A/N: New Story! For Steven Universe! Okay here's some notes:

This Steven Universe Fic will take place after Keeping It Together and before Chillie Tid, because I wrote this story waaay before the newer episodes came out.

Rated T because Some Gems need to watch their mouths.

"Blah Blah" - Talking

'Blah Blah' - Thinking

[Blah Blah] - Text/Reading Text/ Text messaging

End A/N

CH1: The Versal Stone

"Steven, are you ready to go?" Pearl called from the Warp Pad.

"Just one second!" Steven smiled excitedly while he zipped up his pink hoodie before slipping his cell phone in his pocket. Sliding on his sandals he rushed downstairs, finding Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst waiting on the Warp Pad.

Pearl had her hands on her hips, impatiently waiting for the half-gemling to finish his preparations. Amethyst was sitting, bored on the Warp Pad while stuffing handfuls of greasy chips in her mouth. Garnet stood proudly between them with her arms crossed against her chest, patiently waiting for their youngest member.

Steven smiled at them, "Almost ready! Just one more thing!" He said as he dashed into the kitchen.

Pearl gave an annoyed sigh, "Steven, we aren't going to be there long. A snack can surely wait."

"Yeah, well tough luck for him, I ate the last of the snacks," Amethyst grinned to herself as she stuffed more of the chips in her mouth.

Steven ignored them though and quickly scurried into the kitchen. He pulled open a drawer and found exactly what he was looking for! He swiped it up and ran back to the Warp Pad.

"Okay, I'm ready!" He grinned as he stepped onto the panel with his friends.

"What's that you got there?" Amethyst mumbled with her mouth full. She swallowed the chips down and hovered over Steven, "Were you hiding food?" She grinned mischievously.

"No, it's a camera!" Steven beamed as he showed off his brand new camera to the Crystal Gems. It was shiny and compact. A perfect size to bring along with him on a mission.

Amethyst was not impressed, "Why'd you bring that busted thing?" She snorted.

"It's not busted!" Steven defended, "It's my dad's old camera, but he got it refurbished so I can take it along with me on missions!"

"Why would you want to take a camera with you on missions?" Pearl inquired.

"So I can show everyone in Beach City what cool things we encounter!" He smiled. He stuffed the camera in his pocket, "Plus, Connie wanted to see how my mission goes today, so I'll show her via camera." He grinned, showing off his enthusiasm.

Steven's smiled was contagious, "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Steven." Pearl beamed.

"Are you all ready?" Garnet finally spoke.

"Yep!" Steven replied, as Pearl and Amethyst silently nodded.

In a flash, the gems were surrounded by a casing of light, and then suddenly they were floating in the Warp Pad.

"Sooo," Steven started, "What are we supposed to be doing today?" He questioned, excited about anything that would happen on their mission.

"We have to obtain the Versal Stone, and safely bubble it back to the temple." Garnet confirmed.

Wide eyed and extremely curious, "What's a Versal Stone?" Steven asked. Just as he asked, the four gems were transported to a new atmosphere. The sky had hues of pink and light blue, accompanied by fluffy green clouds and there was a plethora of what seemed like colorful rocks across the horizon.

"Woooow!" Steven slowly said as he eyed his surroundings in wonder, "This place is so pretty!"

Amethyst groaned at the atmosphere, "This is gonna take forever! How do we know what the actual Versal Stone looks like?"

"You'll know it when you find it." Garnet responded, earning another groan from Amethyst.

Steven jumped off the Warp Pad and began to explore the colorful stones around him. There were all shades of red, blue, green and so on. It was like he was in a field of rainbow stones. Steven then, immediately paused, grimacing, "Wait..." He looked around, and then back at the Crystal Gems, "A-Are these...other gems?" He asked, frightened.

Pearl was the first to intervene, "Oh, no Steven, of course not!" She assured and placed a calm hand on Steven's shoulder, "These are stones, not gems. Stones aren't lifeforms like us." She corrected.

Amethyst walked towards them with her hands folded behind her head, "Stones are just rocks." She imputed her own definition.

Steven looked around at the stones again, unsure, "How can you tell the difference between a stone and a gem?"

Pearl cleared her throat and gave an all knowing smile, ready to give Steven one of her daily gem lessons, "Well, Steven, a stone–"

"Rock." Amethyst cut in.

Pearl flashed an annoyed look but continued, "A stone lacks what a gem haves. A gem for example are almost always translucent or transparent minerals that has a hardness of high numbers, while a stone–"


"– does not. Stones are common minerals found everyday like granite or salt." Pearl smiled.

Garnet walked up to the gems, "Stones do not share an embodiment of light like we do, however, some stones emit powerful spurts of energy that is beyond our control."

"Liiike...the Versal Stone?" Steven inquired. Garnet gave a silent nod.

"So, what powers can the Versal Stone do?" Steven asked again.

"No one knows for sure," Pearl said in seriousness. A hologram of ancient, alien words beamed through her gem for display, "Ancient readings say that the Versal Stone holds incredible amounts of power, and only a few gems encountered it..." She paused.

"What happened to the gems who encountered it?" He asked cautiously.

"They all melted, including their gems!" Amethyst teased in her 'spookiest' voice, trying to scare Steven. She failed scaring Steven but she earned a terrified gasp from Pearl instead and Amethyst gave out a gruff laugh.

"A-Amethyst! That is not funny!" She chastised her, her hands furiously on her hips.

"It's just a joke, P," Amethyst said between laughs, "Relax–"

"How can I relax when you're trying to scare Steven like that!" Pearl fumed.

Amethyst laughter ceased and her expression became annoyed, "You're the one acting all scared! It was just a joke!"

"Well if your jokes were actually humorous then maybe–"

"That's enough," Garnet cut in. Garnet always had a low tolerance of bickering, especially between Pearl and Amethyst. This time was no exception.

With incredible ease, Garnet hoisted up Amethyst with one hand. Garnet, with enough strength, threw Amethyst towards one side of the area of stones, earning an "oomph" from Amethyst crashing into a pile of colorful stones.

Garnet turned to Pearl, and placed her hands on her hips, as if daring Pearl to keep up her mindless bickering with Amethyst. When Pearl said nothing in response, Garnet spoke again, "Amethyst will search east. Pearl, You will search west. Steven and I, will search north. We meet back at the Warp Pad within an hour. If you hear a sound of distress from one of us, rush to that person's aid immediately." Garnet confirmed loud enough for Amethyst to hear too.

"Hn. Okay. I'll see you within an hour then." Pearl agreed and began walking to her assigned direction.

Garnet also started walking in her confirmed direction, calmly saying, "Come on, Steven."

Steven quickly followed her in suit. Once he knew they were out of earshot from the other gems he began, "Wow, Garnet. You're really good at being the leader!" He grinned ear to ear, "You told them what to do and they did it immediately!"

Garnet glanced down at him and gave a small smile, "Being a good leader is more than just barking out orders. It's about keeping the harmony between your team mates." She said.

"Hm.." Steven hummed to himself thoughtfully. He wondered how Garnet became such a good leader. Did she get instructions to be one from Homeworld, or did she follow in suit after his mother? Or, was she born with such leadership skills? If so, he wondered who had the leadership skills, Ruby or Sapphire?

Thinking about the two smaller gems, Steven looked up to the stoic looking Garnet and asked, "Hey...if you have future vision, doesn't that mean that you know the possible outcome of who will find the Versal Stone, first?"

Steven wasn't exactly sure if he was right about that sort of thing. It seemed like every time he asked Garnet about her mysterious future vision, she would always correct him about his theories about it. Yes, he had been under the power of the future vision before, but when he did have the power, he was always confused and unsure of what or how it happened. Luckily for him, he earned another smile from the tall gem, "Yes, you're right."

Another grin crept across his face, more than happy that he was finally understanding how Garnet's future vision was working. However, Steven's face contorted into a confused frown, "Wait, if you know who's going to find it first, why did you want us to split up?"

"In my visions, I see you and myself finding the Versal Stone if we headed north, and it won't take us very long," She said with a small smile, "I chose to split Pearl and Amethyst up because they would continue arguing if I brought them along with us."

Steven's eyes went wide, staring at her in awe and what seemed like tiny stars i his eyes, "You're keeping the harmony!" He giggled.

Garnet nodded in agreement, "That's right. Plus, I also saw you taking nice pictures." She added.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Steven gasped, digging in his jacket pocket, finding his camera, "What should I take a picture of first?" He pondered, looking around the large piles of stones.

"That one looks pretty." Garnet said, pointing to a green and silver stone.

Steven hurried is little legs over to the stone and smiled at it. It was indeed pretty. It was dark green with streaks of silver etched into it. If he had to say so, the stone reminded him of Malachite. A better version of Malachite, opposed to the one that was filled with inner turmoil. Steven decided to snap a picture of it for his own symbolic memory of Malachite.

Steven looked around and saw another stone that grabbed his attention and he ran over to that one. It was a beautiful baby blue stone with swirls of pink inside. Steven loved it. He snapped a couple of photos of that one, reminding himself that it was his favorite so far.

Fifteen minutes later, Steven had taken a picture if nearly every pretty stone that he has found so far. After taking pictures of pretty stones, Steven began taking pictures of the beautiful sky above him. Pinks and light blues streaking the sky with abnormal fluffy lime green clouds. Asking why those colors in the sky even existed, Garnet explained that energy released from some stones is responsible for the colorful sky.

Whatever the case may be, Steven snapped his camera away at the horizon. Once he had his fill, the duo continued the search for the mysterious Versal Stone. Steven asked Garnet what the actual stone looked like, she would only say, "You'll know it when you see it."

Steven came across a giant stone that was about the same height as Opal. It was indigo and had splotches of yellow and burgundy around it. Steven gasped and ran up to it and inspected the colors, "Is this the Versal Stone?" He wondered aloud, snapping a photo of the stone in the process.

Garnet walked up to it as well, scanning the stone, "No. But in my vision, I saw this stone, right before one of us discovered the Versal Stone. Which means, it may be close by."

Steven wasn't really sure how he was going to know what the Versal Stone was going to look like when he found it. All the stones had different colors, shapes and sizes, so how in the world is the Versal Stone going to stand out from the rest?

Steven sighed and started to search again, while taking pictures absentmindedly when he heard Garnet say, "I'm going to look over here. You should search over there" She pointed in the direction where Steven was facing, "If you do find the Versal Stone, don't touch it. Just call me over and I'll come and bubble it." She said and before Steven nodded, Garnet was already walking the opposite direction.

Steven sighed again, feeling a little discouraged. They've been searching a little over 30 minutes, and still found no signs of the Versal Stone, that he wasn't even sure what it looked like.

Steven walked over piles of stones, taking more pictures along the way. He wandered a little ways, away from Garnet's location and continued to take a few more pictures, "I think...that's enough." Steven mumbled to himself, putting his camera back into is jacket pocket. Steven was a little disappointed at the fact that nothing exciting happened on his mission today. Usually, he and the Crystal Gems would run into a monster gem and would do some serious "butt kickin'". If that were to happen, Steven would've taken thousands of pictures of the fight his friends would ensue. This mission, however, was anything but that type of mission. Steven couldn't help but sigh at the umpteenth time, not bothering to hide his disappointment.

Then, Steven's disappointed face, turned into a determined one, in a split second. This mission wasn't about him capturing great photos. It was about finding the Versal Stone and safely bubble it back into the Temple in one piece.

"Hn! Let's find that Versal Stone!" Steven said to himself, triumphantly.

As soon as those words escaped his lips, Steven heard a faint whisper nearby. Steven froze and looked behind him, seeing Garnet's figure a little ways away from him. She had her back facing him and she didn't seem like she was talking.

So, where did that whisper come from?

Steven arched a confused brow, looking forward. He scanned the area, seeing no one was there. He must have been hearing things.

"Meh, probably nothing," Steven shrugged it off and continued his search, until he heard the faint whisper again.

Steven froze in place again.

Okay, that time he definitely heard something.

Steven scanned the area again, and carefully began to step over stones, "Uh..hello?" He softly called out, not sure if he wanted a response or not.

Then he heard a whisper saying "...hello..?"The voice definitely sounded familiar. It wasn't menacing or scary. It sounded distant and unsure.

"Who's there?" Steven said, walking around, trying to locate the voice. It seemed like he was getting closer because the voice got a little louder and clearer, asking,"Where are you?"

Following his ears, Steven tracked the voice and said, "I can't see you." Determined to find the voice, Steven searched high and low for the person who was obviously looking for him. And for a good five minutes, Steven found nothing. Steven sat down next to a stone about the same height as Pearl and leaned up against it.

He could have sworn that he heard a voice, but he hadn't seen one person in the sea of stones that surrounded him.

"...I thought I heard...meh, it's probably nothing.." Steven concluded, staring up at the sky. The silence stretched on until he heard as clear as day, a person said "Hello? Who's there?"

Steven jumped, surprised and now very alert. Steven darted his eyes around, to find no one in sight. Steven was absolutely sure now, that someone was communicating with him. The voice sounded like it was sitting right next to him! Steven cleared his throat, "W-Who's there?"

An immediate response,"I'm here!"

Steven searched again. The voice was in his space, so that meant one of three things. Either, there was a tiny person the same size as the stones, a ghost following him, or Steven was going crazy, hearing voices in his head. Steven concluded that the second option was the most liable. There must be a tiny person among the stones that was nearly impossible to see. Steven got down on all fours and searched for a tiny person.

"I can't see you. What do you look like?" Steven curiously inquired.

"I'm right here! Look to your left." The voice said.

As told, Steven looked to his left and found nothing.

"Oops! Your other left!" The voice laughed at itself.

Steven chuckled and looked to his right and found a stone about the size of his hand. What was off about this stone, was that it was glowing, and let out little sparkles of light. Steven carefully crawled a little closer to the stone and looked at it carefully. Steven gasped, surprised at what he saw what was inside the stone.

It was him!

A little blurry reflection of himself.

"What! Who are...are you me?" Steven asked the stone.

Stone Steven cocked his head to the side and said, "I was gonna ask you the same question!"

Steven blinked at the other Steven, "So, you're not a magical mirror stone?" Steven concluded, thinking about the other time when he saw himself as a reflection. It turned out it was Lapis Lazuli trying to communicate with him.

"No. My name is Steven. Steven Universe!" The Stone Steven revealed. He obviously had a mind of his own.

Steven laughed, "Well my name is Steven Universe too!"

"I would think so, considering how handsome you are," the other Steven smirked.

"Hm, great minds think alike," Steven concluded, making both Stevens laugh at their own jokes.

The Steven in the stone laughed, "Wow! I have to show Lapis the other me! She'll be so surprised!"

Steven froze.

What? Lapis? As in Lapis Lazuli?

How was that possible? She was at the bottom of the ocean as Malachite!

"Wait! What do you mean, show Lapis? Are you with her?" Steven frantically asked.

Unfortunately, the other Steven ignored his questions and said, "I'll go get her. I'll be right back!" Then turned his back away from Steven, and began walking away.

"Wait! Come back!" Steven yelled at the stone. In desperation, he picked up the stone, hoping that the other him would hear him.

Suddenly a flash of light was clasped onto Steven's hand and the stone. The light was blinding, not to mention it was burning Steven's skin!

"Ah! Ow! Get off!" Cried out loud. Steve tried shaking the stone off his hand but it was secured tightly on his palm. The strong encasing of light slowly but surely crawled up his hand, and was now on his forearm. The contact with the light hurt. It felt like it was burning each part of his skin.

"Augh! Ah! Help!" Steven screamed, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Steven fell onto his back and continued to scream in agonizing pain.

Less than a minute later, Steven felt cooling hands against is face. Unsure when he closed them, Steven opened his eyes and saw the hands belonged to Garnet while Amethyst and Pearl towering over him protectively.

"What is that, thing!" Pearl gasped at the light that was moving up Steven's arm.

"The Versal Stone. He must have touched it." Garnet growled out.

"What are we supposed to do?!" Amethyst screeched, unsure of the situation.

"G-Garnet! It hurts!" Steven yelled out, tears rolling down his face. He had never experienced pain like this before. It was slow and burning. Like his arm was ripping apart.

"Steven, don't worry! We'll figure it out!" Amethyst declared. She went over to his arm and tried to yank at the bright light. As soon as she touched it, however, her hands were scorched away. She fell on her back, holding her hands in pain, "Augh! What the hell!?" She cried.

Garnet and Pearl looked at Amethyst in shock. Was the light that powerful and hot? If Amethyst couldn't endure it from simply touching it, how could Steven even be alive from it being wrapped around his arm.

The light was inching up above his elbow now, and Steven was gasping and shuddering in pain; crying against Garnet's hand that was pressed softly against his face. Garnet thought for a moment of what to do next. If touching the light wasn't an option, then the only thing they could do was separate the light from Steven himself.

"Pearl, draw your spear!" Garnet demanded.

Pearl looked at Garnet, confused at why she would ask for such a thing. Then suddenly, Pearl's eyes went wide, and horror etched across her face, "N-no! We can't do that!"

"It wasn't a question–" Garnet growled.

"No! How could you think of doing that! I could never harm Steven like that!" She protested, tears brimming her eyelids.

"Pearl! The light is devouring Steven each second! We're running out of time! It's either a dead Steven or an armless Steven!" Garnet concluded.

"I– I can't do it!" Pearl shuddered, not sure if she could handle the pressure. Steven was in heart wrenching pain, crying his eyes out, and now Garnet was asking her to amputate his arm.

She couldn't do it.

"Pearl, I know you're scared for him. But you have to be strong for him! Steven needs your help, and you're the only one who can. Do it for him! Do it for Rose!" Garnet said.

As soon as the name 'Rose' was mentioned, Pearl's scared and confused demeanor, turned into a determined one. She would do anything for Rose including saving her own son. The son who Pearl had grown to love and thought of him as her own.

Pearl took in a deep shaky breath, "Okay, stand back." She ordered Garnet. Garnet moved away from Steven and stood back as Pearl summoned her spear.

Pearl stood by his light induced arm and focused on the area she needed to cut. She glanced at Steven's face, who was still crying and yelping in pain.

'I'm doing this for you, Steven,' she thought to herself. Pearl took another deep breath to focus, then swiftly brought down her spear to where she needed to cut.

Instead of a limb being removed, Pearl's spear had completely disintegrated on contact.

"What in the world!" She gasped. She cut exactly where Steven's skin met with the light surrounding is arm. She summoned another spear and tried again with no avail. She tried a third time, and again, her spear disintegrated as soon and the tip of the spear touched Steven.

"I-I don't understand! It won't cut!" She cried. The light had reached up to Steven's shoulder now.

Garnet huffed in frustration, "Let me try something." She said, marching over to Steven's left arm. She summoned her gauntlets, preparing herself what she was going do next.

This way of amputation was more barbaric than Pearl's way, but seeing how Pearl's spear wasn't working, Garnet had to take matters in her own hands. Literally.

Garnet kneeled next to Steven, who was being tortured by pain each antagonizing second , she whispered, "This might hurt Steven, but, be strong for me, okay?"

She didn't wait for a response and she held his body down with her right hand and pulled his infected arm with her left, tugging with all her might.

Garnet would never admit it but the light hurt so much that she would have given up and let go. But her determination didn't let her. She pulled with so much strength that she could've ripped a horse's leg off, however, Steven's arm remained in its place.

Garnet pulled and pulled until, the light burned through her gauntlet, and onto her gem.

"Augh!" Garnet yelled in pain and fell backwards. She cradled her left hand and saw that her gem had a small split in it.

"Garnet! Are you okay?" Pearl ran over to her. It wasn't everyday that Garnet get hurt.

"I'm fine." She said, balling up a fist as she walked over to Steven, hoping to hide her gem injury, "Get Amethyst," she ordered Pearl.

Pearl hesitated for a moment, but went to Amethyst who was still on the ground, trying to soothe her charred hands. Pearl brought Amethyst over to Steven and Garnet ordered another way to amputate Steven's arm.

Amethyst lassoed her whip around Steven's arm while she, Pearl, and Garnet pulled with all their might, only to fail and have Amethyst's whip to disintegrate.

"Why aren't our weapons working!?" Amethyst flailed.

"The Versal Stone is beyond our control– we can't fight it!" Pearl concluded.

"So what about Steven?! We can't just let him–" Amethyst cried.

"Nothing, is going to happen to him!" Garnet cut her off, "Steven will survive this."

Pearl hesitated for a moment, "But how? Our weapons are useless!"

"There's one more thing we can do," said Garnet, "Before the light reaches his gem, we could bubble him."

Amethyst and Pearl looked at each other before Amethyst asked, "You mean like...bubble his gem back to the temple?"

"I don't even think we can bubble him separately from his gem. He can't regenerate yet!" She added.

"We'll just have to try!" Garnet barked at them.

"B-but—"Pearl tried.

"If you're not going to help, then you can just leave," Garnet challenged.

Pearl froze in her place, dumbfounded. She would never leave Steven's side, especially when his life is in danger. Leaving Steven was the same as leaving Rose alone on the battlefield.

It wasn't in her nature to do it.

Determination flashed across Pearl's face, "I'm not going anywhere," she concluded. She knelt beside Steven, who's chest and cheek was enveloped in light, rapidly covering his body.

Soon, Amethyst knelt beside Steven's body too. With all seriousness she said, "I'm here to stay too."

Garnet gave a curt and proud nod to her teammates and said, "For, Steven."

"For, Steven" Both Amethyst and Pearl conceded.

In unison, the Crystal Gem's, gems began to glow, ready for their sync. All three hovered their left hand above Steven's gem, and they slowly made a small bubble, surrounding the rose quartz. The strong bubble swirling with purple, burgundy, and light blue, securely surrounding Steven's gem. This type of bubble was made for absolute emergencies, like when a foe gemling is too powerful to be bubbled on its own, multiple gems bubble it together. However, this technique was never used to secure a gem while it was still on its person.

As their left hands stayed hovered, Pearl's eyes wandered over to Garnet's split gem and gasped, "Garnet, your gem–!"

"Don't worry about it." She brushed off. They had much bigger concerns than a split on her gem. Steven's upper chest, and now lower abdomen was surrounded by light. The only thing that was heard was Steven's jagged breath, hyperventilating from the pain over taking his body. He was sweating horribly, and his tears were rolling off his face and onto the ground.

Garnet placed her cool hand on Steven's forehead, as she whispered sweet encouraging words to him. Steven opened up a watery eye to look at his mother-like gem, and managed to get out, "G-Gar-net...m–mso–ooory!"he cried.

"Shh. Don't apologize. It's not your fault, love." She cooed, wiping the tears from his cheek.

Pearl cupped Steven's other cheek, carefully avoiding the bright light inching up his face, "We're right here with you Steven." She said with a sad smile.

Amethyst took Steven by his untouched hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "We'll be by your side."

The light was covering his right elbow now, and down his stomach. When it finally reached to the bubble, thankfully it went around it and continued down his lower half. This would be considered a good thing if the uncertainty wasn't thick in the air. There's no telling what could happen next.

At this point, the only pain that Steven could feel is where the new territory the light was touching. Steven's left arm that was stuck against the Versal Stone, felt numb. He couldn't feel his arm at all. It was like his arm, and everywhere else the light touched disappeared.

Steven didn't know if he was going to make it out alive. The pain and the numbness is surely what death must have felt like. He felt cold, although, his lower body felt like he was on fire. His voice was hoarse from crying out in pain, and his eyes and nose were puffy from his pain giving tears.

If this is how he was going to die, he knew he had a few precious moments with the Crystal Gems.

His friends. His family.

Steven gasped out some air before letting out his feelings, "I-Im so–so–oory guauhh—!" He yelped in pain as a wave of light passed his groin. He took a deep breath and continued, "I–I l-love you–you guys. Y-you're th-the best...friends—fami-family I could a-ask f-f-for–"

The light covered his right arm, forcing Amethyst to let go.

"Don't talk like that! You'll be fine..." Amethyst tried, "You'll be back to your old self in no time, you'll see." Now, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

The light passed his thighs now.

"T-tell...m-m-my dad–I lo-aah-ve him," he blubbered out, "A-and C–Con-Connie t-too."

Tears burned at Pearl's eyes too. What if this didn't work? What if she had to tell Greg that Steven was gone. And she—the Crystal Gems— failed to protect him with their own lives.

"Steven, you're going to be fine, everything will be fine–"Pearl choked on her own tears.

Garnet on the other hand was silent. He expression unreadable, especially behind her shades.

Amethyst and Pearl continued to encourage Steven, telling him that everything was fine and he would regenerate later. Steven, though, wasn't so sure about the outcome. His body now felt cold, and now he sourly regret not listening to Garnet's advice about not touching the Versal Stone. He should've known a stone with the ability to project a blurry and talking version of himself was suspicious to say the least.

The light covered his feet, and the bit of light on top covered his ears.

Suddenly, Steven felt wet drops on his forehead. He pried his eyes back open to find a trail of tears leaving Garnet's face. Her shades were off and he could see the three swirl of eye colors, each having tears in them. Her mouth was agape and her lips were trembling. The mumbled something so low that Steven couldn't hear, but he did hear Amethyst suddenly roar, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, YOU CAN'T 'SEE' HIM?!"

"I-I can't see him in my visions–!" Garnet choked out, "He doesn't exist!" She cried. Suddenly, Garnet's body began to glow, threatening to unfuse.

"Garnet! Keep it together!" Amethyst barked out.

"Don't unfuse! If you do, we can't keep Steven bubbled!" Pearl cried. But their words failed to reach her. Garnet began to glow more and slightly unraveled into two splits of herself.

Steven tried to call her name, but the light surrounding Steven went past his mouth and around his left eye. Above his head, the light covered all his hair and forehead. It burned.

Garnet struggled to keep herself intact, but her visions of not seeing Steven existing made her emotionally unbalanced. Her left hand where she kept her part of the bubble complete, began to wobble uncontrollably.

"Garnet! No!" Pearl cried out.

"Garnet! The bubble is gonna pop if you unfuse!"Amethyst wailed.

It was too late. The light surrounding Garnet suddenly stopped and it separated into Ruby and Sapphire. In the process, the bubble around Steven's gem popped and the light immediately devoured the rose quartz whole.

Steven screamed in pain, but his voice was muffled. The only thing that the light didn't surround was his right eye.

Steven couldn't hear what was going on, but what he did see was, Sapphire and Pearl crying above him, while Amethyst and Ruby seemed to be bickering with one another.

Sapphire suddenly turned to the two fighting gems and said something to grab their attention. Whatever it was that she said, it made Amethyst and Ruby stop their fight and immediately hovered over Steven in bitter concern.

Steven's vision slowly started to fade, and the last thing he saw was the Crystal Gems – his family – all crying above him.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed that! Find out what happens to Steven on the next episo- err I mean chapter!

Please Review and share to me what you liked about it! I really want to know what you thought about it! More reviews help me write better and faster! Thanks!