At the moment, Toden was not very happy. She was currently frozen in place due to a charm on her head, and one of the Sailor Senshi, Mars, had just set her on fire. Now one of the other senshi, the one called Moon, was winding up an attack that Toden just knew would kill her.
As Moon went through the annoyingly long wind-up, Toden thought back to what had gone on today. Some guy name Yuuichirou had tried to board the train she was made from, which brought her to life. She had attempted to take his crystal heart, but then the Senshi showed up and she had to run deep into the subway system. The Senshi caught up to her, so she had to fight. Toden thought she was doing pretty good, but then Mars had thrown a paper charm at her, freezing her in place, then set her on fire.
And now here she was, about to be destroyed by Sailor Moon, just like the other Daimon before her. But before she could resign herself to that fate, she noticed something fall in front of her. It was the paper charm, blackened and falling apart! It must have been set on fire as well. Toden noticed that Sailor Moon had finally finished the wind up and fired her attack, a giant pink heart. Now free of the charm, Toden did the one thing no other Daimon had done: she turned and fled the other direction.
She managed to get a couple feet before she heard an explosion behind her. Not wanting to risk turning and getting attacked again, she continued forward. Her only goal was just to get as far away as possible.
The Senshi watched as the heart exploded. Expecting to see the train car and the Daimon Egg that made Toden, they were surprised to see nothing .
"What happened? Did we get the Daimon?" Sailor Moon asked. "I'm not completely sure. We might have vaporized the train." Sailor Mars replied. "Darn it! I just wanted to destroy the Daimon, not the entire train!" Moon yelled. Then she sighed. "Let's head back and see if Yuuichirou's alright."
The other Inner Senshi agreed and started to head back to the station, while the two Outer Senshi, Uranus and Neptune, watched.
"Should we go after the Daimon? Make sure she doesn't attack anyone?" Uranus asked. Her companion shook her head. "She'll be long gone by now. Let's just head back and wait for the next Daimon. She might show up then." Neptune replied.
Uranus nodded and the two of the left.
A few miles down the other track, Toden had finally stopped. Leaving her rail-mode, she leaned against the nearby wall. She sighed, then let out a small giggle. She had done it. She did the one thing no other Daimon before her had done: she escaped destruction at the hands of Sailor Moon. She couldn't wait to tell Kaolinite.
Toden jumped up in surprise. She looked and saw none other then the witch standing in front of her. She looked rather upset.
"Where did you come from?" Toden asked.
"That doesn't matter right now." Kaolinite replied. "I'm surprised. You actually managed to get away from Sailor Moon." "I know!" Toden yelled in joy. "Isn't that great?"
Kaolinite still looked upset. Toden frowned. "Is something wrong?" She asked.
"Toden, I am impressed that you escaped. You are the first Daimon to do that. However, you still failed to get that crystal heart, and you were unable to defeat the Senshi. In my eyes, that makes you a failure." Kaolinite replied sternly.
Toden was now worried. "But, I didn't even have a chance to get the heart. And I would have won if-"
"Enough!" Kaolinite cut Toden off. "The fact of the matter is you failed, and I will not tolerate failure."
"OK, I messed up, but if I go back to the lab, you can patch me up, maybe even upgrade me. I can do better next time. I promise." Toden said.
"I can't risk that. If you go out, you'll cause a panic. That will draw the Senshi to you, and if they follow you back to the lab, it will expose out plans. We can't risk that, not this early. So I'm going to eliminate that risk." Kaolinite explained
"What do you mean?" Toden asked, now very worried.
"I'll put it this way: I'm going to finish what Sailor Moon attempted." Kaolinite answered.
Toden finally realized what Kaolinite meant. She was distraught. She survived Sailor Moon's attack, only to be killed by the woman she worked for. Then, she noticed something. Behind Kaolinite was an emergancy exit. If she could get to that, she might be able to get away.
She looked at Kaolinite, and did the only thing she could think of: she lowered herself a bit and quickly turned left. When she did that, the boom barrier on her shoulder smashed Kaolinite in the head, knocking her down. As soon as Kaolinite hit the ground, Toden bolted for the door. Kicking it open, she turned sideways so her boom barriers wouldn't get caught, and ran for the surface. Kaolinite slowly got up and shook her head. Looking, she saw the open door. Growling, she took off through it.
As all this was going on, the Senshi had transformed out of their Senshi persona and went back to the station Yuuichirou was at to make sure he was OK. After confirming that he was, Rei said she would take him back to the temple. She said her goodbyes to the others and left. The remaining girls then turned to each other and started talking.
"Well, I'm glad Yuuichirou is alright, but there's still the fact that the Daimon escaped. What do we do about that?" Usagi asked.
"If we try to go after her, we'll never find her. I suggest we wait for the next Daimon to show up. Most likely, she'll be there ready to help the new Daimon." Ami replied. "Are you sure about that? What if she tries to leave Tokyo, or even Japan?" Usagi questioned. "You have a point, but unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it right now." Ami answered. "All we can do is wait."
"Alright." Usagi said. She then looked at a nearby clock. "We'd better start getting home. I don't want to be yelled at for being late. Again." The others agreed with that. Saying their goodbyes, they all left the station and went their seperate ways.
Later, Makoto Kino was walking down a busy sidewalk. It had been a long day, and right now all she wanted was to go home, lie down, and forget about today. However, as she passed a subway entrance, she saw one of the service doors swing open. What she saw next completely took her by surprise.
Running out of the door, in a complete panic, was the Daimon from earlier.
Makoto didn't have time to register this before the Daimon sped past her. Looking back, she saw a red haired woman leave the door as well. This woman also ran past her. From the looks of it, the woman was chasing the Daimon.
Makoto was completely baffled by this. Who was that woman? Why was she chasing the Daimon? And why was the Daimon scared of her? She didn't have time to think of those questions. She had to do something. The Daimon might hurt someone. So, she went after the two women.
She didn't have to follow them for long, as the two eventually ended up in the nearby park. Makoto recognized it as the place where she was attacked by that elf-like Daimon. She couldn't dwell on that though, as she noticed that the red-haired woman had shot out her hair like a whip and caught the Daimon's leg, tripping her. "You're not getting away from me, Toden." The red-haired woman said angrily.
"Please! I'm sorry, Kaolinite! I tried! I really did!" Toden cried out. Makoto could see that she was terrified.
"Trying isn't good enough!" Kaolinite yelled. Then she began to wrap her hair around Toden's entire body.
"Wait! Stop! No! Please don't-"
Toden didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as Kaolinite's hair completely covered her. What Makoto saw next horrified her: Kaolinite began to crush Toden with her hair. Makoto could hear the Daimon's pained screams being muffled by the hair. Makoto was shocked. From her experiences, Daimon were monsters. Beings who only stole crystal hearts. They were evil. But this one was actually terrified! Makoto was surprised.
As Toden continued to struggle, Makoto decided she couldn't take it anymore. She sprang into action; gathering her strength, she ran up and tackled Kaolinite to the ground. Surprised by this, Kaolinite lost her hair's grip on Toden and dropped the Daimon.
"What are you doing?!" Kaolinite yelled.
"I might not know exactly what's going on between you two, but I'm not letting you kill someone!" Makoto explained, now holding Kaolinite down. Kaolinite struggled in Makoto's grip, and was eventually able to head-butt Makoto. This didn't hurt her, but it did distract her long enough to let go, giving the witch a chance to get up. Now standing, Kaolinite looked at Toden, then at Makoto, then to a nearby street.
I can't risk drawing any attention to myself, she thought. She then turned back to Toden. "You got lucky. I'll deal with you another time." She said. Then she turned and ran off.
Rubbing her head, Makoto stood up and looked at the fleeing Kaolinite. She smiled, then looked over at Toden. She was still conscious, but was moaning in pain. Makoto walked over to her and kneeled down.
"Are you alright?" She asked, surprised that she was actually asking this to a Daimon. Toden looked up at her. "I feel like my torso's been run over, but I think I'll live." She replied. She then tried to stand up, but the pain prevented her from doing so, and she laid back down. Makoto was upset. As much as she didn't like the Daimons, she couldn't leave Toden here. And she was also worried that leaving her here would cause a panic. So, carefully, she picked up the Daimon. She was heavier then expected, but nothing Makoto couldn't handle.
She then weighed her options. She couldn't take her to a hospital. That would cause a panic. And if she took her to any of her friends, they'd try to destroy her. She at least wanted to see if she would still be a threat when she recovered before bringing them in. That left her with one option.
"Hang on. I'll take you to my home. You can recover there." She said. "Thanks. I owe you miss.. um... what's your name?" Toden asked.
She must not recognize me as Sailor Jupiter, Makoto thought. "Makoto Kino." She replied.
"Thanks, Makoto." Toden said.
With that, Makoto started to head towards her home, carrying the wounded Daimon.
Unknown to both of them, Haruka and Michiru watched the whole spectacle from a distance. They had seen Kaolinite chase Toden and tracked them down to the park.
"Well, I wasn't expecting this." Haruka said. "What should we do now? We have a living Daimon. She could tell us everything she knows."
"True, but I doubt she'd be in any condition to talk to us. We'll need to wait until she recovers before we can interrogate her." Michiru explained.
Haruka nodded. "And if she attacks us when she recovers?"
"Then we'll just have to destroy her." Michiru answered.
Haruka agreed, and the two of them left the park.