Yo Peeps, GMG here with chapter 2 of WARBR! Sorry for the wait, but winter vacation and all that jazzy jazz stuff. Yay, family time! XD

Special thanks to meislovely for inspiring this chapter. If you like Ladybug and Freezerburn and kick ass Rock!AU's, head on over to their page to read It's Our Hearts That Make The Beat. It isn't done yet and it is totally worth the read (and the wait for more chapters XD)

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY…

Yang entered the dorm room of Team RWBY, drawing everyone's attention with a loud thumping sound as she deposited a heavy duffel bag on the floor. "Got the stuff you asked for, Rubes."

In a blur of motion, Ruby zipped over to inspect her goodies, much to the confusion of Weiss and Blake. Their confusion growing as Yang pulled the curtains closed and snapping off the lights, leaving the four in complete darkness. Well, until a loud snap startled the heiress and faunus. A bright pink light was visible near the door, accompanied by Ruby's annoyed voice. "Not again! I always get the pink ones by mistake!"

A few more snaps were heard, and little sticks of light were scattered about the darkened room, until Ruby held a red glowstick in her grasp, smiling in triumph. Weiss leaned down to pick up one of said objects, eyeing it. "What exactly are these?"

"Glowsticks, Ice Queen," Yang said. "You know, for like parties and stuff?"

Scowling at the bonde, Weiss growled. "Would you quit calling me that? And why do we have these, if we aren't at a party?"

"Just because we aren't at a party, doesn't mean we can't have one." Ruby pointed out. "Yang! MUSIC!"

Within seconds a high energy rock song blasted into existence, causing Blake to cover her ears. "That's a bit loud, isn't it?" She tried yelling over the track.

Yang's grin was only visible due to the glowstick she was twirling. "That's the point, Blakey! Just enjoy it!"

Blake would've retorted, but a hand grabbed hers, pulling her off her bed. Thanks to her ability to see in such dark conditions, she was able to see the bright silver eyes looking at her. She allowed Ruby to hoist her up and chuckled when Ruby stumbled slightly in the dark. Ruby released her and started to move, dancing to the upbeat song and making Blake laugh at her silly moves.

She glanced over to see that Yang had gotten Weiss to dance as well, the blonde twirling glowsticks on her fingers, the black cords whizzing around, leaving the impression of circles in the air.

"Blake, heads up!" Ruby called, causing Blake to glance over to Ruby tossing her a glow stick. Slipping it on, she smiled before joining the other three in dancing.

Making her way over to Ruby and the duffel bag, she pulled the young leader from her task and weaved their hands together, dancing with her silly girlfriend. "What made you think of this?"

"Given the fact I couldn't quite dance in those stupid lady stilts at the dance, I thought we'd have a Ruby style dance between us four." Ruby grinned and pulled Blake close, kissing her cheek before resuming their little dance. "Do you like it?"

The cat faunus smirked. "It certainly has a Ruby feeling to it all."

Ruby beamed at the older teen, about to speak when Weiss' voice cut through the music. "Yang Xiao Long, what the dust are you doing?"

The red and black couple turned their heads, greeted by the sight of Yang trying to steal a kiss from the heiress, who was objecting loudly, cheeks bright red. She slapped Yang, but it didn't seem to deter the brawler. "Come on, Weissy. Have some fun, won't ya?"

Pushing Yang away again, Weiss crossed her arms as she looked down her nose at Yang. "If you hadn't recalled, Ruby is still here. I'd rather not have my partner traumatized and my face assaulted by your brutishness."

Blake whispered in Ruby's ear, causing the girl to snicker. Both nodded to one another before they started chanting, "Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss."

Weiss guffawed. "Are you two serious?! What's gotten into all of you?!"

A head popped up from behind Weiss, the familiar redhead smiling widely. "It's called freezerburn and the readers ship it." She disappeared behind Weiss again, waving her arms mystically. "They shiiiiiiiiip it…" With that, she was gone.

"The fuck?" Yang said, looking at the other three, who looked just as confused as she.

A few seconds passed without another word from the Sloth Queen, so the ladybug duo continued their chant, much to Weiss' ire. Her face reddened once more, but out of anger this time around. Without a word, she grabbed Yang by her shirt (read; copping a feel) and pulled the blonde into a liplock, the other teen flailing to retain her balance.

With the romantic tension resolved, the chanting ceased and the four resumed their party. After tiring out from dancing, they decided to play some games with the numerous glow sticks. Most interesting of all being the little contest that broke out to see who could catch the most glow sticks as they were tossed into the air.

Yang lost outright, by quite the margin. Even with her physical aptitude, she couldn't mach the movement of her other teammates. Ruby, Blake, and Weiss all had the upper hand with ther semblances.

The faunus snatched almost every glowstick from the air as they fell, her doppelgangers making the task child's play.

It was a bit more challenging for the other two, but Ruby's speed made her arm's blurs as she swiped the luminescent items from the air. Weiss, zipped between glyphs to increase her own speed, using quite a bit more aura than Ruby to accomplish the same task.

But when the tally was made, Blake still stood victorious.

Guess that's why the phrase is "cat-like reflexes."


Short chapter, but eh… Hope you all liked it. If you enjoyed this, feel free to check out Ship Shape, which has a slightly more diverse assortment of yuri ships.

Again, check out meislovely's story, it's a thousand time better than this one, so JUST DO IT!

Adieu for now!