Hay people, here's a new chapter for Son of the Snakes.



"Bijuu Talking"



I do not own Naruto or Harry Potter.

Harley let out a long and tired sigh as she sat a breakfast with Haku and Hermione, across from her were Kin and Karin; both new Gryffindors looking at her with concern.

"Are you alright Harley?" Karin asked, receiving a nod from the female Kyubi jinchurikki.

"Yeah, just tiered, the first day of the school year has already begun and I've already got a detention," she sighed munching on some toast.

"I still can't believe you flew a car here when you could have just apparated to Hogsmeade and walked up here, that's what Naruto did when he learnt about those Konoha nin that were accepted here," Hermione said glancing down the table at Rock Lee, Kiba Inuzuka and Sakura Haruno, who had become Gryffindors the night before.

The previous day, while searching for a compartment to sit in, Naruto, Haku, and Hermione had come across the Konoha genin who had been accepted to Hogwarts, Sakura Haruno along with all the members of team eight, nine and ten; when questioned by Naruto, Shikamaru had shown him their acceptance letters, though what pissed him off was Kiba calling him a dirty snake for attacking Konoha.

After knocking Kiba out with a solid punch to the face, Naruto had disapperated from the train and was sitting at the Slytherin table when everyone arrived.

"Well, we were kind of panicking since the barrier wouldn't let us through, that and I kind of forgot," Haku and Hermione gave Harley a blank look at that.

"Well it doesn't matter now," Haku said buttering some toast as Ron sat down next to Kin. "So do you know what your detentions are going to be?"

"No, McGonagall said we should know by the end of the week though," Ron said grabbing a plat and piling food on it. "Though I don't see how it could get any worse."

At that moment, everyone looked up as the mail started flying in, before laughing as a great grey owl landed in a bowl in front of Ron, with a red envelope tied to its leg, which caused Ron to pale.

"Looks like you got a letter," Haku said pulling the owl out of the bowl and handing Ron the letter, which he shakily took.

"She sent me a howler," Harley glanced at the letter curiously, wondering what was so bad about a letter, since Ron was almost as pale as Nearly Headless Nick, the Gryffindor house ghost.

"I got one from Grand once, it was horrible," said Neville Longbottom, one of their fellow Gryffindors. "If you don't open it, it'll only be worse in the end."

With shaky hands, Ron slowly opened the letter, causing Harley to cover her sensitive ears as Mrs. Weasley's voice shrieked out of the letter, drawing the attention of everyone in the great hall.

Naruto growled as he bit into his breakfast stake, the reason, sitting with the other first year Slytherins, glaring at him, was Neji Hyuga, thought it wasn't a hateful glare, but one of curiosity, and it was pissing him of.

"It would seem you have an admirer," Naruto glared at his mom, who was sitting next to him, causing her to chuckle at her son. "You shouldn't worry about it too much, unlike the immature Inuzuka brat the Hyuga at least seems to understand the way of the shinobi world."

"*Sigh* I know, but it's still annoying," he knew the Hyuga boy was just curious but he didn't have to keep watching him eat, he could have been doing something productive like the Yugito, Temari and Anko, who was adjusting to becoming eleven again, both were talking and interacting with the other first years, including Shino Aburame and Tenten who became a Slytherin surprisingly.

"Well, on the bright side we only have to see him at meal times and in the common room," Naruto let out another sigh at Draco's words.

"I know but still…" Naruto stopped and glanced at the Gryffindor table as a loud shrieking erupted from the letter in Ron's hands. "What the hell is that?" Naruto covered his ears along with Yugito, who was glancing down at him, both feeling a pain of sympathy for Harley since she was right in the blast zone.

For five minutes, the entire hall was silent as the letter bellowed itself horse at Ron, before bursting into flames, at which point everyone began about what had just happened or laughing at Ron, who was as pale as the ghost as he sunk beneath the table in an attempt to hide.

"Ok, so what the hell was that?" Naruto glanced at Draco who was snickering.

"It's called a howler, it a letter that yells whatever is written on it in the users voice, if you don't open it fast enough, then it explodes and the voice yells even louder," he chuckled again, since he didn't like Ron.

Over the course of the day, all Naruto heard was people talking and laughing about the howler, which was really starting to get on his nerves, the only good thing was that it had gotten Harley's mood to lighten enough for her to talk to him again without the angry glare she had since France.

"Well that sure was an interesting first day back," Naruto said as he walked towards the first self-defense class of the year with Harley, Hermione, Haku and Kimimaro, Draco and Ron both glaring at each other.

"Yeah, I just hope Nagato has something new for us to work on," as they approached the other second years, they were meet with a rather interesting surprise, standing on either side of Nagato were Itachi, who was calmly observing the class, and Kakashi Hatake, who lazily peering over his book.

"Well, this is new," Haku smirked once they arrived with the others, before ducking to avoid being smacked upside the head by Ino.

"Good morning class, and welcome back to your first self-defense class, now that you are second years and have some of the basics down, we are going to be upping you training this year; in order to help me handle so many students, Professor Dumbledore has brought in some people to help me out," Nagato said motioning at Itachi and Kakashi.

"Hello, my name is Itachi Uchiha, I'm a Jonin of Amegakure," Itachi said with a nod, getting a fist bump from Naruto and small nervous greetings from everyone else not of Naruto's group.

"Yo, I'm Kakashi Hatake, Jonin of Konohagakure, nice to meet you," Kakashi said glancing back at his book, before moving to the side to avoid a pair of kunai from Ino, Harley, and Hermione, who knew what the book he was reading was about, having found Haku's copy, reading it then burning it in front of him.

"For this year, I'll be splitting the classes up into three groups based on the results of your training from the previous year," Nagato waved his wand causing three blackboards to appear. "I have split you all up into one of three categories: Speed, Strength and Power, now I want all to find your names and stand behind Kakashi, Itachi or myself depending on your placement."

For the next ten minutes everyone tried to find out where they were to be placed; once everyone knew they all gathered behind their assigned teacher, those who were built more for speed all stood behind Itachi, those built for strength stood behind Kakashi, and those for power stood with Nagato.

Once everyone was sorted the three teachers took the students under their control and moved to separate parts of the field in order to explain things to their students.

"So what the hell's going on Nagato, why are Kakashi and Itachi here?" Naruto asked once the other groups were out of earshot.

"Calm down Naruto, it's not as bad as it seems," Naruto gave him a blank look, which was matched by Harley, Ino and Gaara. "After the events that happened at the Chunin exams, I was contacted by Sarutobi, we talked, I explained what I could about Itachi, Medusa, Kiri and you, which he calmly listened to," Nagato said as if talking about the weather. "After our talk, he cleared Itachi of his crimes, at which point I explained about my idea for the second years and above; in order to help me out he sent Kakashi, who has a secondary task of keeping an eye on the Konoha genin."

"So what exactly is this idea that you mentioned?" Harley asked, hoping to change the subject, for now at least.

"As I said, over the past year I observed all of you and have split you up accordingly, these groups are split up based on your strengths; those who showed greater speed then others were placed under Itachi, who will work on increasing their speed, those who showed more strength then others were placed under Kakashi, and those who showed they were more well-rounded were left with me," the four Jinchurikki glanced at the remaining students, out of everyone those remaining were Neville, Draco, Hermione, both Patil twins, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis, all of whom were watching the discussion in confusion.

"So all of the students here have the most potential to be well rounded in any area," Gaara clarified, getting a nod from Nagato, who was impressed they caught on so quickly.

"Exactly, though today is more of an explanatory session, that way they can ask question should they have any," the four Jinchurikki nodded in understanding.

"So are you going to be teaching them jutsu this year?" Ino asked curiously.

"No, this year is more about learning to use Chakra, because of you four, everyone in the castle has begun showing signs of having a chakra core," the four averted their eyes from the older shinobi. "As such, everyone in the castle has is going to be learning the basics of chakra, similar to academy students; since everyone has already had a year of training, the first few months will be to learn about chakra and how to us it, after the Christmas holiday's we will be showing them how to use chakra to enhance their bodies."

"So Itachi's going to work on speed, Kakashi will work on strength, and you'll be helping them become well rounded in both speed and strength," Naruto summed up getting a nod from Nagato. "Then what are we going to be doing this year?"

"You four will be helping me," everyone blinked at that before Naruto turned and began walking away. "Where are you going?"

"To get one of the Hyugas, I want to confirm your theory," Naruto said before shooting of towards the castle.

"Well, Nagato Sensei was right," Naruto had a small twitch as he stood on top off the tallest tower with Harley, Medusa, and Neji, the last of whom had his byakugan activated and was glancing around at all of the students. "Somehow, all of the students in second year and above have a chakra core, and all of the first year students show signs of developing one."

"But how?" Medusa chuckled at Harley's question; since it was one she had trying to figure out since she first met Voldemort.

"It's quite simple really," the three turned to face Medusa. "From all of the research I've been able to do, it would appear that magic and chakra are in nature, though chakra is a more dense and unrefined form of energy, which is why it's not seen outside of the elemental nations."

"Then why is it that chakra is starting to appear in wizards?" Medusa smirked at that.

"It's because of you and the other Jinchurikki," the three gave her a confused look. "*Sigh* Jinchurikki are always releasing a small amount of chakra that is denser than any normal shinobi; back in the elemental nations this chakra is absorbed by the earth and nature around us, here it's absorbed by wizards, who, while producing their own magic in small quantities, slowly absorb magic from the earth as they grow."

"So is that where muggle born witches and wizards come from?" Medusa nodded at Harley's sharp mind.

"Exactly, most humans aren't born with magical cores which is where muggle born's come in, they have a magic core which is slowly absorbing magic around them until they turn eleven, which is when their core is big enough to produce magic on its own, thought they still absorb magic, just not as much or as fast as they did before," Naruto grabbed his head, he hated when his mom began explaining complex stuff like this and expected him to grasp it with ease.

"I don't really care, I'm just pissed that Nagato was wright about this," Naruto said stomping off as the other three shared a glance before following him, Neji asking Medusa more question's he was actually curious about the snake Sannin's knowledge one the subject of magic and chakra.

Thanks for reading and please review


Naruto: Harley (female Harry), Female Kyubi's (both Yin and Yang) Fleur, Ino, Temari, Kurotsuchi

possible pairings:

Gaara x Hannah Abbott

Houses placeings(year)

Slytherin: Naruto(2), Kimimaro(2), Anko(1), Medusa( )(1), Yugito(1), Tenten(1), Neji(1), Shino(1), Temari(1)

Gryffindor: Harley ( )(2), Haku(2), Hermione(2), Kin(1), Karin(1), Kiba(1), Sakura(1), Lee(1)

Ravenclaw: Ino(2), Shikamaru(1), Tayuya(1)

Hufflepuff: Gaara(2), Hinata(1), Choji(1)