The Adventure Goes On
By Suzanna Kelton
Chapter 1: The Awakening
Blue eyes open to a dark chamber, and fear gripped his heart for a moment. But reason pushes it away, and a hand slowly rose up in front of a dwarf's face. He could see it was his own hand, which was wearing his signet ring and leather gauntlet. All was darkness around him, except for one burning torch nearby.
"Where am I ", said his voice, hoarsely.
"Ah! You have awaken, Oakenshield. That is fine. Death is not an easy thing to overcome. But I had fought the creature numerous times before. "
Thorin's eyes turn to where the voice floated from, and he saw a dry grey being that resembled a thin man. The man was wearing a dusty grey cloak, covered with spider webs. He looked sickly, and had stringy greasy grey hairs, sprouting from his head. The dwarf's eyes narrowed as distrust entered his mind.
"Who are you? And what do you want with me? "
"They called me, the Necromancer. But that tone of voice…. Is that any way to treat your savior? Tsk…tsk…king-under-the-mountain. Or should I say ex-king. "
"Ex-king? " Thorin tried to sit up, and barely stopped a groan escaping his lips. He took another look around him, and saw that he was in a large chamber, decorated with urns and flowers. He also sees his two nephews, Fili and Kili, laying either side of him. They lay on top of some beautifully carved stone tables, meant for the princes of Erebor.
"I remember now. My nephews were murdered in front of me by Azog's slimy cohorts. But I got my revenge from Azog. I made sure that Orchrist bit into his black cold heart. "
"Yes, and you let yourself be skewered to perform that feat. Oakenshield, you became the savior of Middle-Earth, by this sacrifice. I never heard of a greater deed done by any man, "stated the Necromancer.
"Dwarf, "corrected Thorin.
"Yes. Well, you impressed me, dwarf. So, I decided to bring you back to life. But with one condition…you can never be king of Erebor. "
"WHAT?!" Thorin tried to stand, but nearly fell to the ground. Thorin's Orchrist slid onto the stone table, with a clang. The Necromancer grabbed the dwarf to steady him, before he landed on the floor. Thorin jerked away from his cold touch, feeling fear at the clamminess of the sorcerer's hands.
"Ah, yes. I'm afraid that we necromancers do have cold hands. It has to do with dealing with death's domain." The sorcerer stroll away from Thorin, smiling.
"You never had a fruitful life, Thorin Oakenshield. Your early life was busy being the prince that your grandfather, King Thror wanted. Until his death, you couldn't be Thorin the dwarf. But after his death, you continued being the prince of Erebor, and trying to get back your mountain for your people. "
"I had obligation to my grandfather, father, and people. " The dwarf struggled to balance on his legs, which still felt weak.
"Yes, but you never lived life itself. And what do you have to show for it? No wife, no children…except your sister's. No home to call your own. But now, I am giving you a chance to live life. If you are not king, then you have no obligation to no one but yourself. Besides, would you take the crown from your cousin, Dain. He is now king of Erebor, and is very well loved by your people."
"Dain?" said Thorin, as he thought about his dear cousin. The dwarf turn away from the necromancer, and looked at his sleeping nephews. "What about my nephews?"
"What about them?" the sorcerer asks quietly.
"They should have life as well. They died too young, and need to have a full life. "
"Are you willing to give up more?"
"Yes! "
"Ah…ex-king. You answer too quickly."
"I am willing to give up anything for them, including my life."
The necromancer chuckles. "You vow it?"
"I vow it ", stated Thorin, angrily.
"Very well then. I will state my conditions, Thorin Oakenshield. One…for your life, you can never be king of Erebor again. If you try, you and your nephews will die. Two…for Fili's life, you can never live in Erebor again. If you try, you and your nephews will die. Three…for Kili's life, you cannot take the Arkenstone or any part of the treasure with you. Not as your share or as a gift. If you try, you and your nephews will die. Do you swear it? "
Thorin was quiet as he listens to the necromancer's conditions. Standing straight and firm, he said, "I swear it."
"Oh, before I awake your nephews, Oakenshield. There is one more thing I need to mention." The necromancer smiled coldly at Thorin, which the dwarf cringed a bit.
"What? ", asked the distrusting dwarf, as he move around to loosen his stiff muscles.
"You need to get married, before the year is up. Or you and your nephews go back to death's embrace. "
"What?!" snapped Thorin, whose eyes blazed with anger. "Get married? A year? Don't you trust me to do that task?"
"Ah…bachelor hate being tied down. You just need a little nudge. Beside, you can pick any female you want, since there are very few female dwarves to be had. Though in a vision I had, if you can find an outsider, then you will have a very happy life."
"Outsider?" Thorin sneered. "Those are man's female. I wouldn't soil my bloodline with one of those."
"We shall see, Oakenshield. We shall see. "The necromancer smiled, and then moved over to where Fili laid in his dwarfish armor.
Thorin started, when the sorcerer put his hand on Fili's forehead. He watched with fear, not knowing if the necromancer was strong enough to wake his beloved nephew. The sorcerer mumbled some words that Thorin couldn't hear or understand. Finally, after a very long moment under the necromancer's hand, Fili stirs. The necromancer took his hand off Fili, and went to Kili's side.
"Thorin? Kili?" muttered Fili, as he took his hand off the hilt of the sword that was lying on his chest. He opened his blue eyes, and looked around where he lay. He didn't like the dark chamber he saw. But when he saw his uncle, Fili smile to see the familiar face.
"Thorin." Then Fili remembers the blade entering his back when he died. Grimacing, he gave his uncle a confused look, remembering the pain he had felt.
"Stay still, Fili. Rest a bit. You haven't gotten your senses, or your body working yet. "
"What am I doing in this dark place? What happen to the white shores I was walking on?" Fili tried to sit up, but Thorin push him back down.
"Rest", Thorin said smoothly, to calm his nephew.
"Kili! Where is my brother?"
"Lay still, Fili." Thorin looked over to the far-side of the chamber, where the sorcerer was waking up his dark haired nephew. "The necromancer is working on him now."
"Necromancer? We were dead, were we not Thorin?"
"Yes. But the necromancer is giving us life again. "
"But why would he do that?" asked Fili.
"For a price, Fili. I'll explain later, not now", answered Thorin. The ex-king-under-the-mountain looked sad and weary, and his nephew felt immense love for his uncle at that moment.
"I want to sit up now, Thorin."
"Very well, but slowly Fili. I don't want you landing on the cold hard floor. "
Thorin helped Fili to sit up carefully. Fili looked around to find his brother. His eyes landed on Kili as he was starting to stir from his deep sleep. The necromancer looked more haggard than when Thorin first saw him.
"It is done. Now, remember Oakenshield…within a year ", reminded the sorcerer, as he left Kili. The necromancer slowly shuffled stiffly toward the chamber's wooden door. The door was made from solid oak, and looked very strong. The grey man opened the door to revealed two guards lying on the ground. Thorin growled at the sorcerer, who smiled and said, "They are not dead, but asleep. Don't worry Oakenshield, I haven't killed anyone…yet. "
Thorin's nephew, Kili moaned softly. The older dwarf looked to his other beloved nephew, Kili, and smiled.
"Tauriel," said Kili, with a sigh. He dreamed she was in his arms, laughing at his silly words of love. Caressing her reddish hair, and hugging her with all his might. But in reality, he was hugging the dwarf bow that had been laid on his chest, at his burial.
"Tauriel? Who is Tauriel? ", asked Thorin, as he looked at Fili for an answer. The necromancer laughed as he close the door. Fili and Thorin glared at the necromancer leaving form.
"I'll explain later, Thorin. I want to stand up." Thorin helped his nephew, Fili slid off the stone table onto the floor. Shakily, with Thorin's help, Fili walked to where Kili laid.
Touching his brother's shoulder, Fili tried to shake awake Kili. Thorin smiled, and shook his head. The dwarf moved away from his family, as he touched the things in the chamber. He checked their surroundings to see where they were, at the moment. He realized at once that indeed they were in a tomb, inside Erebor. Tributes and flowers were scattered around their resting place. Sadness over-whelmed Thorin, when he realized what his dwarves must have gone through facing his death. Poor Balin and Dwalin, who were his dearest friends, how they must had suffered to find his corpse where it fell. And poor little Bilbo Baggins, who had tears in his eyes, as he watches Thorin dying. He treated Bilbo badly at the parapet. He treated Dwalin badly as well. How could he have talked to his friend Dwalin that way in the throne room? Thorin sadly, looked at the chamber once more, before joining Fili and Kili.
"Kili, wake up! Stop saying that name, and open your eyes. "
"Huh? Fili? Why did you wake me up for? I was having a wonderful dream about Tauriel", said Kili dreamily.
"Who is Tauriel?" asked Thorin, as he joined the brothers. Hearing Thorin's voice woke Kili instantly, who tried to stand up in a hurry. The young dwarf fell to the cold stone floor, and looked up at his uncle.
"Are you trying to kill yourself, boy?" asked Thorin, as he bend to help Kili up. Fili join his uncle to help his brother stand to his feet.
"Thorin? Boy? Thorin, I told you before I'm not a boy. "
Thorin chuckle at his nephew, slapped him hearty on his shoulders. Thorin touched his forehead to Kili's forehead, then Fili's.
"Enough. We better get going, and find the others. They would want to hear the news of our return. Grabbed your weapons, just in case we need them to defend ourselves. "
"Yes, Thorin", replied Fili, as he went to his stone bed. Thorin smiled as he watched his nephews gather their weapons. Thinking in his mind, how the young got their senses and strength quicker than the old.
"Hey, Kili. They gave me a beautiful and well-made sword. How come they didn't give me this when I was alive? "
Fili quickly strapped the sword to his side.
"They gave me a great bow, Fili. " Kili smiled, while he tested the string on the bow.
"Who is Tauriel? ", a quiet voice said. The two brothers turn to look at their uncle, as he stood there watching them. Thorin belted on the Orchrist's scabbard, and then slid his beloved sword in its home. The dwarf stood waiting for an answer from his nephews.
"She is a girl Kili cared about", said Fili, who tried to intervene for his brother.
"And where did he meet her? At Lake-town, where the men lived? ", asked Thorin, who eyed their expression. He could tell they were hiding something.
"No ", answered Fili, who quickly glanced over to his brother.
"Kili?" Thorin put his hand up to stop Fili from answering for his brother.
Kili took a deep breath, and looked his uncle in the eyes. "She is a she-elf from Mirkwood, Thorin."
"WHAT?!" Thorin was furious. His blue eyes blaze with fire, as he approached his nephew.
"One of our enemies….You care about one of our enemies!"
"She is not one of mine, Thorin. I love her ", stated Kili, with teary eyes. Fili flinched, when his brother said 'love'.
"Love?! What do you know of love, Kili?" answered Thorin, as he sneers at the reply. He turns away from Kili with anger.
"Who's there?!" shouted a voice at the chamber door. Thorin turn to face the opened door, and saw his cousin Dain, who turn pale at seeing the ex-king-under-the-mountain.
"Cousin Dain! ", greeted Thorin, as he slowly approaches the new king of Erebor. "It is me, Thorin."
"Cousin? But you were killed in the battle for Erebor. How is this possible? ", asked Dain, as he left the door open to the tomb. The bewhiskered king carefully walked forward to Thorin, unsure at what he was seeing. Oakenshield could see that the guards were stirring outside the chamber.
"It is really me, dear cousin. A necromancer brought me and my nephews back from the beyond. "A smile broke out on Dain's face, who rushes to hug his cousin. Thorin and Dain hug, and slapped each other on the back, with delight. Fili and Kili smile, and join the two embracing old warriors.
"There shall be a huge feast to celebrate your return, Thorin. The return of our king of Erebor ", boasted Dain, as he lead Thorin and the brothers out of the tomb.
"No, cousin. I can't stay too long in Erebor, or be its king ", stated Thorin. The three dwarves answered, "what?! "
"I don't understand, Thorin", said Dain.
"It is a condition that the necromancer asked of me ", answered Thorin, as he sighs at what he promised. "Where are the others? Balin? Dwalin? "
"All are still here. Balin mostly stay in his chamber, mourning you. Dwalin goes to a tavern in the ruins of Dale, getting drunk. And the rest are either at the dining hall or the treasure room. They seem lost since your death, Thorin. " Thorin seem confuse about the news on Dwalin.
The king of Erebor led them in front of the prone guards and up some stairs to the main floor of Erebor. He didn't know what to think at Thorin's announcement of not being king.
"Take me to Balin, cousin, "said Oakenshield. He stopped to let his nephews walk by, and grabbed Kili's arm. "Don't think we are finish talking about that she-elf. " Kili started to reply, but Thorin walked away to follow his cousin, Dain.
"Come on, Kili, "said Fili, as he pulled his brother's arm. "I'll help you if I can, with Thorin. "
"Thank you, Fili. You are my favorite brother. "
"I'm your only brother", answered the blonde dwarf.
"That is why you are my favorite, "teased Kili. Fili laughed, and hooked his arm around his brother neck, as they follow the other dwarves down the hall into Erebor.
Chapter 2: The Reunion
Balin sighed; as he paced the bedchamber he was assigned. He kept seeing Thorin at his funeral, looking so regal in death. It still hurts a lot in his chest, the pain of losing his friend. Heroes don't die, but Thorin did. Poor Balin didn't know if he can go on, back to Moria where his son, Balin II is ruling in his place. The old dwarf pulls a handkerchief from his tunic, and blew his nose. 'Thorin, how could you leave me, and the others, 'thought Balin, as he walked to the chamber's window. It was starting to get dark, and Dwalin should be back soon. He wanted a chamber connected to the outside wall, so he could look out to the old ruins that the men took over after Smaug attacked Lake-town. Good young Bard was making a great town leader, from what he had heard. 'Where is his brother, Dwalin? Probably getting drunk at the ruin's recently opened tavern.' His brother had been trying to drown his sorrow, since Thorin's death. "Poor Brother, "Balin lamented.
"Balin? Are you awake?, "said a voice at his chamber's door.
Sighing, Balin answered, "come in, Dain. I'm not asleep. "The old dwarf had his back to the door, still looking out the window. Dain motioned Thorin and the sons of Durin into the chamber, and close the door quietly.
"Balin…," said Thorin, as he waited for his friend's reaction to his voice. Balin froze, with his hands on the window's sill. The Lord of Moria was afraid to turn around, in case the voice was a dream. Then, carefully Balin turn his head, and look over his shoulder. The old dwarf turn quickly to face the smiling ex-king of Erebor.
"THORIN!," cried Balin, as he rushes over to Oakenshield. Balin cried on Thorin's chest, as he hugged his friend. "You are alive…alive…sob."
"It's alright my friend. No need for tears," soothed Thorin, as tears sprang to his eyes as well.
"How is this possible? I saw you dead at the frozen river …blood pouring from your chest. "The smaller dwarf releases his friend and smile warmly at Thorin, wiping his tears.
Balin looking around saw Fili and Kili in the room, too. "Fili and Kili are alive as well? I don't understand."
"Well, from what I understand, Balin. A necromancer entered Erebor, put two of my good guards asleep, broke into their tomb, and woke up Thorin, Fili, and Kili from their slumber of death, "stated Dain, as he patted the smaller of the dwarves.
"Necromancer?! Gandalf the Grey mention that one was roaming these lands. I'm glad he woke you, Thorin, "proclaim Balin.
"Yes, at a high cost to me, "reply Thorin, as he cross his arms, and frown, staring at the floor.
"What is the price he asks for, Thorin? "asked Balin, as he sat weakly on a chair. He still can't get over the shock of seeing his friend alive.
"The price for my life, I can't be king of Erebor ever again. "
"Cousin…," said Dain, in shock. Balin and others were speechless. 'Thorin not be king?' Balin can't imagine it.
"For Fili's life, I can't live in Erebor, ever again. For Kili's life, I can't take the Arkenstone or any piece of Erebor's treasure with me. "Thorin's nephews exploded with outrage.
"That isn't fair!" snapped Fili.
"Yes! That all Thorin ever talked about is returning to Erebor," added Kili. Balin measured what was said, scratching his beard.
"Anything else, Thorin? "asked Balin, as he looked at his friend. Thorin started to pace the room, as he remembered what he had promise the necromancer. Balin notice this new habit of pacing, Thorin must be very angry.
"Yes. I have to get married, before the year is up."
Thorin's nephews looked at their uncle in surprise, and then poked each other in the ribs, laughing.
"Oooooooohhhh! Are we getting an aunt? Do you think our uncle can still entertain a female? "teased Fili, as Kili held his stomach laughing. Dain slapped both of the nephews on the back of their heads. "Have some respect for your uncle! "snapped Dain, who tried to keep a straight face. The king of Erebor just couldn't keep it in either, and started to laugh as well. Balin try to get the trio to stop laughing.
"Are you finish laughing at my problems, all of you? "ask a straight-faced Thorin.
"I think they are finish, Thorin, "stated Balin. " It seems that the first three tasks are easy to accomplish, it is the last one you will need help with. "
"Easy?" replied Oakenshield. He watches his friend, Balin, start to pack his things. "What are you doing, Balin?"
"We need to get you out of Erebor today. We don't know when the necromancer wants you out of Erebor. So, now is a good time to leave. We will stay overnight at the ruin of Dale, so we can gather supplies."
"I knew I could count on you, Balin, "Thorin stated, as he grabbed Balin's shoulders.
"Do you want me to tell the others, Thorin? That you are alive and staying at Dale? "exclaimed Dain, as he watches the group help Balin pack.
"Yes, Dain. If you can do me that favor, especially tell Dwalin, "asked Thorin. He looked around to make sure Balin didn't forget anything. Dain smiled, and left to do what he had promise.
"Dwalin is in Dale getting drunk,"stated Balin, as he threw the pack on his back. He looked at his friend, with moist eyes.
"Drunk?! That is not like Dwalin, "Thorin exclaim. So, it was true about his friend, Dwalin. He didn't like hearing the news about his boyhood friend getting drunk.
"Ever since you died in battle, Dwalin had been drinking bottle after bottle of wine. He said he wanted to dull the pain of losing you, Thorin, "answered Balin. " He wouldn't listen to me about the drinking. Sometimes Bofur would join him at the tavern. Bard would scrap them off the floor of the tavern, and escort them back home."
"Oh Dwalin, "Thorin said sadly, shaking his head.
"Wait! I hear singing out the window, "stated Balin, who rush to the window to see who was singing outside. Staggering from the ruins of Dale was his brother, Dwalin. Laughing and singing to himself, tripping as he headed toward Erebor's huge gates.
"Thorin wait! ", shouted Balin, as Oakenshield hurried to meet his other friend at the gates of Erebor. Thorin ran out the door of the bedchamber, with Balin, Fili, and Kili following behind him.
Dwarves in the hallway watched Thorin, in surprised, as he ran pass them. They were not sure if they were seeing the Hero of Erebor; run by a few minutes ago. Thorin made it to the front gates, as Dwalin was saluting the guards posted there. The guards were use to Dwalin antics, and understood why he is drunk. Though, they were surprised to see Thorin show up, not knowing whether to stay or run. He didn't look like a ghost, because he seems like a solid form.
"Dwalin! "shouted Thorin with glee. Oakenshield smiled at the drunken dwarf. He went and hugged his friend, and then held him at arms' length.
"Thorin! "shouted back Dwalin, who promptly vomited all over Thorin's boots. Sighing, Thorin looked down at his feet, and then looked up at a smiling swaying Dwalin.
"Dwalin, I love you as a brother, but I have had enough excitement for one day." Thorin punched Dwalin in the jaw knocking him out. The ex-king threw his drunken friend over his shoulder, and turn to see Balin, Fili, and Kili coming to meet him outside. The guards didn't say a thing, knowing they will find out what was going on from the gossip in Erebor.
"Did you have to knock him out, Thorin? "asked Balin, as he smiled at Oakenshield.
"It is easier to carry a drunk, than to drag them along."
"So, true Thorin. Follow me to Dale. We will have a word with Bard in the morning, "said Balin, as he led the way. Fili and Kili laugh as they follow their elders.
Balin picked his way over the rough terrain, being careful to pick an easy path for Thorin to follow. "Bard became the leader of the town people after the battle of Erebor, Thorin."
"We didn't end as good friends, the last time I talked to him, "stated Thorin, who heft Dwalin's body a little higher. It took them a while to reach the old ruins.
"Well, he is a good man. I know he will understand, and try to help us if he can," said Balin, who gesture Thorin and the others into Dales' main entrance. They walk forward into a large square plaza. Thorin looked around the torch-lit plaza in front of him, which was still littered with things from the recent battle. A few of the town's people were still standing around the plaza talking to each other, preparing to go to their lodges. They notice the arrival of the dwarves, and froze. Thorin noticed the town people staring, pointing, and whispering about them.
"Is that Oakenshield?"
"It can't be. He is dead."
Balin led the way down a side road to a lit building. From the sign in front of the place, it was the new tavern. The sign also stated it was an inn.
"The Sea-Sick Seagull…hmmm. What a lovely name, "said Kili, as his brother laughed. They follow Thorin, Dwalin, and Balin inside a cheery tavern, with two tired waitresses and a sleepy barkeep.
"Well, masters! What can I do for you?" ask the barkeep, who perked up for the customers.
"We need a room for the five of us, "stated Thorin, as he tried to keep from dropping a snoring Dwalin.
"Oho! Master Dwalin didn't make it back to the keep. That's fine. We always got room for Master Dwalin and his friends. Please follow me, gentlemen." The barkeep led the way down the hall, as the waitresses smiled at Fili and Kili.
"I need to drink here more often ", said Fili, as he waved at the giggling women.
"Get in here, Fili! ", ordered Thorin, who was standing next to the door of the room, as he waited for his nephews to enter the chamber. Fili and Kili hurry to do as their uncle had asked, and then looked at a good size room, with three beds. The place looked clean and rustic, with a good size fireplace. There was a small table with a huge bowl and pitcher to put clean water in, for washing with.
"I hope you enjoy your stay here. And if you need anything, ask for Ganon." Ganon smiled, and closed the door behind him.
"Someone needs to start a fire, while I throw Dwalin unto one of the beds."
"I'll do it, Thorin" offered Fili. The young dwarf looked for some flint to start a fire with, on the mantelpiece, and was soon working to complete his task. Balin place his belongings on the floor, next to the washstand.
"Put him on the bed next to the window, Thorin. So, if he gets sick again, he can stick his head outside, "said Balin smiling.
"Aye, we can push him out of the window if he starts to smell, "teased Kili. Balin chuckles, and under his breath, said, "Young rascal."
Thorin chuckle at Kili's words, and dump Dwalin's sleeping form on the bed. An exhale escapes from Dwalin's mouth making Thorin gag from his friend's breath.
"He is already starting to smell, "replied Thorin, as he watches his snoring friend. Thorin remember all the adventures Dwalin and he had growing up. And never once had he ever seen his friend drunk before. But his love for his friend, Dwalin never wane, because they were like brothers. And you never turn away from your brother in need. Thorin spied a rag on the washstand, and used it to clean his boots. He then tossed the filthy cloth into a corner of the room.
"Anyone wants to sleep with Dwalin?" asked Thorin. The others said 'no' quickly, which made Thorin chuckle.
"Fine. Balin and I sleep in one bed, while Fili and Kili in the other. And no playing around you two, because we got a lot to do in the morning. "
"Yes Thorin! "sang the sons of Durin. Thorin looked at Balin, who smiled and shook his head.
"Boys, "whispered Thorin, under his breath. The dwarves with weapons took them off, but not their armor. They are in unfamiliar surroundings, and always play it safe by wearing their armor. They kept their weapons near at hands, in case of trouble. Clothed, Thorin crawled into bed, and the last object he spied before he fell asleep was Balin's sleeping form. His last thought was he hope he wakes up in the morning.
"Good morning, sleepyheads! Time to get up! "greeted a cheery voice.
"Fili, get away from me! ", grunted Balin, who turn over away from Fili.
Thorin's eyes pop open, and looked around his surroundings. He was still alive, and so were his nephews.
"Thorin is it alright for me to thrash Fili? ", asked a grumpy, and still sleepy Balin, as he sat up in bed.
"I'll hold him down for you, "stated a smiling Thorin, who sat up slowly. Stretching his limbs to loosen his muscle, Thorin never felt more alive in his life. Was it because he is back from the dead, or the responsibility of being prince and king is gone. Thorin don't care. He just happy to be alive, and in a room with his friends and nephews.
"Who hit me?! ", growled a voice on the bed next to the window. Dwalin sat with a start, moaning.
"My head hurts…Oooohhh! "said the hanged-over dwarf.
"I told you not to drink too much, Dwalin, "stated his brother, Balin.
"None of your lectures, brother. My head feel like a Warg dancing on it. "Dwalin close his eyes, grabbing his head.
"I hit you, Dwalin, "quietly said Thorin. Dwalin's bald head popped up, which cause him to moan again.
"Thorin?" Looking toward where the voice came, Dwalin's eyes widen when he saw Oakenshield. "Is it really you, laddie?" Slowly stumbling toward Thorin, Dwalin reach for his boyhood friend.
"Thorin…sob,"moaned Dwalin, as he collapsed into Thorin's arms, and held him tight. The dwarf was afraid to let him go, in case Thorin returns to the tomb.
"It is me, my friend. I'm back from the beyond. Fili and Kili came with me, as well. "
Dwalin looked at the two sons of Durin, and more tears fell.
"It is true, Dwalin," stated Balin. "They were brought back to us from the clutches of death."
"Sit down, Dwalin. Rest a while, as I tell you what had happen so far, "said Thorin.
Dwalin sat on the bed, and listen to Thorin tell of the necromancer's deeds, Thorin's vows, and what had happened last night.
"Hmmm…a person misses a lot when they are drunk. I don't think I'll drink again. Well, not a lot of wine any time soon, "stated Dwalin, as he looked at Thorin with wonder. "Wait a moment…. Did you say get married?"
"Don't you get started with me, Dwalin, "said Thorin, who looked quickly at his nephews, who were snickering. Oakenshield walk over to where Fili and Kili were, and glared at them.
"Sorry, Thorin. I can't imagine you married, "said a grinning Kili.
"And don't think I forgotten about the she-elf, Kili," the uncle reply. Kili's grin dropped from his face.
"Come on, Kili, "said Fili, as he pushes his brother to the door. "Let us get something to eat." Kili looked back at Thorin glaring eyes, while Fili opened the door, and push him out.
"She-elf, Thorin?" asked Balin, as he join his brother on the bed.
"Yes. It seems Kili fell in love with a she-elf, when we were held in Mirkwood. The boy is being ridiculous! He doesn't know what love is. "Thorin explained, as he started to pace the room. Balin and Dwalin could tell that Thorin was very angry about this situation with Kili. "This infatuation will disappear with time. Kili is nothing but a boy, and know nothing about females. Elves are ancient creatures; he is just a toy for her to play with. You know how cruel elves can be." Thorin's friends stayed quiet knowing that Oakenshield needed to vent his prejudices and anger.
"Let us forget this problem with Kili for now, Thorin" said a wise Balin. "We need to head to the Blue Mountains to tell Dis that you and the lads are alive."
"Sister!" snapped the ex-king-under-the-mountain. "Yes, you are right, Balin. My poor sister must be beside herself with grief. Thinking her brother and her sons are still dead. We need to get supplies for the journey. Bedrolls, packs for food, skins for water, cloaks for the weather, and weapons. "
"I'll handle that Thorin, "answered Balin, who got up quickly, grabbing his pack, and heading for the door.
"I'll find us weapons, Thorin", stated Dwalin, who joined his brother more slowly. A knock came on the door before, Balin and Dwalin could open it.
"Yes? ", asked Thorin, who strapped on his Orchrist, and grabbed the hilt, ready for danger.
"I wish to speak with Thorin Oakenshield, "said a familiar voice, on the other side of the door. The dwarves look at each other in surprise.
"Bard?" said a smiling Balin, who opened the door to the chamber. Bard the Bowman stood in the hall, waiting to see if the rumors are true. That Thorin Oakenshield was alive and well in the ruins of Dale, staying at the new tavern.
"So, it is true that Thorin is alive. This is wonderful news to learn, "declared a happy handsome Bard.
"I would expect you to dislike the news, since we left with angry words between us, Bard, "answered Thorin, taking his hand off his sword.
"Thorin, your sacrifice saved all of us from a terrible fate. Being murdered and enslaved by the orcs would have been a horrible ending for us all. With your act, you save my children, my people, me, and everyone who was at the Battle of Erebor. We owe a lot to you and your kin. Anything that I can give within my power is yours, "vowed Bard the Bowman.
"We need supplies for a three month journey to the north to see my kin at the Blue Mountains, "stated Thorin, who was relieved that Bard didn't hold a grudge.
"I'll do my best to get it done, "said Bard.
"Show me the way, Bard" Balin stated, as he pat the Bowman's back. "I will put the travelling packs together for the journey. And I need to know who are going with us, as well. "
"Until we meet again, Thorin Oakenshield, king-under-the-mountain, and savior of Erebor, "stated Bard, as he led the smaller dwarf down the hall.
Thorin looked at Dwalin, who smiled weakly back. "Let us go eat breakfast, Dwalin."
"I'll try, Thorin. I might eat a little bit of food, "answered the bald dwarf, while following Oakenshield out the room. They walked to the barroom, where Fili and Kili were entertaining Bofur, Bombur, and Bifur at a table. The nephews of Thorin were in the middle of eating their meal.
"THORIN!" yelled a happy Bofur, who ran to meet Thorin and Dwalin. Balin had left the tavern, and was not seen anywhere in the room. Bombur and Bifur follow their brother to meet their leader, Thorin.
"It is good to see you three, "stated Thorin, who smiled brightly at the dwarf trio. Bombur was busy chewing on a piece of bacon, Bifur was scratching the area where the head of an axe was still imbedded into his skull, and Bofur was drinking a pint of beer. Thorin wouldn't have them any other way, than the way they were. He had been unjust to them in the past, and realized what a fool he been to not appreciate the uniqueness of his dwarves.
"Do you want something to eat, Thorin? "asked Bombur, who signal the blonde waitress.
"Yes, for me and Dwalin. Did Fili and Kili tell you of our plans to leave? ", he asked of his dwarves. " We are going back to the Blue Mountains to see my sister, Dis."
"Mother?!" replied Fili and Kili jointly. They had forgotten their mother, during their excitement of being brought back to life.
"That is great, Thorin. And we want to go with you to get you back to your sister," answered Bofur for himself and his brothers. Bofur's brothers agreed, and nodded their heads.
"That would make me very happy, "said a beaming Thorin, and he looked at his dwarves with pride. He wonders if the others will come too. Thorin smiled, as Dwalin slowly join him at the table. Thorin asked for some bacon and eggs, with a couple of biscuits and one pint of beer from the waitress.
"I'm not very hungry. I'll have five biscuits, ten slices of bacon, ten eggs, and three pints of beer, "stated Dwalin, rubbing his stomach. The blonde waitress looked at Dwalin, with surprise, and went to get the food.
"Are you sick, Dwalin?" asked Bombur, who had rolled his head over to one side, looking at the moaning dwarf.
"Not sick, just too much drinking last night. But I'm very happy to see Thorin, Fili, and Kili alive. " Dwalin smile weakly at his friends.
"Here here! ", the group said in unison, while Dwalin moans. The door of the tavern opened, causing everyone to turn to the new arrivals. In walked Ori, Dori, Nori, Gloin, and the last one, Oin. They rush over to greet and see the once dead friends at the tavern's table.
"Not too loud, "groaned Dwalin, as he rubbed his head with his hands.
"Well, you shouldn't have drunk too much, Dwalin, "scold Oin. "It is bad for a warrior to behave that way, no matter the situation. "
"I know I know…, "groan Dwalin, as he looked miserably at the group of dwarves.
"Let us sing something to cheer Dwalin up, "teased Fili, who started to sing something. Dwalin put his right hand up to stop him.
"You do, and I'll break both your legs, and drag you back to the Blue Mountains on your rump, "warn the beery-eyed Dwalin. Everyone laughed, while Dwalin moan some more.
"Let him be. Let us eat, and discuss the route we will take from here to the Blue Mountains, "stated Thorin, who patted Dwalin's back. Dwalin slowly nodded his head.
"Here is your food, gentlemen, "said the blonde waitress, who placed a tray full of food in front of the dwarves. She put three mugs of beer in front of Dwalin, and one in front of Thorin. As she was leaving, the blonde winked at Fili, who winked back. Thorin sighed, knowing he had to have some words with Fili sometime soon about getting friendly with man's women. Dwalin started stuffing food in his mouth, and guzzling beer. Thorin talk and ate slowly as he and the dwarves talk about different ways to go back to the Blue Mountains.
"How about the way we came? "asked Ori, looking at everyone for approval.
"No, that will bring us back to Mirkwood. Which I don't wish to enter again, "stated Thorin, as he looked over to Kili's way. Kili looked forlorn at his uncle's words, but he didn't say a word in reply.
"How about using King Edward's traveler's road, "said Oin, with his hearing horn in his ear.
"Traveler's road? King Edward's? ", asked Thorin, as he and his nephews looked at each other.
"Yes. Dain told me all about it. There is a traveler's cave five miles beyond Mirkwood. If you follow the road west from Dale heading to a new town named Rankin, which is where the King's road start. The caves are put there for travelers to have a haven from danger."
"King Edward is the ruler of the city of Logan, "continued Gloin. " He had commission the wizard, Xander to keep the road safe for travelers. "
"Xander? He is a good friend of mine, "stated Thorin, thoughtfully.
"That sounds great to me, Thorin", said Fili. "No rain on our heads, no guards at night, just a good night sleep."
"Very well, "said Thorin. "We will start as soon as we got our supplies and weapons. We have to wait for Balin. "As an answer to his words, in walked Balin with a smile on his face.
"Everything is ready for our journey. I didn't know who was going, so I made a pack for everyone. "
"Is everyone going? "asked Thorin.
"The three of us are, "answered Bofur, as his brothers nodded. Oakenshield clasped each brother's hand in gratitude.
"Oin and I are going, Thorin. We are not leaving you now, laddie at your time of need, "stated Gloin. "Besides, I need to head home to see my wife, and my boy, Gimli. "
Thorin turn to the last three dwarves, waiting for their answer.
"You know we will follow you where ever you lead, Thorin, "replied Dori.
"Yes, "said Ori and Nori. Everyone heard a noise, and turn to see the old Dwalin stand up, fit as he always was.
"Those beers help my head clear up. We can go, as soon as I can get us some weapons, especially my axes."
"Too late, Dwalin. Dain brought over our things from Erebor. He is waiting for us, in the plaza, Thorin, "Balin explain. "Bard is there too to tell us farewell." Thorin looked at each of his dwarves, and smile.
"Onward to the Blue Mountains, my fellow dwarves! "he shouted, as they cheered him on. Thorin lead the way out of the tavern, as Balin paid for the food and room they had used. The small dwarf was the last to leave the tavern. Ganon slowly picked up the coinage, as he seems sad about the leaving of the dwarves.
"What is the matter, Ganon? "asked the red-haired waitress, who was talking quietly with the blonde waitress.
"I'm going to miss Master Dwalin. He was a great customer. "
"Yes he was, "replied the two giggling waitresses. Ganon look at them with confusion on his face. 'Now, why are those two silly girls giggling about?'
Out in the plaza, Dain and Bard were talking to each other as Thorin and his dwarves approaches. A lot of people and dwarves shown up to watch the king-under-the-mountain leave, including Bard's children…Bain, Sigrid, and Tilda.
"Cousin, I wish you could take some of the treasures with you. Maybe some of your dwarves could take some for you?"
"That could be dangerous, Dain "said Balin, as he caught up with the others. " It is best to leave without any of our share of the treasure. We don't want to risk Thorin's, Fili's, and Kili's lives. Remember Thorin's promise to the necromancer. "
"What if you need some coinage? "asked the king of Erebor.
"We will find a way", answered Thorin.
"I got some coinage" stated Bard, as he reaches for a small bag at his belt.
"Is it part of the treasure? "asked Balin, who put a hand to stop Bard.
"Yes, it is. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight, "said Bard the Bowman.
"Well, it is time for me and my dwarves to leave, "stated Thorin, as he hugs his cousin, Dain.
"Farewell Thorin. I'm so sad to see you go, but happy to see you alive, "said Dain. Thorin gave a big hearty hug, and release his cousin.
"Come visit me at the Blue Mountains. Dis will make a wonderful meal for us, "Thorin proclaimed.
"Or your wife, Thorin? "teased Dain, as his cousin frown at him.
"Wife? "asked a confuse Bofur from Fili.
"I'll tell you later, my friend, "whispered the blonde dwarf. They watched as Thorin clasped Bard's hand, and shook it.
"Thank you, my friend. Forgive me for the harsh words that pass between us, "said a repented Oakenshield.
"It's been forgiven at your death, Thorin. May you live long and have a wonderful full life, "said Bard. Bard's children join their father, as they watch Oakenshield and his dwarves gather their weapons and traveling packs, and walk away from the ruin of Dale.