Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke

Chapter o1 . Enchanted

赤司 征十郎 x 純白 雨子

"Young master, please forgive me for not being able to fetch you yet," a man's voice in his mid-fifty's spoke on the other line of the phone, "it seems that roads were closed due to the sudden heavy downpour of the rain that lead to a few accidents. I will try my best to be there as soon as I ca—"

"No, it's fine," Akashi Seijuuro, the Young Master being spoken to, cut his driver off. Even though he was known for being feared by everyone who defies him, he wasn't that bad to the ones who obey him. And as much as his patience was starting to reach its limit, he'd rather go home without any casualties. Besides, his driver worked for his family for years already, and he was a good worker in fact. "I'd rather not hear any more news of accidents because of over-speeding just in this rain," he simply said, ending the call.

On the other line, his driver had a smile of gratitude on his face. He would be lying if he said that he didn't fear Seijuuro's sudden personality change that happened in middle school but, at rare times like this, he was sure that his old, kind, and caring young master was still there. "I better not keep him waiting longer, then."

Before locking his phone, Seijuuro glanced at the time. 8:04PM it read. Classes ended at 4 and basketball practice started right after. But because of the sudden downpour of the heavy rain, they were told to go home right away to avoid getting stranded in school and everyone in the basketball team didn't waste any second and hurriedly packed up and went home.

Apparently, it was a different case for Akashi Seijuuro. Not only was he the captain of the basketball club, but he is also the President of the Student Council. Everyone thought that it was very impressive for a first year to hold such great positions, but to him, it was natural. And no one dared to defy him.

He is an Akashi after all.

Seijuuro was normally fetched by his driver at 8PM by his driver since basketball practice starts and 4-7 and then he works on Student Council matters at 7-8. When they were asked to go home right away, he notified his driver to fetch him two hours earlier than the usual time. When he went to the SC room, he found out that there weren't much work to be done. So instead, he started working on some of his homework and reviewed his notes for the day.

After being done with all of that in just an hour, and still no text from his driver, he proceeded to go back to the gym and practice his basketball. When he grew tired of shooting hoops without missing a shot, he then decided to go back inside the locker room and watch their first opponent's games for the upcoming Interhigh to study how they play— not that they needed to, but he was really just so bored right waiting for his driver to come. He thought that studying the opponent's game would make up for the shortened practice they had today.

Before finishing the final minutes of the game, the electricity suddenly went out, causing the room to turn pitch black. It didn't bother him though. He sat up and used his phone's light to guide him to his locker and grab his belongings. "They're no match for us. We are going to win all of it," he declared before receiving the call from his driver apologizing for still being on the road.

Seijuuro didn't bother to change from his gym clothes anymore, started packing up and decided to just shoot some more hoops as he waits for his driver to arrive.

Just as he closed the door of the locker room, he heard a faint sound coming from the court. 'Is someone else still here besides me?' he thought, not wavering at all. Nothing pretty much scares him at this point. Although, he was sure that he was the only one left in the gym by this point.

"After practice, you can hear the sound of a basketball in the third gym when no one is there!"

He remembered Satsuki's words back in middle school about the ghost who plays basketball in the gym that only turned out to be Tetsuya practicing his basketball. Besides, why on earth will Tetsuya follow him all the way to Kyoto just to scare him?

Unfazed by this, he started walking towards back the gym. Besides, what he was hearing was not the sound of squeaking basketball shoes or the sound of the ball bouncing on the ground, but the sound of a piano. It was a sad piece, in fact.

As he came nearer and nearer the door, the sound became clearer. It really is the sound of a sad piano piece accompanied with footsteps here and there. When he reached the door to the gym, he stood on his place, surprised to find someone dancing in the middle of the basketball court.

A girl. It was a girl. She was wearing a black, two-piece dress, and was barefoot. The top only covered her chest; revealing her flat stomach, and a sheer maxi skirt. Her hair was long; ending at her waist and it was the color of the moon— white but it shone like silver. And her skin was porcelain.

And she was dancing—dancing with her eyes closed.

She moved with effortless grace, enchanting him with every move she makes.

He blinked in surprise. 'Enchanted?' he thought to himself in disbelief. Never in his whole life had he thought that he'd be enchanted by something— let alone someone.

But he wasn't complaining. He was enchanted. He was enchanted.

A feeling he hasn't felt before. He didn't know why but it felt like it was a new challenge, and he liked challenges.

He is an Akashi after all, and an Akashi never backs away from a challenge.

But before he finds out what kind of challenge she is, he decides to let himself be enchanted by her a little bit longer.

Seijuuro knew nothing about dance but he was sure that this girl dancing in front of him was good enough to be a professional.

The way she moves her arms, her legs, her whole body was sharp and very on point. And even though her eyes were closed, her face showed the emotion of her entire dance.

It was a sad emotion, given by the piano piece that she was dancing to, plus the sound of the rain outside added too. But why did he feel more than just that? The more she moved, the more she jumped, the more she turned; the more she poured all of her feelings in her dance.

And the more Seijuuro watched, the deeper he got enchanted by her. Her feelings were now reaching him and he was beginning to dislike it.

It felt painful. His heart felt painful. It was like the pain of losing his mother came back the longer he watched this girl dance this heartbreaking piece.

And he hated it.

He wants her to stop. He wants her to stop right now. The memories of losing his mother was the last thing he'd want to remember right now, and this was all because of her.

But he can't move. He was still enchanted by her that he thought his feet planted themselves to the ground.

This girl was overwhelming him with such an emotion and he refuses to let this continue any longer. He would never let himself be beaten by this girl.

'I am absolute. I will never be defeated.'

As the song was nearing its climax, on her right foot, she turned once, twice, thrice, and on the fourth turn, just as he was about to take his first step towards her, she did the most surprising thing. She opened her eyes on the exact moment her body faced his. It's as if she knew where he was all along even though her eyes remained close the entire time.

Seijuuro smirked faintly after recovering from the shock she gave him. 'What an interesting challenge this is.' He thought, finally making soundless steps towards her. 'It's like she's intentionally asking me to come for her.'

And he did approach her with his usual cool and collected face. He also noticed that the song was playing from her phone. Seijuuro was only a foot away from her now and was close to grabbing her to prevent her for moving any further but once again, he was frozen on the spot.

Seeing her up close—seeing her emotions up close like this—was just so beautiful.

Once again, never in his whole life has he seen someone like her so beautiful before. No, she wasn't a goddess. She didn't look like Nikki, the prettiest girl in his year. Her face was pretty much average, very simple. She didn't have a voluptuous body like Satsuki's. Her body was slim, but toned due to dancing.

He couldn't put a finger on it yet but, she was just her own kind of beautiful.

She continued on turning, opening her eyes once again and seeing now that he's right in front of her. She watched him standing there with a painful look on her face—the one that made his blood boil—and she felt it. But she didn't care. This was her dance and no one can stop her now.

Or so she thought.

"Enough." Seijuuro didn't know whether or not he activated his Emperor Eye to foresee the future but, he caught her in his arms effortlessly. His left hand held her waist and the right holding her left wrist.

The intimate contact made her gasp audibly as she fit in his arms perfectly. Her head faced the ground as she panted heavily from her dancing as she clutched his shirt unconsciously.

The moment she looked up in his eyes, lightning struck, followed by the sound of a loud thunder.

And finally, silver met red.

It all happened so fast that he almost missed it but once again, Seijuuro was awestruck at how beautiful her silver eyes shone thanks to the light from the lightning.

"Beautiful," she whispered, catching him off guard. The girl clutched tightly on his shirt, pulling him closer to her, their faces only inches apart. "Your eyes are beautiful," she said.

"My.. my eyes..?" he asked, loosening his grip on her so that the both of them could stand up straight but she didn't budge. She still held onto him as if her life depended on it.

"Yeah, they're the prettiest red I've ever seen," she softly smiled at him, finally letting go and walking over to pick up her phone where the music came from.

'What does she mean they're the prettiest red? Last time I checked, I had one red and one gold... Unless…'

"What do you mean—"


Seijuuro was cut off when his phone suddenly rang from his bag. Before he walked to go get his back next to the door, he took a look at her who was now gathering her belongings too in her own Rakuzan bag.

"Stay there," he told her, well, commanded her.

When Seijuuro finally reached his bag, he quickly searched for his phone and answered it. "Speak."

"Ah, Young Master." It was his driver. "I just arrived and now parked in front of your school."

"I will be there in a while," he said, ending the call immediately. He placed his phone inside his bag again, zipping it close. When he turned around to look at the girl, his felt his blood boil once again when he saw that she was nowhere to be found inside the gym. Then, his head turned to the exit when he heard it click.

'Did she escape from me? No, she definitely defied my orders.'

Seijuuro put his speed to use and ran outside to catch up to her so that he could give her a piece of his mind.

When he exited the gym, he was greeted by the cold wind from the rain, making him shiver slightly. He looked left and right, trying to figure out where she could have gone to. Lightning struck once again and thanks to that, he finally saw a glimpse of her silhouette.

Across the gym, there was the open field and she was there. Standing in the middle of the field, letting herself get drenched by the rain.

Seijuuro glared at her. 'Just what is she thinking?' He dropped his bag on the floor, and went for her, not caring if he'd get drenched himself.

When he approached her the second time that night, he didn't hesitate like the first time to stop and watch what she was doing. Her back was facing him and he forcefully grabbed her by the arm to make her face him.

Seijuuro glared at her but she just stared at him like it was the most natural thing to do and it annoyed him even more. "I thought I told you to stay back there," he said.

"I didn't want to," she replied casually, trying to get away from his grasp but he just held on tighter.

"Huh? You didn't want to?" he smirked at her in a challenging way and pulled her closer to him, causing her to bump in his chest. "No one defies my orders because I am absolute," he tells her with his voice dead serious. "Now, let's get out of this rain before we get sick," he said, pulling her back to shelter.


Seijuuro turned around and was ready to snap back at her for defying him once again but once again, she took him by surprise when she broke free from his tight grasp and spread her arms wide open with a huge smile on her face.

Seijuuro watched her in surprise and amusement.

She stopped spinning when she felt his deathly glare at her so she approached him and took his hands in hers. "You see, my name is Ameko. It literally means "Child of Rain," she explains with a bright smile on her face. "So I would appreciate it if you wouldn't stop me from playing under the rain," she said, looking away sadly.

Lightning struck again with a thunderous roar that and it took her by surprise, causing her jump and embrace him.

Seijuuro was definitely confused by now. 'If she loves the rain, then why is she afraid of lightning and thunder?' His face remained stoic but he locked his arms around her shaking body. Both of them were really drenched by now and the cold wind that blew didn't help either. "Let's go now," he said as calm as he could.

"No," she refused again in gritted teeth.

And that did it. Seijuuro pulled her away from him and cupped her face with both hands.

Deadly red boring holes to broken silver. "I told you," he hissed. "No one defies my orders."

"And I told you," she snapped back, "I won't leave—"

She was cut off when his lips suddenly met hers. And it surprised her, really, at how his lips were still warm despite standing under the rain for quite a while now.

But the only problem for her was that she was slowly melting in his kiss. Her hands found their way on his that rested on her cheeks, and finally, she closed her own eyes and kissed him back.

Then she broke down quietly, tears falling from her closed eyes as she kissed him and her hands gripped his tightly.

Both of them broke the kiss at the same time as they needed to breathe for air. Ameko's arms fell on her sides but Seijuuro kept his hands holding her face as he rested his forehead on hers.

'She really is interesting.' He thought to himself. Honestly, he thought that this girl in front of her would freak out on him for kissing her so suddenly without a reason but she proved him wrong by kissing him back as she cried. He knew she was crying because it suddenly tasted salty when she kissed him back.

"If you defy my orders one more time, that won't be the only thing you'll get from me," he smirks at her, grazing a thumb on her cheek, as if wiping a tear. "I won't let go of you that easily, you got that?" he warns and she says nothing and nods her head. 'Finally, she listened'. "So, for the last time, let's go," he says, holding her hand tightly, leading her back to the gym.

And this time, she didn't fight back anymore and just complied, squeezing his hand once. "Okay."

赤司 征十郎 x 純白 雨子

Chapter o1 . Enchanted

Author's Note:

Hello. It's my first time writing a fanfiction so please go easy on me ^^

Don't worry, a lot will be explained on the next chapter, so please anticipate!

Please leave me some reviews, ok?~