I Swear I'm Gonna Be Sick

Boomer's POV

I blinked. The moonlight shone brightly into my room through the window on the attic ceiling. It figured I would end up with the attic when we first moved into this place, but it was really starting to grow on me.

I liked having a trapdoor as a door. I liked the small space. I liked the windows on both walls. It made the place really bright. Besides, my brothers often forgot about this room if I pulled up my stairs.

Couldn't sleep tonight. It felt weird, just lying there, so I decided to go and get some water. The stair didn't even creak a little as I made my way down to the kitchen and poured myself a glass.

The city sure was bright at night. The giant glass wall in our living room made the New Townsville seem a whole lot bigger, too.

I sipped my water thoughtfully.

Living here sure was nice. The folks were dumb, and the security was weak. Except for the Powerpuff Girls Z, though. They were a real handful, sometimes. Just couldn't leave us alone.


I squinted my eyes. Where was that noise coming from? Man, this place really was weird. Do they have robots now or something?


Jesus Christ where was that coming from? Goddamit a guy can't even drink water while looking out a huge window at 2 am peacefully anymore.

Bzzz. Bzzz.

I sighed and turned away from the view and looked around, straining my ears. Huh. Seemed to be coming from the basement. Must be Mojo again. I rolled my eyes and started heading back up the stairs to the second floor, but was met with two pair of piercing red and green eyes.

"Holy Jesus oh my god, please don't kill me!" I shrieked, in an admittedly very unmanly way. The two pairs of eyes exchanged a look.

"Calm down, Boomer, it's just us. Your brothers? Remember?" The red eyed one spoke, shaking his head.


"Now get your butt back downstairs and open Mojo's basement door! That freak hasn't worked on something at night since last month!" Butch muttered urgently, shoving me back down the stairs.

"Okay, okay, chill," I said, shooting him a glare as I twisted the knob.

Butch and Brick kept on pushing me from behind, and I was getting really annoyed, and in a matter of seconds we ended up sprawled on the floor, staring up at Mojo's crazed face.

"Well, hello, boys! You're just in time for my new experiment! Come, and get off the floor. I have much to show you." He cackled, turning around and heading back to his little table of death and explosions.

My brothers and I stared as he stepped aside to reveal…three syringes filled with something white and glowy, a baseball bat, a boomerang, and a slingshot.

Brick made a face. "Um, what the hell is this supposed to be?"

"Oh, my boys," Mojo said, grinning. "this is going to transform you into your ultimate form."

"Seriously? What is this? Some sort of dramatic super hero movie? Stop speaking in riddles, you monkey." Butch scoffed, folding his arms.

'Well, since you're so eager to speak up, you'll have the honor of being test subject number one! Choose a item and stand still." Mojo rolled his eyes, picking up a syringe.

"Psh, whatever. Like I care," Butch replied, eyeing the three objects. He reached for the slingshot, and Brick cleared his throat loudly.

"No can do, bro. That's mine." Brick announced, rubbing his nose.

Butch clenched his teeth and his hand hovered over to the boomerang, which I had wanted since duh, boomerang. But I kept my mouth shut. Butch respected Brick as the leader, but I was just the runt. I had no say in this.

Brick nodded.

"Ok, Mojo, do whatever the hell you want. Probably won't affect me anyway." Butch sneered, puffing out his chest and giving Mojo a challenging stare.

"Well, son, brace yourself, then." Mojo laughed in response, sticking the needle in Butch's arm, and releasing the fluid into his bloodstream.

Nothing happened.

Butch smirked. "Well, so much for your experiment. It seems like your invention has failed on—"

He was interrupted by his glowing skin. The light spread from his arm to the rest of his body, and it grew brighter and brighter, eventually engulfing him.

"Holy Crap, what the hell is happening?" Brick cried, awestruck.

Within a few moments, the light subsided and there stood a surprisingly tall, shocked, and clearly older Butch with his jaw down.

"Di-did I just…What did you do to me?" He got out, looking at his hands.

Mojo chuckled, and placed the syringe back on the table. "I extracted the Chemical Z from you DNA, and with the help of some science managed to make a bit more of it as to age you by one year. And as you were holding an object while I gave you the shot, the powers fused with it too, so now instead of your, ahem, "socks" you now have a fully function, sanitary, super boomerang."

"So, we get new powers and get grow a couple centimeters?" I asked, eyes glued on the bat.

"Simply put, yes."

"Awww. Hell. Freaking. Yes." Brick hollered, grabbing the slingshot and one of the Chemical Z needles, then proceeded to give himself a shot as well.

Within seconds he too was practically towering over me, grinning wickedly at the brand new super-powered weapon in his hands.

I blinked. In an effort not to be left out, I quickly grabbed the last item on the table as well as the syringe before proceeding to grow 5 centimeters, just a little shorter than my brothers.

"Well, Mojo, it seems like you finally did something right." Brick laughed, opening and closing his hand, getting the new feel of his older, more advanced body.

"Oh, but these powers aren't free, my boys," Mojo replied casually, clapping his hands together.


"Yes, my sons, these powers aren't free," He repeated, his smile turning into a frown. "I'm tired of your sass. I can already see development disability starting to form in each of you. If you are going to be villains, you are going to be educated, civilized villains!"

I cocked my head, my eyes squinted. "That, is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard."

Mojo's face turned red. "That's not the point! You are starting school tomorrow, and if you complain, I will personally call the Powerpuff Girls Z and tell them where you live, regardless of my own comfort, so they can interrupt your precious sleep at night!"

"Whoa, old man, don't go crazy." Butch, sighed, shooting him a look.

"Be quiet! You have to be there by 8:00 am, at Ms Keane's class! Understood?"

Butch wrinkled his nose and scoffed again. "Whatever."
He started heading back up the basement stairs, muttering about sleep deprivation and how much he hated life. Brick followed suit, glancing back at Mojo's lab, before disappearing through the door. I looked a Mojo for a bit longer, until I started to see beads of sweat form on his brow, then too left the mad monkey to his business.

Tomorrow was going to be a hell of a day.

Didn't update for like, 6 months, and I'm sorry, I've just been really invested in "Happily Ever After" right now since I'm really starting to go deeper into the story. I'll try to keep this thing going, but please don't be mad if I don't have time to finish it. I really love this story, really, I do, since it's my first fanfic ever, it's just. I think I'm really onto something here with "HEA", and I know there are lots more people reading it than (sadly) this, so it's my top priority right now. I hope you understand!