Dean and Sam weren't in the motel. It was a perfect opportunity for Cas to do what he's been planning for days. He went in and found a piece of paper and pen and started writing.

Dear Dean, I've never had the guts to tell you this but, I think I might like you a little bit more than just as a friend. Sincerely, your sorta secret admirer

Sam and Dean came back but only Sam saw the letter resting on Dean's bed. "Dean, someone's been in here... they left you a note" He picked up the note and started reading it. Dean came in and Sam started to chuckle.

"What? What does it say?" Dean demanded.

"Oh you know, just a little love note addressed to you..." Sam said with a big grin on his face. Dean snatched the note out of his hand. Sam could tell when he finished reading it because he started blushing profusely. Dean started walking away and it appeared as though he was looking for paper. "What are you gonna do, write back?" Sam teased. "As a matter of fact yes I am." Dean replied. When Dean finally found some paper and a pen he started to write.

Dear "sorta secret admirer", I hate to tell you this, but my heart belongs to someone else. This someone else's name is Castiel. But he doesn't even realise that he has my heart. Even so, if I were you, I'd stop trying. From, Dean

The next day while Sam and Dean were out getting pie, Cas was in their motel room again. He saw the note taped to the fridge and smiled. His smile faded as he read the words

I hate to tell you this but,

But his smile returned once again when he read

My heart belongs to someone else. This someone else's name is Castiel.

He felt like he was floating in a void of happiness. This time he was prepared. He pulled a folded piece of paper and a pen out of his trench coat pocket and began to write.

Dear Dean, I can hardly put in to words how i feel about you. You are the light of my life, the sun to my day, the bee to my flower, and the only person i want in my life, when i'm with you it's like i can fly and i never want to lose that feeling. So please always be careful, and remember... i will always watch over you. Sincerely, your sorta secret admirer

Cas left it on Deans bed and left as Sam and Dean pulled up in his Impala. This time Dean was first to see the letter. "Damn this person just won't give up..." Dean complained. He read it and all he could think was



Cas loves bees... but he...


he couldn't be writing these letters

Could he?

We'll see

Dean took a piece of paper and started writing (while munching on pie of course)

Dear Cas, Bees Sincerely, Dean

The next day only Sam appeared to be home. Dean was last seen walking towards his Impala. Cas figured Sam being there wouldn't be a problem so went ahead and fluttered in.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"Bored" Cas replied.

"I see. Well Dean just left."

"OK" Cas said as he walked towards the fridge. When he thought Sam wasn't looking Cas reached for the note taped to the fridge. He was interrupted by a familiar voice outside screaming help.


He thought. Sam started to stand up like he was gonna go help Dean but he knew the game Dean was playing. In a blink of an eye Cas was rushing towards the door. But he barely made it out of the door before he felt a pair of arms wrap around him.

"Cas I..." Dean whispered into Cas's ear. Cas pulled away and looked at Dean's face. Cas put his hand on Dean's chin and laid a soft kiss on his lips. The moment was magical. All that could be heard was the two intense heart beats and a quiet "I knew it!" From inside.