Prompt: Honeymoon

Title: Angel

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail; we'll leave the telling of the real story to Hiro Mashima.

"Lucy, what's taking so long?" Natsu whined, thumping his head against the closed bathroom door in frustration. "You've been in there for hours!"

Inside the bathroom, Lucy rolled her eyes and let out a long-suffering sigh. Leave it to Natsu to totally exaggerate the situation. Sure, she had been in there for a while, but there was no way it had been hours. It had most likely only been ten minutes. Twenty minutes, tops. And that's including the time it took her to touch up her make-up and brush her hair and teeth.

Natsu just had no patience at all.

As Lucy stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her attire while simultaneously trying to tune out Natsu and psych herself up for what she was about to do, there was another thud against the door.

"Really, Lucy, what are you doing in there? I wanna do things with my new wife.

"Or maybe I should say to my new wife." Natsu added in an undertone, his voice low and husky.

Lucy felt her face flushing at his words. It never ceased to amaze her how whenever she blushed nowadays, it was most often from something Natsu said instead of did. Being naked with him in private was fine, she could now handle most of his public displays of affection, but whenever he voiced his sexual wants she became a blushy mess. She fanned her face and willed herself to get under control. Natsu had once mentioned a partiality to her in red, but she was sure he meant her clothes, not her face.

Speaking of clothes, a quick glance at them and hence 'what she had been doing' made her face heat up even more than before. Would Natsu like it? Or would he laugh at her attempt at being sexy? Although she'd had a lot more success at it lately, she couldn't help but remember how often her seduction strategies had failed in the past. Natsu never was one to be affected much by anyone's appearance, including hers—he'd always made it a point to let her know that he liked her for who she was, not what she looked like. Still, it was always an ego boost on those few occasions where Natsu genuinely did seem to appreciate her looks.

She so desperately wanted this to be one of those times.

"Um, do you remember how I told you that all of my spirits held a special bachelorette party for me?" Lucy questioned through the door.

"...Yeah, didn't Loke try to bring you to the spirit world for that?" Lucy swore she could hear the frown in his voice.

It was true, Loke did initially try to bring here there. She was sure that her missing her wedding due to the time difference wouldn't have upset the lion spirit in the least. Luckily, some of her other spirits had disagreed and had saved her from that particular fate.

"That aside, they did it because they had presents they really wanted to give me." Embarrassing and inappropriate ones she said to herself.

"Presents?" Natsu asked, obviously interested now. "You didn't tell me about that, Lucy."

"Yeah, well, they made me promise to specifically wait to use them during the honeymoon." What she didn't add was that it was either promise to use them then or else her spirits would be showing up to make her use them.

"So, don't...don't get all weird about this, but we're using Loke's present tonight." she continued. "It was sort of a compromise to keep him from kidnapping me or objecting at the wedding."

Natsu really did frown at that. When he had started dating Lucy, Loke had tried his best to make things difficult for Natsu. He'd give her presents out of the blue or show up on their dates, sometimes even enlisting the help of Lucy's other spirits. At first it drove him a little crazy because he absolutely knew that Loke didn't really want to date Lucy himself, no matter what the leader of the Zodiac said to the contrary. The best answer he could ever come up with was that Loke had been testing him—making sure that Natsu was in it for the long haul. He could see why that might be so—as Lucy's boyfriend, and now husband, her spirits were almost as much a part of his life as they were hers. They just wanted to be sure that the man in Lucy's life was someone who was committed to every part of her.

Natsu certainly was at that.

"Okay, Lucy, but why do you have to be in the bathroom for that? We could just be using your present now instead of you doing whatever you're doing in there." He let out a short laugh. "You're the one being weird, Lucy."

Lucy almost almost stormed out of there to call him an idiot. Instead, she took a moment to center herself; the effect she was going for would definitely be ruined if she let herself get annoyed.

"I'm wearing his present. On my body. That's why, Natsu."

"Oh." came his quiet response a moment later. "Can I see then?"

Steeling herself, she replied not with words, but by finally unlocking and slowly pushing open the bathroom door.

What Natsu saw left him speechless.

Lucy was all in white, but unlike the wedding dress she was in earlier, there was no way in hell he'd ever want all their friends and family to see the outfit she was currently wearing. By the cute little blush adorning her cheeks, it looked like she felt the same way, her feelings probably coming from embarrassment unlike his ones of possessiveness.

The "outfit" consisted of a very short, very see-through dress, or at least that's what his uninformed mind thought of it as. The highly visible underwear underneath looked lacy and even tinier than her usual fare. Thigh-high stockings and strappy heels completed the look.

He knew now that Lucy had been worried about his reaction to another man buying her sexy underwear. Should he be mad about that? Perhaps...but at the moment all he could think about was that Lucy looked good enough to eat and that he was the only lucky bastard that would get to see it.

In fact, on the whole, he liked Loke even more for this; Natsu saw Lucy's new underwear as more of a present for himself. Perhaps this was also a sort of apology to Natsu for being an annoying ass for so long. He'd have to seriously thank the perverted lion spirit later.

Then Lucy did something to make the lingerie she was wearing even better, if that could be believed. She had brushed one of her ears with a fingertip and instantly wings seemed to sprout from her back and a shining golden circle appeared above her head.

"There, that how it's supposed to look." she quietly said, looking at him shyly.

"Is that a halo? How does that work?" he asked, coming closer to get a better look.

"There's a lacrima in this earring." Lucy touched her ear again, making the wings and halo disappear. "It makes a projection when I touch it." Another touch and the wings and halo were back.

"Do it?" Lucy asked, biting her bottom lip and blushing fiercely.

"Do I like it?" Natsu decided he best let her know exactly how he felt about it, and that meant showing her. In a flash, he had gathered her close to him, pressing her nearly naked body into his own still-clothed one. Lucy gasped when the contact between them brought to light his already well-established hard-on. "Can you feel how fired up I am, Lucy?" he murmured hotly in her ear.

Being so close to her neck already, Natsu took the opportunity to place his lips upon it, relishing the taste of her skin as he nibbled and sucked. His hands drifted down the length of Lucy's back, slipping under the bottom of the "dress" she was wearing to rest his palms on her glorious ass cheeks. Small breathy moans escaped Lucy as Natsu continued kissing her neck, squeezing her behind and grinding his growing erection into her.

Although what Natsu was doing to her neck was causing pleasant sensations all throughout her body, what Lucy really craved was his lips on hers. Pulling him away from his current fixation, Lucy was quick to capture his lips with her own. Natsu smiled against her mouth, her earnestness was a big turn-on.

Tangling her fingers in her husband's rose-colored hair, Lucy kissed Natsu, putting all the passion she felt for the man before her into it. Deepening the kiss, Natsu licked lightly at the seam of his wife's lips, parting them for tongue to meet tongue. For a time both husband and wife stood there, savoring the taste and feel of lips, teeth, and tongue.

As the kiss grew even more impassioned, the grinding of Natsu's pelvis against Lucy's grew as well. For Lucy, it was causing an ache in her nether regions that was beginning to make her feel desperate for even closer contact. Lifting one leg to wrap around Natsu's thigh, she angled her body upwards and was pleased with the results; Natsu's clothed member could rub against her heated core with even better precision now.

At this action, Natsu's eyes popped open. The parting of Lucy's legs had released a large amount of the scent of her arousal—and it smelled absolutely fucking delicious to him. It awakened that primal part of him, the part that demanded what only Lucy could satisfy.

With a low groan, he quickly wrapped both her legs around his waist and began to walk towards the bed. Once there, he slowly lowered his lovely wife onto it, finding himself amazed when the wings she was wearing made an impression in the bedding. Removing a hand from one of her thighs, he reached out to touch one to find it felt very much real—it was feathery, like Happy's or a bird's wings.

Lucy broke the kiss with a small groan of discomfort and looked hazily at him, lust still apparent in her gaze.

"You okay, Lucy?" Natsu asked, concerned.

"Yeah, it's just these wings. They're digging into my back. Let me just..." Lucy moved her hand towards her ear, only for it to be caught quickly in Natsu's own before it got there.

"No, leave them." Natsu said, blushing slightly. "I...I like them."

Lucy looked at him, eyes widening in surprise for a moment, only for her expression to soon change to one of understanding. She should have known, of course he'd like something like this, she should have expected no less from the man who would keep her maid costume from their first official mission.

"Here." he said, moving off her and helping her up till she was sitting along the edge of the bed. "Better?"

Lucy nodded, smiling at him in adoration. It touched her how caring of her comfort he could be.

Kneeling in front of her, Natsu cupped both her cheeks in his hands, leaning in for another searing kiss. Soon, both sets of hands drifted downwards to each other's chests, Natsu enjoying the weight of her breasts in his hands and the feel of Lucy's pert nipples through the thin silky fabric of her lingerie.

Meanwhile, Lucy had divested Natsu of his ever-present scarf and was now working at undoing the buttons of his dress shirt. In her opinion, he had been clothed for far too long already today. When Lucy had finally finished with the last button, Natsu paused for a moment in his teasing of Lucy's nipples, first giving one a small pinch, earning himself a gasp from Lucy. The dress shirt, he worked off no problem, but when it came to the undershirt, he had to break the kiss before lifting it over his head and tossing it to the far side of the room.

Instead of going back to where they left off, he contemplated Lucy for a moment. Finally seeming to come to a decision, Natsu acted quickly, first by switching off Lucy's earring lacrima. Before she knew it, Natsu had also stripped off her chemise and bra, leaving her in only panties, stockings, and heels. Surprised at how quickly he had managed it (it really was impressive to her how good he had gotten at undressing her without resorting to burning her clothes), she stared wide-eyed at him until he reached up to reactivate the lacrima again.

"Better." he said, his voice husky and his eyes full of admiration.

Now with her breasts free of their confines, he was truly able to enjoy them fully. One of her bountiful mounds Natsu held within his calloused hand, the forefinger and thumb of which pinched and rolled her nipple between them. His mouth went to the other breast, lathing the pretty pink bud with his tongue. Lucy dug her fingers into Natsu's hair again, moaning softly as his licking turned into alternately sucking on and tugging on the nipple between his teeth.

Lucy's aroused scent was now back in full force; it was almost driving Natsu mad. It was times like these that he was glad to be human, to have self-control over his actions. Otherwise, he would've been tempted to take Lucy right then and there, whether she was completely ready for it or not. He didn't think he would be able to forgive himself if he ever hurt Lucy in that way.

Moving up to kiss her again, his one hand continued its attention on her ample bosom. The other, which had been resting on the bed, now trailed up and down her thigh, sometimes playing with the string of her bikini-style panties. Soon his fingers found themselves caressing her fabric-covered cleft, her panties slightly damp from sexual excitement. Natsu pushed them to the side, exposing the soft blonde curls there to his fingers.

Lucy was already quite wet with desire, the fingers Natsu touched her moist folds with quickly becoming covered in her warm wetness. Her slit felt so warm and slippery, his fingers glided easily among her labia. When he finally inserted a finger into her moist heat, it entered effortlessly. He pumped one finger in and out of her opening, the thumb of that hand at the same time rubbing the sensitive little button at the top, producing more of Lucy's fragrant arousal.

Lucy was letting out small whimpers and moans between kisses, her hips moving to match Natsu's hand. Natsu let out some grunts and groans of his own as Lucy's excited state made him ever aware of his own feelings. His pants were becoming increasingly uncomfortable; he needed to release the dragon within soon.

"Natsu, I want...more." Lucy breathed, letting out a little whine when Natsu gave her clitoris a little flick.

"I hear ya loud and clear, Lucy." Natsu replied, grinning against her mouth when the removal of his hands from their previous occupations caused Lucy to whine again. There was nothing for it; he needed them to undo his pants. Of course, he could've burned his pants off without feeling bad for their loss. However, he didn't want to accidentally destroy Lucy's new lingerie; he wanted Lucy to wear it again someday soon.

When Natsu stood to fully remove his pants and boxers, Lucy gave his form an appreciatory glance. He was all long, lean muscle, the result of years of training. Every scar on his nude body looked beautiful to her, a testament to his strength and will to live.

His cock finally freed, it jutted out proudly, a small bead of pre-cum leaking from the tip. When Natsu noticed Lucy eyeing his goods with lust in her eyes, he couldn't help but want to play around with her. He tensed his muscles, making his dick bob and twitch. Lucy smiled at the action.

With a mischievous smile on his own face, Natsu then launched himself up and over the busty blonde. When he landed on the bed, Lucy let out an undignified squawk as her body was almost tossed out of it from the bounce-back. Natsu let out a guffaw at the noise and her surprised expression.

Chuckling to himself, he gathered his wife in his arms before she had time to protest. He gave her an affectionate squeeze, the blonde reciprocated by tickling his side, freeing herself.

Climbing on top of her husband so that she was now straddling him, Lucy grasped both sides of his rib cage, preparing herself for a possible tickle war.

"Natsu! What do you think you're doing?" Lucy exclaimed.

"Aw Lucy, don't be mad. You know I just like having fun with ya." Natsu said as he brushed a stray hair off Lucy's face. His hands then went to lay on her hips; he reveled in the smoothness of her skin.

"Natsu, you-" Lucy began, but was cut off when Natsu pushed her hips against his, sliding her still uncovered vulva along his hardened length. Both of them sighed in pleasure at the contact.

Natsu guided her along him again, groaning at the sensation. Again, he ground into her, Lucy meeting him on her own this time. He was rock hard by this time and by the wetness coming from Lucy, it looked like she was ready too.

Lucy's hips came up off him, and Natsu took the opportunity to grab his member in one hand, maneuvering it into Lucy's wet heat. Lucy's tightness enveloped him, surrounding his cock in her warmth. He thrusted upwards, smiling when Lucy let out a mewl of pleasure.

With every thrust, Natsu's own pleasure was building more and more. He wished it could go on forever like this, it was so good. Not for the first time today did he silently thank whatever god brought Lucy into his life. He was such a lucky guy to have her, especially after all the shit they had to go through to get to this point. She really was a blessing to him, an angel sent from heaven itself.

An angel.

Natsu looked at his wife's face. The expression she wore was blissful; her joy in their love-making apparent. The golden halo above her head shined, making Lucy look ethereally beautiful. The wings just added to the picture, giving her an otherworldly sense of beauty.

"Praise you, my angel." Natsu said, the words coming out in a hoarse whisper.

Lucy looked at him questioningly, not catching what he had said.

"Praise you, Lucy, my angel, my goddess!" Natsu said, louder this time, never breaking eye contact with the love of his life.

Lucy smiled warmly at him, her eyes shined with dampness. She leaned over the capture the lips of the best man she ever would know, the one she owed so much to and loved with all her heart.

The kiss was electrifying, sending both husband and wife over the edge into climax, the couple moaning from the intense sensations.

Lucy slumped on top of her husbands sculpted chest, spent for the moment. They lay there for some time, coming down from their high, both caressing whatever skin of their partner was nearby.

After a few minutes spent like that, Lucy turned off the lacrima in her earring, making the wings and halo disappear. Moving off of Natsu, Lucy cuddled up next to her husband, enjoying the warmth of his bare skin and the smell of his male scent as she lay her head on his chest.

While Lucy lay there, she played over the events of the day in her head, parceling out what she would be writing in her daily letter to her parents and what could be used for material for a book. Meanwhile, Natsu's mind had traveled in a very different direction. He was thinking over how perfect Loke's present had been. It had suited Lucy perfectly and had made the sex extra amazing.

Then like a bolt of lightning, it suddenly dawned upon him, Lucy had said that all of her spirits had given her a present at that bachelorette party. Would that mean that her other spirits had given her lingerie as well? Even ones like Capricorn and Sagittarius?

"Hey Lucy," Natsu said, jostling Lucy out of her reverie. "Can we...uh...try Virgo's present next?"