Hey, guys.

I am so, so sorry for pulling this, but there were scenes in WTSI that just fit too well for me to leave them out of my current work. And obviously I can't just pull scenes without screwing up the story, so, farewell to WTSI.

I still can't believe TVD is over. While I found the finale disappointing re: Delena, Elena finally got the HEA she more than deserves and I can't not thank it. The characters, Damon and Elena namely, showed me what true passion looks like and they made me realize that writing lights up my soul. I literally feel like I'm going to go insane if I don't have access to a pen & paper.

Even when I'm supposed be studying, I'm writing.

Ironically enough, I went into Law Enforcement—just like our girl in WTSI. I'm not a cop, but I'll get to help people in an immediate, albeit indirect, way. And when I'm not doing that, I'll be writing. Talk about your win-win!

I've made some true friendships here. The reading and writing community has been overwhelmingly supportive. Those of you who followed me from my very first fic, Hero, to Unexpected, to Human, etc., you guys rock harder than Hendrix and I'll never be able to thank you enough. That being said, I think (and never say never) my time with writing on this site has officially come to an end. I didn't want to give a time of death, but considering it's been over a year since I've written anything, I figured I'd bite the bullet.

Anyway, to wrap this up, I hope you're all doing well and thank you for every ounce of support you've shown and I hope you someday (if ever) find another ship as epic as Damon and Elena Salvatore (squee!).
