
Silvermoon/Aquablaze and Prowl

(Story: Discovery)

Prowl watched as his sparkling Aquablaze, now known as Silvermoon, talked and joked with members of the Ark. He loved having her back, hearing her laugh and smile but sometimes…sometimes he couldn't help but feel…deeply saddened by it all. There were times that the white and teal femme looked so much like his fallen love Astra he had to keep reminding himself that it wasn't her, and although the Corsa just wanted to help him through those times she only made things worse. The way she moved, the way she talked all reminded him the pain he felt at those times. He sighed inwardly and walked out of the rec room. There was a positive side to all this though, he had part of his family back and even though it saddened him to be reminded of Astra it also made him happy that his sparkling shared her beauty.

"You keep that up and you'll have an enraged Ratchet yelling at you for sending the entire base to his medbay." A female voice joked. Prowl stopped and turned to the voice "you're smiling, almost grinning in fact." They explained.

"Am I now." The Datsun stated chuckling inwardly "would you like to know the reason, Silvermoon?"

"Do you even have to ask?" the Corsa smiled amused.

"I was thinking how lucky I was to have a sparkling as beautiful as you."

"Don't tell Red Alert that, you'll make the poor mech think I'm leaving him." She joked.

Prowl shook his head, "I may have been against him before but I can see now that he deeply cares for you. It's a feeling I know…I knew well."

"Speaking of Red, I need to go calm him down. Seems he saw you smiling and now he's convinced you're not you." The white and teal femme went to walk off but just as she turned her back she said sadly, "I'm sorry I remind you so much of her." She then hurried off to see to her lover.

Astra maybe gone, Aquablaze, but she's still alive…in you. I can feel it. Prowl thought as he watched her down the corridor.