A/N: Here is the fusion between Garnet and Steven (otherwise known as Pyrope II). Remember to leave a fusion suggestion in your reviews!
Steven didn't care how old he got; he would always be up for cuddling with Garnet. She was so big and her skin felt so warm and tingly, like a soft electric current was rippling underneath the surface. And Garnet would always be up for it as well, welcoming Steven with open arms.
It felt nice, pretending that the Earth wasn't in grave danger and a galactic dictator was perhaps plotting revenge light years away from here.
What really made the moments special was that Garnet could talk with Steven for hours. Sure, her answers were usually brief and enigmatic, but she always cared for Steven, listening to the words that Pearl and Amethyst usually brush off and Peridot didn't understand.
Sometimes, he would even get her to open up about the Crystal Gems' past.
"Remember that time when you told me about how Ruby and Sapphire first fused?" Steven asked.
Garnet nodded, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
"You were like the first cross-type fusion, weren't you?" Steven asked. "Wasn't that why everyone was so judgmental at first?"
"Yes," Garnet replied. "And after that, nether Sapphire or Ruby were welcome near Homeworld. Some of Blue Diamond's soldiers even tried to break me specifically on the battlefield, just for 'vengeance.'"
A faraway look cast upon Garnet's face, making Steven feels uncomfortable. He brought up something bad, didn't he? None of the Crystal Gems liked talking about the war between them and Homeworld. They won, but not in the way they expected. Steven remembered when Pearl told him that the reason she fought was so that she and Rose could be together forever.
Looks like she could've gotten what she wished; if it wasn't for Steven.
"But my mom accepted you right away," Steven said, trying to lighten the mood. "And that's why you're a Crystal Gem!"
Garnet smiled. "Right and I couldn't be happier," she said, planting a kiss on Steven's forehead.
A moment of peace passed before Garnet spoke again. "Rose was actually really curious about how I came to be, and if it could happen again."
"Really," Steven gasped.
Garnet nodded. "She was really fascinated with it, saying that I unlocked new possibilities that Homeworld never thought imaginable. So after that, I taught her how to fuse."
"She didn't know how to fuse before?" Steven asked incredulously.
"Well, she was knowledgeable about the concept, but she never experienced it first hand," Garnet explained. "On Homeworld, she was the type of Gem that 'didn't need to fuse.'"
A tinge of anger dotted the words "didn't need to fuse," like Garnet had some personal beef with it.
She continued, "I remember experimenting with all the other Crystal Gems. I even witnessed Rainbow Quartz's first formation."
Steven remembered the glorious fusion of his mother and Pearl from the old VCR tapes from his father, and then trying it out himself.
"Actually," Garnet told Steven, giving him an extra squeeze, "It also inspired a lot of fusions between the Crystal Gems, including Sardonyx."
Steven looked up at Garnet with starry eyes. "Wow," was all he could muster to say.
Garnet smiled. "I remember the first time me and your mother created Pyrope."
"Wait, who's Pyrope?" Steven asked.
"She's a fusion of me and Rose Quartz," Garnet answered. "She was just as big as Sugilite was, and combined my strength with Rose's grace and compassion. She was beautiful."
"Wait, so does that mean," Steven asked hesitantly. "Does that mean I could create Pyrope if I fuse with you?"
Garnet mused over those words for a minute and responded, "I guess so."
Steven's eyes lit up with excitement. "Well, then let's do it now!"
Garnet released Steven from her cuddly embrace and looked him in the eye. "Don't you think we've had enough experimenting with fusions?"
The teenage boy shook his head. "No way, I really want to see this!"
The magenta fusion leaned back a bit. "I don't think we should really—"
Out of nowhere, Steven began to sing.
"All I wanna do is see us turn into a giant woman," Steven belted out, "A giant woman!"
Garnet smirked. "That's not going to work."
But he kept singing persistently. "All I wanna be is someone who gets to be a giant woman."
Garnet held up her hands with a laugh. "Okay, I'll do it."
Once Steven stopped squealing with delight, the two Crystal Gems stretched and joined hands, locking their forms together.
"Ready?" Garnet asked.
Steven nodded and off they danced; the semi-Gem zooming around Garnet as she smiled and grabbed him, twirling him around as their gemstones glowed in unison.
A swirling column of light engulfed them in its blaze and merged them together. Emerging from the glow was a being that was three-fourths Gem and one-fourth human, with a tight-cut bodysuit with short sleeves and cuffed jeans, pairing Steven and Garnet's stars on the chest. Her skin was a medium pink color and her hair was a deep blackish brown, styled in a curly afro that went in all directions. Five eyes gleamed underneath a transparent visor, two of them being a coal black and the three above them retaining Garnet's multi-colored pattern.
Pyrope was back.
A soft but throaty laugh erupted from the fusion's mouth when she saw two gemstones embedded in her gloved palms and a gem glistening on her navel, revealed through her suit.
Pyrope smiled with satisfaction as she sang to herself.
"Now I can be, the person I wanted to be," she crooned, "A giant woman."