Disclaimer: I own nothing of RWBY.


By: Imyoshi

In retrospect, they never should've eaten anything made by Nora.

Not one of their brightest moments.

It really wasn't.

Now waking up from their hazy stupor, one by one, the guys of Team JNPR plus Sun and Neptune, found sweet consciousness taking hold of their senses once again from their sudden blackout. A blackout caused by the testing of Nora's new Dust Enhanced Goofy Good Delicious Pancakes, her words, not theirs.

And by Monty what a blackout it had been.

Of all four males, Sun's eyes opened first, his Faunus senses seeming to be slightly dull from whatever it was that Nora had put in her pancakes. Huh, he thought, eyes slightly narrowed, it made sense now why Ren's the one who always cooked the pancakes and never allowed Nora to help. He couldn't remember anything from after swallowing his third bite.

At least they tasted good.

Sighing, Sun found that he had apparently slept in a bathtub with his arms and legs dangling out the corners. His back hurt and his head still felt a little woozy. Even his Aura still seemed a little shaken up. And the worst part about it—the worst part—there was still water in the bathtub.

"Gosh darn it!"

Banging his head against the tub, Sun wondered where hell he was and where his buddy Neptune was at? Monty knew Neptune's survival skills were that of a cardboard box.


Having the sun's direct rays on his face, Jaune twisted and turn on whatever he was on to get away from the light. Seconds later, his eyes flew open as he abruptly sat up to find he had been sleeping on a beat up couch with springs popping out the corners. His head's woozy and his body hurts in more ways than more, Jaune couldn't even feel much of his Aura and that was major problem all on its own. A very large problem. Don't even get the Arc started on the sudden pressure on his legs.

But Jaune Arc seemed to disregard all that for something far more important.

Where the hell was he?

Looking around, he stood up to inspect the room he was in, or more importantly, the living room he was in. He could see some cheap, dried up paint that was peeling away on the walls, a messed up kitchen with rotten food everywhere on the floor, an old rusted TV, windows that probably never have been cleaned with torn-up rags for curtains, a really dirty wooden floor that creaked with each step, and when he looked over his sweater less shoulder, he saw his fellow teammate Ren on something barely passing as a bed—out-cold without his shirt on and cloak missing.

Well, at least he found Ren.

Forgetting about his teammate for the moment, he walked toward the dirty window to get a good look outside. Then the knight took a step back, completely lost. "What the?"

He wasn't at Beacon, Jaune knew that much. But hell! He wasn't at Vale either. Unless of course, he just happened to never notice the giant white building in the off corner of the kingdom. And Jaune of course knew he wasn't that dense. Where were they?


Hearing the sound of a door opening, Jaune turned to see a somewhat wet Sun step out of what he presumed was a bathroom. The Faunus took a few steps in before noticing a confused Jaune, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jaune?" Sun grinned, twisting to crack his bones into place. "Good to see a familiar face."

"Sun, you're here too?" Jaune returned the grin before looking back out the dirty window, staring at the unknown kingdom. "That's good. Hey? Do you any idea where we're at? I can't remember anything after eating Nora's pancakes."

Plopping down on the weathered couch, Sun kicked out his feet in a lazy manner. "Don't ask me, dude. I just woke up in a bathtub. I'm more loss than you are. And I got this darn killer headache."

"Oh?" he sighed before jumping over the couch to join him. Jaune ignored the spring in his side and pointed toward the room at the right. "Yea, me too... By the way, Ren's in there."

Sun looked over Jaune to see a waking up, shirtless Ren push himself up off the bed and then observe his surrounding until his eyes locked with theirs. Judging by the way he seemed to stare at all the corners of his room, Jaune's teammate didn't where he was at neither. And based off his slow movements, Ren probably didn't feel one-hundred percent.

Grinning like a couple of fools, Jaune and Sun waved at their friend, wincing at their own movements. Whatever was in those pancakes Nora made screwed them up bad. It slightly hurt to even wave.

"Hey, Ren!" Jaune sighed, not bothering to actually move from the couch.

"Yo!" Sun laughed.

"Where are we?" asked Ren, cutting straight to the point. His eyes narrowed when neither blond bothered answering. Looking toward the window now, Ren went to look at the kingdom. Immediately, he noticed that he recognized none of it. "We aren't in Vale, are we?"

"Beats me!" Sun answered, looking over his shoulder. "I just woke up in a bathtub and—whoa! Ren! You got a tattoo on your shoulder!"

"What!" Jaune yelled, jumping over the couch to see. "I gotta see this!"

Eyes wide, Ren ignored them both and quickly walked to the bathroom, only to find the mirror broken. He then walked to the room he woke up in and looked all over for a mirror and found none. After a few more minutes of countless searching, something of which Jaune and Sun watched him do; Ren eventually banged his head on the wall, and stood between the two foolish blonds.

"Well, what is it?" Both of his friends leaned closer to see the tattoo, coming to a sudden halt. Ren didn't like the sudden silence. "Well?"

"Well..." Jaune trailed, looking over to Sun for some back up. The damn monkey only shrugged in response. "It sort of looks like a... sloth?"

"A what?"

"A sloth." Sun finally added, grinning now. "Except with a crown and a cape... and I think that's a pancake castle with a moat drenched in syrup?"

"A what!" Ren actually yelled, grabbing Sun by the shoulders. "What did you say I have on my shoulder?!"

"It even says King of the Castle." Jaune smirked, almost at the point of laughing. Irony, true irony! He then poked Ren's shoulder. "Man is Nora gonna love this. You have her name spilled out in the syrup. Something you're not telling us, Ren?" he teased.

"Stop it. Stop it!" Ren backed away from them, going to go find his shirt instead. He didn't trust those two. "There's no way I got a tattoo! And even if I did, I for sure did not get one with a sloth wearing a crown."

"Why? Do you remember what happened yesterday?" Sun joked, but there was an element of seriousness in his mocking tone. "Because, seriously, we for sure don't! And it's starting to get to me."

Ren found his shirt under the bed and glared at them, remembering one key important detail. "I don't know where we are!" he glared even harder. "But I do know whose fault it was for eating those pancakes Nora made."

"Hey! You ate some too!" Jaune yelled at apparently being at fault.

"That's because you shoved it in my mouth!" Ren yelled back.

"Well, what was I supposed to do?!" Jaune thrashed his arms wildly, ignoring his aches. "Nora looked like she was about to cry when you refused to try her pancakes!"

"He's got you there." Sun argued before his brain peeled an idea. "That's probably why you even got the tattoo in the first place."

"Don't be ridiculous! And I did not get a tattoo!" Ren poked Sun in the shoulders before turning back over to Jaune to finish their argument. "And for Nora crying about me not eating her pancakes, that's just what she does. You don't know Nora like I do, Jaune!"


"Stop!" Sun howled, effectively halting their argument. He pushed them apart. "Look, it doesn't matter whose fault it is. What matters is we find out where we are and where Neptune is. He was with us too when we tried her pancakes and he's got to be close by. At least I hope he is."

Realizing that the monkey Faunus was indeed right, the males of Team JNPR moved apart and began looking around the rooms with Sun to find their last friend. They searched high and low and found absolutely no trace of him anywhere. Not in the huge hole in the wall. Nor the room filled with old books and coffee cups. And not even in the closet.

"This is hopeless!" Ren's leader yelled. He kicked the wooden floor which broke when he did. "Neptune's not here and we're just wasting time." Jaune strolled over to the kitchen. "And I'm getting hungry."

Starving, Jaune opened the fridge and out came Neptune, falling face first into the floor. Not only did Jaune find him, but it seemed that Neptune had changed his hair color to purple the day before and choose to sleep in the fridge, which was empty by the way! Of all the rotten luck—!

Jaune remained silent for a moment, face completely neutral and devoid of emotion. "I found, Neptune."

And in came running a happy Sun. "Neptune! There you are!"

Ren came in a few second later, observing them from the edge of the wall, rubbing his aching head.

"Sun, is that you?" their purple headed comrade gasped, trying to push himself up. "I had this terrible dream of being trapped in this cold box filled with food. I panicked and ate all the food, but I was still trapped in the box. "

"That was no dream." Sun picked his buddy up, glad to have everyone accounted for. "Looks like you were trapped in the fridge."

"You ate all the food?"

"Ignore him!" Sun grinned, easing Neptune toward the springy couch and away from a sadden Jaune. He almost laughed at his friend's new appearance. "Dude! What's with your hair? It's all purple."

"It is?" Neptune asked, settling into the couch. He kicked his feet on the broken coffee table, and ran his hand through his purple hair, pulling a few strands to see. "Well, what do you know? It is!" Then he noticed something around his wrist. "What the hell? I'm handcuffed?"

This got everyone in the room's attention. They all leaned closer to see Neptune was indeed handcuffed to nothing, part of the handcuffs actually appeared to be broken off. In fact, it seemed like someone had cut right through the metal.


What in dear Monty happened yesterday and why couldn't they remember anything?

"By any chance... do you remember what happened yesterday?" Ren asked, leaning on the wall across from the trio.

Neptune looked up, eyes lost, and tilted his head. "Do you mean before or after I ate your girlfriend's pancakes?"

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Could've fooled me..." Sun and Jaune mumbled.

Ren didn't bothering glaring at the two blonds and instead waited for Neptune to answer, but the guy shook his head instead. Ren in response pinched the bridge of his nose and looked over them toward the window, staring at the unknown kingdom and the giant white building. He felt like he knew where that was from. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Okay, let's think this through." Jaune got up, going into leader-mode. He paced the room, eventually coming to a stop and plopping right down onto the couch. "We have no idea where we are, I can't find my scroll and I'm guessing neither of you guys could either?" They all nodded. "And I don't know about you guys, but I can hardly feel my Aura."

Ren sighed, not liking that spark of info. Jaune needed his Aura, badly. "Whatever Nora must have placed in those pancakes must still be affecting us. Our bodies probably took care of most of it, giving us back control, but our Aura has not yet fully flushed it all out."

"No problem then!" All heads turned to a laid back Sun on the couch, feet kicked up, pointing a remote control at the TV. "We'll just sit right here and wait for our bodies to take care of everything. Then we'll head for the nearest person and ask for directions once we're all good. Everything is fine."


On came the news.

Emergency Story! Everything is not fine!

"If you are just tuning in..." a man wearing a business announced from the TV, panic clear in his weak, yet, overpowering voice. "The manhunt for the Treacherous Quadruple that attacked our kingdom is still underway."

"That's right, Nate!" a bubbly green haired woman added, her blouse looking like it's about to burst from holding her, um, impressive assets behind. "Yesterday our fair Kingdom Atlas was attacked by four seemingly powerful Huntsmen in the middle of day. No warning was given and they showed no mercy."

A picture of the Treacherous Quadruple came up. It clearly showed Ren, Jaune, Sun and Neptune in what appeared to be fighting off the military force, weapons armed. The only noticeable differences were the pairs of glasses each seemed to wear, slightly changed hair styles, and a modification in clothing. But everything else was spot on.

The room remained deathly silent as the news story continued.

"Here's a clip taken by a few nearby street cameras of some of these terrible monsters's destruction."

Still panicking, Nate the Anchorman opened a clip with what appears to be a shirtless Ren fighting off a horde of military officers and destroying anything in his path, except for any pancake houses. Those remained relatively safe from his swift onslaught.

"Going by the name as The Sloth King!" Nate panicked in his seat, the papers in his hands clearly shaking. "This maniac caused unknown amounts of destruction all across Atlas, destroying any and all things in his path. A-Anyone foolish enough to attack The Sloth King got their legs severely broken. He showed no mercy. No mercy whatsoever. Back to y-you, S-Summer."

A close picture of Ren's face came into view with a pair of pink glasses being the only thing protecting his identity from being known. There was even a trade mark smirk on his face which never Ren had.

So fixated on the news story, no one else notices as Ren searches his pocket and pulls out the very same pair of sunglasses, surprise evident on his usual stoic face.

"Thanks, Nate!" grinned Summer. "The next person in their group goes by the name of Monkey Fist. This unique monkey Faunus sunk a few cargo ships, yelling out to anyone at how a great stowaway he is. Anyone who got close enough to this out of control Faunus was lucky to end up with just a few broken bones and a phobia of monkeys."

Another close picture came up, this time with a grinning Sun, he too wearing a pair of sunglasses as well, except his were amber. And his entire outfit had been changed from his usual opened shirt and pair of jeans to a set of ninja clothes. He wore a ninja gi that hung open on the shirt and a pair of black ninja pants.

Stunned, Sun looked away from the TV as the others continued to watch, and saw a pair of glasses lying on the floor next to the bathtub where he had woken up from.

"Next on our list of the terrible four is the proclaimed Super Pervert!" Summer added, shuffling her papers and ignoring her scared partner's twitching. She openly hummed in delight. "Easily distinguishable with his trademark violet hair, this man spent all his time lifting up the skirts of all females he came into contact with. Even going so far to even grope all the women he came into contact as well. Any retaliation on our parts was made impossible thanks to his unbelievable speed and agility."

Next came up Neptune's personal close up with his tongue hanging out his goofy smile. He saw his purple haired self, flipping skirts, and dodging military officer after officer with simple ease. Just like Ren and Sun, Neptune as well had a pair of glasses on, his sporting the off color of turquoise.

Neptune blinked a few times before instinctively reaching into his jacket pocket and pulled out his pair of sunglasses, eyeing them with a critical stare.

"And finally the last member of their group!" Nate shook, dropping his paper. "H-He's a uh... This... this—I can't do it anymore!"

Everyone in Atlas saw as Nate the Anchorman stood up and ran out the news station crying out for his mother. Silence stunned Atlas before the female anchorwoman started giggling.

"Oh, Nate... you and your amusing humor. I guess I'll pick up where Nate left off?" Laughing like it was one big elaborate joke; Summer grabbed Nate's papers and shuffled them in place. "As Nate was saying before he left, the last member of the Treacherous Quadruple goes by the name of The D-Arc Knight."

And finally Jaune Arc's profile came up. Just like all the others. He wore a pair of glasses that were a deep shade cobalt and his face had the largest, foolish grin of them all.

"Fearing to be the leader of this terrible group, anyone who got close to The D-Arc Knight immediately felt all their hope drained and their spirits crushed under his gaze, rather unique fighting skills, and even reports of unknown orbs of darkness." Summer informed, actually losing her cheerful smile. "But's that is not what separates this man apart from the rest of his comrades. No... this is."

And then the pictures of all pictures appeared on the news station.

Right there in front of their eyes was Jaune Arc stealing a kiss with what looked like to be an older and more endowed surprised version of Weiss Schnee in front of countless reporters. Gasp could be heard from all over Atlas.

Jaune felt his whole body freeze, his face turning ghostly pale at an alarming rate at the image in front of him. His thoughts drifted toward these two piercing blue eyes back at Beacon and her very pointy Myrtenaster. And her weapons most likely intended target.

Pushing his hand down into the couch, Jaune felt something between the couch cushions and pulled it out. His heart stopped, there it was, his pair of cobalt glasses, mocking him.

Oh no!

Damn it, Nora!

"As you can see..." Summer frowned, placing her papers down, hard. "These monsters not only attacked our kingdom, but their leader dared to defile our very own Winter Schnee of the Schnee Company, sister of Weiss Schnee, right in her very own home. But do not worry citizens of Atlas; measures have been taken to stop these four. The Atlas military's best Huntsmen are searching for them as we speak. Hunting them down! James Ironwood himself is leading the investigation. We already have reports of being close to finding them. If anyone has any information, a reward will be given for their hastily capture. And furthermore—!"


Sun turned off the TV, dropping the remote carelessly on the floor in the process. He and his companion's mind reeled at the news just dropped onto their laps, not believing for a moment any of it. It was a full ten minutes before anyone even bothered speaking again.

"Well then." Ren coughed, breaking the silence before once again banging the back of his head against the wall. "At least we know what we did yesterday. And now I finally recognize what that white building across the kingdom is."

"Yup!" Jaune grinned weakly, inspecting his glasses between his fingers. "Weiss is so going to kill me for probably one of the most coolest moments of my life. And I don't even get to remember it!"

A heavy silence once again filled the room, and nobody knew what to think anymore. After all, they saw themselves on Atlas news as the most wanted men in the Kingdom, what are you supposed to do after that?

"So..." Sun broke the silence, standing up to go retrieve his sunglasses off the bathroom floor. "I guess my plan for staying put is a no go, huh?"

"What was your first guess?" Neptune laughed bitterly, kicking the broken coffee table clear across the room. The poor appliance broke under the pressure. "We need to get out of here, fast! We need to get back to Vale before they find us."

"And how do you expect us to do that?" Sun asked, arms out. "The entire Kingdom of Atlas is out to get us if you haven't noticed! We would have to escape the military force and quite possibly any bounty hunters the Schnee hired. And I can hardly feel my Aura as it is!"

"I don't know!" Neptune breathed, slumping further down into the couch. "I don't know."

"Fine! Give me a second! Let me think of a plan!"

"Oh no!" Neptune pointed, getting right off the couch. "The last time I left you to think of a plan, you tried writing a play instead."

Sun poked him in the shoulder. "And it would've been an awesome play if you hadn't ripped it apart."

"Dude! No one was going to want to see a play where these two teens kill each other after only knowing each other for less than a week."

"You just didn't see the vision I had. It just came to me as I was writing. The tragic love story between a Faunus and Human from two different families just needed to be written. It had tragedy, love, drama, and all the good elements a play needs to have to be great—!"

"Shut up!" Jaune hit the wall, breaking the poor dry wood, and getting everyone's attention along in the process. "This is getting us nowhere! We need a plan! And we need it now!"

Ren walked over toward the window to see Atlas once more. This time upon closer look, he saw the destruction they caused throughout the place. It amazed him in his blackout daze that he and his three friends had accomplished all this one day. What was even more amazing to him was the fact that apparently no one had caught them, regardless of the military chasing after them.

Then his eyes fell upon the large Schnee building overlooking most of Atlas.

"Can't you ask Weiss to bail us out?" Ren asked suddenly, staring at Neptune very intently.

Neptune snorted, sarcastically answering. "Yea... sure, just let me call her and say, hey Weiss, you know how Jaune planted a big wet one on your sister, real funny. Good times, good times. By the way, mind calling off your bounty hunters? Thanks!"

Ren glared, but he did have a point though. "You didn't have to be so sarcastic about it."

"Yea, well." Neptune trailed, falling back down onto the couch. "Excuse me if I'm not in a good mood."

"We could just make a run for it?" Jaune suggested, picking up Crocea Mors from the floor and for the first time in what felt like ages. "We beat them once and we can do it again."

At Team JNPR's Fearless Leader's statement, the other Huntsmen-in-Training stopped to think about it. That technically was true. They did beat the Atlas military, surprising as that may be, with apparently little to no effort the day before. That's gotta count for something. Right? Right! It just had to!

Finding his weapon in the kitchen, Neptune stared silently at his gun, thinking hard. "If we make a run for it..." he said slowly. "We need to do it soon and not later. I only have so much Aura."

Ren hummed, then he went to the bedroom to come back out with his StormFlower, checking to see for any damages. "Either way, we're in grave danger just staying here. We need to get out of Atlas as fast as possible. Aura or no Aura. And we need to do it soon while everyone is still distracted with all the destruction we caused."

"I'm with The Sloth King on this one." Sun grinned, brushing off Ren's glare as he finds his Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang leaning on the wall in the bathroom. "We gotta move while we still have the advantage and element of surprise!"

Weapons drawn, the four Huntsmen-in-Training looked between each other.

"Okay... so we're all agreement here?" Jaune already knew the answer to that question. "Cool. Let's get the hell out of Atlas."

Putting on their glasses, they move toward the old door, ready to run like the wind.

"By the way?" Ren subtly added, putting his glasses on with his new trademark smirk. "What have we learned from all this?"

"Never try Nora's pancakes."

"Same here."


Author Notes: You need to have read up to chapter 17 of Silver to follow this story.