Workouts and Cookies (Pyrruby)

Ruby, with shaking arms, held the bar above her body. The weight felt like it'd collapse on her at any moment. Especially considering how her arms felt like jelly. She wanted to put the bar down, but she couldn't cause all the weight compressing her chest wouldn't be good for multiple reasons. If she could lift it up just slightly higher then she'd be able to put it back on the rack, but it seemed like it wasn't gonna budge an inch whenever she'd push. Luckily for Ruby, she had her own personal trainer.

"You just have five more in this set. Five more and you can rest." Pyrrha said encouragingly.

Ruby's mind was fuzzy, but she was able to pick up most of what Pyrrha said. Especially the part where Pyrrha told her to do five more. Ruby didn't know if she could even do one more. She grit her teeth and pushed again. This time she was able to straighten out her arms, and have finished one of the five she needed to do.

"Keep going. You're almost there." Pyrrha told her.

Instinctively, Ruby brought the weights down to her chest again. She didn't know why she did that. She was about to tell Pyrrha that she couldn't take anymore, but Pyrrha's support made her work harder. Maybe it was just that Ruby didn't want to disappoint her girlfriend.

Pyrrha and Ruby had grown close through their workouts. Pyrrha originally helped Ruby get better because she understands the pressure Ruby faces from being a child prodigy. She had helped Ruby like she wished someone had done for her. They had met more and more often for working out together. Then they started meeting up outside of that, and had eventually started dating. But one thing never changed this whole time. Pyrrha always pushed Ruby to finish her workout.

With a grunt and several rapid breaths, Ruby was able to lift the bar up again. Only three more to go. This time when she lowered the bar back down, she had almost dropped it. Her darn sweaty hands were making the bar all slippery. Ruby was really sweaty all over, her hair was slick against her forehead, and it just made things more difficult. Pyrrha had her hands on the bar in a second, stopping the bar before it could hurt Ruby.

"Do you need to stop? Or do you think you can do these last three?" Pyrrha asked.

If Ruby wasn't so focused on the impending weight she was holding, she'd tell her girlfriend that she was sweet, and that she like likes her so much. Instead she just shook her head and forced out a breath.

"I can do this." Ruby wheezed.

Pyrrha smiled, but she didn't move her hands. Just in case, she'd be ready to put the weights back. That didn't mean that she was helping Ruby any more than that though.

Ruby held her eyes closed forcefully and scrunched up her face as she forced the bar back up again. She only had two more to go, but it was getting harder and harder with each lift. She lowered the bar back down, slower this time. Her hands were starting to shake slightly as she held the held the bar in place. For a couple seconds she didn't move aside from that. Definitely not from a lack of effort.

"You only have two more. You can do it. I believe in you." Pyrrha cheered her on.

Ruby would have smiled at that, but right now she really couldn't. The bar started moving up slowly. Occasionally it stopped, but it eventually got there. Ruby would almost feel proud for getting this far, if it weren't for her muscles screaming at her and every part of her focus being devoted to keeping from dropping it. Lowering it back down was a lot easier.

"You only have one more. One more and it'll be over. Just get it done so that you'll be finished." Pyrrha said. Her tone adopted the tone of a coach for a moment. As if this were something drilled into Pyrrha's head.

Ruby shook her head. She didn't know if she could do it. Pyrrha looked at her worriedly. She didn't want Ruby to push herself too hard, but at the same time she didn't just want Ruby to quit. If Ruby could just find some motivation, she could finish this last one for sure. Pyrrha then got an idea when she thought that. She looked down at Ruby and smiled.

"If you finish this last one, I'll give you a kiss." Pyrrha bribed.

Ruby took several strained breaths, and then she looked right back at Pyrrha.

"Could I get a cookie too?" Ruby said shakily.

Pyrrha chuckled and nodded. Her smile was beaming. She couldn't help smiling like that, her girlfriend was just so adorable.

"Okay, and a cookie too." She added.

"And strawberries." Ruby continued.

"Well you aren't getting any of these things unless you can finish this last lift." Pyrrha laughed.

She laughed even more at Ruby's focused face. It was just so cute to Pyrrha even with Ruby being drenched with sweat. As if Ruby couldn't get more adorable to Pyrrha, Ruby let out a small yell as she pushed up on the bar one last time. Pyrrha put the bar back on the rack, and went around the weight to congratulate her girlfriend.

Ruby just lied there even as Pyrrha clapped a couple times for her. For a moment, Ruby wasn't sure if she could get up. She was sore all over, and her arms felt heavier than the weights she was just lifting. Hesitantly, Ruby forced herself to stand. She slowly started to tip to lean on Pyrrha for support. Pyrrha wrapped her arms around Ruby and held her.

"So which do you want first? The kiss, the cookie, or the strawberries?" Pyrrha asked.

"The cookie." Ruby mumbled.

Pyrrha pouted at her. She could understand she guessed. After a hard workout like that, she would want something sweet too.

"Just kidding." Ruby leaned on her tippy toes and kissed Pyrrha. "I should probably take a shower though before we do anything else. I'm all gross."

She left Pyrrha's side to make for the locker room. Before she entered she turned back to Pyrrha with a worried look on her face.

"When's the next time we're supposed to have another workout?" She asked.

"Two days from now. We'll be working on your legs then, so I hope you'll be ready to work." Pyrrha answered honestly.

Ruby groaned as she disappeared behind the locker room doors.

A/N: Thanks to miss-nerdgasmz for the suggestion. I already had the idea of Pyrrha and Ruby working out together in my head, but she had a suggestion that I absolutely loved. I'm gonna do a one shot for (mostly) every Pyrrha ship. I wanted it to be in order of RWBY JNPR and so on, but that isn't gonna be the case here. Whichever ship I write next is the ship I wrote next. When I upload this to AO3 I'll put it in order