A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys, I guess that I lost the motivation to write this story for a little bit, but since some of you seemed to be worried about Peter, I thought that I would give you a chapter about how he ended up going from the kitchen—angry and screaming—to handing Astrid the pages that Robert had written about Lydia.

Chapter 11: Robert

Peter sat on his knees staring at the floor of the kitchen after Olivia had left him there. He had no idea what had come over him or why he had gotten so angry all of the sudden or even why he had felt the need to get his hands on the journal… enough to yell at Olivia. He remembered the look of fear and anger in her eyes as he fought to regain control of whatever it was that had been controlling him. He had been aware of everything, but he couldn't stop himself from what he was doing any of it.

Peter took a deep breath in an attempt to stabilize his breathing so he could clear his mind and think about what he was doing. Should he really continue to fight it? Or should he give in and let the impulses take control? It would have been so much easier just to let go, but at the time, he had risked hurting his wife and his daughter and he could never let that happen. But now? Maybe he would be able to find some answers if he would just let whatever it was lead him to whatever it wanted to show him. Had it been the ghost that had been haunting them only a few nights ago or was this something different?

Peter scoffed as he pushed himself to his feet, his breath still ragged as he attempted to calm himself down. If someone had asked him a month ago, if he believed in ghosts, he would have told them 'no', but after everything that had happened over the past few days, he couldn't help but rethink the logic behind his answer. His father believed in almost everything else, besides ghosts, but what was it about the spirits of the long dead that made them seem more impossible than Bigfoot to the scientist? He had never really gotten a straight answer from him, or at least one that had made any sense. Was a ghost really a spirit? Or was it merely energy left behind after someone had died? Olivia had told him once before, that when she first saw him in this new time line, he had come to her in the form of some kind of energy and was able to interact with both her and Walter somehow, but he wasn't even aware that he had been doing it. Had he been a ghost? She had also told him that he appeared to Walter on shiny surfaces, on computers and clipboards and that he could hear his voice. Had he been a ghost then? Or had he been something that had buried itself deep within their subconscious minds that only began to manifest itself because they couldn't let go of him?

Was there something that this ghost couldn't let go of too?

He shook the thought from his head and got dressed, knowing that Olivia had probably called the Fringe Division to come and subdue him long ago and he needed to get out of there and go wherever this energy was beckoning him to go before it was too late. It would have been for his own good of course. He knew Olivia well enough to know that she would only want to get him back to Walter's lab so that he could try to figure out what was wrong with him so he could fix him, but Peter knew that it wouldn't be that simple. Not this time.

The thoughts lingering in his mind wanted him to go back to the asylum to find something that was there, something that was possibly left behind long ago that he needed to find, but he couldn't really be for sure what it was until he got there.

When he finally arrived, the front doors that they had gone through the last time had been locked and he didn't want to waste any time walking around the outside of the fence, looking for a second way in so he quickly decided on another solution and fished out his lock picks and went to work and was in within seconds.

The air was still and cold as he made his way through the front building, nervously grasping at the flashlight in his hand. Peter remembered that this was the building that served as the entrance to the rest of the complex and that he would need to go back outside and cross the path that led over towards the dorms again and he also remembered that there were a separate buildings for the men and the women that had been living there at one time and this time, he would need to find Robert's room.

That all too familiar feeling of eyes watching him as he made his way back outside caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand up and he clutched at the flashlight by his side as if it would somehow comfort him and give him the strength to do what needed to be done. He only wished that Olivia was there and that it was her hand that he was holding instead of the flashlight, but he knew that this was something that he needed to do on his own. He needed to protect Olivia and Etta.

If he said that he wasn't afraid of what was going on inside of his head, he would have been lying. If he had said that the ghost in his home hadn't frightened him, he would have been lying about that too. And it wasn't so much the ghost that bothered him so much as it was the fact that he couldn't protect those that he loved from whatever it was going on within their home. Even if it wasn't a ghost, he still needed a way to protect them it and he couldn't do that without finding out what it was or what it wanted. Hopefully, he would be able to find some answers here.

Reaching out, he took hold of the doorknob to the men's dorm and twisted it and it was surprisingly open. The inside of the building looked unsurprisingly similar to that of the women's dorm at a glance, which gave off the illusion of a normal hospital.

"Okay Robert, what do you want me to find here. Could you help me out a little?" he asked out loud, not really expecting an answer from the specter. Peter took a few more steps into the building, hearing glass crunching beneath his boots, but he did his best to ignore it. "So you brought me all of the way out here just to mess with me, huh? I guess that you can't trust a ghost... Why are you trying to hurt me and my family? Why us?" Peter fell silent for a moment as he walked through the halls, looking for some kind of clue as to what he had been brought there to find when he came upon a desk with several binders piled up in a big box on the edge of it. Shoving the flashlight into his pocket, he used both of his hands to reach inside of the box and pulled out all of the binders and sat them onto the desk next to it and began looking through them. Most of it was the usual hospital mumbo jumbo, but after a few moments of searching, he found what he was looking for. A list of patience and their room numbers. "One-twelve." He said as he tore the page from the binder, folded the page and shoved into the pocket with his flashlight.

"So you were on the first floor? Guess that meant that they had to keep a closer eye on you. Were you some kind of troublemaker?" he said as he made his way further down the hallway. "Whatever you were, you somehow managed to make me start talking to myself— or something that isn't even there, so I'll give you credit for that."

It was an odd feeling, speaking out loud to something that might not even be there, but the strangest part about all of it was he felt like someone was actually there in the room listening to him. That had to be impossible, right? Or else he was going crazy and needed to be in a place that was just like this one. He frowned at the thought. Maybe he was losing it or maybe it was mass hysteria and they were all starting to lose it.

"One-twelve." He said as he stepped in front of the door and hesitantly reached out to take hold of the handle, nearly afraid of what he might find on the other side. Peter took another deep breath to steady himself and then twisted the knob and as the door opened, he was met by a gust of cold air sweeping through the hallway. "Wow, what was that." he asked, mostly to himself this time as he edged into the room, turning his head each way, inspecting the area almost as if he were stepping into the middle of a war zone. "Okay Robert, would you tell me what you would like for me to find? A little help would be great…"

Peter spent what must have been hours searching through Robert's old room. He searched every book for a hiding spot cut out in the pages. There was nothing in the drawers or the closet or the small bathroom or it's cabinets and by the time that he had searcher through all of the obvious hiding places, he was beginning to grow even more frustrated, and yet he was still convinced that there was something there in the room that he needed to find, even if it was starting to seem contrary to his belief. After a long moment, tired and exhausted, Peter decided to lie on the dusty bed in Robert's old room. He had been going for most of the day, despite not getting anything to eat, and his body felt like it had been pushed to its limits that day. Peter needed a moment to rest his body and to relax—but just when he was about to close his eyes, he noticed a tile on the ceiling that looked as though it had been hastily pushed aside years ago, which caused him to bolt upright and he stood upright on the bed.

The tile was easy enough to move, but feeling his way around the edges was a little harder as he couldn't see what he was doing and he still didn't know what he was looking for. Finally, his hand landed on what felt like several pieces of old paper and he pulled each of them down and brought them over to the window to read them, or what he could make out of it. Some of the words and letters had started to fade and become worn away by now, but if what the pages were saying was correct, then Lydia must have seen Etta as hers and Robert's child, which meant that Etta was in danger, but so was Olivia and worst of all, the threat to Olivia would be coming from him.

He needed to find a way to get the pages back to Walter and to Olivia without getting near them and after a moment of consideration, he thought of Astrid and decided to call her to ask her to come and pick him up—but he was only going to leave her the pages from the journal. If he had told Astrid what was going on with him right now, she would have wanted to drag him back to the lab to be experimented on by his father and that was the last thing that he wanted right now.