Maybe it was all a nightmare, or could it be just a dream? Whose imagination of a world am I living in?

The night everything ended, I stayed up late thinking over to myself, if my life could be different, but you know what? I was right.


The Night Before The End

Within the dark room of a Hiroshi Takanashi's home, with nothing but the computer screen light accupying the darkness, set in stone of his seat, the young male plucked away on his keyboard, writing & reading the online forums. The recent attacks withing Tokyo, and parts of Japan began to spread like wildfire, and the infomation on the cases spread across the web. These 'so called' attacks weren't caused by any terrorist groups, or so to speak, the bizzare deaths occuring within Japan was from unidentified groups of people, the victims were apparently canniblized. On the daily online forums, that's what they all talked about.

[ This must be some kind of joke, right!? ] - Anonymous

[ It's no joke, it's on the news man. ] - Vector

[ There's nothing happening in Kyoto, so is it just the bigger cities? ] - RukkePun

[ I heard Tokyo is in a shit storm with cases. ] -Chanma

[ Yeah well, this is scaring the hell out of me... I hope this dies down. ] - Anonymous

[ Hopfully... I got a bad feeling about this one... ] Chanma

[ This doesn't look good, I mean, the attacks are increasing right? ] - Nyan204

[ The news said the situation is under control, so probably not. ] - Vector

[ Yeah, but what if it is? Then what? ] - Chanma


[ Really!? What's going on!? ] - RukkePun

[ They are saying it's some kind of plague! What is going on?... ] - Nyan204

[ It can't be... There's no sickness where people eat each other... ] - Chanma


[ What's wrong!? ] RukkePun

[ What the hell? ] - Chanma

[ Hey! Say something! ] - Anonymous

With the raging panics inside the chat room, the user Vector never responded, nor did he leave the room. The ending message he left, made things more confusing and left everyone in a state of panic and distress.

"What the hell...?" Hiroshi mumbled to himself in slight panic while checking the endless replies from the users. Then with bright lights sparked up through his curtains, to his curiousity, he peeked out the window. His eyes widen in surprise, fires and explosions broke out in the distance, helicopters flying though the skies. The wailing sirens of Police, Fire, and Ambulance cars roared though the city, the streets flooded with panicked civilians in a rush to leave their homes, some were even attacked by these mobs that were mentioned on T.V.

"This can't be happening... This can't be..." Rejecting the reality of what's happing before him, he fell back against the wall, unable to take all this in at once. For a brief moment he stood still in shock, after realizing his sick mother was downstairs in bed, Hiroshi dashed out of the room and raced downstairs, the very thought of her safety was set in his mind. While coming into the living room, the television was left on; along with the main news channel.

"We encourage everyone to stay in their homes and lock the doors, do not approach anyone who may be sick. We repeat-" The male reporter repeated the acts of safety and advice given.

Hiroshi had no time to take such measures, other than look for his mother in the other rooms, but still no sign of her, he began to think she wasn't even in the house anymore.

"Mom!" He shouted throughout the house, but there was still no answer, which struck fear into his very self. After checking countless times he finally came to seeing her standing outside in the backyard, staring towards the disaster, the burning buildings, and screams of terror can be heard in the distance. It was starting to become hell on earth.

"Mom! We gotta get out of here!" With a quick warning, Hiroshi's mother stood still, unresponsive.

"Mom?..." Hiroshi slowly moved closer towards his mother, his fear building up inside as he stepped up right behind her.

"Are you ok-" In an instant she turned around, forcfully grabbing hold of her only son, revealing her blood shot eyes. He struggled violently as he watched her sink her teeth into his neck.


Author's notes: I just recently watched School Live! and wanted to make a story out of it for some time now. I hope you all enjoy the story and the journey of survival.

(PS: I haven't fully watched the show or read the manga yet, so I'll keep in touch with that.)