A/N: I want to start with Opal first because she's my favorite. This story basically talks about the first time one of the SU fusions has formed. The next one would probably be either Garnet or Rainbow Quartz. I'm open to any other ideas and even fan fusions. Let's start!

"PLEASE!" Amethyst cried out, her voice practically echoing in the Temple. She tugged at Pearl's arm with desperation.

Pearl backed away from the young purple Gem. "I really don't think you're ready."

"I've wanted to fuse with one of you guys since forever!" Amethyst whined. "And I've practiced my dance and I know I'm good enough! Why won't you let me fuse with you?"

Pearl sighed with exasperation. It wasn't because she didn't like Amethyst; she and her got along quite well, as long as Rose was there to break up fights; it was because Amethyst's eagerness and wild spirit might lead to trouble if she tried fusing with Pearl, who was her polar opposite. And if things didn't work and whatever they create de-fused too soon, Amethyst might get disappointed.

"Why can't you fuse with Rose or Garnet instead?" Pearl asked.

"If I fused with Amethyst, things might get out of hand," Garnet interjects.

Rose puts a hand on Pearl's shoulder. "Honestly, I'm a bit curious on what you would make."

Pearl couldn't believe Rose wasn't taking her side. Wouldn't Rose be a better partner for Amethyst? She was like a mother to the childish Gem. Besides, Pearl had seen Amethyst's dance. The thought of it made her shudder.

Amethyst hugged Pearl's legs, tightly embracing her. "Please," she begs. "I trust you, why can't you trust me?"

The quiver of her voice made Pearl's heart melt. She yanked Amethyst off her legs and said, "Fine, but you have to dance a bit more . . . appropriately."

Amethyst sprung to her feet and squealed in excitement. Her first fusion! She couldn't wait to feel the power in her little hands, become big and strong like the warrior she was meant to be. She might even become stronger than Garnet or Rose Quartz. She didn't even mind the fact that her personality would be entwined with Pearl's. She just wanted to see through the eyes of a stone-cold, super-tall soldier.

Rose clasped her hands together in joy. "This is going to be exciting, right Garnet?"

"A very interesting experience," Garnet responded. She could already see the possibilities of this fusion, even though a few of them ended terribly. But what are the odds that the new fusion would destroy the Temple? Besides, she wanted little Amethyst to experience the life of a fusion.

Amethyst kept her promise to Pearl and tried to downplay the provocativeness of her dancing. The two Gems synchronized their moves together and joined hands, allowing Amethyst to dip Pearl.

Garnet watched Pearl and Amethyst disappear into a ball of glowing light, and their presence was replaced by a four-armed, lilac-skinned fusion. She towered over Rose and her by a few feet or so and combined Pearl's and Amethyst's physical traits quite well. She had Pearl's blue eyes, pointed nose, and ballet-like stature, as well as Amethyst's purple complexion, messy pale hair which fell around her chin, and plump lips.

"You two look beautiful together," Rose complimented. "What's your name?"

"Opal," the fusion responded. Despite being created only seconds ago, Opal already knew who she was talking to. She also knew how important it was to impress Rose, as both of her components desired to earn Rose's approval.

"Let's see your weapon," Rose said, her eyes glowing like stars.

Even Opal herself didn't know what her weapon would be; what could a spear and whip create? Nonetheless, she summoned Pearl's glowing spear and Amethyst's studded whip and combined them by wrapping the whip around the spear. A colorful longbow appeared in Opal's hands.

"Incredible," Garnet breathed. Even her future vision couldn't predict that Opal would be staying fused for this long.

Jumbled-up thoughts clouded Opal's mind. One part of her wanted to wield this bow like a badass and shoot enemies like a fierce warrior. But another part of her wanted to be careful. This is what happened when polar-opposites fused, which was too bad because Opal didn't know what she really wanted to do.

In the end, she decided to pull back the string of her bow and let what happens happen. A glowing, light-based arrow formed upon her command. Opal aimed for a wall and released it.

"Duck," Garnet exclaimed, pulling Rose and herself out of the harm's way as the arrow flew through the air. This was the bad possibility she feared would come true.

The arrow exploded into a fiery mass of energy and Rose summoned her shield just in time. Luckily, nothing was damaged too badly. But that didn't keep Opal from feeling guilty, guilty enough to cause her to de-fuse. Amethyst and Pearl fell out of sync and collapsed onto the floor in a burst of light.

"Amethyst, we could've hurt someone!" Pearl squawked. As much as she enjoyed being Opal, strong and confident for once, it didn't mean Opal should attempt to destroy the Temple.

"You always have to blame me everything!" Amethyst countered. "You might as well blame Opal as well, who's a part of you."

"Nobody was hurt," Rose said calmly. "That's all that matters."

"But that was too reckless," Pearl whined. "I knew something bad would happen if we went through with this. Opal's too unstable to go on missions."

"But she's so powerful! It was so awesome being a part of her; we just have to do that again!" Amethyst squealed.

"Garnet," Pearl stuttered. "Surely you can prove Opal's a tad dangerous."

Garnet could see a million possibilities for Opal's future. But none of those possibilities included her destroying the team with her recklessness.

"Give Opal a chance," Garnet said. "She's useful to the team."

"Yeah," Amethyst added. "You have to admit, fusing was really fun. You have to agree with me on that."

Pearl rolled her eyes. She would never admit it out loud but Amethyst right, at least a tiny bit correct about Opal.