Pang Tong visited Gyuki outside of the main city to check up on him. He was surprised to see him standing up and sniffing around the air aggressively as he took a couple of steps here and there. He chuckled at this.

'My, my what scent have you picked up? Must be quite a powerful boar or something.'

'It's the stench of mystics. Though I do not know where they are.' Gyuki replied with a serious tone, trying to locate their scent.

'Are you certain?'

'Yes, they have a particular stench that I cannot forget.' Pang Tong remained silent for a moment before chuckling to himself.

'Well in that case we can't have them reporting back can we?'

'Of course not master strategist, I will locate them at once!' Gyuki starts to run however immediately stops as Pang Tong spoke up.

'No, no there's no need. More than likely they could be watching us now. If we start looking for them we'll have even less time to prepare. Heh, this could work to our advantage.'

'How so?'

'Think about it, if they find us they'll be the ones on the offence besieging this city. From what I heard of this Zhang Yan he's looking to consolidate his power in these mountains as soon as possible. More than likely a man like that will be overconfident and bring a large army. That would be quite the opportunity for our illustrious lady Mitsuko to cripple him.' Pang Tong started to hatch a scheme.

'Do you think we'll be ready for such an offensive though? Its not like we have the numbers.'

'Indeed we don't, though we have you and our demonic allies. I think we'll be just fine. I'll tell our soldiers to quicken their pace with their woodcutting. We may be able to construct our war machines before they arrive. They'll do for the moment. In the meantime, try to resist going after their scent if you wouldn't mind and be your usual self. If they see us start to panic, they may think we're on to them especially if they're viewing us from far away. Let's make it a bit of a surprise for them.' Pang Tong suggested as he did his usual chuckle.

'Ahh I understand now, shouldn't we tell our allies though?' Pang Tong pondered this for a moment before releasing a sinister chuckle.

'Hmm, let's stay our tongues for the moment. After all I could very well be wrong and if I was wrong we would worry our allies for no reason and potentially raise panic needlessly. That wouldn't look good for lady Mitsuko. Besides more than likely if they did, they would more than likely put our troops to the front line and let us be the lambs for their slaughter. That wouldn't bode well for us. They're technically still our superiors in terms of numbers and power. We'll just be signing over our men as fodder, whereas if it's a surprise for them they won't have the luxury of doing what they did to our men at Xia Pi and assigning us at the first line of defence. Unlike Xia Pi, there isn't a floodgate to exploit in these mountains.'

'I suppose that makes sense. Still, do wish they wouldn't do that to us.' Gyuki admitted.

'Aye, I wish it were that way as well but if this alliance is secure which I'm positive is the case then it's a little too soon to be trusting them fully. After all, they keep you outside out of fear. If they can't trust you, how can we trust them fully?' Gyuki thought about this as he scratched his head.

'Hmm…I don't think you can.'

'Exactly. It's unfortunate but that's the way it is sometimes. Though that will change eventually. Do let me know when you do not detect their scent for an unusual amount of time, that will be when they're returning to their hideout. And when we will need to prepare most. Until then, try not to draw attention and give them any indication you're aware of their presence.'

'Yes, master strategist.' Gyuki responded as he nodded, understanding his role. Pang Tong chuckled and returned to the gate leaving Gyuki alone to attempt his best to ignore the stench of mystics.

Meanwhile LingQi made her way to Dodomeki's room until Diamondback stopped her.

'I don't think he's ready for you to go around with him yet, I'd give him more time to regenerate.' He laughed quietly.

'I don't plan that, I just wish to speak to him.' She bluntly replied.

'What for may I ask? As I say I don't think he's quite ready. He already talked to Mitsuko this morning.'

'I know though I talked to Mitsuko while he was recovering…and I need to speak to him. I…I want to understand him a little more.' She replied as she gave her a determined look in her eyes.

'Hehe, between you and me he had something like this coming but still…go easy on him. It's not as fun when it's too one sided.' Diamondback laughed before he opened the door and let her in. Inside she saw Dodomeki sitting up, looking at the sun shining through before turning his head to see her. His golden eye looked shocked at her arrival and followed her as she took a seat next to him.

'Hmm, you're the last person I expected to see me. Does the sight of me being unable to stand without being in pain entertains you that much?' He questioned.

'I can't deny that it does give me a certain satisfaction however that was mostly set in when we were travelling to this city, I had plenty of time to absorb that feeling.' LingQi admitted.

'And now?'

'Now I don't get that feeling much anymore looking at you like this.'

'Then why are you here? Lady Mitsuko already spoke to me…or were you disappointed that I survived and came here to finish the job?' He interrogated. Trying to deduce her reasoning for being here.

'At first I was disappointed and contemplating finishing the job myself…however I knew that Mitsuko would be disappointed in me if I indulged in my selfishness. So I didn't, I couldn't deny my gratification but the more I thought about it, the more I realised how you changed from our first interaction and I wanted to learn more. Mitsuko wants us to get along more…the least I can do is try and get to know you.' LingQi answered, surprising Dodomeki as his golden eye grew wide for a moment before relaxing.

'Is that so? Do you think that can be possible with how you feel about me? Or how I may feel about you?'

'It's something I'm working on, I suspect it's the same for you. After all you haven't ordered me to get out and I haven't sliced your throat yet have I?' Dodomeki couldn't help but laugh at her remark before he groaned.

'I suppose you have a point. Well, ok then. What do you want to know?'

'Why did you look for me that night? You could've gone to anyone, Gyuki or Diamondback or anyone. But why me? You're the one who told me what happened in the first place. I thought you would've wanted me to leave not help her.' LingQi questioned. The more she thought about this, the more it doesn't make sense.

'Because…because I knew you would succeed where I failed her. Once I saw her pained eyes, I remembered what happened, in her previous life and how I failed to protect her. I was supposed to be her guardian and I failed in that! I failed her…though it didn't please me in the slightest I knew you could succeed where I failed. I could see that you both were starting to grow attached to each other. At first I saw that as a weakness to lady Mitsuko and I didn't see you as worthy of her attention as a result. Even as I came to request your aid, a part of me was still stubborn enough to hope you fail. I suppose I wanted self-justification for my actions.' Dodomeki stated.

'Is that why you hated me?' Dodomeki sighed at this.

'I didn't hate you, not really. I never really cared about what other allies did but you bothered me. You were getting too close to Mitsuko, I wanted to protect from any weaknesses. I didn't want her to feel any pain but I refused to believe she had any weaknesses at all. So, when you informed me about her health…I suppose I lost it, as well as you.'

'Yeah I did…your helmet was sturdier than I thought.' LingQi shook the hand she remembered punching with as she giggled. Dodomeki also chuckled at that.

'I remember thinking your punch was more effective than I thought as well. Took me a while to fix the damn dent.' He couldn't help but jest.

'You did deserve it you know.'

'That I did.'

'Glad we can agree on something. Though I do have something else I wish for you to indulge me in.' LingQi replied.

'And what would that be?'

'You know Mitsuko is not your lord Orochi…so why do you follow her still?' Dodomeki stayed silent. His mind briefly returned to lady Mitsuko as a child. He clenched his fist tightly as he started to turn his gaze away from LingQi to the ceiling.

'Because it's our duty. Lord Orochi was our master against these mystics, unfortunately Orochi was slain previous times though his soul lived on and inhabited numerous humans…Mitsuko just happened to be the latest one. Though normally Orochi would take the body over when they reached a certain age, it should've happened for Mitsuko already. However for some reason Mitsuko wasn't affected. It's as if, she and Orochi became one somehow. I don't know how or why this happened. But it's the only way I can explain why lady Mitsuko has her two serpents.'

'Is that the only reason you looked out for her? Because it was your duty?' Dodomeki turned his head once again to see LingQi stare at him intently. As if she's trying to deduce his reasoning.

'Initially yes, when we came to this world me and Gyuki knew our duty. We thought that Orochi would just emerge from her eventually, but he never did. We accepted that our lord was gone but continued to look upon her to make sure mystic involvement was minimised for her. That was all we were ordered to do. We…I didn't know what to do when we accepted our lord was no more and only Mitsuko remained. We couldn't interfere…no matter how much we wanted to. So we kept our distance.' Dodomeki stopped as he clenched the sheet with his fist in frustration and turned away from LingQi and growled quietly to himself. LingQi stayed silent before something clicked in her mind.

'Wait, how long have you been doing this for her?'

'Officially ever since she was born, make no mistakes we were not her caretakers. We just observed her, however it was…surprisingly difficult to do so. I did not understand it at the time and even now the feeling is so foreign to me I cannot understand it.'

'She has that effect on people, trust me on that.'

'Hehe, maybe. Maybe not. Though I think our feelings are different I get the sentiment. My only regret in doing my duty is that I was not able to be by her side to support her, even now I'm here. Bedridden, waiting for my wounds to heal while wondering how I forgot!' LingQi could feel the venom and disgust Dodomeki had as he uttered his words before sighing.

'However what's done is done. I believe I need to move forward the same way as m-our lady. Its strange…I never thought we would have a conversation like earlier, yet we did. Her words still linger on in my mind. I never thought I could feel like this before.' Dodomeki holds out his hand and stares at his palm.

'And what feeling would that be?'

'Relief.' He stated simply. The two sat in silence for a short while avoiding eye contact until LingQi spoke up again.

'Dodomeki, Would you let me look at you, there's something I need to confirm.'

'Erm, sure… I guess.' Dodomeki obliged and directly at LingQi for a moment. Before she glanced to the ground as she shook her head, wearing a lopsided smirk.

'You were the one that managed to help Mitsuko as she attempted to take her own life weren't you?' Dodomeki widened his eye in shock for just a second before relaxing it again.

'Lady Mitsuko told you that?'

'She told me of a golden light before she saw darkness…and judging by what I'm seeing that was you wasn't it?'

'Heh, yeah…that's right. Though I just took her to people that would help her…I-'

'Honestly you're so insufferable you know that, right?' Dodomeki was puzzled at LingQi's interjection.

'How so?' He enquired.

'How am I supposed to fully despise with the knowledge of you being the reason why Mitsuko is amongst us here today?'

'You could always go to Diamondback, he always finds a way to get on my nerves. Either way I'm sure you'll find a way.' Dodomeki weakly chuckled. LingQi lopsided smirk grew wider at this remark as she closed her eyes and shook her head.

'I know it isn't worth much coming from me and I know you didn't do it for my sake…but thanks for saving her.' LingQi stated as she quickly rubbed her right eye that had a small tear threatening to escape her eye.

'Tch, don't mention it.' Dodomeki looked up at the ceiling and released another sigh. A few silent moments passed before LingQi stood up.

'I'll leave you to rest.' She announced. As she was going to open the door she heard Dodomeki mutter something under his breath.

'What was that?' She turned around to glance at him.

'I said when I get out of here and fully recovered…I need to pay you back for the dent you made.' LingQi couldn't help but laugh softly at him.

'You can certainly try to pay me back, but don't be surprised if you end up in here again afterwards.' She replied before exiting the room and closing the door behind her. She walked a couple of steps before being spotted by diamondback as he was leaning on one of the walls a bit away from the door.

'So how was it? I'm not going to walk in to find a corpse am I?' Diamondback jested as he walked alongside her, the polearm halberd resting on his right shoulder.

'It was tempting but no I managed to resist that call. I'm surprised you did after all those long years with him. How did you manage to tolerate him for long?'

'It wasn't easy, I reaaally had to practice at it!' Diamondback laughed heartily.

'If it wasn't for lord Orochi's no backstabbing policy I would've ended him a long time ago. Hehe. You'll get used to it eventually.'

'Heh, I hope so. I didn't expect our conversation to go like that…in a strange way I think I understand him a little better.'

'That is strange. I can't understand him at all.' Diamondback laughed again as the sound of metallic boots echoed in the empty hall away from Dodomeki's room.