Right, so, I was able to get some inspiration by having a discussion with my brother who has never seen Star Wars Rebels before. I'm just hoping this idea is okay with you guys. Once again, just let me know if you enjoy it, and give me some ideas if you've got anything you want to see in this story, and I'll try and make it happen.

They were quick to reappear from hyperspace again. The tension that had surrounded the crew dissipated in a sigh of relief.

Just as the Ghost appeared, so did the SwiftStar. Battling the TIE Fighters had caused some damage to the hyper drives, and Ezra wasn't so thrilled about fixing them. Then again, it had been a while since his modified Star Fighter was used.

Ezra Bridger? came a voice through the boy's commlink, startling him from his thoughts.

"Yes?" he said.

I'll give you permission to board my vessel, said the voice, which sounded a lot like Hera.

Without hesitation, Ezra powered up the sub-light engines and slowly made his way to one of the docking ports. Once his ship was tucked up next to the Ghost's hull, he made his entry into the larger vessel.

He was met by some of the people he rescued. They seemed relieved to have him on board.

Hera smiled. "Welcome to the Ghost," she said, "I'm glad you got out safely."

"Yes, so am I," said Ezra. "You're quite rebellious, jumping randomly into hyperspace like that."

"We do that all the time," said Kanan with an amused smile on his face.

Sabine appeared, coming down from the ladder. She smiled slightly at the boy, causing him to blush giddily. "Everything is in check, Hera," said told the Twi'lek. "One of our main thrusters has some damage, but it's fixable."

"I'm glad," said Hera.

"Thanks for freeing us by the way," said Sabine to Ezra. "We're very grateful."

"Glad I could help," said the boy. He watched as she climbed back up the ladder, the began to look around the cargo bay. He said, "The Ghost, she's a modified VCX-100 light freighter."

Her raised her eye brows. "Well, yes. You picked that up pretty quick."

"I know my ships," Ezra pointed out. "Also, I was introduced to you quite hurriedly…"

"Oh yes," said Kanan, quickly catching on. "The Lasat is-"

"Garazeb Orrelios," came a gruff voice from somewhere.

"He doesn't like anyone saying his full name," said Kanan, "so we just call him Zeb." There was another grunt, once of satisfaction. "The young lady who came in before is Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian Warrior."

"Warrior, huh?" said Ezra. "She looks more like an artist."

"Well, she does love her art," Hera added. Then she said, "I'm Hera Syndulla, pilot of the Ghost."

"The best pilot in the galaxy, as far as I know," said Kanan, glancing at the Twi'lek. "I'm Kanan Jarrus, by the way," he added. The way he said his name, however, made Ezra think twice. He was lying. But he didn't point it out.

He gestured to the ladder, and one after the other they climbed out of the cargo bay and into a small get cosy lounging area. There they saw Sabine in the galley getting some refreshments, while Zeb, followed by the astromech droid named Chopper, made repairs and upgrades to the overall ships systems.

"Those moves you pulled off back there is nothing I've ever seen," Kanan continued, taking a seat at a small table. "Where did you learn those?"

"More to the point, how?" asked Hera, walking into the galley to make herself a cup of tea.

"My father," said Ezra, simply. He didn't want to get right into his life story, but the eyes of his listeners made him say more. "He…he wasn't a Jedi; he couldn't use the Force. But he was able to wield a lightsabre." He paused. Something about these people made him feel he could trust them. The same feeling made him feel somewhat uneasy, however, but he went on anyway. "When I was young he taught me how to use a lightsabre, because he knew I was destined to be a Jedi one day, although I had my doubts."

"Yet you can wield the Force," Kanan pointed out as Hera wandered over and sat beside him.

"So can you," Ezra blurted out. He realized then that he wasn't meant to say anything about it, for he sensed that Kanan wasn't keen on sharing that he was a Jedi. "I mean…" he tried to rephrase what he was meant to say, but the man stopped him.

"I had a feeling you already knew," he said. "For a time, I felt I was the last of the Jedi, until you came along."

"Did I surprise you?" asked the youth, almost playfully.

"As a matter of fact, you did," came Kanan's answer. "You surprised me not only once, but thrice." Ezra felt almost proud of himself, even though thinking that made him feel stupid. Nevertheless, he basked in that pool of admiration within that moment.

The moment was soon over when a beeping sound came from an incoming transmission on the table they sat at. Without hesitation, Hera switched it on to view a figure in a cloak.

"Fulcrum," said Kanan.

"Were you able to establish the weaponry from the Empire on Lothal?" asked Fulcrum. Their voice sounded static, easily cloaking their identity.

The Jedi and the Twi'lek glanced at each other.

Their look seemed to tell Fulcrum that their mission was unsuccessful.

The sound of disappointment could be heard in their next words, but it didn't linger.

"I have another mission for you. You are to go to an abandoned base orbiting around the planet Harus in the Kaalis System. Your task is to find out as much information about weaponry systems and ships schematics from the Clone Wars as possible. It may prove useful against the Empire."

"Will do, Fulcrum," said Hera. "Ghost out." The hologram disappeared. The woman stood and placed her mug on the bench in the galley, then headed into the cockpit. Kanan gestured for Ezra to follow, and soon enough everyone was together, awaiting their arrival in the Kaalis System.

Ezra: So much for a long chapter.

Me: Yeah, I know. It's admittedly not very interesting either, but it'll get good. Trust me, I have a pretty cool idea that the readers might like.

Ezra: Shhh! Don't tease them!