Summer of Second Year

"Potter, Dunbar, Longbottom," David Motrin said only partially surprised to see them at the Level 3 competitions. "How's it going?"

"Not bad," they said greeting him, glad to see some familiar faces. "You excited for the competition?"

David nodded, "Yeah, bit nervous though. Then again you kicked my arse the last two competitions."

"Oy, the arse kicking was to a minimum," Harry returned good naturedly. "Besides, we have very little chance of doing well this season. We are a bit outclassed I think."

David shook his head, "Don't put yourself out just yet. Honestly, you've faced all the fourth years and won last year. Your only problem may be the fifth years. While the duelers are good, theirs usually about four or five really good duelists in each year level. The best fifth years probably skipped to a higher competition."

They had to agree to that as they separated to sign in.

There were fifty two people, everyone would duel once today to get started. Which meant that there were 26 rounds.

Everyone seemed to be watching the group who was far too young to be there and were amazed by the fact they all won their first competition.

"See, told you that you had nothing to worry about," David said, he had also won his first round.

Harry grinned, "Competitions a lot harder this year though. I think this is going to be fun."

"I heard the after parties are even better," David added as the three laughed.

They were shocked to make top ten. Not so shocked when they did not make top three. Harry was 4th, Neville sixth and Fay 7th but they did better than any of them were expecting.

"After party," David said bringing them along. They were greeted by the other duelers even those they had gone against and won.

"So, you three are how old exactly," Sally Mian the second place winner asked curiously.

"We all turn 13 in July," Harry returned taking a drink of the butter beer.

Mian choked on her drink. "Did you just say you all are only 2nd years?"

Fay nodded, "yeah, we requested to be moved up in the competition at the end of last season."

"Yeah except I was running from you lot," Mitchel Kyson stated with a laugh. "This kid here put me in a three day coma."

Harry cringed at the reminder, "Sorry about that," he said still feeling guilty.

"Don't be, it was a fair duel," Kyson stated. "Taught me to be more careful and pay more attention to the spells cast. Definitely glad you're not in the younger tournament, my kid sisters starting."

"It really was an accident," harry returned.

The other guy just laughed it off. "So I don't think we need to even ask if you lot intend to go pro."

"Hopefully," Fay stated. "It's been our plan."

"So I know you don't do dueling with a coach but what about at Hogwarts, do they have any duel training," Kyson asked curiously.

The three shrugged but Neville explained. "They started a duel club this year but we only went to one meeting and ended up telling off the instructor."

"What did you do that for," Kyson asked curiously.

"He spoke about winning the Myrdin tournament," Fay said the very idea still made her angry.

"It would be an honor to duel near a Myrdin champion," Mian stated wondering what she was missing.

"He said he won in an odd year number, 1979 I think it was," harry said.

The others scowled in disgust, "there is no 79 tournament, the Myrdin run even."

The three nodded, "then he claimed he won in the 1980 tournament," Fay stated. "My father won the 1976, 78 and 80 tournaments."

"Oh and when we called him out on that with proof, he claimed that it was another tournament but couldn't back it up," Neville stated. "So instead of continuing in that falsehood we left and returned to training in the back classroom."

"Watching it happen was absolutely wonderful, Maddison Sage stated, she was a fourth year Slytherine at Hogwarts and had witnessed the attack. "Pure cunning."

"Why thank you," Fay said chuckling. "From a Slytherine we will take that as a compliment."

She grinned, "it was meant as one."

"Sounds like a total prick," David said finally.

Another fourth year named Cassandra Quick agreed whole heartedly, "Well, on that horrid note lets party."

They joined in happily, fitting in better then at Hogwarts. Out of the 52 contestants, only 15 were from Hogwarts them included and they had never even spoken to any of them before. Some went to Durmstrange, others Beauxbatons. Some were homeschooled or were taught within smaller magic schools close to home. They were all from England, Ireland and Scotland as this was the areas within the competition for this level. Later on each country would have their own. Even despite them all living in Hogwarts territory, many chose outside schools.

They partied till the early hours of morning and then went there separate ways.

Fay gaped in complete shock as she made round three. Neville and Harry were just short at fourth and fifth respectively. Fay was even more shocked when she made second place.

In the final competition that summer, Harry made second, Neville third and Fay 4th. Amazing themselves as they had not thought they would do that well with people 2 and three years their senior.

Finally as the party ended it was time for them to leave. "You know, you can write to us," David stated. "Sort of sucks that we all go to different schools."

"Heaven forbid I associate with Gryffindors," Maddison mocked.

Harry chuckled taking her hand and kissing the back, "The horror love."

She swatted him but the group just laughed. "You are going to be nothing but trouble in a few years Potter."

"Full intentions of it," Harry returned winking at her.

"David has a point, write us," Mitchel Kyson said grinning. "Schools dull as hell."

"It's hard to relate to the other students isn't it," Neville asked. "When you are focused on dueling."

The others all seemed to nod understanding the feeling fully. "I have a couple friends outside the circuit but it's like...they are focused on boys and schoolwork, shoes, and dresses the lot. I spend my time training and reading duel stats," Cassandra stated.

"Which is perfectly acceptable pastimes," fay said bluntly.

"Why are we the only ones who see it though," Cassandra said flipping back her hair.