After the ghost shield was deactivated Amity Park tried to rebuild what they could, the whole world was lifting itself up from the ashes. Holidays became the breath of normalcy and moment where all could regain their happy spirit and let loose a bit. Especially Halloween.

Still one would not find a single ghost costume among the people of Amity Park. Ghost still were, and probably will be for a long time, a sour topic there.

Valerie on this day of festivities did extra rounds of patrol, better safe than sorry. Plus ten years of habit is hard to die in just two years. It made her feel better when she saw that all things were in order. Kids walking from door to door, excited and comparing the amount of candy they got. The sight made her feel nostalgic, reminding her of the time when she would try to come up with a costume weeks ahead of Halloween. But she could never beat Paulina. Paulina, Dash… Valerie's smile dropped at the thought of her dead friends.

But what's past should remain in past. The Red Huntress shook the sad memories and concentrated on Amity Park in the present day. She landed her hover board in front of Fenton Works and took off her helmet.

"Trick or Treat, Valerie."

She nearly jumped out of her skin hearing the deep voice behind her, her hand immediately at her blaster.

"STOP DOING THIS!" she whipped around angrily to scold the man who scared her but then she paused and gaped. "What. Are You. Wearing?"

"Bzz Bzz." Dan said dryly.

The ghost decided to shape-shift into more human look. But that was not the shocker there. Dan Phantom was in Halloween costume. Well sort of. He kept the "costume" as minimalist as possible. He was wearing a black headbands with antennae. Each antennae had a bright yellow, soft foam ball at the end. Aside of that, his black T-shirt had a bee drawn at his chest. His jeans and biker boots were untouched by any other "bee" characteristics.

"It's Halloween Valerie. I'm trying to get in the spirit of the holiday." he smiled and raised a plastic pumpkin shaped container for candies. "C'mon you won't give me any sugar?" he leaned forward.

She didn't trust his damn smile for the life of hers. Not when it was joined with that look in his red eyes. She stuck her blaster under his chin.

"Only good kids get candy on Halloween." she replied seriously.

Dan took a step back.

"Kill joy." he sighed and took off the headband, running his hand through that wild mane of black hair of his. "I thought that only applies to Christmas. Today is mischief night." he side eyed her with impish gleam in his eyes. "My night. I have to admit I'm disappointed, Valerie."

"Oh, yeah? What's so disappointing?" she put her gun back into it's holster, and then crossed her arms on her chest.

"I thought you'd dress as Red Riding Hood so I can be the Big Bad Wolf." he winked at her and she had a difficult time trying not to blush.

Valerie cough, clearing her throat. "You're an ass."

"A great one, don't forget that." he replied smugly.

"Why are you here, Dan?" she finally asked. "I thought you were in Europe."

"I was but we finished early." he shrugged. "Rebuilding is soooo tiring, I much rather destroy, alas," he shoot her a look. "I promised to behave."

"You're lying." she bit at him tapping her finger over her forearm.

"Alright, you have me there. I've ran away for tonight." he finally admitted. "You know they don't celebrate Halloween in Eastern Europe? That's outrageous." he huffed crossing his arms and looking offended.

The corner of her mouth trembled but she managed to stop herself.

"So why did you come here?" she asked further.

Dan shrugged, "Maybe I came to visit someone but I don't think that someone appreciates it enough." he faked hurt pride.

That was enough for her to relax a bit.

"Maybe that someone would appreciate it more, if you didn't jump-scare her like that." She cocked her hip and arched an eyebrow at him amused.

"Not even for the old times sake?"

"Dan." She warned him.

He raised his arms in surrender. "I give in. C'mon Valerie, let's go Trick or Trickin'."

"I don't have a costume," she pointed out.

To that Dan pulled out of the pumpkin another bee headband. "Now you do."

Now she had to laugh. "I am NOT wearing that."

"You wanna bet?" he waggled his eyebrows and stepped closer as she took step back.

"You wouldn't dare."

"We both know I would." his hand shone with green energy.

No matter how fast she was she still got caught up in his force field.

"I'm going to get you for this." she hissed at him.

"And I can't wait. Now smile, you're the Queen Bee." he said with glee placing the ridiculous headband on her head. True to his word this one had a tiny crown attached as well.

Before he let her go, he put on his own headband. "Now we're ready." he announced and left her out of the stasis.

"I'm gonna kick your ass." she said when he handed her a spare pumpkin basket. "I'm serious. Anyone takes a photo of us, you're dead. Gone. I'll annihilate you."

"Promises, promises. You're cute when you threaten my afterlife." he offered her his arm and reluctantly she accepted it. "If it will make it better I'll give you all the best candy."

"You got that right, ghost." she grumbled but couldn't keep the grumpy face for long. Because how serious can you be when your ex-nemesis was waggling his eyebrows at you, while wearing a bee-headband which bounced with each movement of his head? "You're ridiculous."

"You're not better, Red Huntress." he hummed. "C'mon before the candy is gone." and he pulled her down the street. And she let him do that. Because it was Halloween, everyone should let loose a bit.

But she did smack him later for taking the damn picture when she was not looking.