The Imaginary Friend

Disclaimer: I do not own the Vampire Diaries.


I was 6 years old and in my room playing with my dolls. Elena and I had a sleepover yesterday, she just went home a few hours ago. Just when my dolls were about to go on vacation I saw something out of my window. Frowning, I went to see what it was. As I looked down at my backyard I was surprised to see a boy sitting there.

He was wearing a loose fitting, long sleeved, blue shirt with tan pants. There was a rope tied around his waist. His brown hair was wavy and fell to his shoulders. It was so dark it was almost black. He was looking away from my window, it kept me from seeing his eye color. I rush out of my room and toward the living room where I last saw my parents. I froze when I heard the tone of their voices.

They were talking too quietly for me to hear what they were saying, but it sounded like they were mad. Mommy and Daddy have been fighting a lot lately and I didn't like it. Tip toeing past the living room, I went out the front door. I was planning on telling them I was going outside but changed my mind when I heard how mad their quiet voices sounded. As I walk around to the backyard I search for where I saw the boy. I was happy to see that he was still there.

"Hello!" I call to him with a wave as I walk over. A frown pulled at my lips when he didn't reply and I sat right beside him. "Didn't you hear me? I said hello."

He turned his head to look at me. His eyes were the same dark brown as his hair. His cheekbones were high on his young face. How old is he? I could tell he was years older than me.

"You can see me?" He asked in surprise, eyes widening. That was a weird thing to say. Of course I could, he was sitting right in front of me.

"Yeah." I snort at him with a roll of my dark blue eyes. "Duh. You're right there silly."

_Flashback Ended_

"Blossom!" A British-sounding voice shouts in my ear, jerking me from my slumber. Blossom is a nickname he's been calling me since I was a little girl. "Come on! It's the first day of 11th grade. You have to get ready."

I looked at the time and was relieved when it was only 5:00am. I had plenty of time to curl my hair. I looked to my best friend and smiled at him. Henrik looked exactly the same as he did when I was six. Everything from the clothes he wore to the fact that he still looked 12.

"Morning." Henrik greeted me happily, a wide smile was on his face.

"Good morning. Are you going to school with me today?" I asked as I got up and plugged my curling iron in.

"I'll pop in." Henrik responded. He was spread out across my bed.

I got dressed as I waited for it to heat up. I changed into a camo dress that fell to my mid-thigh, it had a sweetheart neckline. I put a thick brown belt across my stomach and a tan leather jacket on the bed. When the curling iron was done it took me 45 minutes to curl my blonde locks perfectly.

"She needs to go easy on the makeup." Henrik deadpanned. I turned to see him looking out of my window. "It looks like it was applied with a shot gun."

I let out a snort of amusement and walked over to see who he was looking at. When I saw Elena making her way to the front door I rolled my eyes at him. He smirked back in response.

"Her makeup could use a more subtle touch." I joked in a serious tone of voice.

"Very much so." He nodded. Henrik never could stand Elena. Even at a young age he told me that she reminded him to much of a girl he knew named Tatia. The older she got the more Henrik said Elena looked like her. Now he says Elena is identical to her. Even the way she acts reminds him of Tatia sometimes.

Henrik told me all about how Tatia toyed with two of his brothers affections at the same time. How she tore a rift in their bond and how they fought over her. Henrik couldn't stand the way she yanked them both around. Never committing to just one of them and hurting both in the process. She pretended to be so innocent when she was anything but.

I hurriedly put on my nude pumps and jacket when I hear Elena knocking on the door. I sent Henrik another smile as I grabbed my purse and book bag, then I raced to front door. I honestly use to be jealous of how many siblings Henrik had, seeing as I am an only child. I wasn't anymore though because even though we weren't blood, he was a brother to me. He was my best friend. I was closer to him than I was to anyone. Even Bonnie and Elena.

"How are you Elena?" I asked with pity in my eyes as I opened the door. Poor Elena lost both of her parents before the summer started in a car crash. Luckily she and Jeremy weren't in the car with them. Neither one of them has been the same since.

"I'm fine Care." She said with a forced smile that wasn't even a little bit believable. I pulled her into a quick hug.

"No you're not." I reply sternly when I let go of her.

"All I want to do is go to Starbucks and get an overpriced coffee before school. No depressing conversation. Can we do that?" She asked in exasperation.

"Of course we can." I tell her as we walk where Bonnie is waiting in the car. "I love your outfit."

There wasn't anything special about her pale pink long sleeved shirt and worn jeans. I only said that to lift her spirits. She sent me a small smile and this time it was genuine. I smiled widely back at her.

As much as I love Klaroline I am going to make this a Kol/Caroline. There aren't a lot of stories with that pairing. I hope all the Klaroline lovers will still continue to read my story anyway. :-)