"Masa! Get up!" There was a harsh knocking and an angry feminine voice on the door, startling Masamune awake.

Masamune sat up groggily and stretched "I'm up!" Masamune called back.

"Get dressed and come down!" the voice snapped, before there was the sound of heavy footsteps leaving.

Masamune sighed as he yawned and moved to the end of his bed. "Wonder what she's planning this time, nothing good of course" Masamune grumbled as he stood up.

"You up, kiddo? You need help tying your shoes?" a male voice asked as his father gently peeked open the door.

Masamune looked over with a happy smile. "Yep. I think i got it father" Masamune said happily.

"You sure?" his father chuckled, stepping into the room and inspecting Masamune's attempts at tied shoes and undoing them to redo them.

Masamune laughed and gave a small hug to his father. "You don't have to go to work today, right?" Masamune asked, hopeful.

"Don't know. People might need me." his father smiled, giving a small hug back.

"But i want you to be with me today. Can't you take a day off?" Masamune pouted.

"There might be bad people need locking up. And Daddy's gotta save people from getting hurt, and punish the people breaking the rules. Besides, don't you have school today too?" his father replied kindly, giving an apologetic look.

Masamune sighed sadly. "Okay, why do you have to always be gone, especially today" Masamune asked.

His father smiled. "Because i have to get your present. It's sitting at my office, and i have to pick it up." his father said, chuckling as he ruffled Masamune's hair.

Masamune smiled at the ruffle of his hair. "Okay, then see you later dad" Masamune said with his normal happy tone.

"Don't take anything from your mother too personally. It's the hormones from carrying your brother. Once he's born, she'll calm down. Just a few more months." his father chuckled, leaning down and kissing Masamune on the top of his head.

Masamune smiled. "Okay" Masamune replied.

"Besides, you're excited about your baby brother, aren't you? You'll finally have someone to boss around." his father chuckled.

"But it also means that you'll have to work even more. But at least i'll have someone to annoy when i'm bored, which i guess Kojy would be happy to hear" Masamune chuckled.

"See, you're seeing the bright side already. If i get done with work early, i'll come home in time for your celebration, and i'll have your presents." his father promised. "Kojy might even want to come over too. Maybe he'll have a present for you too."

"You'd better get done with work early. It's an important day! Of course Kojy will come over!" Masamune said.

"What day is it?" his father asked teasingly.

"The fifth! My birthday!" Masamune replied with a little chuckle.

"And how old is my little dragon turning?" his father smiled.

"Nine!" Masamune smiled.

"Wow, really! You're almost a big boy!" his father chuckled.

"One day, i'll be old enough to help you at work!" Masamune said happily.

"You wanna lock up bad guys and help people too?" his father smiled.

"Of course! I want to be like you father, and even better!" Masamune said excitedly.

"Well, speaking of bad guys, Daddy's gotta go to work. You be good for your mother. And you'll get to see Chika and Ieyasu!" his father said cheerfully, pinching Masamune's cheeks a bit before standing.

Masamune whined a little at the pinching. "Awe, okay. See you later dad! I'll try!" Masamune said happily.

There was a car honking from outside the house, and his father chuckled, mumbling something like 'so impatient Kojy,' before giving Masamune a little hug and running out of the room, buckling his gun belt and mumbling a list of everything on his uniform to make sure he didn't miss anything. Masamune smiled, happily waving before giving a sigh as his father ran out the door. Part of him envied Kojuro for getting to spend all his time with his father, helping him out around the office and on occasion arresting people. Shaking his head, he ran over to his closet, quickly picking out an outfit and quickly getting dressed, filled with pride as he managed to tie the shoes correctly all by himself. After checking to make sure he had everything for his outfit, he walked down to the kitchen. Sitting on the table was a plate of eggs, sausage, bread, and juice.

"Eat up quickly, you have to get to school." his mother grumbled, sitting down at the table with a plate with a large amount of pancakes. Masamune nodded as he sat down and began to eat. His mother quietly growled as she found she couldn't fully pull her chair up due to her belly, and had to pull the plate to her. She briefly looked him over before sighing and setting a couple of her pancakes on his plate, pushing the syrup to him. Masamune looked up a little surprised at the actions of his mother but didn't question as he eagerly took the plate of pancakes. "Thank you. Ma'am." Masamune said.

"Yeah, whatever." his mother grumbled, not looking at him as she quickly wolfed down her food, eating like she was starving. "Hmm. Going to have to get cake stuff. Maybe some extra food for guests, restock on baby food and snacks." his mother mumbled, writing down a list. "What kind you want? Chocolate? Vanilla?"

"Chocolate, please." Masamune said as he finished up his food and wiped his face off. His mother hummed in acknowledgement as she quickly wrote some more, ripping the page out of her notebook and stuffing it neatly in her purse, standing up and taking Masamune's plate for him, setting both in the sink and quickly washing them. "In the car." She ordered, picking up her keys and other stuff she'd need. Masamune quickly ran and grabbed his things from the corner of the living room and headed to the car. His mother followed behind him, locking the door behind them and opening up the car door for him to climb inside. "You have your homework and stuff? Did your father see your grades and behavior folder?" she grumbled.

Masamune climbed inside the car quickly. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good. You've been acting good? No being bad? And your grades have been good?" His mother asked, pulling out of the driveway expertly, growling as she nudged the trash can.

"Yes, Ma'am" Masamune replied, already looking out the window.

His mother hummed in acknowledgement, looking out the side window as her eyes met something. She gave a hum, already forming a plan in her head as she smirked a bit. "How would you like to spend the day out somewhere… fun." his mother spoke up.

Masamune looked over at her a little surprised. "Fun? Yeah" Masamune said confused.

His mother smirked. "How about Freddy Fazbear's Pizza?" His mother said.

Masamune shrugged. "Sounds like fun." Masamune said glad to hear that his mother was being nice for once. His mother smirked before turning into a parking lot, parking the car and getting out. "Come along." she called.

Masamune got out of the car making sure he had his phone in case Ieyasu, Motochika, or Yukimura wondered where he had disappeared to. His mother took his hand, leading him up to a small, colorful building with a poster of a happy looking bear, bird, and bunny holding pizza. Masamune glanced at the poster trying to remember why the name was so familiar. His mother led him inside, talking to one of the attendants and pointing to Masamune. The attendant nodded and kneeled to Masamune, putting on a smile. "Hey there." the attendant said. "You wanna go play while we get you something to eat and talk to your mommy? We've got some coloring stuff over on the tables, and you can play on the stage."

Masamune looked at the attendant and shrugged. "Sure." Masamune said, still trying to figure out where he had heard the pizzeria's name before. The attendant opened the door for him to a large party room with a stage, which on top were animatronic versions of the characters on the poster. Over in the corner, there were several other kids, some smaller and some his age at a table, singing happy birthday and running around. Masamune sighed as he cautiously walked to the others. 'might as well try to make friends, right?' He thought, looking at the kids for anyone who looked friendly.

Suddenly he felt a pair of arms hug him from behind, and a pair of familiar laughs. Masamune jumped at the sudden hug and perked up at the familiar laughs.

"Hey shortie! What're you doing here!" Motochika laughed, sticking a party hat on Masamune's head.

"I could say the same to you, Chika." Masamune laughed.

"Ieyasu's friend has a birthday today, and he invited me along. Question is what are you doing here. I didn't really think this was your kind of place for a birthday." Motochika said.

"Mother's idea. It's so strange she's been actually kinda nice today." Masamune said.

Ieyasu & Motochika glanced at eachother, looking concerned but kept their happy expressions. "Maybe it's your brother?" Ieyasu shrugged.

"Maybe." Masamune shrugged.

Motochika leaned into Ieyasu's ear, whispering something furiously, but Ieyasu put a calming hand on Motochika's shoulder, shaking his head no.

"Anyway, you want cake? It's chocolate." Motochika offered, running over to get another plate.

Masamune looked at the two in confusion but remained quiet wondering what they were talking about. "Yeah!" Masamune spoke up, his eyes lighting up a bit at the mention of chocolate cake.

Motochika grinned and ran off, asking the attendant for a piece of cake while Ieyasu led Masamune off to another table further away from the party, near the stage.

"So did you get anything from your dad? Or is Kojy coming in his place again?" Ieyasu asked, trying to start a topic.

"Dad got me something but it's back at the office. He said he'd try to make it." Masamune said.

Motochika came back to the table looking extremely alarmed as he set Masamune's plate down in front of him. Ieyasu frowned and got up, as the two mumbled to each other and Masamune heard Motochika say in an outraged whisper 'She drove off just now, dude! She ditched him!' And Ieyasu hissed at him to keep his voice down. Masamune looked at the two confused

Ieyasu noticed the confused look and sighed.

"Just tell him dude. He's going to be stuck here unless we do." Motochika grumbled.

"What do you guys mean?" Masamune asked

"Your mom just drove off just now. She ditched you." Motochika sighed, and hissed as Ieyasu smacked him on the arm.

Masamune looked shocked and then it faded away and he sighed "Wouldn't expect any less of her" Masamune sighed

"It's okay dude. She's left you before?" Ieyasu asked, putting a hand on Masamune's shoulder.

"Yeah, Kojy will notice i'm not there and come find me like last time" Masamune said

"What do you mean 'last time'? What happened last time?" Motochika looked concerned.

"Got left at school last time. Mother forgot i was staying back to catch up on work. Kojy noticed i wasn't home and came to get me" Masamune explained

"She's left you twice now?! You know if you tell Kojy and your dad they can have you taken away from there. Happened to one of my cousins. He's alright now." Motochika said.

"But what if she does the same to my little brother when he's born someone has to be there for him" Masamune said

"i think if she didn't want your brother he wouldn't be in her stomach right now." Ieyasu sighed.

"So obviously she wanted me, right. At some point" Masamune sighed

Ieyasu & Motochika looked at eachother, concerned as the two were unsure what to tell their friend.

"Just saying, if she leaves you again, you need to tell your dad, and he needs to take you away from there." Motochika sighed.

"I just don't want her to do the same to him and if i leave then he'll be alone." Masamune said

"L-look. If she doesn't come back, or if Kojy doesn't show up by the time the party's over, you can come home with us." Ieyasu said firmly. "For now, let's just… try to make do with the situation." Ieyasu sighed.

"Yeah she might have left to get some birthday things." Masamune said

"You put way too much hope in your mom, dude." Motochika grumbled, but put the cake in front of Masamune.

"I have to have some hope that it's just because she's carrying my brother right" Masamune chuckled as he gladly took the cake.

"Let's hope." Motochika sighed as the two took a seat on either side of him, leaning on him as they finished their own pieces of cake. Someone called for Ieyasu, and Ieyasu gave an apologetic look as he got up.

"Sorry. Birthday boy calls." Ieyasu smiled.

"It's okay go ahead and have fun" Masamune smiled

"Chika, don't corrupt him too much." Ieyasu laughed, running off to another boy near the party table.

"Hey! I don't corrupt him!" Motochika protested. "Hmm wonder when the show is going to start. I wanna see Foxy." Motochika said, looking at the stage eagerly.

Masamune chuckled "I don't know. Foxy?" Masamune said looking at Motochika with a 'really' face. Motochika chuckled and pulled him to his feet, leading him to the stage.

"Okay, so the bunny is Bonnie, the duck is Chica, no, not like me kinda Chica, C-H-I-C-A, and the bear is Freddy." Motochika explained, pointing to each.

Masamune looked at the animatronics and nodded in understanding of the names. "So foxy is?" Masamune asked

Motochika grinned and pulled him over to an area labeled 'pirates cove' and pulled back the curtain a bit, showing an animatronic fox with a hook and eyepatch, obviously supposed to be a pirate. "This is Foxy." Motochika grinned.

"Ah, now i see why he's your favorite" Masamune chuckled

"Yeah. He's awesome, though!" Motochika grinned, his eye lighting up in admiration for the animatronic.

Masamune smiled seeing Motochika light up. "The two pirates" Masamune teased

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Motochika blushed in embarrassment. "I mostly like his singing though." Motochika said.

"He means he's in love with Foxy!" Ieyasu teased from across the room. Masamune laughed when Ieyasu shouted from across the pizzeria.

"Am not!" Motochika whined, hiding his face.

"Are too!" Ieyasu sung. "Chika and Foxy, sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Ieyasu taunted.

"Shut up!" Motochika grumbled.

"Hey you two! no shouting!" one of the Attendants warned as the two flinched and nodded.

"Prick." Motochika insulted the attendant under his breath.

Masamune rolled his eye. The animatronic in front of them started to move, as Motochika grinned, pulling Masamune back to their seats.

If you liked this let me know. The rest is going to be published this Halloween (2015)

Hope you enjoyed ~ Verto Strife.