Winding Roads Eventually Bring You Home

Disclaimer: Hahahahahaha! No, I own nothing.

Summary: This is a TFATF/Takers Crossover. Yes, I'm serious. And there is a smidgen of plot from Brick Mansions twisted into this too, but you don't need to watch the movie to understand what's going on. (I'm just using it as part of an undercover background.)

Rating: M? …I think.

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READ THIS STORY OVERVIEW FIRST! (It was pointed out to me that this might be slightly confusing, timeline-wise, and that a few things should be mentioned to make everything smoother, so that's what this is.)

Where we are in the FatF timeline:

This will be mostly canon through Fast 5… and the beginning scene of 6, where we see Dom and Brian driving to get to Mia who is in labor.

Hobbs is still hunting the Toretto crew in his spare time.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be glossing over the whole 'Elena' thing, just to make it easier on myself. Maybe they had a short-term thing, but ultimately decided they lived different lives. So, I'd guess that Dom is staying in the giant beach house with the family. (The idea of Dom living alone makes me sad.)


Now for the Takers: I am changing the heist completely. Let's say the whole crew is fully operational. I might leave Gordon's sister out of it, but I don't know yet. They are being investigated by the NYPD, and Jack Welles is going to make an appearance (I'm not sure about his partner, Eddie – I may just forget the whole mess with him stealing that money) and we'll probably see a bit of Lt. Carver (Hobbs has to talk to somebody!)

If there's any other things you'd like me to clarify, just ask, and as long as it's not a major spoiler, I'll fill you in!



Sixteen months ago:

"We'll figure it out. We always do."


Letty thought back on their last night together trying to figure out where it had all gone wrong. It was early, but Mia had already left for the day. So Letty took her coffee mug out onto the back porch.

She'd been back in Los Angeles for just over a month, and she was still mulling over what to do.

Dom had left her to figure it out on her own… whether he liked it or not. It was her life too. And if he would have remembered, she'd never taken kindly to the idea of him making decisions for her.

It was a fool's chance, bringing Dom home. If it was even possible.

And Letty knew she'd need help. She wasn't naïve enough to think she could pull it off on her own… She barely had a plan…

Okay, so she had no plan whatsoever.

Letty hadn't mentioned to Mia all the things that had gone wrong during her visit, just saying that Dom was alright, and that he missed her. She had mentioned that Dom had thought they should split up again, but she'd kept the messier details to herself… definitely hadn't mentioned that she wanted to try to find a way to bring Dom home.

She needed someone who might be as reckless as she would be.

Behind the wheel, it might be all about control, but she felt desperation clawing at her insides like it was a living, breathing animal.

There would only be one chance.

It's not like she could just walk into the police station and ask them to make her a deal though.

She frowned into her steaming coffee, an idea slowly formulating in her mind. Letty shook her head immediately, trying to dislodge it.



There was one cop who might help her… she might even say that he owed her a favor.

After ten minutes of fighting with herself, she had pretty much given into the idea that had come out of nowhere.

And there was no one else.

She'd long ago lost the comfort of having a group of people who had her back, and would do anything for her at a moment's notice. And there wasn't anyone she could trust, or that would risk themselves the way she might have to do.

Letty was prepared to step into a mess, and at this point in her life, there was only one person she could even think of that might be willing to do the same.

And that was only if he really was still the person she thought he'd been all those years before, when their lives had blown up.

Hector hadn't just called Brian 'Snowman' because he'd been one of few blondes in a sea of dark skin. And Dom had told her once they got to Mexico that he'd jumped on a moving semi to save Vince, and then went after Johnny Tran before tossing his keys to Dom and letting him escape.

Brian O'Conner.

She groaned out loud.

Her options were bleak, and she really was this desperate.

Dom might be grateful, or he would have to forgive her for what she was about to do.

But she was going to track down the former undercover cop that had ripped their family in half anyway.

She at least wanted to hear what he had to say.


It took Letty almost two weeks to find out that Brian O'Conner was working for the FBI. She couldn't exactly go around asking her usual people.

She wasn't very surprised. Well… actually? She had a hard time picturing him in a suit, to be honest. And it didn't seem natural thinking of Brian at a desk job shuffling papers.

She put those thoughts aside for now.

If he was someone else, she might worry about her approach. Instead, she decided to follow him. Letty had to wait until he left the federal building to get to his car.

She shook her head at the time, wondering absently if he was planning to ruin someone else's life.

It was after eleven-thirty when he finally appeared.

She watched him get in his car – a very functional sedan, and five years ago she would have made fun of him for hours over how awful it was – from where she had parked around the corner. She followed him semi-discreetly. It didn't matter to her at this point if he knew it was her or not.


Present time:

"If we're going to pull this off, it would be a hell of a lot easier if we had a few more drivers", John frowned a bit irritably. Not only had they just finished a job less than two months ago, but they only had two weeks to plan the best way to steal a moving armored truck.

Letty bit her cheek to hide her grimace. She'd been waiting for some kind of sign to tell her when it would be time for her to go back to her family, and they'd been on her mind lately. Working with another team felt wrong. And John may be Brian's body-double, but she couldn't even pretend to confuse them, they were so different.

"I know some people who can handle the driving", she heard herself say. "It might take them a few days to get here though."

John eyed her appraisingly for nearly a minute. "People you trust?"

She nodded once, decisively. "Yes."

Letty had made it clear during their first long conversation that she trusted no one.

Finally he nodded, "Alright. Do it." She was already walking away when John called her name. "It's on you to keep your people in line."

Letty refrained from snorting derisively. Yeah, right. "I'll take care of it", she called over her shoulder.


A/N: Oh, boy! I don't think I've ever been more terrified of posting my writing. Let me know what you think of the beginning? I think. Yes, I do want to know. I'm feeling anxious, but I'm going to try to suck it up and not whine about it. The next will get posted tomorrow evening at some point if you guys want it. **hides under a pillow**