The last Year...Day 1

Weiss sat in weathered leather arm, cigarette balanced delicately between her fore and middle finger, and a celery tonic and gin that was quite nearly finished stood beside an ashtray on a half yew half ebony desk. In one of only two corners not occupied by shelves of books and vinyl records sat a very old but very much functional gramophone which at the moment was playing the musical stylings of Billie Holiday. Weiss slowly dragged her fingers across the worn leather on the arm of the chair, remembering how she would sit on her grandfather's lap as he would have his morning brandy and coffee. Remembering one time where she was particularly excited and knocked over his grandfather's mug and spilled its contents on the Turkish rug underneath. A very young weiss started to tear up, fearing a scolding from the old man.

What's wrong my dear? You know a rug can be replaced and so can a mug, but one thing that I can never replace, as hard as I might try, is my granddaughter whom I love dearly.

Weiss was jerked out of reverie by three deliberate knocks on the study door.

"You may enter," Weiss said loudly. The door opened to reveal a tall figure entering the room.

"Good evening Lady Schnee. I felt it was an appropriate time to check up on you." Said a rather old man dressed in butler's attire, his head topped with a bounty of silver hair combed neatly to one side.

"Ah,'s only you. I'm sorry to send you off again, but do you mind getting me another celery tonic?" Weiss said, rubbing her temples.

"At once Lady Schnee," Sterling said with a smile.

"Just's just Weiss, it has been for the past 24 years," Weiss smiled with a slight furrow in her brow.

"But your-"

"Mother and Father are not currently on the grounds and as far as I know, hell, I believe they have excommunicated me, I am an adult who knows what I want and I would want for you to address me by my first name only," Weiss leaned on the desk and placed her hands together, enjoying an age old argument between her and Mr. Sterling.

"At once then, Weiss." Sterling said with a bow before turning his heels and heading to the main bar.

"Don't go easy on the gin, either!" Weiss called after him.

Weiss pressed the tip of her cigarette into the ashtray and pulled another long, slender, stick from the pack. She took a match from a box and struck it on the strip on the side of the box. She lit her cigarette and took a long, slow drag, exhaling slowly afterwards.

Sterling returned in less than 5 minutes holding a tall glass sat on top of a tray.

"It's not my place to ask, Lady Schn- Weiss, but I thought you had quit?" Sterling said, after giving Weiss her beverage.

"Take a seat, old friend. I have a story to tell," Weiss heaved a great sigh.

Sterling gave a nod.

"First off, how's the family?" Weiss asked, taking a sip of her very stiff drink.

"My Son has died...Fighting for King and Country 6 years ago and my daughter is now happily married to a wonderful young woman. A school teacher I believe. They plan on having a child soon," Sterling said with a smile, "But nothing much has changed."

Weiss stood up and walked to the globe sitting in the other corner of the room, "Then your poison is still neat scotch?"

"Why yes, and for reference sausage pie is still my favorite dish," Sterling gave a wide smile as he accepted the drink from Weiss.

"My condolences, I enjoyed my...exile of sorts but what I did not enjoy was the lack of company I had, and you, dear old friend, are good company," Weiss took another sip.

"Didn't make too many friends while you were at school?" Sterling sipped on his drink.

"I didn't make too many friends anywhere," Weiss answered with a smile.

"So did you return just to revel in your grandfather's study or is there a purpose to this unexpected visit?" Sterling smiled at Weiss, feeling varying amounts of happiness in seeing the little he practically raised grow up to be such a fine young woman.

"I have 1 year left on this Earth, old friend, and you can say that I'm making the rounds. This is the first stop obviously," Weiss said, smile fading and eyes dropping to her feet.

It took a while to register but when it did Sterling suppressed the urge to cry, hands shaking uncontrollably as he did so.

Weiss continued, "To be frank, I don't quite understand the technicality of it all but I have some freak medical condition where the organs start failing at a slow yet steady pace. Soon I won't be able walk, I will grow weak, I will lose the ability to stay conscious for long periods of time. In short, very accelerated aging,"

Sterling remained silent.

"Sterling, my old friend, I'm afraid my time has come, a little too soon mind you, but it has come. I have all my financial and business affairs settled and I entrust you with my last will and testament," Weiss handed him 2 envelopes, "Those are yours to look after, I may make amendments to them in the near future,"

"Will you be returning...before...before your passing?" Sterling said, tears now visibly streaming down his cheek.

"I intend to, my friend! But for now I will not stay long, I need you to get me a tow truck tomorrow. I'm having a bit of a mid-life crisis and have a burning desire to resurrect grandfather's cabriolet," Weiss said with a smile, standing up to hug the man who was more of a father to her than her actual father.

"You've grown to be an outstanding young woman, my dear. The world will be sad to let you go so soon," Sterling said, on the verge of sobbing.

"I'll miss you dearly, old friend," Weiss sniffled and buried her face in his coat.

They separated, slowly recovering from the flood of emotions that had just passed, "I'll prepare the car, I believe it is in need of petrol and oil but should still be in working order," Sterling wiped his eyes, "You best rest now, my lady,' early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise',"

"I'm 2 for 3 Mr. Silver. Goodnight, Sterling" Weiss gave the old man a smile before sitting back down on the armchair.

"Goodnight, Weiss" Sterling bowed himself out exited the study.

With that, Weiss finished her drink and threw away her unfinished cigarette which has long since extinguished itself ,then walked to the gramophone in the corner and lifted the needle. She exited the study and traversed the mansion's ground floor to the staircase which she climbed until she reached the 3rd floor. She walked to the Eastern hall and entered the 4th door on the right. She entered her old room and expected to inhale inches of dust but was surprised to find that her room had been kept clean throughout her 8 year absence. Probably Sterling's doing. Weiss smiled and closed the door behind her. She stripped herself of her clothes and undergarments and entered the bathroom to take a shower.

Meanwhile, Sterling rushed to the phone located in the kitchen. He dialed a number, long since forgotten by the current residents of Schnee Manor.

"Hello?" An aged voice replied on the other line.

"Rusty, my good friend, how have you been?" Sterling replied amicably.

"By the gods...if it isn't Sterling Silver! Its been quite a long time, hasn't it!?" Rusty replied, coughing due to the strain on his voice. In background you can hear the faint voice of a young man say: Try not to talk too loud, dad. You might hack out a bloody lung!

"Alroy my boy! It's your Uncle Sterling!" Rusty shouted away from the phone.

"I need to call in a favor, you owe me for Monaco and let's not forget that one time during Le Mans!" Sterling whispered into the receiver.

"Indeed I do! Now how can an old jack like me be of service to the honorable Clan of Schnee?"

"Do you remember Adwin's cabriolet? The Guard's Red with the white racing stripes?" Sterling asked, still in hushed tones.

"How can I not?! That, my friend, was the belle of the boulevard! Mind you it was my shop that furnished Adwin Schnee's famous track rat!"

"I need it running like a track car by tomorrow morning,"

Rusty choked on his breath and sputtered,"Have you any bloody idea what hour it is?! It's a rather ungodly hour especially to tune and test a track car!"

"Monaco and Le Mans," Sterling replied teasingly.

"After this, I'm done! You hear?!" Rusty heaved a deep sigh.

"Thank you, my good friend,"

"I'll send my son with a tow truck," Rusty said, placing a cigarette in between his lips, "Alroy! Englewood! Take the truck and pick up the cabriolet from Schnee Manor!" Rusty yelled across the room.

With that, Sterling hung up the receiver with a small smile and proceeded to the garage.

About 45 minutes later a bright red tow truck pulled into the main courtyard, inside 2 young men, one with flaming red hair and a wry grin another with brown hair and a soft smile.

"Uncle Sterling!" The boy with red hair pulled Sterling into a tight hug.

"Hello my dear boy, how's your father holding up?" Sterling patted the boy on the head.

"He's not as strong as he use to be and smoking like a chimney doesn't do him any favors but he still has enough energy to whine about Monaco and Le Mans,"

"Sometimes I wonder, if he had the choice, would he have traded his life for some lousy podium?" Sterling chuckled, afterwards, turning to the boy with brown hair, "I don't believe we've met before, young man," Sterling Extended his hand towards the boy.

"He's one of Uncle Roy's boys, the one that joined the army," Alroy explained.

"Sorry Sir. 105mm cannons can get very loud," The boy said in sign language.

"Not to worry dear boy, I'm not as fluent as I use to be but I can manage! Please to meet you and thank you for serving King and Country," Sterling signed back.

"Richard, Sir," Richard signed with a small smile.

"Very well! How about a brandy before you gentlemen get to towing the car?" Sterling aid, signing as he spoke for Richard.

"I could murder one, Uncle Sterling!"

With no visible objections from Richard, they proceeded to the courtyard dining area where Sterling told them take a seat at the table. Sterling walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of brandy, cheese, bread, plates and a fresh ashtray. After setting the items on a tray he walked out to the dining area and placed the contents of the tray on the table.

"After you," Sterling motioned towards the food and drink.

Weiss, now dry and decent, sat on her bed rubbing at her temples in stress. A smooth passing is a myth, unfortunately. Weiss did not only hold a crucial, high ranking position in the Schnee Dust Company but owned a multitude of assets: financial, intellectual, and pieces of real estate scattered across the nation. Unfortunately for the now terminally ill Weiss Schnee, these assets grow in number every single day, which means the amount of items which she must appropriate grows longer and longer.

Weiss sat up and walked towards her closet. She slipped into a pair of faded jeans and put on a grey sweatshirt that was far too large for her petite frame.

She exited her room and made her way down the stairs towards the courtyard where she would stroll about in the brightly lit paved driveway or maybe even lay on the grass if she so pleased. She looked forward to the isolation the stroll would bring, the quiet solace of the night where the wind sang a barely audible melody, joined in harmony by the various creatures of the night. Alas, not all dreams were meant to come true as she heard loud laughter and conversation emanating from the courtyard dining area. She approached the group of men with a slightly sour look upon her face.

"Gentlemen," Weiss interjected, causing the men's conversation to come to an abrupt halt.

"Oh dear, boys. I believe we've just been busted!" Sterling let out jovial laugh. Richard and Alroy only gave a small smile, slightly intimidated by Weiss' presence, "Well take a seat! There are no strangers among friends, after all! That would just be illogical!"

Weiss took a seat and a cigarette was offered to her by Richard. She gave a slight nod and a small smile in return. Richard leaned forward and offered her a light which Weiss graciously took.

"What brings you out tonight and into our company, Lady Schnee?" Sterling asked Weiss, signing all the while so Richard can follow the conversation.

"I wanted to enjoy a nice silent stroll in the courtyard but that, obviously, was not meant to be," Weiss flicked the ashes of her cigarette right into the ashtray after signing what she had just said.

"Well lads, she won't bite! Introduce yourselves!" Sterling said, trying to incite conversation.

"Alroy Eldridge," Alroy held out his hand which was firmly taken by Weiss.

"Pleasure," Weiss replied.

"Leftenant Richard Englewood, Retired," Richard signed for Weiss, his mouth widening into a grin.

"My, an army man? Pray tell, soldier, which unit did you serve with?" Weiss poured herself a generous amount of brandy into an empty glass.

"The 622nd Mortar Infantry Division,"

"Ahh, thank you for your service and sacrifice," Weiss signed, giving Richard a smile and a solemn nod.

The evening continued for a good while. From stories of the battlefield to stories about high octane professional racing to the escapades of the old guard that consisted of Adwin Schnee and his dearest friends Sterling Silver, Richard Englewood Senior, and Rutherford "Rusty" Eldridge. The drinks kept flowing and the food was plentiful. By the time they'd realize how much time had past they were all too drunk, too full, and too happy to care.

"Alright boys, I think I'd better call your father. He's probably wondering where you all went," Sterling managed to slur out.

"Oh shit...we were suppose to tow the car and bring it right back so we could work on it..." Richard and Alroy burst out into fits of laughter followed shortly by Weiss.

"I doubt you'll be coming right back. Especially not in your current state," Chuckled Sterling as he walked to the phone in the kitchen.

"Whatever do you mean, Uncle Sterling?" Alroy asked, snickering all the while.

"You, my boy, are quite pissed!" Sterling called back before closing the door behind him.

His words were met with an outburst of laughter from the kids at the table.

"You gentlemen are obviously in no condition to drive back, especially down the mountain pass. I'll ask Sterling to prepare the guest rooms for you," Weiss managed to slur out.

"S'alright, Miss Schnee. Rickie and I can sleep in the tow tru-"

"Nonsense! So long as you reside on this property your are my guest. I will not have you sleep in a tow truck when there are dozens of perfectly fine rooms in the house," Weiss said after downing the last of her 5th or 11th glass, "And dammit, it's Weiss. Not Miss Schnee. Not lady Schnee. Not Mistress Schnee. W E I double-fucking-S, Weiss!"


"Alright boys, your father is pissed but he seemed alright after I talked him down a bit," Sterling came back and sat back down.

"Sterling can you prepare 2 guest rooms, please? Before these oafs insist on sleeping in the tow truck again," Weiss said, getting up from the table.

"Certainly Miss Sch- I mean...Certainly...Weiss," Sterling caught himself, trying hard not to smile too wide.

"Thank you. I need to get to bed, goodnight gentlemen," Weiss strolled off back into the house.

"Shall I have antacid and pear juice waiting in the morning?" Sterling called out to Weiss.

"Ha! Don't be ridiculous, Sterling! I'm not a lightweight anymore!" Weiss yelled back before opening the door to the East wing.

"Alright boys, 10 quid and a pint says she'll have a killer hangover tomorrow," Sterling whispered as Weiss was entering the doorway.

Day 2…

Years of expirience and good genes allowed Sterling almost superhuman ability to repel hangovers after ingesting ungodly amounts of alcohol. Unfortunately for Weiss she had neither the gene's nor experience, not to mentions she was terribly petite for her age. She slumped down the stairs and managed to drag herself to the kitchen, where on the counter sat a glass of pear juice and antacid.

"Will I be cleaning your personal bathroom after breakfast, Lady Schnee?" Sterling asked, not looking away from the pan in which he was rolling a French omelette.

"No thank you, Sterling. I managed to keep everything inside the toilet, this time," Weiss took a seat at the counter and tried to rub the sleep from her eyes to no avail.

"Very well! It's French omelettes and Canadian bacon today, the pear juice is in the icebox and the cabriolet has been inspected, tagged, and issued a liscence plate,"

"What time is it!?" Weiss managed to splutter out her words.

"4pm, Lady Schnee,"