Info (Olive Oil)

Emerald didn't understand the point in investigating Pyrrha anymore than they already had. They had already figured out her semblance, so they should be able to take her down easily enough. It just seemed pointless to give her any more attention than she deserved. Emerald wasn't one to go against Cinder's orders though, so she'd do it no matter how annoying she found teams JNPR and RWBY to be.

She found Pyrrha in the courtyard, seemingly just taking a walk. Emerald guessed she could understand that. It is a nice day out after all. Taking a deep breath, she started walking towards her. This was gonna be too easy. Looking lost, Emerald intentionally bumped into Pyrrha. They both let out a surprised noise. Pyrrha's was genuine, while Emerald's was faked. Before Emerald could say anything, Pyrrha surprised her genuinely.

"I'm sorry about that. I should have noticed someone was walking in my direction."

"She's apologizing?" Emerald thought. "I was the one who walked into her. Who even apologizes for something they had no fault in."

"It's fine." Emerald said, faking a smile, "I've just gotten really turned around by this place. Beacon is just so huge."

"Yes, it is indeed quite large. You're a transfer student here for the tournament I presume? I can give you a tour if you would like." Pyrrha offered.

Emerald's fake smile grew brighter. It was all too easy.

Pyrrha led her around, giving a brief explanation of each place of interest. Emerald didn't pay much attention. After all, Cinder had made sure she and Mercury knew this place inside out before they even came here. Still, Pyrrha leading her around wasn't something she could complain about. Pyrrha brought a whole new meaning to the saying, "I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you go". Of course, being the Mistralian champion she was, Pyrrha was fit.

She hadn't realized that Pyrrha had stopped talking at that point, and was looking over her shoulder waiting for Emerald to respond. Emerald snapped her attention back up to Pyrrha's face and blushed slightly. She realized that Pyrrha just caught her staring at her ass. Pyrrha smiled knowingly, and turned around.

"I've talked enough. How about I show you something fun?" Pyrrha asked.

Emerald just nodded, too embarrassed to say anything. Not embarrassed because she was staring, but because she got caught.

Pyrrha led her to the next building, but this time they walked side by side. Inside was a raised floor in the shape of a large ring. It was obvious to Emerald that this was the sparring center. Looking over to Pyrrha, the girl had the same smile on her face. Did the champ seriously want to go toe-to-toe with her?

"So, you want to spar?"

"I thought it'd be a good chance to get the blood flowing, and a nice break from the lengthy tour." Pyrrha said cheerfully.

"And this isn't because you caught me staring at your ass? Cause I know you'll beat me." Emerald asked.

"No. Absolutely not." Pyrrha said, "If I fought everyone that-" she coughed, "admired my looks, I'd never get any rest."

If Emerald heard anyone else say that, it would have sounded like they were humble bragging or being narcissistic. But Pyrrha just had this way of talking where her words couldn't be misconstrued as bad at all. Instead of sounding arrogant, she just sounded honest. Emerald could appreciate that. She was raised around liars, so honesty was always appreciated.

"Ok, sounds like fun. Let's do this." Emerald said.

She only agreed to this match because Pyrrha suggested it, and she had to be on her good side otherwise she would have said no. She knew she was going to lose, not just because of Pyrrha's semblance, but because she was fighting Pyrrha.

Pyrrha Nikos.

She sighed. She'd fight a losing fight, because she was ordered to. Didn't mean she was gonna enjoy it.

Surprisingly, Emerald got a few good hits in. In fact, she was doing pretty well for herself. The training she put herself through must really be paying off. It made her feel good that she was close to being even with the Mistralian Champion. She wasn't quite there, but maybe if she pushed herself she would be. Maybe Cinder would be impressed even.

Then Emerald realized something. Pyrrha was faking it. She was underselling herself to make her feel good. She could tell because she had planned out a couple of feint attacks so that she could set up one big attack. But Pyrrha was hit by almost all of her easily avoidable attacks.

Why? Why would Pyrrha let herself get hit to boost Emerald's ego? Did Pyrrha really care about other people's feelings that much more than her own?

Caught up in her thoughts, she didn't notice the next attack coming. Pyrrha caught her sharply in the side with her spear. Of course, her aura prevented any actual harm from being done, but she was thrown to the ground with her side stinging like crazy.

"I'm sorry!" Pyrrha yelped.

Pyrrha quickly knelt down next to Emerald to see if she was alright. She looked up at her and gasped slightly. Pyrrha was under one of the sparring ring spotlights, and the light accentuated her features perfectly. It showed off her strong figure and gave more definition to the muscles on her arms. Her broad shoulders giving way to make her look strong, but also curvaceous. The light that shone around her hair made her look like an angel with an actual halo. And Emerald had to admit, she got a great view of Pyrrha's cleavage.

"What for?" Emerald laughed. "We're sparring. It happens."

"Still, I didn't have to be so rough." Pyrrha sighed.

Pyrrha helped her up, and Emerald wiped herself off.

"Trust me, I would have been more upset if you had gone easy on me." She hinted that she knew Pyrrha was going easy on her, since she figured that being direct about it would be more trouble than it's worth. "Besides, I like it rough." She winked at Pyrrha.

"What do you mean?" Pyrrha asked.

Emeralds smile dropped as she raised her eyebrows. Pyrrha didn't get the very obvious innuendo she just used. The implication of that almost made her crack up right then. Pyrrha was such a virgin. She bit her tongue to stop herself from laughing. Trying to act natural, she waved it off.

"It's nothing. It's nothing. What's next on the tour?"

"Oh! Well there are still plenty of sights to see. If you don't mind me taking up more of your time." Pyrrha said.

Emerald smiled genuinely.

"That sounds really great."

"Pyrrha, despite being the awkward virgin she is, really knows the way to a girls heart." Emerald thought as she took a bite out of the greasy burger she had just gotten.

They had decided to take a break for food. Emerald was fine with that, but she wasn't gonna eat. She didn't have a lot of money growing up, so she had to spend every cent wisely. Sometimes, that meant skipping meals. Only pay for food when you're hungry, is what she was always told. Occasionally, she took that advice further and only ate when she really needed to. So while she was hungry, she didn't need food, and she didn't want to waste her money.

But Pyrrha paid for both of them. In hindsight, of course she would. Pyrrha obviously never had experience not getting what she wanted, so two burgers didn't seem like much. Still, when Pyrrha ordered she nearly thought Pyrrha was ordering both for herself. But when Pyrrha handed one of them to her, she admittedly couldn't stop herself from staring slack jawed for at least a moment.

This was a good place too. As she took another bite she thought to herself how this had to be the best burger joint around. The fact that Pyrrha showed it to her, and that she paid for the food made Pyrrha an even better person than she had first thought. Pyrrha was alright in her books.

She looked over at Pyrrha and almost felt bad. While she was busy stuffing her face with as much burger as she could in one bite, Pyrrha bit through it with the same grace she had when fighting. How could she eat a grease trap like one of these, and still look good while doing it? It was just crazy to her how hot Pyrrha could be at times.

"I think I'm still going to be hungry when I'm finished with this burger. I'm gonna order some fries. Do you want some too?" Pyrrha asked.

Emerald could honestly kiss Pyrrha right now.

She couldn't stop herself from embarrassingly nodding her head. She groaned internally.

As Pyrrha got up, Emerald realized she wasn't doing her job. She was here for intel, not a date. That would be nice, but only if that's what Pyrrha wanted.


What was she even thinking? She wasn't here for the high school experience, she was here on a mission. Dating wasn't a part of that mission. Besides, dating wasn't even really her thing. She had grown up knowing that it was her versus the world. Everyone's a liar until proven otherwise. Even Pyrrha's a liar. Pyrrha had lied to her earlier that day. Emerald didn't date because that'd mean trusting that person enough to let them get close to you. Not only did she not trust anyone enough for that, that'd mean letting that person have power over you. She couldn't understand why anyone would allow that.

Pyrrha returned with the fries. As she handed them over to her, Emerald realized that maybe she'd been wrong about her. Pyrrha had lied to her earlier, but it was for the sake of someone else. Pyrrha put herself second to make someone else feel good. Honestly, she was probably more confused now than she had ever been. She had never come across someone who had lied for a good reason. It was just something that wasn't done.


She couldn't let herself trust her. Even though Pyrrha was the one person Emerald had met that was the most deserving of her trust, she was the mission. And she knew that this mission would end with Cinder killing Pyrrha.

Why get close with a dead woman?

She felt something. Not the feelings she has for Pyrrha. This was something else. She felt bad about this.

She felt guilty.

"Emerald? May I be honest with you?" Pyrrha asked. The tour was coming to a close, and Emerald honestly felt kind of disappointed. The whole walk back to where they started Emerald felt her conscience eating away at her. Pyrrha was really something else, and Emerald would have to stand by as a lot of bad things happened to her. Cinder was going to kill her eventually.

"What is it?" She asked, trying to ignore her internal monologue.

"I have had a great time today spending it with you. I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to dinner this weekend?"

The dam inside her broke. Emerald quickly grabbed Pyrrha by the back of her head and pulled her into a kiss. Her eyes were shut tight, so she couldn't see Pyrrha's reaction. It probably wasn't anything good, but Emerald had to kiss her. She was done denying this.

It was a good sign when she felt Pyrrha's hand move to her hips. She was enjoying this too which was a relieving thought.

"This is wrong," Emerald thought, "Pyrrha's the mission."

"This is wrong," She thought again, "I can't let myself do this to her."

Emerald forced herself away. Pyrrha looked dazed, which almost got her to laugh, but she was too busy feeling miserable. She needed to get away from here. When Pyrrha's attention came back she looked worried.

"Are you okay?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" Emerald sniffed.

"It's just that…" Pyrrha reached for Emerald's face, "You're crying."

Emerald hadn't realized that. She was in fact crying. She stepped away from Pyrrha and her touch.

"I'm fine… I should really go now." She mumbled.

"Okay. It was a pleasure meeting you." Pyrrha said dejectedly.

Emerald watched Pyrrha walk away. It was as if for a moment she was frozen in place. Every step Pyrrha took farther away from her she couldn't stand. Emerald did the last thing she thought she'd ever do.

She threw her caution to the wind.

"Wait." She called out.

Pyrrha stopped and turned around. Emerald quickly scribbled her scroll's number onto a scrap of paper. Running over to her, she gave it to Pyrrha.

"We should go out again. Call me." Emerald said before she ran off.

This was all too confusing for her and she needed to just get away now, before she did anything else dumb.

"Emerald, you were gone all day. That means you must have found some good intel on Pyrrha?" Cinder purred.

Though she phrased it as a question, Emerald knew she wasn't asking. When Emerald didn't answer immediately, Cinder glared at her menacingly. Her way of non-verbally threatening someone. Emerald knew if she didn't answer immediately then she'd be in danger.

"No." Emerald stated, "I didn't find out anything."

A/N:I'd like to thank 4k-ultra for helping me come up with this idea, and for looking it over. I'd also like to thank yashkonu for looking it over as well, and proof-reading it.