Chapter 100: Christmas 2004 (Epilogue)

Winter of 2004 brought with it a new joy as Minoru and Sanja joined the family celebrations when they married on Christmas morning. It was a small affair with only friends and family joining them in celebrating their coming together. Kohaku and Kasumi were both present, as was Miri and Atkin and their newest daughter Diana. Sanja found out about her past life as the youkai Hunter named Sango and how she was an instramental part in destroying the Sacred Jewel and in the killing of the evil Naraku. She also was reunited with Kagome and when that happened both women began to cry as a part of their souls seemed to be once again complete. Kagome had her best friend and sister back and Sanja finally knew what it meant to have family in her life.

As a gift to the couple the wedding was performed on the beach by a Buddhist monk in Indonesia, since it was a dream of Sanja's to have her wedding somewhere exotic. Kagome, with help from Miri and Kasumi, decorated the beach with white and pink flowers and lace on the chairs with ribbons of lace on the white trellis archway and tiny white roses weaved through the archway. The bridesmaids wore a light pink, almost coral, color short sweetheart dresses. Hana got to be the flower girl and wore a light pink and white dress with her black and silvery hair done up in a tight braided bun that had tiny flowers in it.

With the guests seated and the people in place the music began and the bridesmaids walked down the isle with Kagome amongst them. Sesshomaru, who stood next to Minoru as best man growled lightly at the sight of his mate in such a revealing dress. It took a lot of willpower not to drag her off somewhere and take her any which way she'd allow him to. His eyes never left her and as the Buddhist priest continued to say things of which he didn't hear nor cared about his eyes never left Kagome's. Once the ceremony was done and the couple were congratulated neither former western lord or lady would be seen until much later in the day.

When night fell the wedding celebrations were done and everybody began to celebrate the Christmas celebrations. Hana being the happiest about this because it was also her birthday. Yasuko and Grandfather Higurashi arrived just in time for the Cheistmas celebrations along with Souta and Yukito with their two children Nicholas and Tsukiko who had been spending a lot of time with Yasuko and their great-grandfather. It was around midnight when Yun-ho and Farley arrived at the hotel that the family was staying at and was able to finally meet her grandmother and great-grandfather for the first time.

Kagome laid her head against Sesshomaru's shoulder as she watched her family celebrating the festivities and enjoying each other's company. She was content though she silently wished that her sons could've made it this year, but knew they were both busy with the company and keeping the Youkai city intact. Toga and Kazumi were on a honeymoon vacation somewhere in Eastern Europe. Shippo couldn't come because he was focusing on a preservation in northern Alaska and his daughter Sango was back home in Japan writing up her latest magna booklet leaving Inuyasha and his mate alone with Shiro and Akira.

"Maybe next year we can get everybody together." She sighed.

"Perhaps." Sesshomaru said nuzzling her neck when he winced as somebody tugged on his fur. Turning his head he looked down at the perpetrator. Rin looked up at him with a toothy smile and held up her new stuffed bunny. His fur wrapped around the eight year old little girl and lifted her up effortlessly. Out of the four years since she'd become their daughter, not once had Rin spoken. Doctors said nothing was wrong with the child and that if and when she spoke it may be nothing at first; perhaps a single word would be all she'd say. Whatever it was that she'd say, Sesshomaru hoped it would be something he'd witness. Rin hugged both Kagome and Sesshomaru before she wiggled to be put down and ran off to bed. The rest of the adults continued to talk and say thanks for gifts opened until they all began to get tired and went their separate ways.

As morning came, the beaches filled with people. Kagome watched her mate take the children down to the pool area of the hotel as she went into the town to find some small keepsake gifts as they were planning to leave by noon. The streets were filled with tourists and people yelling to get the attention of the visitors. It felt nice to be out in the early morning hours. Walking towards a stall with scarfs and homemade jewelry. She paid for a necklace made of shells and matching bracelet. Placing the items in her pant pocket she was about to begin walking back to the hotel when suddenly somebody grabbed her. Dark skin and hair filled her visage and for a moment she didn't know who held her until her eyes came into contact with those of her captor.

"Yuji." She hadn't seen him since the beginning of the Second World War and now he stood before her like he hadn't vanished all those years ago. Like he hadn't caused Kazumi such heartache and worry? She wanted to yell at him but suddenly she heard screams around her and turned her head in time to watch a wall of water swallow everything in sight! She did the only thing she could do. She screamed. Even as he held her tightly to his chest, she felt as if she was suffocating. Sesshomaru had been near the beach, the one place that was closest to the wall of water. Her mother, grandfather, brother; everyone! They were all there! She cried. Her heart breaking, tearing apart at the mere thought of her mate and family being torn from her in a single moment.

The youki under Yuji's feet allowed him to fly high above the raging water. Dark eyes could see that everything was being swept away. His feet landed on the rooftop of a high parking garage. Yuji sat his brothers mate down. Her knees buckling as she lost all strength to stand on her own. Her spirits low now that she seemed to be the sole survivor of her family. Dark eyes watched the woman fall apart before a sly smile spread across his visage. Years ago Eiji had a vision, this one of a wall of water destroying everything in sight. Lady Kagome and Lord Sesshomaru being killed instantly by a wall of water. Drowning was apparent. Eiji made him promise to ensure such a travesty wouldn't happen. So, he stayed in the shadows and watched his brother and mate, kept them safe from people without them knowing. He'd killed many assassins who had tried killing Sesshomaru and had taken out those that hired them. He had watched them in their final showdown against Ku and had been impressed at the power they held over the group of Miko's and Monks. He stayed quiet as they made contact with the Higurashi family and stayed in the shadows watching them from afar until now.

He felt the earth move beneath his feet, felt the rumble of rushing water before the humans even spotted the first wave. He went for his charges instantly and kept his word to his nephew.

He smiled as he saw the silver haired former lord land in front of him. "Kotori." He whispered.

Kagome lifted her tear streaked face and cried outloud. "Sesshomaru!" She scream out his name and hugged him. His arms had been empty, which left her to wonder, where were her babies?

"Mama!" Rin cried out causing both parents to look up in shock as little Hana stumbled into a landing beside both of their parents. Rin's first words had been in panic, for her mother and had it been any other day bother parents would've praised her for speaking; instead they were just glad she was alive.

"Mama!" Hana cried out as the two girls ran to Kagome. She had been shocked when her youki had been strong enough to push her out of the water and up into the air. She'd seen Rin hanging onto a tree and had grabbed her hand before shooting off into this direction. Everything had happened so quickly. She'd been so scared and seeing her mother and father alive had been enough for her to lose focus on her power and caused her to stumble onto the parking garages rooftop.

The tiny family hugged each other tightly. They were fine. They were alive. Turning towards Yuji, Sesshomaru grasped his half brothers arm and pulled him into their family. "You have been gone too long, little brother." He stated once Kagome released to young dark male.

"I had a promise to keep." He replied as his eyes turned towards the raging waters.

"You will need to explain yourself some day." Sesshomaru said his own eyes turning towards the waters.

"Perhaps another day." Yuji said. "For now, let's see who we can pull from the waters."

Sesshomaru looked off into the distance. It was going to take a long time to search everything once the waters stilled or drained and even then it would be a long shot to find everybody. His eyes closed. He knew in his heart that their family possibly would never be the same after today. That many of their pack was going to be dead. He suddenly looked down when he felt a tiny hand grasp onto his and felt his heart tighten. At least he had his daughters and as his eyes met Kagome's he knew that at least they'd be alright.

So gathering youki beneath his feet, a cloud forming, he began to lift upward into the sky before he turned towards the waters and shot off after Yuji to begin the search for the rest of his pack leaving Kagome behind to pray to the Kami to protect her family.

The End.

M-Angel: Yes! It's finished! I'm so happy! ^0^

Okay, so I'm sure everybody is wondering why I ended it this way. Simple. Life isn't about happily ever after stuff. Crap happens. So I figured that since everybody survived everything I threw at them that perhaps a taste of life that didn't involve youkai could actually bring them down a peg or two. Natural disasters are unpredictable. Eiji didn't know when that was going to happen but he wanted to make sure when it did occur that his very human mother would survive it. Originally everybody was going to die in this disaster, but in this ending I let those two survive along with the two youngest children. Now did anybody else survive? It's possible but we don't know for sure. No there isn't going to be a sequel. This story took me long enough to do and I've got a lot of other stories I'd like to write.

So while I'm thinking about it is like to thank everybody who left a review on this story over the last few years. I got encouraged by each review you left me and it allowed me to become a better author. Yes, I know there were a lot of mistakes done in the beginning of the story. One day I may go back and fix them; but for now I'm not. Sorry. Also thanks for sticking around long enough to make it to the end. ^_^

To those of you who read my story but didn't comment, I'm glad you stuck around until the end. I know a hundred chapter story is a lot to take in but I'm glad you stayed around long enough to read the ending.

So thank-you everybody and I hope you check out my other stories on here and on both AO3 and .

Love you guys!