Sonata to Memento Mori

Epilogue: One Year After

The trilling melody of an ocarina carried out across the wind, tracing it's way back to Blaze, sitting atop one of the many buildings of the ruined city, his hair having grown out to nearly match it's previous length, his clothing having changed to a more casual jacket and clothing rather than the military styled outfit of Arzenal, Barbatos of course sitting idly nearby.

Blaze ceased playing and licked his lips as he pocketed the instrument, stretching his arms as he sat up, looking around then staring at the sky.

"It's seriously been a year since then already huh? Hehehe… time really does fly when you're having fun!" Blaze chuckled, standing up and sauntering back to the Barbatos, spinning his pendant on his finger as he started up the machine.

"And your searches into the records of the previous era of humanity has proven fruitful since them." Lumiere added, Blaze shrugging as he placed his visor on and took off.

"I gotta thank Sala and Ryuga for their help with that. Sala especially, since she's so dang enthusiastic about learning about the old era." Blaze hummed, stretching his arms as Lumiere took control of the flight, "It's actually cool, this archaeology stuff. Learning about the past through old records and relics. I'm surprised there used to be so many different languages to boot. Back in the other world there was only the one."

"What the previous era referred to as English is what is currently spoken in this era. Though the DRAGON's culture heavily draws off of the nation called Japan, where we find ourselves." Lumiere added, Blaze nodding as he crossed his legs.

"So you've said only a thousand times now." Blaze chuckled, "Well, let's head back into town, I think we've done enough digging for now! Back on home to New Arzenal."


The town (hopefully to eventually be a city) that had been constructed over the past year for those from the World of Mana after Embryo's defeat near the city ruins (as that was also where the Aurora was now kept, hopefully never to be needed again). While currently just a quaint little hovel of a location considering the number of people living there, everything they could have to attempt to live nicely was present in the small place.

It was home for the Norma, that was all that mattered in the end scheme of it. A place where hard work was the name of the game and rough living was expected.

And where Blaze had settled as his place was just at the outskirts of it, a two story, but rather spread out place suitable for the number of people living there. Parked all around the small town where the various para-mails belonging to the residents, now lacking any of their weapons that had been there before, simple modes of transportation of helpful tools of construction now.

"Home sweet home." Blaze mused, the cockpit opening up even before his machine touched the ground, Blaze reaching into the back compartment and pulling out a travel bag, hopping out onto the yard and proceeding inside, "I'm home! Anyone else here, or do I got the place to myself for once?"

"Nope! Like you're ever gonna be here alone!"

Naomi jumped up from behind and onto Blaze's back, not even a lurch coming from him as he let out a small chuckle, setting his bag down on the entryway.

"I think how this last year has gone, I understood that one all well and good." Blaze sighed, proceeding along while Naomi nuzzled into his back.

"Find anything good today hmm? Or just had to get some fresh air?" Naomi asked, Blaze giving a hum, the young woman stepping off and to the floor as they rounded a corner.

"I think so… I'll have to show Sala next time she visits and see what she thinks. She knows more about the old era than anyone else, so she's a good source of course." Blaze hummed, Naomi nodding.

"That she is. Oh, Hilda's cooking apple pies again! So come on, you don't wanna miss it do ya'?" Naomi laughed as she ran ahead, Blaze giving his own chuckle and sighing.

"Yeah… since then my life hasn't really slowed down. I'm stuck in a different sort of war now… the war of having several lovers… I may have resigned myself to the role but doesn't mean I'm not gonna make remarks about it… wonder how much longer Ange is gonna be able to keep Tusk to herself. I've heard some things from some of the others…" Blaze thought, slinging his jacket over his shoulder as he peered into the large living room that also connected to the kitchen.

The gathering was everyone from the First Unit, as usual since they were such a tight knit group, plus the inclusion of Tusk, and Vivian was the first to take notice of Blaze as Naomi sat down.

"Heyy! Big Bro's back! Did you find anything cool today?!" Vivian loudly asked, Blaze shaking his head as he took one of the empty chairs, taking his gloves off and pocketing them in his jacket, giving a sigh.

"Sadly, nothing new. Though I'm thinking of looking further into that shrine Sala pointed out to me the other day, might find something neat there." Blaze stated, stretching his arms and leaning back, stopping himself from falling back in the chair by placing his knee on it, "So what of anyone else eh? I can't be the only one with a thing to say here!"

"I mean nothing much. Of anything, you still do most of the interesting stuff." Tsuk pointed, Blaze giving a hum, scanning around again, his eyes narrowing on a certain sign hanging near the kitchen, where Hilda and Ersha were currently whipping something up, a sign that read "Blaze not allowed", Tusk trailing Blaze's line of sight to it. "Hmm, why are you banned from the kitchen."

"No reason in particular." Blaze stated, clearly denying something, everyone else present who wasn't a resident taking an interest.

"He turned the oven on too high and made what he was cooking explode! Honestly, how do you do that?" Hilda called out, Blaze looking to the side as Ange and Tusk snickered at it.

"It was an honest mistake! If you and Ersha would just let me try again I bet I could make something!" Blaze yelled back, Ersha giving him a look as she leaned on the bar counter facing the table.

"We're not taking any chances Blaze. Just focus on what you do best, and let us handle the cooking." Ersha warned, her tone bearing a feeling of threat to it, Blaze letting out a small groan, leaning on his hand and giving a huff.

"Fiiine." Blaze grumbled, Ersha nodding and turning back to her task, Rosalie and Chris snickering to themselves, Blaze shooting a glance at them.

"Well someone's gotten whipped in the past year hasn't he?" Rosalie snickered, Blaze narrowing his eyes at her.

"Hey, that's what it looks like from here." Chris teased, Blaze rolling his eyes, Salia sighing herself.

"Oh, lay off you two… then again it was a pretty big explosion." Salia murmured, Blaze yelping a bit, hanging his head.

"Of everyone here, I at least thought you'd come to my defense on this!" Blaze despaired, laying his head on the table, Salia whacking him on the shoulder, "Ow." A flat response to the blow.

"You earned that one."

"Isn't giving second chances a thing with us or not?" Blaze grumbled.

"Oh just accept the fact they're banning you and quit moping." Ange teased, Blaze giving her a flat look, then snickering.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Blaze mused, looking around at everyone as the chatter continued, leaning back and giving a small, musing chuckle, "A year since then, and we've settled into as much of a normal life as all of us can settle into." The young man tugged at his scarf a bit, looking at the bloodstain still marring it, and his pendant, now wrapped around his wrist, "Nobody died in vain. Hehehe, one story ends, and another begins just as it does. But, I think I like a peaceful story better. One where everyone is doing their best and is happy doing it. I couldn't ask for anything better."

Blaze blinked as Naomi dragged him up from his seat, pulling him out of his thoughts and pulling him out into the yard, where all the others had moved too, Tusk busy setting up a camera opposite everyone else all grouped together, Blaze finding himself shoved right into the middle with Ange.

"Alright, hold on for a second!" Tusk held up a finger as he fiddled with the camera, Blaze and Ange chuckling.

"Let's hope things can stay peaceful like this. I don't want it to not be like this for now, don't you agree?" Ange asked, Blaze nodding.

"Yeah. I like this peaceful life." Blaze hummed, getting affirmative answers from all the others, Tusk giving a thumbs up and then running over, "Alright, everyone smile for the camera!"


One of the first pictures of what could really be called a family for these young outcasts who'd found their place at last, and image holding one of many happy memories the troubled bunch were making. They'd earned their freedom, and their happy ending. A life with those they loved and the new friends they had made.

Certainly an ending worth the fighting.

Sonata to Memento Mori

Epilogue, End