After the battle, Roman was taken to jail for the train incident. The teams watched as he got in, giving him a mocking face that made the man growl. As he left, the group cheered again. Cinder was happy to see everyone okay and with smiles. For once, she felt at home. The princess just walked away from the scene, thinking her job was done.

While walking, she passed Weiss who was walking to the others. "Cinder." She called out, making the princess turn to her. "Weiss, you okay?" She asked nicely. "Mhm. Ah! M-My arm is broken though." The snow white stated quietly to her. "You need help going back?" Cinder questioned her. In response, she shook her head and kept moving. Until, she stopped and told the flame princess, "You was good out there. I'm sorry for acting rude to you this whole time. You are a great leader."

"Nah, it's okay. I understand you didn't trust me back then. And I'm glad I earned my trust now." Cinder smiled as Weiss did the same. "Okay, well I'm gonna go see the others. You coming?" She asked, but the woman simply shook her head. "Going to the dock." She answered. "Also, that Jaune boy seemed really worried about you. Crush?" "No, a friend." Weiss explained. "Surrrrre." Cinder said sarcastically and left again.

When she got to the dock, Ozpin was there. He seemed to be sad a little, but also pissed. Cinder thought he would try to stop her. So she said to him, "Look, I know. I'm in trouble. But I don't give a fuck." "Such foul language. I just wanted to talk to you." He answered back. "I lost my role and you gained honor from your allies. That is impressive." The princess rolled her eyes at Ozpin's words. "You here to give me a god damn lecture?" She asked coldly.

"No, I'm here to tell you something." He replied as he slowly walked towards her. When they were inches away, he pointed to her chest. "I know you have bad blood, but a kind heart. I also know that the Fall will not stop until they get equality. But you're the only one that doesn't want that. You want your friends to be okay and Ruby. To be safe. So a little advice. Don't stop fighting for what's precious to you. Even if you lose your life afterwards. The important thing is that the ones precious to you have a future to look forward to. I wish you good luck." He stated to her while walking back to Beacon.

"... Ozpin." The flame princess called out, stopping the older one in his tracks. He turned to girl and she commanded him, "Go get your job back." With that, he smiled slightly and continued to walk. Cinder went to the end of the dock and dipped her feet in the water, feeling the cold on her feet. Before she could enjoy the moment, it got better by Ruby appearing and joining her. "What are you doing over here?" The redhead questioned. "Just looking at the ocean..." Cinder whispered.

Ruby stared out into the sea to see the sun at the horizon. It's red color was so beautiful as it gave the sky an enchanted look. Suddenly, the young girl turned to the woman next to her. "Cinder?" She said quietly, catching her attention. "Yes, Ruby?" Cinder replied warmly to her. The redhead's smile sort of faded as she stated, "That woman, Elizabeth you call her. She told me some things about you. Like. You want to kill us and the fanus. I... I didn't know what to say. M-My mind was broken. Something inside me said to hate you. B-But... I couldn't hate you! I never could! Y-You're my friend! Maybe more... Cinder. I... What I'm trying to say is that no matter what you say or do, I will always-."

The young girl was cut off by the woman's lips being pressed on hers. The two shared the kiss for a moment, making it long and passionate. Finally, they slowly parted ways and stared into one another's eyes. Ruby was crying a little, until Cinder cleaned her face and put their heads together. "T-That was the old me, Ruby. I-I will never go back... To that life. I promised I would stay with you. And. That's exactly what I'm going to do." The princess stuttered, feeling a knot in her throat. Before it could be undone, Ruby whispered the words Cinder always wanted to hear, "I love you, Cinder." She chuckled and kissed the young one's cheek. "I love you too, Ruby." The two watched the sun set while holding each other. In the end, Ruby fell in love with the villain, Cinder fall. But to her,

She was actually her hero...

Somewhere in a forest, Elizabeth was walking towards a palace. When she reached it, a evil smile appeared. From the trees came her team who had serious faces, waiting for orders. "Well, it seems daddy was nice enough to give us help. Come on, idiots." She called to them. "Time we talk to our little helper." With that, the four entered the palace, closing the door behind them. No one knew what was going on, but one thing was for sure.

Trouble was coming. And fast...

Thank you for reading "RWBY:In love with the Villain". I hope you liked it and was satisfied. For people who want more? "RWBY:When the flower dies" is coming soon. Until then, I'll see you all later! Have a good day!:)