away from the enraged women.

Remus glared at the woman that held on to him. "We've been over this, that's not gonna happen."

Jessa gasped as she let go and backed away. "How can you say such a thing? After all the nights we've spent together."

"Remus!" Maria's arm morphed into a fire giant's, Snow summoned a thunder spear, Sortiara created n ice sword. Each of them advanced towards Remus, Similia laughed and raised another wall of vines to stop them.

"You kept breaking into my room!" Remus turned his gaze to Similia. "Oh yeah, a certain SABOTEUR helped you!" Similia held her hands behind her back and looked to the sky.

Remus glanced to the others. "What's going on?"

"Idiot" Sortiara dispelled her magic, Maria and Snow followed suit.

Similia clapped her hands. "Brother, maybe you should introduce her."

"Fine. This is Jessa, I've known her for a long time. She's the first person I've saved after I became a sorcerer."

Snow tilted her head. "Are you a succubus?"

Jessa nods. "Yes I am. However I feed on magic." Jessa latched onto Remus' arm as she rested her head on his shoulder. "And Remus' magic is so tasty." Remus groaned to the sky.

After Similia had a good laugh she lowered vine wall then looked to Jessa. "Well then, Jessa shall you lead us to Grim?"

Jessa smiled sweetly. "Okay! Everyone try to stay close to each other, if you get lost I won't be able to save you." The mages started to panic and stepped back from the woods.

Remus rolled his eyes. "Jessa can find you, it'll just take awhile so stay close to her and you won't get lost."

"How do you know how to get through this forest?" Asked Paavli.

"Sorry, that's a Grim secret." Jessa looked up to Remus. "Shall we?"

"Fine..." Remus sighed and walked into the woods, The sorceresses quickly fallowed after and stayed close to Remus. Paavli and Carnatux glanced to each other and went in as well.

The woods grew darker the further in they traveled, the tree branches connected over head to create an unyielding scene of dread. Similia and Remus conjured fire in their hands for light.

Maria screamed and grabbed on to Runa. Everyone stopped walked and gathered around her. "Maira?" Runa looked around and saw a face in a tree. "That's what scared you?" Maria didn't answer as she was shacking. "It's okay we'll get out of her soon." Runa looks to Jessa. "Right?"

"We're about half way in. Be careful, thinks will get worse as we keep going."

"Why is Grim's HQ in this forsaken place?" Asked Sortiara.

Remus pointed the tree then Maria. "You just saw why." Remus pulled Jessa off of him and stood by Maria. "Hey, we'll get out soon. Nothing will get you-" Maria let go of Runa and latched on to Remus, burying he face into his chest. "Okay, I'll keep you safe."

"Truly a knight you are Remus." Similia laughed. "Jessa, shall we go?"

Jessa nods and continues to lead everyone to Grim. Sortiara was growing restless from the sounds around, the low light from the twins wasn't helping. She saw something move and hurled ice at it.

"What happened?!" Paavli asked as everyone stood ready fight.

Remus created fire in both of his hands to give the area more light. On the edge of the light everyone saw a fox run by, everyone relaxed while Runa giggled. "Careful, they bite."

"Shut up!" Sortiara shouted with ice in her hand. Everyone started to laugh as well. "Jessa! Get us out of here!" Jessa calmed down and pointed the way.


Though the walk through the woods was unnerving the journey to Grim was mostly calm. Eventually everyone saw light pasted a few trees, Runa and Snow ran towards it with Paavli chasing after them.

Stepping out of the woods everyone stood before the palace of Grim. The castle looked like it had grown out of the ground, shaped like a bundle of massive pink berries with black stems coming from the top.

Runa squinted at the castle. "It looks like something that's... I don't know. Something creepy trying to be cute."

"I think that's called 'ugly cute'." Pointed Snow.

Paavli saw the castle was surrounded by swamp. "How do we get in?"

Remus stood before the swamp with his hands out, slowly pulling them back to pull large vine out of the water, forming a bridge. Similia crosses her arms and nods. "Glad to see you still know the way in."

As Similia went into the castle Jessa hugged Remus and kissed his forehead. "I'm so glad you're back. I'm going to tell everyone!" Jessa released Remus and ran after Similia.

Sortiara stepped in front of Remus with her gaze locked on Jessa. "We're going to see your oracles then you're going to tell me everything about you and Jessa." Sortiara walked towards the castle, Maria and Snow glared at Remus and went inside as well.

Remus tilted his head. "What was that about?"

Carnatux patted Remus' back and laughed as he crossed the bridge.

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Please review, it keeps us writers going.

Also I'm about to have a lot of free time which means more time to write. I'll be putting up a poll so everyone can tell me what to focus on.

Thank you all for taking the time to read what I write. See you in the next chapter.