It was the coldest day Hogwarts had seen in over 45 years. Due to a vast amount of snow and the freezing cold temperature, students were given the day off from their lessons, the professors knowing full and well the students would be far too cold to do their work properly, especially in the dungeons of the old castle.

So that is how Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, animagus and werewolf - respectively - found themselves deep below the castle sneaking about. The two boys, both in their sixth year, were taking full advantage of their day off to try and discover any secrets about the old building that they didn't already know.

The pair were initially invited to spend the day with their fellow Marauders, however when James and Peter described what they wanted to do, Sirius and Remus chose their own idea in favour.

"But Sirius! We always have a swell day when we sneak out to Hogsmede! We can go into the Three Broomsticks! If you smile at Helga extra nice she'll even give us firewhiskey!" James pleaded with his friend, even getting down on his knees and tugging on his robes.

"Not today Prongs, I want to do something different today, I want to do something exciting." Sirius stood back from his friend, causing James to collapse to the ground with an exaggerated cry.

"Padfoooooooooot, pleeeeeease." James had now resorted to press his hands together as though he was praying, shaking them desperately at Sirius.

"Come on Prongs! We can go to Hogsmede. If Padfoot doesn't want to come with us that's fine! We can go by ourselves." Peter had ended up hauling James to his feet, dusting off his snow covered robes.

"You know what Wormtail? That's a brilliant idea, you and Prongs can go to Hogsmede, and I'll stay here with Padfoot." Remus clapped his hand over Peter's shoulder, practically pushing them away. "Have a great day guys! We'll see you later!" Remus grabbed Sirius at the elbow and dragged him in the opposite direction.

Everything was going fine in the boys exploring, that was until they heard a large wooden door - the same one they'd walking into only moments before - slam shut. Remus looked towards Sirius, his eye wild with fear of getting caught. They immediately began running towards the end of the large hall, hoping to avoid being seen by whoever was pursuing them. A small room appeared to the left of where the boys were running, and by Merlin's graces, the door was open, just as the boys slipped inside the room, they felt a small tugging sensation from inside of their robes. Just as they turned to close the door they saw a smirking Severus Snape standing at the end of the hall.

"How do I always end up letting you talk me into these things Padfoot!" Remus whisper-yelled towards the other boy.

"It's hardly my fault my dearest Moony, if stupid Snivellus hadn't decided to come storming down the stairwell after us, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Sirius bickered. Both of the boys stopped talking and held their breaths when the footsteps outside of the room stopped.

"Colloportus" Both of the boys looked towards each other, now they were locked alone in the room together.

"Snivellus! Let us out you oily haired git! I'll bloody get you, you great big stomping baboon!" Sirius had resorted to throwing a variety of colourful insults towards to Slytherin.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. That gives you approximately 20 hours to consider why you should never threaten me again." Snape answered monotonously.

"You're a great, stinking sod aren't you? You do realise I can just use a counter-spell? Bloody prat!" Sirius was now yelling at Snape through the door, Remus went to retrieve his wand from inside of his robes, it was then that he realised his wand wasn't there.

"Uh, Siriu..."

"You listen to me you idiot, I'm just grabbing my wand right now, in about three seconds I'll...". Sirius' voice died off into nothing when his hand came from his robes, it seemed he was also without his wand.

"So sorry to leave you without your wand Black, you'll have it back tomorrow." Snape sounded pleased with himself as he began to walk away.

"How in Merlin's fucking name did he get our wands!?" Sirius screeched. "I'm going to kill that bloody fool, you just wait."

"Pads, calm down."

"I mean it Moony, I'm going to kill him, I might even use an unforgivable, who does he think he is? Locking us in here like that." Sirius was fuming. If Remus was going to be honest, he found Sirius even more attractive like this. The Black temper was famous amongst wizards and it was in moments like this the young werewolf could see why.

Sirius seemed to have tired himself out soon though and before he knew it, Sirius was sliding down the wall and sat on the floor.

"At least we had a big lunch?" Remus spoke quietly, trying to make light of the situation. Sirius snorted in response. "Maybe Prongs and Wormtail will come find us tonight? I mean, when we don't come back they'll obviously look for us." Sirius huffed.

Remus found himself sliding down the wall next to his friend, he figured if they were going to be here for a long time, he may as well not wear himself out. Sirius rested his head on the other boy's shoulder instantly, snuggling his head into Resmus' neck. The werewolf instantly found his heartbeat fluttering so loud he could hear it, Remus was pretty sure Sirius would be able to hear it too. When Remus began trying to move Sirius away from his neck, an arm reached out of nowhere and wrapped around his middle.

"Sirius?" The young werewolf peeked out of the corner of his eye, only to see his companion asleep. Remus decided that he'd may as well go to sleep too, seeing as they were going to be there for a long time.

Surely no problems could result from that.